Tract 1782 cnry 0]' GA}iP!3.J21.L -. SupDIVISION_ FINd, MAP 9F~9K .l..I:CS~P ._ /[}:7/J(;~ /~ 4- !';ffiT I - :Before "()res~nteti~n to City Council, check to assure thEt: ..-;- I t.."'- // / ",., ,"" .-.. I / (.7 .... " "v. ,. ,,^/ ~//d/S7 1. Final ml'}) pnd ~!./Sreernents include s.ny conditions im-nosed f't time Date' Ii tentative IDr-.":) ,,!as Bn'r)roved. (E) Ini tiala 2;.-' J~ (,/;'r/~'! 2. Final map is substantia.lly same EtS tentative man. (E) . /7C/ r,!'cfc:" ~ 3. In-tract storm sewer eFser.J.ents are s11o....'11 on m~'D. (E) . t .' . I .' , ch ( A"l..//tI;' i' , 4. Agreement signa.tures Are s?me as those on final m:->u. ( E) If )/;~/'7 5. Ce.rtifying Engir.oer hes naid City business license fee. (E) 6. City Attorney r..El.s al)l)roved resolution, bonds, and a.greements a.s to form. (:ill) ~4#I- 7. City ]}ngineer has a'Dl)roved resolution, bonds, and agreements as to sufficiency. (E) /:.~::-. w),r:( ~ . ./, 8. /. I;,. i<' ~)/ ~~I ./~. 7 / ' &> /35'~.oo de.,.,osi t uaid to City for checking fine.l IDa1'), and for c:,e..~~dng and insnect ing cons trucJoioy" exce-pt sani tgry se\"er and wa,ter eye tems. (S) (~-IF ...1 J ____.~~ .,) 9. CSD =#4 letter received a.d'\rising that 'Dlan-checking fee, and Const>"uc- tion Bond for sanitary sewer system, vrhich includes the genel'p] guarantee condition, have been delivered. (3) ICC, c'/:/""/~.'lO. City Fire De-pa.rtment letter received stating number of fire hydr8nts '::';> required; and the amount of t~e 5-year rental therefor. (E) ';/. '" 11. ~--,:,7 c(..../) /<:':,'~",',"'c' b:, 'I''----r ~.. received by City as 5-yeflr rental of _ 4: . _ hydrnnts. (8) .~~u/ rC,: 0 12. Water COID'Ot'>ny letter received advising of delivery of reouired denosit /;57 ).kl/),: ";._ for "'la.ter system construction; or in lieu thereof, $ Bond, in favor of City, for construction of water system. (8) ..:: .JpP +t: I 13. &- .I'di," Plans ~nd 1')rofiles f~ all im~rove~nts have bee~ a~>>r~Veg.bY(CitJ ~ Engineer. (5) ~~'1F7PAt-: (.2) 7"-!:/.IJ.:2, <.)~ )(~(kIS.,J. . ~~ G. /'7/.L; e~~ ~S)..J. ~'...t $ 43, !)il 0 Bond, '1ii7favor of City, for all imOrovements exce~t water and sanitflry sewer systems. (5) Re~ort received from Title Compnny stating pro-posed deed restrictions (2 copies). (5) {Cc.. .J////~'? 14. (" ". .'. /iYJ') 15 ''''-;" ~'.,t..;.,/ . r~~~~}~;;~)16. Ma~ Filing report received from Title Com~any. (E) (Check to verify boundaries, lien status and signatures.) I . 11t2i:.jC'-4~_ 17. $ -- deposit n.<dd to City for storrr se,,,er construction, in ec- cordance ",1th Resolution No. :::::..' if aUl)licab1e. (6) 1701 ree. '0 18. Letter (4 co~ies) receiyed from Subdivider netitioning County - ~,-..-.......-.. Boundary COl!lIllission fo:.' annexP.ticn of 1')ro~erty to Campbell Ligd .ng District (6 copies of map,. Siilxllfl or 8tlixl3", and 6 copies of' 8gal description to be attached). (6) Note: Ap'P1icable only when -property is ",holly or -partially out3i'::~ limits of Camobell Lighting District, or pnother lighting district. rc.:; / ';~I' 19.~ /f.Rie. -I- ~02id ~fL.E /' l('l r' .. '_~'/20~~~ r~e, -I:t?t.:? ~~~ ~ od;j;j~:r~~ 21. ~ ~~ ~ Ci.4./~ ~ ~ eft) ~<-L-. 22. 23. 24. 25. J{e~: (s) - Action by Subdivider (E) - Action by City Engineer .f!gte: Enter 8P-propria.te amounts, a,nd in left column X out non-required matters. PART I.l .- When flna.l ma-p is -presented to City Council. the followlnl!: documents will Aceom'OCIlY; ./::.,./ 1'::::.,""'0 1. Off-tract easements for storm sewer, if a-P1')licable. (S) (/17/j~' ~:;.. ;';"'///1/J"I 2. Resolution acce-pting off-tract easements for storm sewer, if appli- cable. (E) I' /, "', J .;r'~; 3. Agreement between Subdivider and City for all improvements. (S) /7,;)/ rC,? 0 4. Reimbursement Agreement between Subdivider a.nd City for off-tract f storm sewer construction, if applicable. (S) .1, ,'. .1';/. /~'~ 5. Resolution a-pproving final map and acce-pting all streets, avenues and other dedications to the -public use sho'~ thereon. (E) L ".1 tp 'I' .r.',1 4 L ",:, 6. Papers referred to in Items 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, PART I Signe . and leted. Date 1?;:fi~l Final !Via and all re uired PART III - ction immediatel after 1. Deliver two nrints of final map to City Clerk. (for City Fire Department and City file) 2. Check Agreement, record suspense matters in PART V, and "place apl)ro- priate memoranda in official suspense file. h,A Ikt~:t.3. Submit to County Boundary Commission Subdivider's letter requesting annexation to Campbell Lighting District. II 4. Furnish annexation petition and have Subdivider complete same. :J:.RT IV.