337 Bedal Ln. (1999) /)(slYi./o¡j1z;- w/o I3fr &'-j MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Bill Bruckart Building Official DATE: 11/3/99 Site Address: 337 Bedal Lane FROM: Bill Helms, LD. Manager --/ Plan Check Number: PCN 99-1041 Harold Housley, L D. Enginee~~ File No(s): THIS DEPARTMENT HAS NO OBJECTION TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING, DRAINAGE, OR BUILDING PERMITS FOR THE ABOVE REFERENCED PLAN CHECK NUMBER. BY: DATE: CONDITIONS OF APPROV AL ARE SUMMARIZED BELOW FOR CLEARANCE OF BillLDING PERMIT(S) TO CONSTRUCT A NEW RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE OR AN ADDITION OR ALTERATION THAT ADDS 50% OR MORE SQUARE FEET OF STRUCTURAL COVERAGE (SECTION 11.24.182). 1. Street Improvements: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage or building permits for the site, the applicant shall cause plans for public Street Improvements to be prepared by a registered civil engineer, pay fees, execute a street improvement agreement, post security and provide insurance necessary to obtain an encroachment permit for construction of the improvements, as required by the City Engineer. The plans shall include the following: . Complete construction of the westerly driveway approach. 2. Right-of-Way for Public Street Purposes: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage, or building permits, the applicant shall cause to be prepared all documents necessary to grant additional right-of-way to the City for review and recordation. including legal descriptions and plats, as necessary, to comply with City standards for the westerly driveway aproach. 3. Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage, or building permits for the site, the applicant shall pay the required Storm Drain Area fee. The current fee is $2,000.00 per acre which is $365.00. 4. Proof of Ownership: Prior to issuance of any grading, drainage, or building permits for the site, the applicant shall prQYide a current preliminary title report, grant deed, or other proof of ownership. Page 1 of 2 PLAN CHECK NUMBER: PCN 99-1041 5. Utility Installation Plan: Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a Utility Installation Plan and Schedule for approval by the City Engineer for installation of any new utilities. Streets which have been resurfaced within the previous 5 years may require installation beneath pavement by boring and jacking method and will also require a pavement restoration plan for approval by the City Engineer prior to any utility installation. 6. Site Plan: Prior to issuance of an encroachment permit, the applicant shall provide a complete and accurate Site Plan in accordance with the Planning Division's checklist. I RECEIVED A COpy OF THESE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Owner's Signature Print Date cc: Alan Horn, PWD Inspector j :\landdev\337bedal . Page 2 of 2 CITY OF CAMPBELL BUILDING DMSION PERMIT APPUCA TlOj PERMIT NO.: !3 q -- 10 Lf DATE: Cf-;<7v99 .............................................................................................. PERMIT TYPE: BURDING ~ ELEC ~ MECH ~ PLUMBING V' DEMO SIGN - GRADING - OTHER ~: OWNER'S NAME: ADDRESS: APPLICANT'S NAME: ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 8.~ 7 B -edqJ La (\ e SUITE ..ßa\o) Y1 œ .OraY\5 / ~teí LDo.sseí~í 937 ~o~nU~aY\P- ¡ (aW1f)~~ CA q~úO8 , I Ko b l r1 vy' < Ó ro ¡11 ':, /'.~£ lÆh5seí~r~r j<Y75 ~t\cø POfLWo.u ~ ~..L.. PHONE tfJ,¿¡J--96'tf/¿;IO Ii Y\!\ð(Avt+-et fV't V,e.-co I C-À- q4o~3 ~50- 965=--4998 Æ~ ~ 65"'0 - 60 r ~ š¥ ? ØJcYli:... ~ TI SIGN DEMO OTHER CO~-rRACTOR: COMP AJ\~ NAME: CO~"ACT PERSON: ADDRESS: PHO!\TE NO.: ( ARCHITECT /ENGINEER: COMPANY NAME: CONTACT PERSON: ADDRESS: PHONE NO.: ( ) ) HAZARDOUS MA TER!AlS: ~ 1ŒD: YES NO USED ON SITE: YES NO Use or storage of hazardous materials requires a Huardous Materialslnfonnation Statement to be submitted to the Fire Department for review and comment at time of building permit application. Failure to provide the HMIS wUI hold up buDding permit approval. FIRE SPRINKLERED: YES NO ) of' ;,' æ , ~ CJ . ~ . ~ C) . ÚJ .-FD. 3/4" I.P. OPEN (3) N 89'55'45" / 133.69' 133.69') (3) (S 89'52'/,/ /33,52') (5) / / ,/ ---- ...-- /' /' ,/ /" WANG :'\ . ~ (S 89' 52' / ...... ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ C) . C) ~~ . ~ ~ ~ ..... PARCEL 8,/5/ S.F, ~ . Ie) ..... .... C) . C) N 89' 55' 45" / 68.00' ~ . C) C) C\¡ 'It- PARCEL /0/35 S.F. L ~ C) ti)~ ~ ~GJ : ~ 1t)C) ..... . . C) ... C)~ . ~ C) C) ~ 110NUffENT PER (3) SEARCHED FOR -., . . . " . . ..' 25-' . .. . 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