HPB Mins 07/25/2007 - completeHISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers JULY 25, 2007 CALL TO ORDER Chair Hernandez called the Historic Preservation Board meeting of Wednesday, June 27, 2007 to order at 4:03 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. Rni i roi i Board Members Present: JoElle Hernandez, Chair Susan Blake, Vice Chair Julie Heinzler (4:55 pm) Micky Lutz Board Members Absent: Joanna Herz Staff Members Present: Jackie C. Young Lind, AICP, Acting Community Development Director Jennifer Gau, Summer 2007 Planning Intern Stephen Rose, Summer 2007 Planning Intem APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice-Chair Blake made a motion to approve the minutes of April 25, 2007. Board Member Lutz seconded. Approved 3/0. A quorum was not present to approve the minutes of May 23, 2007, or June 27, 2007. Approval of the May 23, 2007, and June 27, 2007 minutes were therefore postponed to the August 2007 meeting. ORAL REQUESTS None. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes July 25, 2007 Pape 2 of 4 NEW BUSINESS 1. Review of a revised proposal for an addition to the Bill Haley House located within the Alice Avenue Historic District at 176 Alice Avenue owned by Ms. Kim Pierce (attachment). Acting CDD Young Lind presented the staff report. The applicant had decreased the size of the proposed second-story addition and revised the roof design. Vice-Chair Blake stated that the revised design is a better style and scale for the neighborhood and the site. Board Member Lutz asked if the chimney height, with the proposed second- story addition, is sufficient to meet fire code. The project architect, Bruce Johnson, responded yes. Board Member Lutz stated that the new design is very well done. Chair Hernandez thanked the applicant for their efforts. The project architect, Bruce Johnson, stated that the revised design decreases the size of the proposed second-story addition. The property owners stated that they like the revised design better than the project presented at the last meeting. Motion to approve: Blake. Second: Lutz. Approved 3/0. OLD BUSINESS 1. Historic Resource Inventory: Continuing discussion of next steps for the review and consideration of possible additions to the Historic Resources Inventory. Interns Gau and Rose presented photographs of the resources being reviewed: 1. WPA Bridge (E. Campbell Ave.); 2. 422-428 E. Campbell Avenue; 3. 866 E. Campbell Avenue (former Togo's, now Thai Orchard); 4. 649 EI Patio (Edith Morley House); 5. 705 EI Patio; 6. 197 Poplar (@ EI Patio/Poplar); 7. 40 Union Ave. (Church Site); and 8. 316 Union (Drying Shed). Vice Chair Blake asked about 616 and 698 EI Patio, and the possibility of EI Patio as a Historic District. Vice Chair Blake asked what the process would be for listing the WPA bridge. Chair Hernandez asked about the specific significance of the WPA Bridge. Vice-Chair Blake stated that the bridge was built as part of the WPA program of the 1930's (the Works Project Administration, afederal work program for the unemployed during the Depression). Vice-Chair Blake stated that construction of the bridge provided and improved access for the first time over this area of the creek. Vice-Chair Blake asked that the inventory date be verified (1941?). Chair Hernandez discussed the next step of contacting the property owners. Interns Gau and Rose discussed their experiences in the field photographing the historic resources. Many property owners knew of their historic status and would like a copy of the new digitized inventory sheet. Chair Hernandez discussed preparing informational packets for the historic property Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes July 25, 2007 Paae 3 of 4 owners. Intern Rose stated that the goal is to put the digitized inventory sheets on line. Chair Hernandez stated the historic preservation code clean up should recognize the practice of the Board nominating historic properties. Chair Hernandez suggested that a letter of introduction be drafted to send to the owners of the nominated properties. Vice- Chair Blake discussed different approaches for individual versus District properties. [Board Member Heinzler arrived at 4:55 pm.] Acting CDD Young Lind suggested that individual properties be considered before a District. Chair Hernandez discussed the unique characteristics of 866 E. Campbell Avenue: the architectural style and the relationship with the Ainsley Company. Vice Chair Blake noted that the May 23, 2007 minutes need to be corrected as the 40 and 316 Union Ave. information is reversed. [Action Item: CDD Young Lind.] Vice-Chair Blake noted that that the property owners of 40 Union Avenue had previously asked to not be considered as an historic property. Chair Hernandez discussed the unique characteristics of 422-428 E. Campbell Avenue: architecture and history; and 316 Union Avenue: last fruit drying shed in the City. Acting CDD Young Lind proposed that perhaps the wood from the drying shed could be used to construct a picnic pavilion (green design, historic materials and context). Chair Hernandez stated that Brett Stollenwerk and John laquinto would need to weigh in on something like this. Acting CDD Young Lind to print out the Metroscan data sheets on the potential properties. [Action Item: CDD Young Lind.] Chair Hernandez and Vice-Chair Blake to prepare letters of introduction as a Board subcommittee. [Action Item: Chair Hernandez and Vide-Chair Blake.] ANNOUNCEMENTSlCOMMUNICATIONS 1. Summer 2007 Interns: Introduction of Jennifer Gau and Stephen Rose, Planning Undergraduate students from Cal Poly, and project update. Interns Gau and Rose presented the Historic Resource Inventory sheets which have been digitized to date (Alice Street, East Campbell Avenue and Sunnyside Avenue). Interns Gau and Rose reported that all historic inventory properties in the City were photographed this month. The Board commended Interns Gau and Rose for their extraordinary work and expressed their sincere appreciation. 2. 1325 Burrows (SOLD!): Purchased by Laura Graham and family whom wish to maintain the house and property as historic. 3. Board Members Blake and Lutz: Welcome back from vacation! 4. Preservation Magazine (July/August 2007): "Coney Island's Bumpy Ride". ADJOURNMENT The Historic Preservation Board was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 22, 2007. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes July 25, 2007 Page4of4 PREPARED BY: ' C. ung d, AI , Acting Community Development Director APPROVED BY: - `.'1,~ti° ~,c~~ JoEI Hernandez, Chair