- Action U1)on SEl.tisfactory comnletion of improvements: -~J. ~t~/~.~.. 1. Obtain Transfer of Title for off-tr~ct storm sewer, if an-plicable (S); and present to City Council for acceptance. (E) 2. Check to determine whether additional deposits will be reouired to reimburse City costs; and, if so, obtain same. . ~ 3. Letter to City Council recommending acce-pta,nce of storm sewer system. 4. Notice of Completion of storm sewer system to County Recorder - wi thin 10 days after a,cceptance. 5. Letter to City Council recommending accep.tance of ropdway improvements. '-... 6. Notice of Completion of roadway improvements to County Recorder - within lO days after acce-ptance. 7. Arrange for City audit of cost of any construction under a Reimburse- ment Agreement. 8. Instruct City Treasurer to establish an"pronriate Reimbursement Aceta. 9. Reimburse any remaining portions of del)osits. !~~T V - Matters to be reoorded in Sus"pense File for follow-up aotion: Da~e & :Susnense: Initials: ne,te Description of Action Reauired at Suspense Date Inspect storm sewer - 10 months after acceptance. Insnect roadway improvements - 10 months after acce-ptance. . . II. . . C9ity of C9ampbell i-1 om,. ., ... 4, State ot' @alifortlia Mar 10. lQ60 Pi e: Campbell 57.? Campbell 5:4-5 f;~~/ ~ Trojan ron~truction Co. 241 Co~~erc1alitre0t iunnyv~le, California Pe: Los Ranchltos ~arden$ Un5 t?~ t. clf'ld '5 flacts-. 17;:l~iI0d '71';-'0 t t,,\nt lor, : i,'l'. ck iurchfSI'ld Gel1t10;;:nn: .r haup caus~d tnp,"vi'H> Y')'I'r ft.,,!, ,~cc~~tH)Cf' in .Pl~ct\ 0'1 t:) .,e ,Ji")n ,;bov" l,,'fer ncr\c\ 1!'dCt::; Clnd ('0;'; " dGi'tJct ,,,"os Ob...liHV.;d;.j brokl:;') ~ tilk."quare O~\l(I,:te T0/7e. north orou.rtv lin~ i~t O. T~act 2120. Los Ranchitos, ~ I Cnit ,,~). :,) tC:1L.:Hio '):dv{~). '.-d S(;\J,:lre vhould t,,{' cut out .....: tn a C:>li.crete ,\Jd", uroke-n concr(,.t~ I'onov\~(:l no 1(:- plac~d with fresh co~crete. P lease hdY~ '{"'Juz' contractor' b f orf.H..,an c()ntact tn<: C" ty In:;)p~ctor. I'"r. Ld Fi:11.3Y. FPank 1 in \3.(.37';', wher; t;'\l' \'~o:r;< has ~e8n done and _f it ridS been H~tisfactorily c lcted. necessary dction ....ill t(;i tdkHll to have ttl" uonc! !i'L':'dS'2:(l 0:1 lract 212'.), LQa Fi.culChitos Unit t,jo. 5. \ction 13 presently being taken to release the bond on Tract 17;'32, Los Ranchitoa Unlt No. ~. trul \j ; r; . ,1do P. ~iavi(; y;l.i,t.ent CItv (:.~t.y t): r~ il . n~: "(t'~~' ii'~...1 V : Iff; (j" '! '1 j:L./!,....,.j j -/ . /~ <', ., - :.. \.: ty ::n::'\ir\(~~rL..)"/r - C/ (t- lie t'/ j/h{j'c'/ C ty CleI'k v / ,72' .-....' r/i..,. ".' " j t / ,:-C-/ ;~;.,C'- / /'c' /Ij cc: ;;- - .3/, (c' .. I .....b.' 9. 1959 ~lL~ IJ~.: a'5~' ~~~ ----- --j-. Dorothy f'........"... ~Jz, 01.J Clork: 01., ot C..pbell 75 lort. Ceot.... A.Te.ue O..pbell. Calttel'nla a.: Ca.pb~ll Loa Aauoblt.B, Uol'. JOB. 2, 'r- 4. ~W.. 5- Deal' IJOl'ot,b.,: AecoJ'dtn. to our ..eeerda 'be _.lano. I. tbe ch.cklftl aad 1"81'80'100 acocnlo'. for Lo.. (tQ8cbl'.. Ga,.I.oB, Unite Noa. 4 aad '.) .hotaJd be .. follow.: 1.0. lanehlto.. (.Ilrdenfl, Unit ~o. 4. 1'1'80' 10. 1782- &..01' !,'Utcb1to" (itll'den_, lintt Ko. 5. 'f..&ct Jo. 2120 TOTAL ~;42.52 ')~ ~ .,... . ~.. b2 . ..~ IOlh of the.. Job. baye b.en CO'l'lllll.,ted ana accev,.d by the CSt,.. 'l'hf't 't'roJ.ul l,:oftwtruotiot\ COfll..,any ba. It....n it. c..- sent to trttUflrer the r~llfthdtlg >b27.~1 \6 thft "ra.t. fund ac- count. for .Lo." i.fftrJQhitCHi,\ t."\J'dflna, "nit ~o. '1. ' It )"our record. oheck .1\h oUJ'ti, lJl.~*e l,ran.rer "be :z..b.J7."I) bahule"" fJ'u. Uni'", No*,,-'" IAll\l 5 to t:fdt NO.2, 1rtilet. No. U,n2. It you rind ailT d1i!crepe.nel.. to our f1lur.8, pl.:.... CO"'& (.let n@. loure .e.., ',u)7. M~lH, !~;. 