CC Ordinance 2182`. ORDINANCE NO. 2182 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL APPROVING A CITY INITIATED ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT (PLN2014-165) INVOLVING REVISIONS TO THE CITY'S REQUIREMENTS FOR EMERGENCY SHELTERS, TRANSITIONAL HOUSING AND SUPPORTIVE HOUSING IN CONFORMANCE WITH SENATE BILL 2 (LOCAL PLANNING APPROVAL FOR EMERGENCY SHELTERS AND TRANSITIONAL AND SUPPORTIVE HOUSING); MANUFACTURED HOUSING; SINGLE ROOM OCCUPANCY FACILITIES; AND UPDATES TO DEFINITIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY'S 2009-2014 HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN; AMENDING CHAPTER 21.08 (RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS), SECTION 21.10.080 (M-1) LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICT, AND SECTION 21.72.020 (DEFINITIONS); ADDING SECTION 21.36.085 AND DELETING SECTION 21.36.230; OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE. After notification and public hearing, as specified by law and after presentation by the Community Development Director, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: Chapter 21.08 of the.Campbell Municipal Code is amended to read as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto (additions are indicated by underlines and deletions are indicated by strike4#reugkrtype in areas where vertical lines are provided on the left side margin lines); SECTION TWO: Section 21.10.080 of the Campbell Municipal Code is amended to read as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto (additions are indicated by underlines and deletions are indicated by ~'-'~°~ :ate-t-ypc in areas where vertical lines are provided on the left-side margin lines); SECTION THREE: Section 21.36.085 of the Campbell Municipal Code is added to read as set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto; SECTION FOUR: Section 21.36.230 is deleted from the Campbell Municipal Code; and SECTION FIVE: Section 21.72.020 of the Campbell Municipal Code is amended to read as set forth in Exhibit D attached hereto (additions are indicated by underlines and deletions are indicated by °'~~~°'y; a in areas where vertical lines are provided on the left side margin lines). SECTION SIX: This Ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days following its passage and adoption and shall be published in accordance with applicable law. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of October , 2014, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Baker, Low, xotowski, Cristina, Waterman ' NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: None APPROVED: R and M. Waterman, Mayor ATTEST: Anne Bybee, City Clerk DRAFT TEXT AMENDMENT EXHIBIT A _ Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Sections: 21.08.010 Purpose of chapter-Applicability. 21.08.020 Residential district general requirements. 21.08.030 R-1 (Single-family) zoning district. 21.08.040 R-D (Two-family) zoning district. 21.08.050 R-M (Multiple-family) zoning district. 21.08.060 R-2 (Multiple-family) zoning district. 21.08.070 R-3 (Multiple-family) zoning district. 21.08.010 Purpose ofchapter-Applicability. A. Residential zoning districts. This chapter provides regulations applicable to development and new land uses in the residential zoning districts established by Section 21.04.020 (Zoning Districts Established). The purpose of this chapter is to achieve the following: 1. Preserve and enhance the predominately low density, high quality residential character of the city, while providing a variety of housing opportunities and residential land use options to accommodate existing and future residents; 2. Strive to attract quality development, while providing opportunities for neighborhood interaction; 3. Ensure that existing residential neighborhoods, and any remaining vacant lands, are developed in a manner that preserves and enhances neighborhood character, establishes neighborhood identity, and provides a consistent land use pattern; 4. Ensure compatibility of residential development, which is generally determined by prevailing density, parcel configuration and size, and structure design; scale, and type; 5. Ensure adequate air, light, privacy, and open space for each dwelling; 6. Minimize traffic congestion and avoid the overloading of public services and utilities; and 7. Facilitate the provision of public improvements commensurate with anticipated increase in population, dwelling unit densities, and service requirements. (Ord. 2043 § 1(part), 2004). 21.08.020 Residential district general requirements. A. Zoning clearance. A zoning clearance is a ministerial permit that the community development director uses to verify that a proposed structure or land use activity complies with the list of activities allowed in the applicable zoning district, the development standards applicable to,each type of use, and any conditions of approval of permits previously issued for the subject site. Before commencing any work pertaining to the alteration, construction, conversion, erection, moving, or reconstruction of any structure, or any addition to any structure, a building permit shall be obtained from the building Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 1 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS division and a zoning clearance from the community development department by an owner or owner's agent. B. Site and architectural review required. All construction activities (e.g., additions, alterations, construction, reconstruction, or remodeling) shall receive site and architectural review approval in compliance with Chaoter 21.42 (Site and Architectural Review). (Ord. 2043 § 1(part), 2004). 21.08.030R-1 (Single-family) zoning district. A. Purpose of R-1 (Single-family) zoning district. 