Central-Harrison - 1981-1986 CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Planning September 23,1986 Mr. Donald V. Baptist Fuqua & Baptist Management Suite 201 150 East Campbell Avenue Campbell, CA, 95008 Company SUBJECT: Interim Zoning District - Downtown Campbell 116, 122, & 130 Central Ave. 400 Grant Street 125 Harrison Ave. Dear Mr. Baptist: This office is in receipt of your letter of September 19, 1986, in you asked for support from the Planning Department in your request the City Council remove the referenced properties from the Interim District prior to any extension of the ordinance. which that Zoning Please be advised that the initial Interim Zoning Ordinance was in effect for a 45 day period which ended on September 19, 1986. In order to keep an interim zone in effect for the downtown area, the City Council took action at its meeting of September 16,1986 to extend the effect of the Interim Zone for an additional 10 months and 15 days. This time period is specified in the California Government Code. The area covered by the extension of the Interim Zone is identical to the area covered_by the original ordinance, therefore your properties are covered by this extension. Since the City Council has already taken action to extend the ordinance, I would suggest that you consider sending a letter to the City Council requesting that the ordinance be amended to exclude your properties. Should you have any further questions regarding this matter please feel free to give me a call. Very truly yours, ARTHUR A. KEE Planning Dire 4f4~ ./ ," PH~YJ. FFORD Principal anner f:B:DONBAPTIST ì .. /ð FUQUA If BAPTIST MANAGEMENT COMPANY SUITE 201 150 EAST CAMPBELL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 374-9800 HAND DELIVERED September 19, 1986 Mr. Arthur Kee, Planning Director City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: Downtown Building Moratorium Property: 116,122 & 130 Central 400 Grant & 125 Harrison Dear Mr. Kee: The purpose of this letter is to ask your department for assistance in asking the City Council to remove the above referenced properties from the Downtown Moratorium district, if the moratorium is extended beyond the current 45 day period. We believe this request is justified for two reasons. First, we are currently a planned development zone, giving your department full authority to control our development, and second, as this parcel is clearly within City Hall Complex, its development issues are related to the overall City Complex rather than downtown. It is our hope that you would point out to City Council that we are not outsiders, that we have developed other projects in the City and have always fully cooperated with all City departments, without exception, and based on this history, could be removed from this control district and be assured of our full continued cooperation as developers. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you require any additional information or would like to meet to discuss this further, please let me know. ~ ~~~~\Ylœ ~ SEP 1 91986 Donald V. Bap ist General Partner CAMPBELL OFFICE PLAZA CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT DVB/sm ( CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Planning August 7, 1986 Mr. Stan Cirata Fuqua & Baptist Management Co. 150 East Campbell Ave., Ste. 201 Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Weeds in public right-of-way 116,122,130 Central Ave.; 400 Grant; 125 Harrison Dear Mr. Cirata: It has been brought to the attention of the Planning Department that the public right-of-way along the frontage of the above referenced properties is in need of maintenance. There are weeds growing in the public right-of-way that have become hazardous and/or unsightly. The Planning Department is requesting your assistance in removing these weeds, and in maintaining these properties free from weeds in the public right-of-way until they are developed. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, ARTHUR A. KEE PLANNING DIRECTOR ~I:::Z~ PLANNER II f" . /lj ,-'- , .-. ~,--,,","" ---" '- --""'~"'."'-""'.'-"~.;'-"-" d" ...-.------,.-, ----'0:":"- --- " ------ - ,-------- ' 1/~!7 ., r,~...,f\_~_. ""'~-"~ ..-.- - - - -.-..,- ,. , ... ,-..-- '--'-""--"" ' ~.~_11 t!~~1 ,..~.~':'..~-~ ~ ,_. ---..-.,----.-. = -'--' ,.- ~: .fð"?~(~.v!?:..~^,,--~~--!1: ,~~..~__î~~.~._.._-.- -"-' .,,-.. .. . -......- --. '._, .. ..... -, . -. ,-, -','" -- .. ..,.--..,.. _.,...,'- -..,--,.,----..-...- ..-, Co_~~ "-~.:~_._. ?l~...._.~Y-_~~~.. I ~~~\1~ _...._~.J5__'=L~~~~ .~t::_~'?__...~::~-~--_.., "'".. --_..,...,~~.s -~:._Þfr':' é;N.,.rL( '- ~~, , ~~ t ~~,., ~ 6~vC.ø ._-~~~~~~~, ~!