'l'U\i.,.Ll ~ "..d S'A n' City ':n& Infun for (;1 t1 of t;fiI;l>pbell ~.h' : Yll cc ~r. ~arl J. .orten.en 'CfilJnn eonMtruo\lou Co. . l I At ',' j 'f" i -.,/ ~(a' ;/' / r \ P(e ~. 57-[ I RaoL.U'lIOI lIO. iQl BEING A RESOLUTION NJ 0 EPTING. .D(PHOVEMENTI IH'TRAC1' NO. 1782, LOS RANOHITOS GAHDEN8, UNIT NO. 4 WHEREAS, the 01ty Engineer hae repOrt.a. to t1'a 01" OOWlol1 that 1mproYements 1n 'lract No. 1182. Los Ranohl\o. Garden., Un~t No.4, including storm sewel'S, IJl treets. curb.. gutter. and sidewalks, haY. been completed 1n. accordance wl t1 I the exl.t1ng contract therefor, and has recommended approval and acoeptance 01" the aame; NOW. 'lREBE;F\(.;,RE. BE IT RESOLV}e:J> bl the 01ty Cc>unoll ot 01t1 ot Campbell 'that the said improvements be and the same are hereby accepted, bUt that the bond given therefor l'emuin 1n f'U.ll toroe a.nd effect until the 25th day of AUgust, 1959. PASSE)) ANI) AJ)UP1'E:D th1a 25th day ot Augult, 1956, by the tollowing vote: AYES; t~ 0uno1J.men NOES: CouncilJaen Chappell. Fairchild, Hayne, 1.0... Char&1n None ABSENT: Oouncilmen None APPHOV1W)1 '" .Ialm M. ~~l 1 T "."', I .. ATTEST: Dqrt}t~7 T5~rk .. w<r By' Ev.~vn AdaDJeon. Deputv (ti;Y Clerk I, Dorothy Trevethan. 01ty Olerk ot the 01ty of Oampbell herebl certify that ~. toregoing 18 a true and p~rreot cop; ot Resolution passed anu adopted at a regular meeting of tlB01\1 Oouncil of the 01ty ot Oampbell on the 25th day of August. 1958. Dorothy Trevet1ian, d1 ty Olerk ~ 8,zae,z,z. .. . I PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY COpy 11&7 2, 19S8 Mr. Rlohard Olson. 01erk or Board or Supervisors or Santa Olara Oount1 Plrst and Roaa Str..ts San Jo.e, Oalirornia Dear Mr. Olson: l'~ In rep11 to lOur requ.st regarding the p1aoing In .erTlce ot ~ ele.'rol1ers In Loa Ran.hitos-Unlt .0. ), Traot Wo. 1671, and. Lo. Ran.hltos-Unit 11'0. 4, Traot Bo. 1782, In the Campbell Lighting Dlstrlo', \bls la to a4Tlse 10U that the SUb41Tl4ep, Trojan Oonatrutlon Coap&nJ, bas not 7e' pai4 us the oTerbead .'reet lighting clrcult charge.. '1'he nUllber ot light. to be cenn..ted an4 the monthlr ene1'g7 00.' are as t.l1<!". f Loa Ranohlto. - Unlt 10. '."'a~' Ko, 161~ 9 - 4000 lumen el..trol1.r. . $2.JS eaoh . t21.1S per month Lo. Ranohito. - Unit Bo~ 1&,. Traot Wo. 1782 1 - 4000 lumen e1e.t1'oll.rs . 12.3S eaoh . t16.4S per BODth We shall be glad. to pla.e the.e 11ght. In s.pTl.e ..--.......,eD reoelpt or 70ur authorisatlon and. atter the subdlvld.er has . paicl the charge. we quoted. hi. tor clroul ts to be installed bJ ,..ttio G.s and. Bl.otrio Oampanr. Thank 70U r"r 70ur lnq,ui17. Verl truly lOurs, ~,'~ ~. ~~'*~. y,!: " ~ , I" / .'.WAH1.on:BS // ocr Muk '!'homaa 1& Co. ..........-' 18 lfo. San Pedro 8treet San Joee, Oalifornia \SPij Att: Mr. Mike Vigilante A. M. AlTO. Manager, Oentral Dlatriot ~".i \.i... 'i\\'.1\ Vii " (, r l'n i<'GL', r;t:R }') ~()r'tll ::-;nu }'edl'o ct.r(H.t ;-an o)Or8 10, Of ill Corn in i>'etJrUfiry.l:'5, )\6'i F 1 : (~ 5~,-1 -~ 7 :J'-'- 55- J 0 57-~~ V f.,I Hio hevelopment (;()J.tipfUlY 2i~1 CouJllieroiul :-'t.re('~t ,'.i;. i50x /'35 he: ~~lUmYVldo, C lit'drnin ""toro, ;.:.ewel" Leiu:burf:f>';;icut ',~ ref-men (, . \ttfJution: ;\.r. C. J. ,;urchrleld t;~nt J <<,mon: i,uclo~ed herewith ple~'Mo find four C(1)1f.~fi or a. reviseu r:tOI'W Jl;ower ro1a:burp0n,eut agrel'meut to covel' l't II four un i 1,8 of tOFi L::dlchitOF iil.lrden~ :ul,divh-ton. .1'11(' prev10ufl ngre"Nmt fon.1 waF.' WH ucceid/e~l hy tile City ,..1ncfl it muitted tlw Chtl.uH~ stbtit1iJ, thut reh:hul'f;e"~t\tit, it'oulti COlJl'HCUCf' uflon COIHi/letion of t!lf~ LatiM"l' ;,"tHll.H~ trunk ) iflAto tnf' creek. \lth()u~~h t!'e {:onuitiom' of' apllrovld of tile Fubt1!viRiou Tfh\ldrntl t.hp f'ltpnf'ion \,.f il (' i,toEi..! RfH'er faoilith',.. to ;";;,n Tomas .Hjulno f'reeK,the Council ",Howed tbo 8ul)\.iivi~ion to proceed on tho hnf'h; 01' tf'WjlOrf..ry ,1r,y wHlh~ :.1141 H huubJnr hox o,-(ufhm ontlet on huu 'rOIDaf: \q\.iuo ilOlld. I heret'ore, you cnn wn! J aVi:recinte tile ('l.et ttud, the (~ouucil j,.. nmdouf! to ha~e the l.