HPB Mins 11/28/2007 Study SessionHISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD STUDY SESSION NOTES Wednesday City Council Chambers NOVEMBER 28, 2007 4:55 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Board Members Present: Susan Blake, Vice-Chair JoElle Hernandez, Chair Julie Heinzler Joanna Herz Micky Lutz Board members Absent: Staff Members Present: Jackie C. Young Lind, AICP, Acting Community Development Director DISCUSSION 1. Historic Preservation Code - Discussion of draft Historic Preservation Code clarifications and revisions. Acting CDD Young Lind presented the staff report, a comparison between the Campbell Code and the Huntington Park Code (attachment) and a copy of the Huntington Park Code (attachment). Huntington Park's code just received the Governor's Award. There may be some additional ideas to consider from their newly adopted code. Vice Chair Blake expressed a desire for a clear process for designating new historic resources. She wants to spend some time on Staff Report item No. 10, Policy Changes. Chair Hernandez discussed the distinction between an historic resource and a landmark, and the criteria for designating a historic resource. She suggested the following edits: p. 8 -strike and (G & H), and p. 9, -100 and -140 -add historic resource. Vice Chair Blake and Chair Hernandez suggested that the Board and staff study the new material presented and schedule another study session. Historic Preservation Board -Study Session Notes November 28, 2007 Page 2 PREPARED BY: ie C. ng L , AIC , Acting Community Development Director APPROVED BY: - ;' .~ ; ~~y2. ~ % ~~~ JoEI Hernandez, Chair f