350 Budd Ave. (S68-56)(70-26) January 23, 1969 Mr. James G. Gripps 581 Nello Drive Campbell, California SUBJECT: Proposed Street Improvement Changes to Lot 25, Tract No. 3618, Assessor's Parcel No. 405-52-045 Dear Mr. Gripps: Enclosed please find a copy of a plan to make revisions to the existing street improvement on Nello Drive in front of your property. The proposal is to remove the existing driveway approach, existing curb and gutter, and existing sidewalk, as shown on the plan, and to reconstruct these improvements as shown upon the plan. The work will be done in accordance with our specifications and under our inspection at the expense of the G. C. Morgan Company, owners and developers of the property contiguous to Lot 25 on the North. It is not known at this time when this work would be done but it is possible that it will be done this calendar year. You would of course be kept abreast of when the work is scheduled to start. If you have any questions or comments to make, please contact our office at your earliest convenience so that we can proceed to finalize the construction drawings. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Bill M. ~ Associate Civil Engineer BMH:CSG: cam Enclosure ccs: James L. Foulk Gerald Colombi January 2, 1969 Clegg and Foulk 1047 Alameda De Las Pulgas Belmont, California ATTENTION: James Foulk RE: Wilton Drive Street Improvements Dear Mr. Foulk: The Department of Public Works has no objection to the proposed planting island within the bulb of the cul-de-sac on Wilton Drive extended. Please note that our minimum allowable face-of-curb radius for a cul-de-sac of this type is 43 feet. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer BMH:cc ';.Jr'e ~ . . r-- .-- ;1 S r -, :.' : ~, 9' c, c: r 2: ("'- ,. .-;:) L ~' ---c: ,-- 1 ,EC:G &. FOULK ., ! v ... EN G ; N E.: E R 5 s ;:, J f" . , , " ~ri.C) t\. 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