(1.Limer,veuuo tl'lWk line cowI'letei.l attbe earllef't pOl"'f:ible ui:i.te. 1I0WeVQr, since the completion of ttli~~ line Ii! inc)u.1oa in the City bdlHl 1ii>8ue elHctton t() hf' held on{,lar(~h 11, l<;I5S, t hi p trunk 1 hH' cou 1...1. be Cfhllp 1 0116\1 it t au ear I y ua.tn if' the houl! 181F1H" 1":ll'tii'flS, am! reimlmrFomellt would then comq,euca illu\:h p(Jouer. In a.dd! ti10u to the reviHiou rt.ient1ouod ab()ve, the a-.:.fP!l/ont iw,jO; heen eXl'Hwled to inc)uao all f01l1' unitt:' of tile lllubdivif;1on, (~J1Ulilwtiu;.;, ttw tH'C8Psity of havin~~ foul' separu'te HgreeW{Hlt8 p'xecuted. If you finJ thtJ enclosou d.ocuu.eutf: in order, vleo.,. lwve tlire~ COi-,iOfi oxecuted hy u CUr;H.lrHtion ofrichd iJIll! retol'uell. ~ou amy rt~tHin OUf'I oopy for your rile. VOUfF very truly, \HK !<. l'f Cl tv I nglner'l' tJU. : V'n 'H; t:i ty Clerk, .1'U I:it.y \.ttorney r ':~u: 0 1958 .' . ',. ......... ..............'"'lIIlIiI.I } .." J. .....___......__.......Il.~ ,\, ._...--~-_......~-....... ,1 t, J.; ~. I." . H.=~ 'J.; X~::::: .;:~fL__.._ K-.r JA r:. M..~'. SU.':.~ pense .un...u..u..~ " /'-71 E Je ':>r.::-:...:..' ....,- -1 .. . COpy PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY L - 5 ;- J8.I'JUI'1 28, 19S8 Trojan Cott8tNc\ion OalllplDl' P. 0. :Box 6,3$ ....,.w, Cal1torn1a Oenu..al !Ja ..~ t,o 10ur lett.er of JaD.'OJIr'1 24. 19S8 recard1nC the 008t of iJwwl11"'1 the v1l"1nc and cOJllP1et1nc the hook-up of ...... a~ -.litph tJPe elect.rollers 1n 'fOOZ' lubdi'Y1II1on known... . at RUichito. Trut' 1182, pleue reter to ow:" let.ter to ,. a'" *' 21, 1.9S1, 1D 1tb1chw ...ted the price of tS)). ,., tor at. \bi8 work. th1a aaot11lt 111 an outright ~ftt aDd not nbj.ot to reto.nd. U tor arw l'H.8M t.ha up ie ChaDcM or if th1a propos- it.i_ s.. DOt, ...-pW4 w1t.h1n . 90 4q periOfl, it ar be ......". for us to r....ttmat.e this job and e\1ba1t corrected t1pre to ,.,.. love ftI7 trU7, .&.. M. AITOI DISTRICT MlIAGD wJOtaot tip CCt..j... Hu1&: ~ J.lcbUallns1neer CIIIIpbeU LlchUac DUtrio' CC. VAd4'''' .Ii' B.; rr;,i.ij 4";.... ! r .,; ,*.'~' .. f "';,.G. ~. ; 'In. "'AC' :;: .,* $~ .~. __~4 .. ~'h'" I a. ... .................~.~-. .. ........................... ::::~::~::~ ....~.7... om" It}"... ..~.C-- 11'''. _:... .'"., ..........--........ .. I... 11, hllte... f;bspense ..........__..~.._.. ~..!rHe ......__.m_...... 1_..... U, 1'" "1.. O.p. J'... ,.aenll..i.q "4alat.tN.'S... ,. ,..... .....- lea ,....1..0, O.11t~..1. h:Y.I.. ... .....tat... ......, lid' .0. -. Gentl...nl 1M ,.bU. I.........".. 14 tbta .. ..t....4 .. !rao' 'e. 1'82, Ctt, or 0..plM11, a...., ot ...,. t12....., baY. __ -.plete4 1ft aooorde.. .'11 Qit, ............, wttb ,. tal1ewlll8 ....Pu..... 1. Infl'-llalloft.t ele.'"Uwl 2. nul al_1.. up lalt4 1.,,......,.8n'. ooaet., .t the la,"lta".. of a. wate. 'J'ha (1ne1u4188 aal.., ..rno...... ""4Mft") t ,be ato"" dN.1u". .,.t.., 'he. unlt.r7 .'..Mll..'lo "".., ourlN .IU""', 814eva1ka .... .,....,,........,. Att.r ,be aboy. 1'..' be... ...." ....18..4 Ul4. aN ....p'.a bl the 01', .r C.-pMll, 'h... 1.pH.....'. wl.U b. ..l.'.lned bl the 01" ~q' 'h.lp .....1 11t.. Allkoqb 'he eo.p1etloa ot ,be ..1181.1_ 1'... or"'l'k 1. .o..red ltJ' bona. the.. ,,'.'...n'. a.. .0' ,. 'be 00..,...4 .. ...nlng the, tlul &00.".... at the 1.pro.....,. 1. ..4. ., 'hi. '1... Yo,u'. "'.,., trul1. KAnt t. tKONAS Clt, EDg1....r Jo..ph A. teehen..oher lA~: I 00 7roJan Con.tructtoa aO.~.ftl Clt, Clepi; . - .----'-' a 6 b43 1 - . HE~t)U.JTION "0. HEING A UESOI.LJ'l'lON AYPiWVING [,'PUL MAP Of' 1'11,\(''1' riO. 1782, I.()~, lU.N('f!lTOi"; (aIWE~~, (;\]1' \0 4, BEINt~ A HJdlHVISJoN 1\ qLI'l'O IhNCH; r\CC":PTIN(.. THE AVENUE A "ill IHn n;s;: AUTIlOHI? ING THE CITY ENG.INf;EH ANII CITY Cl,ft;UK '}10 81m.. THE "'lNAI MAP; Asn AUTUOHI/ING AW{EniE~'f 1 N CONNEC'I'l ()Nl'II~~HE'~TI'H. . ~mEJU:AB, t hor~ hUB been preFlented to the C1 ty Council fo r alJproval and for authorization to recorli n ftnlll map of 'I'raet \'0. )7~2, Los IlHnchitoe t;ardenp, Unit No.4, lleiug n Suhd1vEion in Quito Hnnch, Flhowing avellue Hnd driveF; ami IiEHEA~, there has been presented to the City Council proposed agree- Illents for the conr-truetion of Fltorrri powers and drains, and for other improvement.s, includini~ uvenufP., driveR, roada:;, sidewalks, curh8, and guttnrf':, Hnd good noll I'luf'ficiellt hondF having been presented For the fa1th- rul performance of paid \l'ork Nnd he carrying out of FRid agreements; Brltl Faid maJ.JH, agreement8 and honds havin~ been Hl'proved hy the City i";ngineer nnd City Attorney: NO"", TJlEHE~'OHE, BE 1'1' !