1681 Bucknall Road (76-17) o-c~"'=~,-~ "'C'-~-'~~"C~,c-,..' Its" 76-1'1 RECEIV~I) ,~ J U L? I j I 6 D~~ r'- .oof $ i D.-'\ t:: Ð .,-t- ~~ PUBLIC WORKS Øf _11 1Jj G I~RftlG--_M ~-.1§-~ ~ ß\t~ . (fJ-\) TO ~ INmAL ATE . , ~==c. .. ~.~~=~==== 1J,r{¡.! . ,.~=,~v,~-,.. '<,~--,-~~.,~~ '-""~'.."- P L~UNING~~P"AJU' "..E.N.'J:~.__n~." C life OF CAl1PBEL 75 No-RfHCÈ1TfRA ""-AVt'H(fE'=" ~ ".-- C A 'M Ii ~ ELL> CALIF ~,*-A."'.m=.~ooo~~~=-- r C JHfI 'I I ð N ~ "^ 'f fA ~ ' --'-- II II 'ROV AL OF PLANS OF - -R..-I¡;-.-'0urtk8 r-- - , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF -a _It apt. or.., lex T 0 BE L 0 C AT E D A T ---t.6a.I-.Juckaa Il..IcL-.- CONDITIONS: APPa8VALa ..""'- .. .tt8ch84 concIl tI..... ..... ....ft..". to Con4ltlan uK" Section 21.42.090 of the ~ampbell Municipal Code reads as folIous: Any approval granted u~der thiR section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless H!l extension for such apprcval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of an7 approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chap~er. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR M£ETING HELD ON THE -...J-fl- day of ----~ ~, 1976 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISS1ON BY: ------.. - '-------'--- -- --,- --.---- ARTHUR KEL, SECRETI\RY CC<I ,.... Dept. L-P61 Ie Works Dept. I tern # 4 CONDITIONS OF APPR" oIL - liS" 76-17 ,Dunkçr, R, ~. 1. final approval of proposed zone' change 'from R-l to R-2-S by the City Counci 1. 2. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 3. landscape plan indicating type of bibs'or sprinkler system and type approval of the Planning Director permit. plant material, location of hose of fencing to be submitted for at time of application for building 4. landscaping saIl be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 5. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $3,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing, and strip~rig of p~rk¡ng area within three (3) ~onths of completion of constr~ction, or applic~nt may file written agreement to complete landscdping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building departn~nt clearance. 6. All mechanical equipment located on roofs shall be screened as approved by the Planning Director. The applicant is notified as pait of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance \o,ith Ordinances of the City of Campbell. . ~ A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municiral Code. All parking spaces to b~ provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. B. Underground utilities to be provided as requ1red by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted'to the building department for plan check shall indicate , clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities, including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. " D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. E. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and dispos~l of refuse, garbage, wet garbage, and rubbish produced within the limits of. the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single family dl'llellings, multiple apartment units, to all coml1lèrcial, business. industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. # J. CONDITIONS OF "APPROVAL liS" 76-17 DUNKER, R. L. PAGE TWO F. Trash container(s) of a size" and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the fire department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a 'concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the fire department. A)) enclosures to be constructed at grade level. G. Applicant shall meet al1 St~te requirements for the handicapped. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT -------.- H. Dedicate right-of-way (301 one-half street). I. " Agreement and bonding for street improvements. Pay storm drainage area fee. ~ K. Dfiveway approaches to be approved by the Department of Public Works. FIRE DEPARTI'iENT l. Provide. 112ABC" fire extinguishers. -. M. Trash enclosures must be located within 50 feet of the street. The applicant is notified that he shall com~ly w1th all applicable Codes or Ordinances of theCity of Campbell which pertain'to this develo~ment and are not herein speci fied. . . . '. ~ .' " , ",. , . . . .