HPB Mins 07/25/2012HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers JULY 25, 2012 CALL TO ORDER Chair Blake called the Historic Preservation Board meeting of Wednesday, July 25, 2012 to order at 4:01 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Susan Blake, Chair Todd Walter, Vice-Chair JoElle Hernandez Masel Sheehan Laura Taylor More Board Members Absent: None Staff Members Present: Steve Prosser, Associate Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board Member Sheehan made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2012. Board Member Moore seconded. Approved 5-0. ORAL REQUESTS Chris Bracher spoke regarding 464 W. Campbell Avenue and explained the agricultural history of the site. Mr. Bracher expressed to the Board his pleasure of having this property identified as a locally important historic resource. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes July 25, 2012 Page 2 of 2 NEW BUSINESS None. OLD BUSINESS 1. Mills Act Draft Application: Discussion regarding the Draft Mills Act Application Packet prepared by the Mills Act Subcommittee. The Mills Act Subcommittee presented the draft application packet for review and discussion. The consensus of the Board was to correct minor edits to the application and recommend that the Community Development Department begin using the application forms. 2. Downtown Informational Displays: Update on the Campbell Rotary downtown historic plaque project. Chair Blake provided the Board an update on the downtown plaque project and explained that the Rotary has approved the plaques and most of the property owners contacted have agreed to the installation. 3. Vasona Park Roosevelt Tree Update: Update on the installation of the informational and educational display. Staff provided an update on the Roosevelt Tree. Sufficient finds were raised to move forward with the project and staff will continue to work with the County on design and installation timeline. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS ADJOURNMENT The Historic Preservation Board was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. to a Study Session and subsequently to the next Regular Meeting scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 22, 2012. ~,, J `, PREPARED BY: ~-'',• ,~~j-"------`.~___--- Steve L. Prosser, Associate Planner ~,~ APPROVED BY: '_-~~~~ ~2( Susan Blake, Chair