(l-<:SULVEH that Baid~'inal Map of 'l'rnct 'io.17~2, 108 Hanchitos t~nrdent', Unit 'io. 4, being a :-:ubdlvision in '.;uito HanCh, he ami the same i p he reby approved; and 'Ile av(~nues, ami dr i VHFl, Ahown there- on be and the same are hereby accepted; aud th(~ G1 ty Eng ineer and 1I1e (;i ty Clerk are authorized to 8ign 8aht final M.ap; and l1e Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby autllOrized to 8xecute the agreement...- herein ref~~rretl to in behal f of City of' C.HlJjlHn 1 . .Pi\:-;f-.:f;H ANn AllOP'J'f.:n thlF 17th day of June 19S7, by the following vote: A'r' f<::-'; : CO lJ i\ C 11,.\. E' . FairChild, nose, Schmidt, Char gin NOES: CUU:-;CI Uil';N J tIone Mortoa APPIWVEI. : AHh g N'l': CO\) 'iG I Ul EN : John M. Chargin ijA YOU A'j"l'EbT: Dpl'Otlv' TreTethan City Cle.rk 1, JJorothy Trevethll9, ca ty Clerk of the City of C;:lmpbell hereh,y certify that the foregoing it:: a true and correct copy of liepolotion pa~;;.:ed and allojJted. the _ uay of )~7 at a regullu lueeti!H~ of thn City COlJiICi I of the City of Camphel J. ~1 ..~~ JUN ! 6 1951 ~O'-~'i . ;;)'7 - .1. ~;if U~_.'---,=._~j;:f!D F SAN T A ve:f{..l\.. /" ---' / .. F ' A v . ..__.m_.. :r.~ 'r;', ..:._~E~N.~.~O_. BUSHNELL - COUNTY ENGINEER -. - JA-,;.ffs t:l. ENOCHS . ASS'T. COUNTY ENGR. J.~: f. .....W1t1:1:lltNr~. MCCLURE' O""'CE ENGINEER 11.[;,C. ........-.........- ILl, F,---\).....;. - ,-..;.'---'.' J .1.,2. V ,/!?:.':L~...:::-::. 1'I.J.~. ~_.~-------_..--..-.... CLARA ~ OFFICE OF COUNTY ENGINEER SANTA CLARA COUNTY OFTICE BLDG. . CIVIC CENTER FIRST & ROSA STREETS, SAN .JOSE. CALIFORNIA June 24, 1957 ---_._-------~- ........ ------.----------..... SU,..,'(""'>...~'Tr":f.'1 F~i.~ 7~ ---------------........ _..--,..---,----_..~ Mr. Mark E. Thomas City Engineer City of Campbell 18 No. San Pedro St. San Jose, California Dear Sir: Re: Thickness of Base Material Los Ranchitos Gardens Subdivision Tracts 1671 - 1782 Campbell, California' From recent tests of the soil on subject tract, it is determined that the base thickness will be 8 inches and 2 1/2 inches of hot plant mix surfacing in accordance with County requirements. Very truly yours, LEONARD BUSHNELL ~unty En~ineer (l.(h!~~~~ Ralph L. Ramona ~ . Senior Engineer LB :RLR:BM cc: Trojan Const. Co. Miss Trevethan', City Clerk Campbell Nestor Barrett JUN 1 8 1951 I , ,'/ -../', ... "',1.1' 'i' T '- 1\":';.;:;". . ~ ~.- '~'.P . - -- 1 Y C./c., ~. _ ____ lL !c. _n______________... OF SANTA CLARA ~ OFFICE OF COUNTY ENGINEER Ill.C. n..mL~ BUSHNELL - COUNTY ENGINEER J.LT. .nn...':!'~''::'.~~_!''. ENOCHS - ASS'T. COUNTY ENOR. F'l , ..... WILLIAM A. MCCLURE - O""'CE ENGINEER KL n .-:;:~'. :.~ J .A,__. "n_'" __________ ~{.J .8. ~~.._ h~..nn__.._ SANTA CLARA COUNTY Or-F'lCE BLDG. . CIVIC CENTER FIRST & ROSA STREETS. SAN JOSE. CALIF'ORNIA June 17, 1957 -.....------- --......---..--------, r.' /C',/o .....-------.. -------------, ,i c..~'J7... c"~~",,~,, ~ I /1 I 1 u~.'~~ ~ M.i~ '. -.j(,( (., .. F. .r '\ c.... . ..:c . k E. Th"mas City Engineer City of Campbell 18 No. San Pedro Street San Jose, California Re: Pavement Encroachment Approval Los Ranchitos Gardens Subdivision, Northwest Corner, San Tomas Road and Campbell Avenue, Campbell, California Dear Sir: Please refer to your letter of June 12, 1957 requesting pavement encroachment at Campbell Avenue relative to Tract 1782. The pavement improvement proposed on Campbell Avenue is satis- factory as indicated on the improvement plans submitted supplemented with a minimum base thickness of 6 inches and 2 1/2 inches of plant mix surfacing in accordance with county requirements. This permit is subject to the immediate initation of corrective measures to control. surface drainage of all units of the development as you have been notified on several previous occasions. Your attention is directed to a series of letters presented to Mr. Hyde, Secretary of the Campbell Planning Commission at his request by the County Flood Control District Engineers. The records indicate that letters dated January 2, January 18, and April 15, 1957 were sent to Mr. Hyde by the County Flood Control District. They specifically requested that an underground drain line be installed to the San Tomas Aquino Creek to provide for the necessary drainage control. By this letter, this office is to the inadequate drainage measures development. ~ .. ~ , r1 .',~. alf"'~'11'" c J,t- . I Q /J FIt'! 