~,.. ~ ~- ~ - J~-~~- Y T!_~~ .. t:.F ~ ~_..~~~ ~-J -ot-E ~t¿-ø-...) '~ r ~ (1 ~ (22 tv. ~ 1 ~ ~. ~~ \ l \ f\)~ ~7~ (Þ-7 ~. .~~ø~ CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANDUM To: From: Subject: Historic Preservation Board Members Date: March 28,1985 Tim Haley Planner II Correspondence to the Civic Improvement Commission ---------------------------------------------------------- At its Board meeting of March 27,1985, the Board requested Staff to provide a copy of the correspondence sent to the Civic Improvement Commission as requested by the Board at its meeting of February 26, 1985. This information is enclosed. If you have any questions regarding this information or if you wish Staff to send further communications, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Department. 1j r ('try ------ . ------- - - -..-..------.- ì (J F e i\ [\11 .. III: L L 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: PI arming ~.1arch 1, 1985 Barbara Conant Olairperson Civic Improvement Commission 701 Sweetbriar Dr. Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Barbara: At its meeting of February 27,1985, the Historic Preservation Board requested its Chairman to meet with you regarding a number of items discussed at its meeting. A summary of these items is listed below: 1. A request of Mr. Stan Cirata of Fuqua & Baptist Management Co. to allow the demolition of resi- dential buildings located on properties known as 122 & 130 N. Central Ave. and 111 & 125 N. Harrison. 2. A discussion regarding the status of an application by the Alice Avenue Neighborhood residents for designation of their street as an historic district. 3. A discussion regarding the Historic Preservation Board's participation in the Civic Improvement Com- mission's "Historic ~'1arker Program." Mr. ~Ii11er has requested Staff to contact you so that a convenient time for such a meeting may be arranged. It would be appreciated if you could contact me at 866-2140 so that a date and time could be arranged to discuss these items, or you may wish to contact Herman ~tiller directly at 866-7696 (H) or (415) 851-1000 (0). Sincerely, ~_//)??lj-"lf;1 , TIM J'. HALP('/ PLANNER I I TJH: Ij \ @) \ MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To, Civic Improvement Commission Date: March 1, 1985 From: Historic Preservation Board Subject: 122 & 130 N. Central Ave. 111 & 125 N. Harrison Ave. ---------------------------------------------------------- At its meeting of February 27, 1985, the Historic Preservation Board continued the consideration of teh request of Mr. Stan Cirata to allow the demolition of the residential buildings located on the subject properties. The Board continued this request so that the Civic Improvement Commission could be informed regarding the possible removal of these structures. The Staff Comment Sheet reviewing this request is attached for the Commission's information. The Board would appreciate any comments or recommendations from the Civic Improvement Commission for its review of this request at its meeting of March 27, 1985. TJH:1j ----'.----- ì i ( CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Planning March 28,1985 Mr. Stan Cirata Fuqua & Baptist Management Co. 150 E. Campbell Ave., Ste. 201 Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. Cirata: Please be advised that at its meeting of ~~rch 27, 1985, the Historic Preservation Board granted your request to allow the demolition of residential structures located on the following properties: 1. 2. 3. 4. 116 N. Central Ave. 122 N. Central Ave. 111 N. Harrison Ave. 125 N. Harrison Ave. This recommendation was made subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of a demolition permit, applicant shall provide Campbell Historic ~~eum with photo- graphic documentation of these buildings as pre- scribed by the ~~eum Coordinator. 2. Applicant to obtain demolition permits from the Building Department. If you have any questions regarding this approval, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Department. Sincerely, ARTHUR A. KEE PlANNING DIRECTOR J. nz.