HPB Mins 05/23/2007HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers MAY 23, 2007 CALL TO ORDER Chair Hernandez called the Historic Preservation Board meeting of Wednesday, May 23, 2007 to order at 4:10 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: JoElle Hernandez, Chair Susan Blake, Vice Chair Joanna Herz Board Members Absent: Julie Heinzler Micky Lutz Staff Members Present: Jackie C. Young Lind, AICP, Acting Community Development Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES A quorum was not present to approve the minutes of April 25, 2007. Approval of the April 25, 2007 minutes was therefore postponed to the July 2007 meeting. ORAL REQUESTS None. NEW BUSINESS None. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes May 23, 2007 Paae 2 of 4 OLD BUSINESS 1. Historic Resource Inventory: Discussion of next steps for the review and consideration of possible additions to the Historic Resources Inventory. Vice-Chair Blake brought Campbell Reporter articles regarding the past historic resource inventory update process dated August 29, 2001 and January 9, 2002 (attachments), and the poster notes: "Benefits of being listed on the Inventory: • Can use State Historic Building Code for remodeling • Access to City's Historical Information/Expertise/Technical Advise • Add to value to home • Home/Building recognized as important to the community" Vice-Chair Blake reviewed her field notes on the Downtown potential properties of interest for inclusion on the Historic Resource Inventory (attachment). The following (10) properties were reviewed (votes to support/decline follow each): 1. WPA Bridge 3/0 2. 866 E. Campbell Ave. (former Togo's, now Thai Orchard) 3/0 3. 347-349 E. Campbell Ave. (former Decker's Market/pharmacy/ Library/Any Mountain, now Orchard Valley Coffee) Photo of Decker's Market (attachment) 0/0 Note: HPB supports reconstruction on this site with amixed-use building similar in design to the original Decker's Market) 4. 649 EI Patio (Edith Morley House) 3/0 5. 705 EI Patio (rating of 95) 3/0 6. 197 Poplar (@ EI Patio/Poplar) 3/0 7. 40 Union Ave. (Church Site) 3/0 8. Page Cottages (32, 40, 48 and 56) 0/0 Note: HPB supports the preservation of the best elements of each cottage, and relocation to the future Heritage Orchard site. 9. 422-428 E. Campbell Ave. 3/0 10 .316 Union (Drying Shed) 3/0 Note: HPB supports this site as a potential location for the future Heritage Orchard. Chair Hernandez to contact Museum Director Lange to see if historical information is available on any of the above referenced properties. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS 1. Arbor Day Event on April 25, 2007: Two public trees and two private trees designated as Heritage Trees. Updated Tree Inventory. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes May 23, 2007 Page 3 of 4 There are now a total of seven Heritage Trees in the City. Chair Hernandez has Arbor Day event photos. A duplicate Resolution was prepared and signed for an interested neighbor living next to the designated oak on Orchard Oak Circle. 2. Governor's Award: Update for nomination of the Historic Design Guidelines for Residential Buildings. Application submitted on April 25, 2007. Chair Hernandez to check on status. 3. Mav 2007 Historic Preservation Month Display Cabinet: Discussion of ideas for a display recognizing the National 2007 Historic Preservation Month Theme: "Making Preservation Work!". Thank you to Chair Hernandez and Vice-Chair Blake for set up of the Historic Preservation Month display in the cabinet outside Council Chambers. Vice-Chair Blake commented that the display received numerous comments during public visits for hearings on the museum relocation. 4. SCCAPO Meeting on Mav 2, 2007: Historic preservation theme. Prepared Historic Preservation Chart for Santa Clara County. Board Member Herz commented that the chart would be very helpful and should be routed to the Santa Clara cities and county for completion of the blanks. Board Member Herz would like to see more concerted historic preservation efforts County- wide. Acounty history tour would be nice. HPB asked what is happening with Partners for Preservation and Jan McCloskey. 5. AMAP Mills Act Seminar on Mav 18, 2007: Chair Hernandez and Acting CDD Young Lind attended the AMAP seminar on the Mills Act. Mills Act results in a 40- 60% reduction in property tax. Acting CDD Young Lind to prepare a memo for HPB regarding the seminar. 6. Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month: May is also Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month. HPB discussed the role of Asian-Pacific Americans in the original founding of Campbell. Vice-Chair Blake noted their contribution with the railroad, and suggested Bill Wolf (Los Gatos historian) as a contact. 7. Work Plan: Chair Hernandez requested a copy of the 2007/2008 HPB Work Plan. Was a review of the Heritage Tree Inventory on the Work Plan? Board Member Herz suggested the two white oaks on White Oaks Road as potential Heritage Trees. 8. Farmers' Market: Chair Hernandez and Vice-Chair Blake attended the May 20t" Farmer's Market in support of Historic Preservation Month. They brought the trade show material and information on the Historic Walking Tours and Children's Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes May 23, 2007 Page4of4 Programs at the Museum (Friday Summer Program on Ohlone, Spanish, Frontier, Canning and Immigration). 9. Mountain Man: Acting CDD Young Lind noted that every year the Roaring Camp Railroads in Felton hosts a Mountain Man Rendezvous & Encampment where participants wear authentic period clothing and set up authentic period encampments. 10. Motion Ultra Lounge: Acting CDD Young Lind met with the owner this week and reviewed his conditions of approval for construction. 11.207 N. Central: The new owner will be proposing to replace the windows. 12.Oak at 236 Harriet: John laquinto sent a letter to the property owner regarding the dangerous branch. 13. Heritage Orchard Subcommittee: Chair Hernandez is serving on the Heritage Orchard Subcommittee. 14. HPB Attendance: Vice-Chair Blake will not be attending the June meeting. 15. PAC San Jose: Vintage Hat Event on Sunday, June 3~d 16. Heritage Trees: Vice-Chair Blake wishes to revisit the ash at the Community Center as a possible Heritage Tree. ADJOURNMENT The Historic Preservation Board was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 27, 2007. PREPARED BY: J C. ng L , AI , Acting Community Development Director APPROVED BY: '`---~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ,~~ ~ ~~C'~,Z '~ ,~_..~, Jo a Hernandez, Chair