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165-209 Budd Ave.
IHTER- DEI' ARTrmnrl'.L NE!'IOPv.'\l'mtll''l TO: Building Depar-tment FROH~ Public l'7orks Department The requirements of the Public 17orl~s Department have been sa'cis fied for the follO\dl1g development: II 8" APPROVAL NUI-illER !J.-.Jo~ \ WO\r+~ ~V"\~~, Co. Bw:.\d A\J Q:. 40S~? ~- ~/~/'l 0 , ~.A. I '=>~ - ZO~ APPLlCAN'l' BUILDING ADDP~SS COt~1TI ASSESSOR'S P ).\RCEL NUNBER Pt1BLIC I^JORKS FILE NUIvillER 'R tv, _ 6B:d . lVIT...LI1V.I G.. iJ\l:REN, :::E~9J::Rc Date_ zs_,A~'("' '1Co RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAMd~ ~ tZvt_ . cJ, . ? ")I /;) ......: ADDRESS. /:/ ~ /c:r9'i ~7 - / 7J;,~ L7Y ~~d -., ~'", '} jf 7 o~ .- ,r;~ I /.J () RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER FC/f J / ~ CHECK f'v -/37,b o MONEY ORDER o CASH o MAR 18-76 65 016A ***787.00 MAR 18-76 57 016A ***363.00 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW, @ls 5317 ~ g!f~f Thank Yau CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR Woolworth Construction Company Budd Avenue E/O California Street - Rin. (98) 1. Clearinq and Grubbing: a. AC removal: 250 sq. yd. @ 2.00 b. Sawcut: 300 In. ft. @ 1.25 2. Storm Drainaqe System: Reconstruct cap of Type II drop inlet: L.S. @ 200.00 3 . Earthwork: (300) (13) (0.5) 27 = 72 cu. yds. @ 8.00 4. Street Liqhtinq System: a. l~" rigid galvanized metal conduit 300 In. ft. @ 4.50 b. Relocate and modify electrolier, L.S. @ 250.00 5. Concrete Construction: a. Class A, PCC curb and gutter: 300 In. ft. @ 5.00 b. Class A, PCC sidewalk: 1044 sq. ft. @ 1.50 c. Class A, PCC driveway approach: 700 sq. ft. @ 2.40 6. Street Construction: a. AC pavement, Type B: (300 sq. ft.) (0.5) (0.075)=11.3 tons @ 18.00 b. Transition areas: 200 sq ft @ 1.50 7. Misc. Surface Improvements: a. Adjust to grade: 3 valve @ 100.00 b. Street trees, five-gallon size: 4 @ 27.50 = 500.00 = 375.00 = 200.00 = 576.00 = 1350.00 = 250.00 = 1500.00 = 1566.00 = 1680.00 = 203.00 = 300.00 = 300.00 = 110.00 -2- c. Relocate signs: 2 @ 50.00 = 100.00 Sub Total: $ 15% Contingencies:$ TOTAL: $ 9,010.00 1,352.00 10,362.00 1. Use $10,400.00 for bond amount. 2. Plan examination and construction inspection fee is $363.00. 3. Storm drain area fee is $787.00. r v 'I I I l f . ~~"~,,r. 'n ._____. J ~ 3 .u ill. ~~ ~ U' ~i ~j I~ - \'-1 " .-: <:) .,.. -0 ..... ~I ~~ ~. ,..... t-'" ,', '" ,.I. '<t. ~g '" .. ~, I t;. ~ "',+...., ,,<:0. I:'" / l"" ':l. :1 Iu "'11 \J ~.'" "< I '. i ll: '~ ~I~ tJ~ ". \ v..tIII{~~i~......... \ ,~u \I) ~,I ~ M ;_l,. ., '+-.0 ::; '-'~~--;b;\' ' A'/~ ';>t1',~> . ,i ~ ~ I / _..~-,._-~- .:1 ~/ ),1-; rr/lt, P. J. i .- ',:l--Y"" ~.\ ~ II It. !, +-,- 0 ~ 11 ~, ~}'\ t:? ,:'1 '.;; i ~ ~ r..; I N;+t'. '" ~+ ..: It> 3 '.>~'- I,N I ~ /'Vd-,l'1 _411 \1' ~]1~.l~ III 1\11 " I' \ I' "'\'/1 " \. ,!:'I:~ '., ~ 1'~I;j "~~ "Illilf) I I}. N I ~t;', . ",,"': ~T' f.\ ~ ifl \ ,: "N I .'" i\ \' c\"J ! t:".l1) ~ 4' i ,~ I I i It II;> I : IU .\J ill: 1l. (t- \,) ,.~ ..r--:..... '<;) "", J '" t~~~ ...." .,I'l \ ,: ~ ~I << ~IC) 't.,.) ........ t,') h, \ " ~.'-) " \-. \, ~ \ " ) c{) ,{:, "" -.......... '''. ...... . .. '~J 'l.c " \ ,,\,\ ",I -' ( ~. '"0 ~ ~ ... % o ~~ \6~ -'/' <0 ~ f',o. ~o ~ ~ \" D ('l 41 t j '~ :) f { \ ~ (' o t'l l0. ~ ~ " \ ) "\ ~ \ S' \. 0 "" J \-,') \ ,. .\~\, ~" ;"" ~~~I\ ./ " ' '." OJ'>--~-\ ~\ -S S 0 \0 ~ ' t\' I: ~ \ \ ~ I ~ -I'"D I \-' ~ ~ ~ ~ 0, ~ 'tl~ '% <> ~ 0. ~, ~ \'() $ "c ~ ~ .. t'- S ~ / /' ,. "', ~~.'..... ,\ '., \. '. "" (. , '\('1 " ,~ ~,! > 'y " '.'~.\ ....7~~ -.......,. ((' ''1 oJ -- Clj () () r" 'C) \ 50 0Ctjj . \~ 2. G ~~,~ . \ \~, \ "'" .'/\ \;,':"0,\.." _< '\ ~,/ .'\, ~,t.J \. , \, '~~ \ "''''~' '\(' - .-.----.." <,t~..'..t:;:;) j".O).~' . . "(1),"";"'--;-' :) ''/ "- - N '.~ \. ' \\,O:r '\~C~t'~; ; 6' ~~;~~:J ' :~'\ j xD- LIJ j '\/ Q b.. r- o N ,j--\ " rAte \ 7.S'-! z ,8(" Zhi l.\1 O"l, (() ().) <:t o v o . 3.\4 1.. ,GA -:' 14- .!_l o o. o Z' t:;::,e:. ~. o , ~:~ .,' ~ 0, , I 14 ~ . t <) o . \ ...- 0, --t o o . , . J1 - >- tJ J ~ 0--- .... .-J