- f)~¿ £y TIM J. HALEY (J l' PLANNER I I TJH: Ij cc: Campbell Building Dept. ~~~~~ HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY CW C:Ar,¡Pf:I':LL, Cl\T.IFO¡n:I ¡'I 5: on PI1 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS IiI ¡m'T r:;:; \',!ED!,¡ESD¡\ Y ¡,¡l\HCH 27, 1 ')8 ') The f!istoric Preservation Aoard of the City of CaDpbell convened this day in regular s('ssion in the City Jlilll Council Chamhers, 70 N. Fir'òt St., Campbell, California. ROLL CALL Present Boardrnembers: Chivers, Burns, He hard , Gough, Miller (5:10 prn). Staff: Tim Haley, Peggy Coats, Linda Dennis Guests: Mr. Stan Cirata, Fuqua ~ Baptist Associates; Mr. and Mrs. Th('odore Cutting. Absent None, l\PPROVAL OF !HNUTES 1.1/S: Chivers, Burns - That the minutes of the Historic Preservation Board meeting of February 27, 1985 he approved as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. NE\'J BUSINESS Mr. Haley noted that the scheduled field trip to the Heritage Village site has been cancelled due to the weather. The Architect has indicated to Staff that when a sample oortion of thG building has been painted, 11(' ,viII contact the Board. Mr. Chivers noted that he was under the impression that the agreement was that the fieri tage Village Revie,,] CornITli ttee "JOuld decide on the colors for the buildings. Mr. Haley indicated that the developer intends to given the Co~nittee an example of the color scheme; modifications could be made if the colors are unacceptable. * * * OLD BUSINESS Continued historic review of buildinqs on properties: 122 & 130 N. Central Ave. III & 125 N. Harrison Ave. Mr. lIaley reviewed the Staff Report for thesp structures, and indicated -")- that a memo has bf?en recf?ive(J from the C1vic J.mrrovemc~nt CoIllI<1ission, and is attached to the report. Chairman r.1iller stated that apparently the Civic Improvc'ment Commission feels that these structurf?S should be rreserved. J\1r. Theodore Cutting hrif'fly explainRcJ the background of the structurres which he owns, and the condition of the structures, noting that he is not in a financial position to rehabilitate the structures. Mrs. Cutting further explained that in 1973-79 they received an estimation of $100,000 to rehabilitate the structures. Mr. Stan Cirato, Fuqua & Baptist, commented that it is his firm's intention to utilize the current zoning on the property which would allow an office building. Discussion ensued regarding the historic preservation ordinance, the authority of the Board, and demolition policies. Mr. Chivers stated that people are beginning to realize that Mr. Cutting was an outstanding artist, and some people feel that his house should be saved. Homes in this block are typical of that era in Campbell. !!e> indicated that he would have difficulty approving demolition of these structures when he knows there potential. J\1r. Cutting indicated that most of his father's painting was done in the field, not at home. Mrs. Coats noted that it is obvious that these structures are in a dilapidated state, and perhaps the other property owners are also unable to afford rehabilitation. Mr. IIebard pointed out that the 30-day time period in which the Board may forestall demolition has passed. The historic survey ratings and the memo from the Civic Ir~provemC'nt comrnission should be brought to the attention of the Building Department and the Planninq Commission at such time as they consider the matter. 1-1/5: Gouqh, Burns - That thE" Historic Preservation Board recommend to the Building Department that a request for demolition be approved subject to conditions of approval as indicated in the Staff Comment Sheet: 1. Prior to issuance of a demolition permit, applicant shall provide Campbell Historic Museum with photographic documentation of subject buildings as prescribed by the Museum Coordinator. . ' - 3- 2. Applicant to secur~ demolition permit from the nui ldinq D"partment. Motion carried 4-1-0, with Mr. Chivers voting "no". * * * ANNOUNCEr.1ENTS 1'1rs. Coats announced that th" Civic Improvernp.nt Commission has been awarded the Award of Excellence for their work in ronovotinq the fire station into a museum. AD.TOURNr,1ENT 11/S: Chivers, Gough - That the Historic Preservation Board meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. APPROVED: Herman ~1i11er Chairman ATTEST: Tim oJ. Haley Planner II RECORDED: Linda Dennis Recording Secretary f: fl/dsk ITEM NO.1 STAFF Cor'1I,1ENT SHEET - HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 27, 1985 Continued historic review of buildings on properties: 122 and 130 N. Central Avenue 111 and 125 N. Harrison Avenue STAFF RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Historic Preservation Board review the historic significance of the properties discussed below and the response received from the Civic Improvement Com~ission; and 2. If the Board finds that these properties do no warrant designation as historic landmarks, that the Board grant the applicant's request to allow demolition of these structures, subject to the conditions of approval. STAFF DISCUSSION At its previous meeting of February 27, 1985 the Historic Preservation Board continued the consideration of this matter so that the Civic Improvement Commission could be informed regarding this request. The Commission considered this matter at their meeting of March 14, 1985. A memorandum from the Commission and the previous Staff Comment Sheet are attached for the Board's review. * * * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Prior to issuance of a demolition permit, applicant shall provide Campbell Historic Museum with photographic documentation of subject buildings as prescribed by the Museum Coordinator. 