- .'. . .J " ~ -'. , . . Deed of TrUst' . . .,' SHORT F.ORM .. , . , . . 9th ',.. ,. day. of. A~':Üst, 197]. Between "L.,' ÐUUKEP~ßn nn""'~rricd-n~n '..u.. ---- - -" _f , .-- ----_. - . ,- -- - -- --.... ..' .. - - '.- . ' herein called TRUSTOR. "'~keSS is c "",,'. llllumber end Street) . . (City) " ~ , ""TlTLE COMPANY, a corporat~on...herein called TRU~TEE.. ~nd r.~HS SU;:,.I'iŒ lJ BANK OF CALD'VRNIA . "",,~\ " '. ~~;i eth: That Trustor irrevocably GRANTS. TRANSFERS AND ASSIGNS ~the rëðl property situated in tile' -City of Ca.cpbe1.1 ,- tt of Sa:1ta Clara - ".,, '--, " . State of California, described 'as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the monument line of Bucknal1 Road, at, Southeasterly corner of that certain tract of land dèscribed ~e Deed frOlD Fra!lcis A.- Gonsalves,et ux, to Della May ---- - -.- -;: -" . :î-thwai!,. åated "March 31, ;1949, recorded April 22, 1949 in Bo°J.c '. " ¡116 Off1.c;al Re:ord~, pag~ 446, ..San!a Clara Coun!y Record~, sa.1.d ' ~nument l1.ne be1.ng ~n a l1.newh1.ch 1.S parallel w~th and d1.stant 22.00 feet Southerly measured at right angles from,~he Northerly line. of Bucknall. Road, as .the same originally existed; thence' t'unn1ng alongsa1.d parallel line North 'R8°. 29,'- East IlG.OO feet to a, Southwesterly corner of Tract No. 2991, Ki~kwood Plaza, Unit No.2;:.: '. a ~1ap of which was, filed for record in the office of the Recorder,- of the Countý of Santa Clara,' State of California, on January 11, , ,~, 1~62 in B?ok 142 of Maps, at page ~ thence running along a Westerly' ' I1ne ofsa1d.Tract No. 2991, North~O 09'East 200.00 feet;. thence ~, leaving said 'line and running parallel with the said rnonüment 'line of Bucknal1 RQad, South 88° 29' West 110.00 feet to the Northeasterly corner of land so described in the ~eed to said Garthwai~; thence along the Easterly line of 1 and so described in the Deed to said' - -'--- ~ Garthwait¡ South 0° 09' West cioo. 00 feet :to the point of beginning'. . ,., - , . -' -~ f~.~~.ein~,-~=-~~~!io~f _t~e ,g~it~--Ranc~C?,,-u- -----------.----'. . . Together with the rents, issues end profits thereof, SUBJECT. HOWEVER. to the çight, power end authority given to end conferred UpoD Be..... ficjery by Paregraph.5 of Part 8 of the provisions incorporeted herein by referenc~ to collect end ,apply ~uch rents. issues e~d profits., --' -_u . . For the Purpose of Securing:' :1. Perforrrianêe of eech egreement of Trustor incorporeted by reference or herëin conteined. 2. Peyment of the indebtedness evidenced by one promissory note of even dete herewith in the Principel sum of $ ~O ()()(). on payeble to Bene- ficiery or order- 3. Peyment of edditionel, sums end interest thereon which may hereafter be loenëa tc1 r,;-st~r, ~rhis successors or essigns, when evidenced by e promissory note or notes reciting thet they ere secured by this Deed of Trust. Such additionel loans, shell be, secured hereby' only if me de to the ~ner of.record of seid property.et e time when he is such owner of record. ' .., . ' ',";,' , Trustor A-g",es: By the ~xecution end delivery of this Deed of Tn.st and the notes secured hereby the perties hereto egree thet there ii,. è~optad end included herein for any end all purposes by referenèe 115 though the Same were written in full herein' the provisions of Section A. ìndùëfing peragrephs J through 6 thereof, end of Section B, including peragraphs I through 10 thereof, of thet certein fictitious Deed of Trust nrr:orded in the officiel records in ,the offices of the County Racorders of the following counties: Sen Mateo County on Jen. 10, 1963 in . Book 43l>8 Pg. 576: Sente Cruz County on Feb, 25, 1965 in Book 1677 pg. 4BI: Alemede County on Jen~ 29 1965 in Reel 1425 imeg~ lAB; and in Sente Clere County on July 14, 1959 in Boòk +4BO pg. +41. " - . The undersigned' Trustor requests that a copy of any Notice of' Defeult and of ~ny Notice of Sale hereunder be mailed to him' at hi~ addr.. hereinbefore ,et fortk. .' ¡Zone) / . ~ (Stete) .- . " herem called BENEFICIARY to TRUSTEE IN, TRUST ~IT~ POWE~ OF - - . .. .. Rudolf' L. Dunker ,. . . .".. -" . , . " .- _.. ' /:. , . STAte of CAUFO~N~" , " , " COUNTY of .{'~' " " ,':. .:" . '. ,', '- "t' '.,. .. ; ,~i... 0. befo,.. me" the und~nigned. . Notery Public in .nd for said County