HPB Mins 06/27/2012HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers JUNE 27, 2012 CALL TO ORDER Chair Blake called the Historic Preservation Board meeting of Wednesday, June 27, 2012 to order at 4:01 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Susan Blake, Chair JoElle Hernandez Masel Sheehan Laura Taylor Moore (Late) Todd Walter, Vice-Chair Board Members Absent: Staff Members Present: Amy L. Brown, City Manager Karen Lange, Museum Director Steve Prosser, Associate Planner SPECIAL PRESENTATION AND PROCLAMATION None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Boardmember Sheehan made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes, of April 25, 2012, as corrected. Board Member Hernandez seconded. Approved 4-0-1 (Moore Absent From Vote). Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes June 27, 2012 Paae 2 of 3 Boardmember Sheehan made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes, of May 23, 2012, as corrected. Board Member Hernandez seconded. Approved 4-0-1 (Moore Absent From Vote). ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS 1. Museum Painting: Informational item to be presented by Karen Lange, Museum Director, advising the Board on a proposal to paint the exterior of the Campbell Historical Museum. Karen Lange, Museum Director, notified the Board that the City's museum is in need of repainting. City staff consulted an architectural historian to evaluate the structure and provide recommendations. Staff provided the Board color samples and a tentative timeline. The Board thanked the Museum Director for her hard work and expressed their pleasure on the proposed colors agreeing that the repaint will be an improvement. 2. Mills Act Application: Update from the Mills Act application subcommittee The Mills Act subcommittee met with staff and received multiple examples of Mills Act applications currently used by other jurisdictions. The subcommittee will prepare a draft application packet and provide to staff for distribution to the Board for review and comment at the next regularly scheduled HPB meeting. 3. Water Tower II Mural: Informational item on a private art project that is in progress and located on a Historic Resource Inventory property. Staff notified the Board that a private art project was in progress on the northern exterior property wall of a Historic Resource Inventory property. As the project did not require City approval, staff explained that this item is informational only. The Board expressed their surprise regarding the mural and thanked staff for the notification. 4. Historic Assessment Survey 464 W. Campbell Avenue: Oral update on staff's activities to date, as directed by the Board. Staff explained that the Interim Director continues to evaluate the Department's budget in an attempt to secure funds to complete an historic assessment of 464 W. Campbell Avenue in order to determine whether or not the property meets the criteria for HRI designation. The Board directed staff to thank the Director for his continuing search for funds and hoped that at least some of the assessment cost could be subsidized. ORAL REQUESTS None. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes June 27, 2012 Page 3 of 3 PUBLIC HEARING None. UNIFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Historic Resource Inventory (HRI) List: Discussion regarding Board Member evaluation of properties identified as potential additions to the HRI. The Board reported back on their individual site visits to the thirteen properties identified as second round potential additions to the HRI. After significant discussion and evaluation based on the criteria set forth in the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance, the Board determined that all thirteen met the criteria for HRI designation and will be added to the five properties from the first round that either did not respond or responded too late for consideration. The Board directed staff to schedule a study session on July 25, 2012, in order to continue the discussion on potential outreach activities and prepare a tentative timeline for designation. NEW BUSINESS None. ADJOURNMENT The Historic Preservation Board was adjourned at 5:51 p.m. to the next regular meeting to be held on July 25, 2012, at 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. ;~ ;. PREPARED BY: '~ ' ; ~~ Steve Prosser, Associate Planner APPROVED BY: ~~ ~ ~ e4--1 Susan Blake, Chair