HPB Mins 10/24/2007HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers OCTOBER 24, 2007 CALL TO ORDER Chair Hernandez called the Historic Preservation Board meeting of Wednesday, October 24, 2007 to order at 4:10 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: JoElle Hernandez, Chair Susan Blake, Vice Chair Julie Heinzler Micky Lutz Board Members Absent: Joanna Herz Staff Members Present: Jackie C. Young Lind, AICP, Acting Community Development Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES Vice Chair Blake made a motion to approve of the Regular Meeting Minutes of September 26, 2007. Board Member Lutz seconded. Approved 4/0. Vice-Chair Blake made a motion to approve Special Session Minutes October 10, 2007. Board Member Lutz seconded. Approved 3/0. ORAL REQUESTS 1. Update on the proposed addition to a residence owned by Mr. Michael Navone that is located within the Alice Avenue Historic District at 235 South First Street. Michael Navone stated that his plans have been submitted to Building. Mr. Navone stated that it was discovered that the existing foundation is not reinforced, and Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes October 24, 2007 Paae 2 of 3 showed photos of this. Mr. Navone discussed three possible solutions: 1) lift the existing 20' x 20' home and construct a foundation, then remove the remaining rear and right side walls to accommodate the addition plan, 2) save the front and right side framing only, or 3) rebuild the entire home. Acting CDD visited the property earlier today. Mr. Navone indicated that he will duplicate the eave vents, rafter brackets, stipple stucco texture, window trim (2x4 sill with double stucco stop) and double hung windows on the new addition. Chair Hernandez thanked Mr. Navone for the update. No action was taken as this was heard under oral request. Chair Hernandez stated that a special meeting could be held before the Regular Meeting of November 28, 2007, if needed. Mr. Navone will continue to work on his plans for the foundation replacement. NEW BUSINESS 1. Review of a proposal for the relocation and placement of asingle-family residence on property located at 109 S. Fourth Street and owned by John Peters. Associate Planner Haley presented the staff report. Chair Hernandez asked about the significance of the existing house at the front of the site slated for demolition. Associate Planner Haley stated that the front house is not historically significant and has not been well maintained. Vice Chair Blake stated that the Historic Preservation Board had approved the relocation of the historic home setting at the rear of the subject property some time ago and she is very pleased that this home is finally being restored. This home is on the Walking Tour Brochure. It is a beautiful home and has been protected. Chair Hernandez asked if the doors and windows will be maintained. Associate Planner Haley answered yes. Board Member Heinzler made a motion to approve. Vice Chair Blake seconded. Passed 4/0. OLD BUSINESS 1. Historic Resource Inventory: Submit proof-reading all new HRI sheets on November 28, 2007. 2. Historic Preservation Code: Study Session to be held November 28, 2007. Please review materials from August 22, 2007 before the November meeting and bring comments. 3. Update on a proposal by Pino Spanu (Campbell Cafe) for exterior paint colors to Second Bank of Campbell Building located at 360 East Campbell Avenue owned by Ms. Karen Blancato: Vice Chair Blake contacted two sources to discuss possible recommendations for the wainscot cap issue. Vice Chair Blake's sources recommended repair techniques. Chair Hernandez also contacted a preservation source who recommended repair as the most cost effective option. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes October 24, 2007 Page 3 of 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS Governor's Award: Historic Design Guidelines for Residential Buildings received the Governor's Award. Awards ceremony in Sacramento to be held on November 16, 2007, 1-4 p.m. Jeanette Watson, Chair Hernandez, Vice Chair Blake and Acting CDD Young Lind will attend. 2. Michi Sushi: Jane attended to observe on behalf of Mr. Shin, owner of Michi Sushi ADJOURNMENT The Historic Preservation Board was adjourned at 4:45 p.m. to the next Regular Meeting scheduled for 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 28, 2007. A Study Session will immediately follow the Regular Meeting on Wednesday, November 28, 2007. PREPARED BY: ie C. ng L , AIC , Acting Community Development Director i APPROVED BY: - ~ %Z~c~2~i~-~ JoE e Hernandez, Chair