2. Applicant to secure demolition permit from the Building Department. MEMORANDUM @ CITY OF CAMPBEll To HISTORICAL PRESERVATION BOARD Date: MARCH 21, 1985 From' CIVIC IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION Subject: REFERRAL - 122 and 130 N. Central Avenue; 111 and 125 N. Harrison Avenue _.- - -- -.' -- - --------- --- -- ------- - - --- ----- - - - - - - - - - --- At their meeting of March 14, 1985, the Civic Improvement Commission took unanimous action opposing demolition of the subject residential buildings. Although these structures may have no major architectural significance, they are representative of early Campbell, and have considerable historical significance due to prior ownership and the contributions which these individuals have made to the campbell community. /jr ITEM NO.2 STAFF COMMENT SHEET - HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD - FEBRUARY 27, 1985 Review of historic significance: 122 N. Central Ave. 130 N. Central Ave. 111 N. Harrison Ave. 125 N. Harrison Ave. STAFF RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Historic Preservation Board review the historic significance of the properties discussed below; and 2. If the Board finds that these properties do not warrant designation as historic landmarks, that the Board grant the applicant's request to demolish these structures, subject to the attached conditions. STAFF DISCUSSION The Planning Department has received the attached letter which requests that the Historic Preservation Board review the historic significance of the following properties: 1. 122 N. Central Ave. - Survey Rating: 66.5 2. 130 N. Central Ave. "Chauncey Whitman" house - Survey Rating: 69.5 3. 111 N. Harrison Ave. - Survey Rating: 68.5 4. 125 N. Harrison Ave. "Frank & Clara Cutting" house - Survey Rating: 79 The historical survey sheets of these properties are attached for the Board's review. The Historic Preservation Board, at its meeting of June 23, 1981, held a public hearing for historic designation of properties 2, 3, and 4, as listed above. Based upon the information presented at that hearing, the Board adopted Resolution Nos. 7, 8, and 9 recommending denial of the requested landmark designation due to insufficient information to warrant designation as an historic landmark. The minutes of that meeting are attached. Staff is recommending that the Board review this information and grant the applicant's request for demolition permits if it finds such action appropriate. * * * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Prior to issuance of a demolition permit, applicant shall provide Campbell Historic Museum with photographic documentation of subject buildings as prescribed by the Museum Coordinator. 2. Applicant to secure demolition permit from the Building Department. HISTORIC PRESERVAT~ -2- 3RUARY 27, 1985 122 N. Central Ave. 130 N. Central Ave. 111 N. Harrison Ave. 125 N. Harrison Ave. Mr. Chivers noted that these properties involve all the structures from the library parking lot to the corner of Grant Street. The structures are typical of turn of the century homes in Campbell, and two of the homes are in fairly good condition. Historically this area has been residential, and when the City Hall was built a lot of beautiful homes were torn down. ~~. Chivers continued that his opinion is that Campbell is over saturated with office space, and short of residential properties. Regardless of the historic value, he noted he is against kicking people out of homes and converting the properties to offices. Additionally, Mr. Chivers felt that Mr. Cutting (Cutting House - 125 N. Harrison) would someday be a famous artist; and, that this house could be fixed up. He stated that he would vote against demolition of this house. ~~. Burns noted that these structures were under consideration in 1981 and a request for landmark designation was denied without prejudice at that time, with the Board finding that there was insufficient information to warrant designation. Mr. Chivers felt that one reason the Historic Preservation Board was formed was because some people felt there were too many of these old houses being torn down. We have allowed many houses to