1,1 LP V cjJ' ~~11/' " e.l~ hereby of record in opposition presently provided for the entire Very truly yours, cc: Mc. McClure, Office Engr. County Flood Control District Trojan Construction Co. Mr. Hyde, Secretary to Campbell Planning Commission LEONARD BUSHNELL ~~~nty~~~~ef,"/~ f 'rZ~ft~~Z7~~ ~~ Senior Engineer r .. -I JUN ! 8 1957 M'S,T. A,":.>S. CA.A. I1A i'.1.C. J.:....f. ED.G. 1\.,1. J .1\..R M.J.S. Suspense F:le r ____. _ _.P _ p ......l""" .....------~. .....,. TESTING AND CONTROLS, INC. __.._______....."..."WL BlJ51NgS5't')~ICE: ..J.56.U~ Avenue -. ~.I?.~hp....Wiforni. Telephone DA 3.1950 -------_._---_..~ June 27, 1957 LABORATORY: 544 S.n Antonio Ro.d Mount.in View, C.liforni. Telephone WH 8.5093 .... ~. -. -...... . .- - - ---",,- ------------------..- ---..............." Mark Thomas and Company --_....---....--..~ Ci viI Engineers .--.-.......----..- 18 North San Pedro Street ................-.- San Jo se, California File No. 57119 T-014l-6 Attention: Mr. Joe Rechenmacher Subject: Plasticity Index and % Passing #200 Sieve Tests Results as directed by telephone June 26, 1957, Samples #1 and #2 Campbell Avenue" See Report T-014l-6 of June 18, 1957. Sieve Analysis Percent Passing Sieve Size Sample #l Sample #2 #4 90.7 99.1 #50 66..6 88.3 #200 Wash 38.8 60.8 Plasticity Index Sample #2 25..0 18.8 6.2 Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index Respectfully subrrdtted, TESTING AND CONTROLS, INC. jL{J~ JPN :dw John P. Nielsen Laboratory Engineer SOIL MECHANICS CONCRETES AND PAVEMENTS JOB CONTROL . CERTIFIED INSPECTION . . - I TESTING AND CONTROLS, INC. BUSINESS OFFICE: 156 University Avenue Palo Alto, California Telephone DA 3.1950 June 18th, 1957 LABORATORY: 544 San Antonio Road Mountain View, California Telephone WH 8-5093 !' ark 'I'homas and Company Ci vil ; ~j l;.;:1.noera 1$ 7Sortli ~~.an Pedro Street Sr~n ,Jo~;o, California C-.~k.J!c~ ~ -- 'file No. ~ T-0141-6 F;. k-57j,''lg ..' :?7Ti'l" . Attention: Hr. Joe EeclmnLacher Hr. Robert Oldhc-un The fo1J.o\>linG Are the INeem sttbi10meter result., &8 proviolls1~ reported b:r phone, of 'naterio.l sampled as di.r'ected b;}~ lettnr of .hroe 5th, 1957. The sample tested vue obtain'3d at the 1()':;;1:,io~ on tre map marked :Sa.mple #2, on Campbell Avo- nue.~';'UJ' one 3<Jl:lple 'WaS te6"ted due to tm sllr.11arity of sal,'plos at th.:! two locations !l"iirked. Test ':esult:; (1) (2) (3) F.xudatlon Press1..U'e, P. ,~~.I. 136 248 000 r:X:pansion Pressure, P.S.F. 39 149 374 Resistance Value, "a" 6 44 67 POisture, . , at Test 15.1 13.6 12.2 L"l"'j ".lensi ty , r.. C.}i"., at Test 113.1 117.0 120.5 Re~Jp"ctfllU.y sub1t.itted, T:'::;nLG AN D o:mTIWL.::;, INC. /"! f( c- - /'. / .iT~.:'~...~::,~-,-' ~C'~:dw Albert G. Grlbu.ldo Supervising rnginaer SOIL MECHANICS CONCRETES AND PAVEMENTS JOB CONTROL CERTIFIED INSPECTION ~ .... I COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 375 E. Campbell Avenue CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Telephone FRanklin 8-0008 ..Tune 14, 1957 Clty Councll Clty of Campbell Clty Hall Campbell, Callfornla Re. Los RanchltoB Unit No. 4 Tract No. 1782. Gentlemen. The sanltary sewer plans for the LOB HanchltoB Unit No.4, Tract No. 1782, have been ohecked and approved by the Dlstrlct. In addltion, the plan checking ree has been posted and a bond in the amount of $12,600.00, sufflclent to lnsure lnstal- latlon of the sanitary sewerage system has been flIed wlth the Dlstrlct and the City Engineer. The sewer connectlon fee and oonstruotlon lnspection deposlt may be pald to the Dlstrlot after recordatlon of the tract, but prior to start ot constructlon of the sanltary sewers. @ , , ' SHG:j stephen H. Goodman Distrlct Manager JUN 5 1951 , t,~ST. .._.....n._..'__ A.i'>.S. .......n...-..