HPB Mins 02/28/2007HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers FEBRUARY 28, 2007 CALL TO ORDER Chair Hernandez February 28, 200 North First Street, ROLL CALL called the Historic Preservation Board meeting of Wednesday, 7 to order at 4:10 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. Board Members Present: JoElle Hernandez, Chair Susan Blake, Vice Chair Julie Heinzler Joanna Herz Micky Lutz Board Members Absent: None Staff Members Present: Jackie C. Young Lind, AICP, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice-Chair Blake made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting minutes of January 24, 2006. Board Member Heinzler seconded. Approved 4/0. Vice-Chair Blake made a motion to approve the Study Session minutes of January 24, 2006, with the following revisions: note the absence of Board Member Herz. Board Member Heinzler seconded. Approved 4/0. ORAL REQUESTS 1. Norma Campbell, 37 Decorah Lane, requesting that her saucer magnolia be considered for heritage tree status. The tree has (3) trunks at 4-feet DBH (37", 34" and 25"). The tree was planted in 1956 by the Wehner family, the first owners. A Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes February 28, 2007 Page2of3 second owner owned the house for a year, and Norma has been the owner since 1976. Action Item: Mail private tree nomination letter next week. NEW BUSINESS 1. Review of a proposed addition to a residence owned by Mr. Michael Navone that is located within the Alice Avenue Historic District at 235 South First Street (attachment). The last review by the Historic Preservation Board was cone-story addition. The applicant discussed why he found that this is not an economically feasible solution. The new two-story addition was presented on the overhead. After discussing numerous ways in which to simply the addition and to reduce the mass while still allowing for modernization of the interior floor plan, the Board agreed on the following preferred design: (1) no new gable over the front entrance; (2) only one new gable on the second floor; and (3) carry out the eave brackets. The Board commended the applicant on his efforts, and the applicant agreed to the Board's preferred design. 2. Work Plan for FY 2007/2008. Include: Further work on the Historic Resources Inventory (top priority), AMAP Training, May 2008 Display Cabinet, Public Outreach ("mystery articles", Farmer's Market May 2.008, and highlight a historic building). OLD BUSINESS 1. Historic Resources Inventory: Vice-Chair Blake announced that 167 Harrison is now a duplex. Consider an overlay district for East Rincon (note 156, 166 and 196 East Rincon). Board Member Herz noted that time is of the essence for listing overlooked properties. Consider First Street as a district. Historic homes are EI Patio are at risk. We usually concentrated on the Downtown, but do not overlook other outlying properties. Vice-Chair Blake suggested looking closely at side street properties ((off East Campbell Avenue) as they may experience upcoming increased redevelopment pressure. Action Item: Add HPB-nominated potentials to the Historic Resources Inventory. Action Item: Schedule a March 28, 2007 Study Session for the Historic Resources Inventory. 2. Heritage Trees: Action Item: Identify City's plans for Arbor Day. Action Item: Mail private tree nomination letters next week. 3. Ainsley National Registry Plaque: Schedule and unveiling ceremony after completion of the Ainsley House roof (May to coincide with Historic Preservation Month?). Chair Hernandez has an Aki's sheet cake nomination on hold which could be used for the event. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes February 28, 2007 Page 3 of 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS 1. Feasibility Study for Relocation of the Campbell Historical Museum: City Council meeting on March 20, 2007. Presentation by Kirk Heinrichs. 2. Genasci House: New owner. Donated artifacts. 3. Setbacks: Article from Vice-Chair Blake. 4. Website Updates: New Chair/Vice-Chair elections posted. 5. Ricos' Cafe: Purchased by Pino, owner of La Pizzeria and A Bellagio. 6. Governor's Award: Review draft and identify sponsor (Jeanette Watson?). 7. Bunnies & Bonnets Parade: HPB Float: "Pulling for the Past" with Brett Stollenwerk as Teddy Roosevelt. 8. Will & Merryl Sutherland: The new owners of Jeanette Watson's house visited asking about the Mills Act. 9. Boardmember Herz will not attend the April 25, 2007 Meeting. ADJOURNMENT The Historic Preservation Board was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28, 2007, with a Study Session to immediately follow. PREPARED BY: J ie C. g Li , AICP, Senior Planner .- APPROVED BY: - - " ` ~- ;~ ~ yz Z,< ~ ~ , p . (', JoEI' Hernandez, Chair