1. The R-1 zoning district is intended to stabilize and protect the residential characteristics of the district and to encourage a suitable environment for domestic home life. 2. The R-1 zoning district is intended to provide for detached single-family homes on larger parcels (ranging from 6,000 to 16,000 square foot parcels). The R-1 zoning district is consistent with the low density residential land use designation of the General Plan. 3. .The San Tomas area neighborhood plan land use policies are incorporated herein by reference. The San Tomas area neighborhood plan policies shall only apply to properties within the ,boundaries of the San Tomas area. The map outlining the boundaries of the San Tomas area is maintained at the community development department. In the case of conflict between the San Tomas area neighborhood plan policies and other requirements contained in this chapter, the policies of the San Tomas area neighborhood plan shall prevail. B. Permitted uses in R-1 (Single-family) zoning district. The following uses are permitted with a zoning clearance in compliance with Chapter 21.40 (Zoning Clearances): 1. Accessory structures; 2. Family child day care homes, small; 3. Garagelyard sales, private; 4. Groundwater recharge facilities; 5. Hobby car restoration; 6. Home occupations; 7. Manufactured housing Isubiect to architectural reauirements within the parameters of State Law) 8Z. Parks, public; 98. Residential care homes, small; 109. Residential service facilities, small; 119. Satellite television or personal Internet broadband dishes/antenna (less than three feet in diameter); 124. Schools - K-12, public; 132. Secondary dwelling units; 143. Single-family dwellings. 15. Supportive housing. Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 2 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 16. Transitional housing. C. Uses allowed with conditional use permit in R-1 (Single-family) zoning district. The following uses are permitted with a conditional use permit in compliance with Chapter 21.46 (Conditional Use Permits): 1. Family child day care homes, large; 2. Government offices and facilities (local, state, or federal); 3. Public utility structures and service facilities; 4. Residential care homes, large; 5. Residential recreational facilities, private; 6. Satellite television or personal Internet broadband dishes/antenna (greater than three feet in diameter); 7. Schools - K-12, private; 8. Tennis courts, private; 9. Wireless telecommunications facilities. D. Prohibited uses in R-1 (Single-family) zoning district. The following uses are prohibited: 1. Commercial and industrial uses (except those allowed by a home occupation permit); 2. Storage of commercial vehicles; 3. Storage of supplies and materials for commercial or industrial purposes; 4. Storage of supplies, materials, lumber, metal and junk exceeding an area of one hundred square feet, except when such are being used for construction on the property with a valid building permit; 5. Any use which is obnoxious or offensive or creates a nuisance to the occupants or visitors of adjacent buildings or premises by reason of the emissions of dust, fumes, glare, heat, liquids, noise, odor, smoke, steam, vibrations, or similar disturbances; 6. Any use inconsistent with state or federal law. E. General development standards for uses in R-1 (Single-family) zoning district. New land uses and structures, and alterations to eicisting land uses and structures, shall be designated, constructed, and/or established in compliance with the requirements in Table 2-2 (Minimum Parcel Sizes for Newly Created Parcels in the R-1 Zoning District) and in Table 2-3 (General Development Standards - R-1 Zoning District), in addition to the general development standards (e.g., landscaping, parking and loading, etc.) in Article 3 (Development and Operational Standards). Table 2-2 Minimum Parcel Sizes for Newly Created Parcels in the R-1 Zoning District Zoning Map Symbol Minimum Parcel Area: Square Feet/Net Acre Minimum Lot Width: Feet R-1-6 6,000 60 R-1-8 8,000 70 Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 3 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS R-1-9 9,000 70 R-1-10 10,000 80 R-1-16 16,000 80 Table 23 General Development Standards - R-1 Zoning District Development Feature R-1 Minimum public 25 feet/16 feet for flag lots frontage Maximum allowable See Table 2-1 density Private open space 750 square feet per dwelling unit. The area shall be in addition to the required required front setback between the structure and any street property line. The recreational area may be occupied by facilities-such as a swimming pool, playground equipment, and a patio, porch, or deck provided it is open on at least two sides and not covered by a roof or canopy. No dimension of an area to be counted as open space shall be less than 10 ft. Setbacks required Front 20 ft. Side (each) A minimum of five feet orone-half the height of the building wall adjacent to the side property line (whichever is greater). The planning commission may allow a minimum side setback of five feet for structures proposed for a second story addition, when it finds: a. The side setback would not be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort or general welfare of persons in the neighborhood, or the city as a whole; and Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 4 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS b. The side setback would not unreasonably interfere with the ability of adjoining property owners to enjoy access to air, privacy, sunlight, and the quiet enjoyment of the owner's property. Street side i 12 ft. Rear A minimum of five feet orone-half the height of the building wall adjacent to the side property line (whichever is greater). Vehicular access 25 feet to any public right-of-way. Maximum floor area 0.45 ratio The planning commission may approve an