-... C.le./t. .n_...d~.n_.... 1: :.. __n...._..........., 1. "..C. ......n_...__...... J.'::':.F. ........n.....-_ n.=i.G. . ..--..-3?;........-:' IU. V.' .--~-.._.... . . .,...,"f. .1'11'-- J ..~ _l,o;. ~~..,f-.~nn__...--... .'- / fo.,-I.J .8. ....-........----------.. ---------------- E,,-::'")8r;;.3:; --------------. F ~c -- .__n___----, .. I .. COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 375 E. Campbell Avenue CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Telephone FRanklin 8-0008 June 4, 1957 Trojan Construotion Company P. O. Box 184 S~nJ~ale, California rea Los RanehitoB Unit No.4 Traot No. 1782 Gentlemen: The sanitary sewer plans for Los Ranchitos Unit No.4, Tract No. 1782, have been checked for approval by the District Engineer. In regard to the proposed sa~itary sewer instellation, the following fees will be due and payable as indicated: 1. Plm1 checking fee, due prior to releaze of approved plans t152.00 2. Construction inspection deposit, due prior to start of construction ~486.00 3. ~~~~~;~~~~~~~f~e~tart $45.00 per~e\JI)/ ~ DLJV $446.40 A bond in the amount of $12,600.00 will be sufficient to insure the installation of the sanitary sewerage'facllities. Very truly yours, I /J d~G~. ~~v SHG:j Stephen i. Goodman District Manager CCI Mark Thomas & Co.v JUN 5 1951 - ...... I , .....w..... -....-............. L~.T. 7_) (:"'1 ...1...60. I /,:, 1\ ,.. _' ....1 :... ...--_._..__.....~...... -......o-" ..................... 1.;.\.. ................- . .... ---_...._..~ r' ..-~..... __.w.......... l~p', V J,C";~' ~I-"'" 7tlS"--- ..,,:.,~ ./.-.'...., '.'.~':--.'.- . ~- - -~.. -- June 3, 1957 ~~.J.S. -.--..................... -...-....---- ...--....-..........-.......... --.....-... .....- Suspense ......-.- File ......._.r:o~ty Sanitation District No. .4 of Santa Clara County 531 E. Campbell Avenue Campbell, California Attention: Mr. Stephen H. Goodman Re: Los Ranchitos Unit No.4 Tract No. 1782 C I) 'I , <!'.-/ Gentlemen: In reply to your letter of May 23, 1957, we enclose herewith our check in the amount of $152.00 to cover the plan checking fee for the subject tract. Very truly yours, TROJAN CONSTRUCTION CO. NMS/ss encl. c c: v'i\ ark Th om as' 0 f f ice. Neil Ai. Stone, Production nanager ~ .- (,] -.,' ~ OFFICES SAN JOSE DIVISION 86 South Third Street San Jose 1+/ California l, J. Brundige, Division Manager In reply please refer to Burlingame 224 California Drive A. l. Imgrund Loc.,1 Manager Gilroy 61 North Eigleberry Street R. O. Mead District Manager Half Moon Bay 655 Miramontes Street J. O. Richards Local Manager May 14, 1957 Los Gatos 65 West Main Street P. J, Straub Local Manager Mr. !H..ark Thomas City Engineer Campbell, California S1;1bject: Tract 1782 Los Rancl1itos Gardens #4 ___~.~._.,_,"___~_:'.:i~~,~g~~#fi~~~~",,-~':iI"""~'Ii.':'''~~~~~Nll~~~ -7 ~,-:L Mountain View 743 Dana Street H. l. Smith Local Manager Redwood City 308 Bradford Street D. Reynard Local Manager Dear Mr. Thomas: San Mateo 87 East Third Avenue K. W. Van Gundy District Manager We have examined the public utility ease- ments as shown on the copy of subject tract presented this date. The easements appear to be adequate and satisfactory for the installation of this Company's electric distribution circuits. San Jose 86 South Third Street A. M. Aiton Uivision Office Manager Very t~ yourSj Santa Cruz 1543 Pacific Avenue F. S. Thomas District Manager Lil'; " '77 ~ :/ "" :.s . / r .' . / 1;./1' ./<;.;)11:./(,+,,-)/1(.. ( _ ../"}'~ 1/ ,,.'" -~,/" ::::>./ L: J. BRUNDIGE D VISION MANAGm Sunnyvale 348 South Murphy Avenue G. R. Gunn Local Manager Watsonville 618 Main Street l. C. Rausch District Manager JRMoran:ij M.E.T. _................ A.P.S. e.A.A. ItA.. ...._...._.......... M,C. ,.................... J .r:.F. ..................... H.D.G. V-................... R.I. VE..7,....:.... ,J.A.R. _.... . '.~J..~ .M.J .S. ... ................. ....... ..".... w....... ... .............."'l..............._.. ' :SuspeUi(j File /' -....................-...-.... IIr . 2' 1957 ",./i. \ 1', ':" ~1 1 . ,,:1 - ~. E ~.~. ~ Y1'~..~'.. J .-" ~~~ . - ~"'-- ,. -. ..--.-.--------- .-..-....-~_.~.- ....._______~....._~w...._ ~-~...-.-_......