be torn down individually, but this is the first case which involved several houses at once. Mr. Chivers felt that the structures could be saved, and that the purpose of the Board would be lost if it allowed these homes to be torn down. Mr. Gough stated that he valued the opinion of the people who made the surveys. Additionally, he felt that the Board would not be doing it's job if it rubber-stamped demolition of the City's. older structures. Chairman Miller stated he would like to see this item continued in order that the structures might be looked at further. Mr. Hebard felt that these structures should be reconsidered. There may be something that can be done to save these houses. He discussed the procedures for landmark designation. Mr. Stan Cirato, representing Fuqua & Baptist Associates, reviewed the request, noting that because of the cost of the properties it is not economical to develop condominiums. Mr. Cutting's son wanted to attend this meeting, however, it was felt that it would not be necessary. Mr. Cutting's son does not wish to be responsible for the condition of the property. The chance of the current owners restoring the structures is very unlikely because of the costs. Mr. Hebard asked if the applicant would be willing to discuss this situation with the Civic Improvement Commission. Mr. Cirato indicated that he would be willing. Historic Preservation Board -3- February 27, 1985 M/S: Hebard, Chivers - That this item be continued for thirty days. Motion carried unanimously. The Board directed that communications be sent to the Civic Improvement Commission and the City Council regarding this evening's discussion; and, that Chairman Miller meet with the Civic Improvement Commission. * * * . . ./ ; FUQUA If BAPTIST MANAGEMENT COMPANY SUITE 201 150 EAST CAMPBELL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 374-9800 ~ ~E~ ~~~ì~5œ fDJ February 12, 1985 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT Mr. Herman Miller, Chair:roan CAMPBELL HISTORIC PRESERVATION %Mr. Tim Haley City of Campbell 700 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 BOAED Re: Demolition of Exi.sting Residences Dear Mr. Miller: Focus Investment Company, subsidiary of Fuqua & Baptist Management Company, has recently' entered into purchas.e con- tracts for the following properti.es;: I} 21 116, 122, 130 Central Avenue 400 Grant 3} 125 Harrison I understand that all but on~ of theae houses is on the Board's list. We would like to demolish all of the referenced houses to allow for development of an office building. Would you please place this item on the agenda of your next meeting, February 27, 1985. Thank you for your consideration. SC:ac fI4 CY15- 5100 . - '! ( .. . , \ . " \ " HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF CAMPBELL 9:30 A.M. MINUTES JUNE 23. 1981 This Historic Preservation Board of the City of Campbell met in the Manager's Conference Room in the City Hall, 75 North Central.Avenue, Campbell, California. ROLL CALL Present Boardmembers: Blaine, Burns, Kern, Chairman Hebard. Staff: Philip J. Stafford, Principal Planner Tim Haley, Planner I Dennis Wardell, Museum Resources Coordinator Linda Dennis, Secretary None Guests: Absent: Boardmember Overhouse. APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 12, 1981 The minutes of the meeting of May 12,1981 were unanimously approved as submitted. PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued public hearing to consider the application of the Civic Improvement Commission for designation of the residential structure located at 111 N. Harrison Avenue as an historic landmark. HPL 81-03 125 N. Harrison Continued public hearing to consider the application of the Civic Improvement Commission for designation of the residential structure at 125 N. Harrison Avenue as an historic landmark. Continued pubiic hearing to consider the - application of the Civic Improvement Commission for designation of the residential structure located at 130 N. Central Avenue as an historic landmark. HPL 81-04 ;30 N. Central Mr. Stafford reviewed the applications for the Board, stating that these items had, been continued from the May 12,1981 meeting in order that the property owners be contacted by Staff regaFding program incentives. ' Mr. Wardell indicated he had mailed each property owner information; however, Mr. Colla (130 N. Central) was the only property owner who had responded. Mr. Colla telephoned Mr. Wardell to say that after reviewing the information, he was not interested in pursuing the designation. / " -2- \ , Chairman Hebard felt that the Board should follow up with Mr. Herschner (111 N. Harrison) and Mr. Cutting (125 N. Harrison) regarding their feelings as to the designation. adding that it was preferable to have the property owners behind the Board's recommendation. He asked that Mr. Wardell plead with the Civic Improvement Commission to follow up on their applications. Mr. Haley noted that the issue at hand was whether the structure is historically significant, not whether the property owners want the designation or not. Chairman Hebard stated that it was not the function of the ordinance to impose designation over the desires of the property owners. He felt that he could not support applications from other than property owners, or having the support of property owners. unless the property is of such significance that it strongly warrants designation (such as the grammar school). Boardmember Blaine noted, in reference to 130 N. Central (Whitman House). that the building was not significant but the persons connected with the home were significant in Campbell's history. He relayed that Chauncey Whitman was very influential in Campbell's school system, as well as owning the hardware store. Boardmember Burns felt that Whitman was a very important member of the community, however there are things to remember Whitman by other than the house at 130 N. Central. Chairman Hebard stated he would like to see the Board continue the items on 111 N. Harrison and 125 N. Harrison in order that another attempt be made to get the property owners involved in the designation process. It was moved by Boardmember Blaine, and seconded by Boardmember Kern, that the public hearings be closed. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO.7 It was moved by Boardmember Kern, and seconded by Boardmember Blaine, that the application of the Civic Improvement Commission for historic landmark designation for property known as 111 N. Harrison Avenue be denied without prejudice, with the Board finding that there is insufficient information to warrant historic landmark designation. (HPL 81-02). Motion adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Boardmembers: Blaine, Burns, Kern, Hebard Boardmembers: None Boardmembers: Overhouse RESOLUTION NO.8 It was moved by Boardmember Kern, and seconded by Boardmember Blaine, that the application of the Civic Improvement Commission for historic landmark designation for property known as 125 N. Harrison Avenue be denied without prejudice, with the Board finding that there insufficient information to warrant historic -3- \ landmark designation. (HPL 81-03) Motion adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Boardmembers: Blaine, Burns, Kern, Hebard NOES: Bòardmembers: None ABSENT: Boàrdmembers: Overhouse RESOLUTION NO.9 It was moved by Boardmember Kern, and seconded by Boardmember Blaine, that the application of the Civic Improvement Commission for historic landmark designation for property known as 130 N. Central Avenue (HPL 81-04) be denied without prejudice, with the Board finding that there is insufficient information to warrant historic landmark designation. Motion adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Boardmember: Blaine, Burns, Kern, Hebard NOES: Boardmember: None ABSENT: Boardmember: Overhouse ADJOURNMENT It was motioned by Boardmember Kern, and seconded by Boardmember Blaine, that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. APPROVED: 'Don Heba rei Chairman ATTEST: Phi1i~ J. Stafford Princlpal Planner RECORDED: Linda Dennis Recording Secretary '. RESOLUTION NO.7 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA After notification and public hearing as specified by law on the application of the Civic Improvement Commission for a landmark designation to be applied to the residence located on property known as 111 N. Harrison Avenue, as per the application filed in the Planning Department on April 13,1981, and after presenta- tion by the Planning Staff, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed (HPL 81-02). After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Historic Preservation Board did find as follows: 1. There is insufficient information to warrant a recommendation for historic landmark designation at this time. Based on the above finding, the Historic Preservation Board does hereby recommend that the application of the Civic Improvement Commission for historic landmark designation for property known as 111 N. Harrison Avenue be denied without prejudice. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of June, 1981 by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: Boardmembers: Blaine, Burns, Kern, Hebard Boardmembers: None ABSENT: Boardmembers: Overhouse APPROVED: Don Hebard Chaiman ATTEST: Phillip J. Stafford Principal Planner RESOLUTION NO.8 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA After notification and public hearing as specified by law on the application of the Civic Improvement Commission for a landmark designation to be applied to the residence located on property known as 125 N. Harrison Avenue, as per the application filed in the Planning Department on April 13,1981, and after presenta- tion by the Planning Staff, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed (HPL 81-03). After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Historic Preservation Board did find as follows: 1. There is insufficient information to warrant a recommendation for historic landmark designation at this time. Based on the above finding, the Historic Preservation Board does hereby recommend that the application of the Civic Improvement Commission for historic landmark designation for property known as 125 N. Harrison Avenue be denied without prejudice. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of June, 1981 by the following ro 11 ca 11 vo te : AYES: Boardmembers: Bl aine, Bums, Kern, Hebard NOES: Boardmembers: None ABSENT: Boardmembers: Overhouse APPROVED: Don Hebard Chairman ATTEST: Phillip J. Stafford Principal Planner RESOLUTION NO.9 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA After notification and public hearing as specified by law on the application of the Civic Improvement Commission for a landmark designation to be applied to the residence located on property known as 130 N. Central Avenue, as per the application filed in the Planning Department on April 13, 1981, and after presentation by the Planning Staff, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed (HPL 81-04). After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Historic Preservation Board did find as follows: 1. There is insufficient infonnation to warrant a recommendation for historic landmark designation at this time. Based on the above finding, the Historic Preservation Board does hereby recommend that the application of the Civic Improvement Commission for historic landmark designation for property known as 130 N. Central Avenue be denied without prejudice. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of June, 1981 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Boardmembers: Blaine, Burns, Kern, Hebard NOES: Boardmembers: None ABSENT: Boardmembers: Overhouse APPROVED: Don Hebard Chainnan ATTEST: Phillip J. Stafford Principal Planner HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD APRIL 14, 1981 MISCELLANEOUS 270 N. Central Avenue Review of historic significance. 207 N. Central Avenue Continued consideration of historic significance. 111 N. 125 N. 1 30 N. ., 116 N. "';o~lIif.g'.' ' "~Jj""" ,J;; .,! ,; '-'-"~." Harrison Avenue Harri son Avenue Central Avenue entra 1 Avenue ",",',',',',',I,""T,~." ',~'.'",",',.","" . .,1ií,;i~"-~!j~ Continued consideration of historic significance. Mr. Haley noted that Staff has received applications from the Civic Improvement Commission for the following addresses: 207 N. Central Avenue, 130 N. Central Avenue, 111 & 125 N. Harrison Avenue. The Board directed Staff to set May 12,1981, as the date for public hearing to consider the four sites. It was noted that no action has been taken as yet regarding 116 & 122 N. Central Avenue by the Civic Improvement Commission. It was noted that there will be no meeting on the regular meeting date of April 28, 1981. STUDY CO~'MITTEE The Board appointed Boardmembers Blaine and Kern to the newly formed Study Committee. ADJOURNMENT It was moved by Boardmember Blaine, and seconded by Boardmember Kern, that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 10:33 a.m. APPROVED: Don Hebard, Chairman ATTEST: Philip J. Stafford, Principal Planner RECORDED: Linda Dennis, Recording Secretary IT Et,1 NO.2 STAFF COt1t.1ENT SHEET - HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD t1EETING OF FEBRUARY 24, 1981 111 N. Harri son 125 N. Harrison 116 N. Central 122 N. Central 130 N. Central Continued consideration of the historic siqni- ficance for properties known as 111 & 125 N. Harrison Avenue, and 116, 122 & 130 N. Central Avenue. STAFF RECOMMENDATION 1. That the Board review the historic siqnificance of the referenced properties. STAFF DISCUSSION This item was continued at the Board's previous meetinq of January 27,1981 so that the Civic Improvement Commission could comment on the historic significance of the structures. At their meeting of February 12,1981 the Civic Improvement Commission determined that the referenced properties are of historical significance due to their location in a Central Campbell neighborhood; however, the Commission did not initiate an application for designation of a historic landmark. The Commission further recommended that decisions reqardinq these properties be deferred until a study is completed of possible historic district designations for Central Campbell neighborhoods. Item No.3 STAFF COMMENT SHEET - HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF FEBRUARY 24,1981 Staff Report Review of Historic Resource Inventory List. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the Board review the attached Master List of the Historic Survey and consider removal of the sites which were unanimously given a grade of "C" by the Historical Advisors. STAFF DISCUSSION At past meetings of the Board, some interest was expressed in reviewing the historic survey and removing those sites from the survey which were not historically significant. After discussing this matter with the Chairman, Staff has prepared a copy of the survey in which those sites given a grade of "C" by the Historical Advisors have been deleted. This amended list is attached. If the Board decides to adopt this revised list as being the list of historic sites, then Staff would recommend adoption of a resolution to that effect. CITY OF CAMPBEll MEMORANDUM To, Historic Preservation Board Date: FebrUarY~. ~~ ~3~1~iŒ @ From~~ Civic Improvement Commission SubJect: HISTORIC PRESERVATION REFERRALS/HISTORIC SURVEY CITY OF" CAMPBELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT -.- - -- _.. -- --------------------- - ------------ --- --- - --- At their meeting of February 12,1981, the Civic Improvement Commission unanimously determined that all homes on Harrison and North Central Avenues which are currently being considered by the Historic Preservation Board, are of historical significance due to their location in the central Campbell neighborhood. The Commission has directed that a study be undertaken, regarding the feasibility of designating the central Campbell neighborhood as an historic district, and a review of the financial incentives available to landowners should this approach be taken. It is therefore the Commission's recommendation, that all decisions regarding these locations be deferred until this study can be completed, and until a common understanding of the criteria for landmark designation has been reached. The Commission also discussed the need to review the Historic Survey; however, it is requested that no amendm~nts be made to this survey, until both the Civic Improvement Commission and Historic Preservation Board have had the opportunity to evaluate the properties in question. TLA:ajr ., . ITßM NO.4 STAFF COMMENT SHEET - HISTORIC PRESERVATIO'¡ BOARD OF JANUARY 27, 1981 111 N. Harrison 125 N. Harrison 116 N. Central 122 N. Central 130 N. Central 115 Dot Ave. Consideration of the following properties for historical significance: 111 & 125 N. Harrison Avenue; 116, 122, & 130 N. Central Avenue; 115 Dot Ave. STAFF RECOMMENDATION That the Board continue this item to its meeting of February 24,1981 so that comments from the Civic Improvement Commission may be considered. STAFF DISCUSSION The Planning Department has received two requests that the referenced properties be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Board. The attached memorandum, dated January 19,1981 was referred to the Civic Improvement Commission and should be considered by the Commission at their meeting of February 9,1981 to allow sufficient time to review these properties, staff is recommending a continuance to the next scheduled Board meeting. The Board should note that the structure located at 115 Dot Avenue was considered by the Board on January 20,1981 by way of a phone survey. The result of that survey is attached on the memo dated January 20,1981. ITEM NO.4 CITY OF CAMPBE U MEMORANDUM 1" Civic Improvement Commission Date January 19. 1981 Fro", Planning Staff SubJect .CONSIDERATION OF HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE ----------------------------------- -----_. The Planning Department has received a request that the following properties on the Historic Survey List be reviewed by the appropriate Commissions or Boards. 111 N. Harrison Street 125 N. Harri son Street 116 N. Cent ra 1 Avenue 122 N. Central Avenue 130 N. Central Avenue 115 Dot Avenue The historic resources inventory sheets are attached for the Commission's ; n forma t i 0 n . It would be appreciated if the Civic Improvement Commission would forward any comments related to the possible historic significance of these structures to the Historic Preservation Board. T JH: jw Attach.