-..-.-..- -......~,b--:--- ~~~Ji1f~ -.;"....--------- ..... - I PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY COpy ..-.....-..----- ----........ .....-...------- (,'~ ~ A E.:/-.....-:~~" -r---------r- ,) 1~:.1~~' A";~"~~ L.~,~~~~...'~~'~'" ) / ..,. 22, 19S1 Tro3&rJ. ConItNotlO1l ~ 2U O,~,ro1al Street ~, CaUtorn1a ~ It s.. ~ that J1lIU. are to iNtaU ..,. (1) .a1tSp1e tnae ~ trl .,.. 1J'Qbd1'fla1oD ImcMD .. Lee ...b1t.oe 0IaN8raa. Ie. Il, "'-" 17., C.....l1..... and ~.. nn...., .. ctN1paW b7 tba CaIpbeU I4chUDc D1atrle\. ftJe ~. ... to be GGIIIpleW v1tal lQ.1lIa1,.... 8Dd. 1d.I'1Dc "'lped tor ... of 88tftei8D\ ~ te' ."..... of au. ..... .... o1rcAd.t .... ~ 111. . ..... of ."'-utlll _ ...... o1rn1\ .\ &1'1 .l.-Uoa of DO\ 1Qa than twa\7-tlw I.., above arllllD4. Pao1tS.e au .. I1Mtr1e ~ vU1 t..Wl .. ...... ... e1Nu1' to ..u ~ 'II*' .. -W1abt PQ~ t.o w.. ~. of ts3).'7, IN'd''' to be .... prS.ar .. .. ooran:ruo. t.1_ of ~ .,... iIl.,."or 1Ub41't1.s_. fJda ~w.ut. 1a DOt _bj"- to I'et'ed. PuU10 au aD4 I1Mtr1o 1) .J'" wlU ... aid a1Dta1D M14 o1red.\ .... w1U ..... ...w ~ .... ita t:1W elaoV~ ..... U t. .., ...... "f'IGr .., 1a ~ 1\ ., be ."8RJ7 tor u .. N'9lIIe OV Mt18a_ 8Dll ~, ..-,.... bUl, .. it th1a JIlNJ)081fd.on 1a ., ....,W v1tJd.a . 90 .,. perl" l' _ be n......,. tor .. '- l'Itftpn tId.e jGb ... ...-s.\ ........w tlpn 1io ,... %.... WI'T ~, .l. II. .u!ClI DIfII!. ClTIOI N_. JJfIJ* /----- . COI :It. ~ T....., Irwt"... O~ll ~ D1IIWin 821'&&4 . MAY 16 195- i' ,,~ .. I ~r /.t~ = .':. L!. ,J .i..,::. M..J.:~,. ~.J.L. 5"':.";2113C F ~c .- - - '. ~ -.. - ~~ .... __~.__~_.4' ._. ..~,,_ ~--~--_.-~---_._...- --_.-_.-~---~--.-.,- -_._-~._~~......- -~;_.....-- ...... .c)........- ..........,......d - - -.. ..- - - -... .,--~~_. ~ . -. - - . - -....- ..... .4 "., _.___.~_~'_..~.._a...._ .& ;/,- PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ... ............-..- ., JJ 4- { ,~ .p ~ ~~.._..._' 1 ....11:~ ~ o'to IL (L.A-'<.L ,. ,t .I ...!-...n--_f- ~ Z II( ~ Q) ::E .~ o ... U~ ~ ~ u e Z ~ II(~ = c ::J 0 Cf.l ~ Zf,:: - Q) ~ "ai ...:l'"'Q !:: E E-t 0 U ~ E-t - U Mq 14, 19$7 Kt'. Mark Thomu Oit7 Ing1neer Campbell, CalU'orn1a Subjects Tract. 17H2 Los Ranch1toIJ Oerdena 14 Dear Mr. 'l'hOllBIJI We haft exa1ned \he pu.bllc utll1V 88n- .uta .. ehown on the cop:( of lJubjeot tract pruent.ed thla date. The 88Mll1erlV appev to be adequ.te and lJat1al'aotory tor the 1netallat1on ot thie Compe.y '. electI"ic dletr1bution ci.r'cui tII.. 'V'1 ~ TOUI'IJ, ~~{ ~. ~d~~ /If{~ :,/ # J -~u:6~ 7 "-....- 0/ C<./J -< /' ~!1/ ~ 1;7{ ~} ;I O. ,., ..,"," ('c~/- c<;:/' l L.~ l.A'~ L<~ v , -G/) fI.~3;?, 91 ~".. ..t2.c;"~'./ 'cuM-zt ~>i..7" ';"..t- /Z;~~ </' / ~ ;;,~~) .cf v ..,.~) L- ~/ I j .. ~<,~r COpy .""'-:' to U) (I') to 0 to ;; ~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ m=~t~~ a: t&I t&I :J 0 en Il. a: C) u D. a:: >- D. l&J 111 Z t&I U >- 0::: ... uJ ~ o i ~ Id 3: c .. o , . V) ~~ .~ UJ ..:~< ~3: ul/)z~,<~ - I- 0( D. ti >- 0 ~ ~~~Z~~ o ... 3:::E;( ei '" I iBui~~~ U) r-- 0) ;:: Z (\J r-- - U'I - :> '" '" '" ,. I/) I- o _ ., '" u WZ~~~O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ g ., I- Z < 0 3: z ~ Z It) oJ C ~;:~g:~ lAY 1 71951 "'''~T .1..{.L~-~;. . ......~_.._..---~--~--- -...I iJ:A r:.,J-.. 1_111 U _" (/!!.";;1:.2- - C"^-.,\. ..............--...--.- T_H.E--uPACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY p_,r s. L "-. to ~. ..-----..---------- .'- ....--.........----- J- -; ------- ---------......- 1-..-' ,..., j.... . -.......---.~:..-._. COpy FOR MARK THCl1AS CO. ~~,.'_ ~'. z>~~:::--" 1',__ -, __._._____________40... ----------------...- .--------------- f'cl=~;3:'i2e --------------- :F~ie __..___n__---:- San Joe.e, }i:ay 10, 1957 City 01" Campbell Planning Commission 15 N. Central Avenue Camplell, California Jentlement '0)$ public utility easements as shown on the final copies 01' the map for iraet No. 1782, Los nanchitos ulll'dens, Unit No.4, and dat,ed April, 1957, balfe been eUf"iined by this office. The ease-- menta appear to be adequate and satisfactory to this company. VerJ truly yours, ~ /-1 w ~~-t~ Diet,. C(mst. &: i::ngr. .;)upt.. Room 220 . 190 N. i'iI'th st. San Jose, Oalif om..