F.A.R. of up to 0.50 with approval of a site and architectural review permit when it makes both of the following findings: a.. The perceived scale and mass of the home is compatible with the adjacent homes and the homes in the surrounding area. b. The home minimizes the use of design features that make it appear significantly larger than the adjacent homes and the homes in the surrounding area. Maximum lot 40% coverage Main structure 35 ft./2 %= stories maximum height Distance between The distance equal to building wall height of the taller of the two structures. non-accessory structures on the 1 same lot ~ACCessory structures See Section 21.36.020 (Accessory structures) Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 5 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Fences, walls, lattice and screens See Section 21.18.060 (Fences, walls, lattice and screens) Motor vehicle parking See Chapter 21.28 (Parking and Loading) F. Design guidelines. In its review of development projects, the decision-making body shall take into consideration the single-family residential design guidelines that have been adopted by the city. (Ord. 2108 § 1(part), 2008; Ord. 2070 § 1 (Exh. A)(part), 2006; Ord. 2043 § 1(part), 2004). 21.08.040R-D (Two-family) zoning district. A. Purpose of R-D (Two-family) zoning district. The R-D zoning district identifies areas appropriate to provide a variety of dwelling types. The allowable maximum density range is six to thirteen dwelling units per gross acre. The R-D zoning district is intended to provide for single-family and two-family dwelling units on parcels ranging from six thousand square feet for single-family dwelling units and seven thousand square feet for two-family dwelling units. The R-D zoning district is consistent with the low-medium density residential land use designation of the General Plan. B. Permitted uses in R-D (Two-family) zoning district. The following uses are permitted with a zoning clearance in compliance with Chapter 21.40, (Zoning Clearances): 1. Accessory structures; 2. Duplexes; 3. Family child day care homes, small; 4. Garage/yard sales, private; 5. Groundwater recharge facilities; 6. Hobby car restoration; 7. Home occupations; 8. Parks, public; 9. Residential care homes, small; 10. Residential service facilities, small; 11. Satellite television or personal Internet broadband dishes/antenna (less than three feet in diameter); 12. Schools - K-12, public; 13. Single-family dwellings. 14. Supportive housing. 15. Transitional housing. C. Uses allowed with conditional use permit in R-D (Two-family) zoning district. The following uses are permitted with a conditional use permit in compliance with Chapter 21.46, (Conditional Use Permits): Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 6 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 1. ConvalescenUrest homes; 2. Family child day care homes, large; 3. Government offices and facilities (local, state, or federal); 4. Monastery, convent, parsonage, or nunnery; 5. Public utility structures and service facilities; 6. Residential care homes, large; 7. Residential recreational facilities, private; 8. Residential service facilities, large; 9. Rooming and Boarding houses; 10. Satellite television or personal Internet broadband dishes/antenna (greater than three feet in diameter); 11. Schools - K-12, private; .. 12. Tennis courts, private; d3-Tcansitienal-healing; 14. Wireless telecommunications facilities. ~ D. Prohibited uses in R-D (Two-family) zoning district. The following uses are prohibited: 1. Commercial and industrial uses (except those allowed by a home occupation permit); 2. Storage of commercial vehicles; 3. Storage of supplies and materials for commercial or industrial purposes; 4. Storage of supplies, materials, lumber, metal and junk exceeding an area of one hundred square feet, except when such are being used for construction on the property with a valid building permit; 5. Any use which is obnoxious or offensive or creates a nuisance to the occupants or visitors of adjacent buildings or premises by reason of the emissions of dust, fumes, glare, heat, liquids, noise, odor, smoke, steam, vibrations, or similar disturbances; 6. Any use inconsistent with state or federal law. E. General development standards for uses in R-D (Two-family) zoning district. New land uses and structures, and alterations to existing land uses and structures, shall be designated, constructed, and/or established in compliance with the requirements in Table 2-4 (General Development Standards - R-D Zoning District), in addition to the general development standards (e.g., landscaping, parking and loading, etc.) in Article 3, (Development and Operational Standards). Table 2-4 General Development Standards - R-D Zoning District Development Feature R-D Minimum parcel size 6,000 square feet for asingle-family dwelling. Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 7 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 7,000 square feet for atwo-family dwelling. Minimum parcel 60 ft. width Minimum public 25 ft./15 ft. for flag lots frontage Maximum allowable 6 to 13 d.u./gross acre density Open space required 750 square feet per dwelling unit. The area shall be in addition to the required for two-family front setback between the structure and any street property line. The dwelling units recreational area may be occupied by facilities such as a swimming pool, playground equipment, and a, patio, porch, or deck provided it is open on at least two sides and not covered by a roof or canopy. No dimension of an area to be counted as open space shall be less than 10 ft. Setbacks required Front 20 ft. Side (each) A minimum of five feet orone-half the height of the building wall adjacent fo the side property line (whichever is greater). Street side 12 ft. Rear A minimum of five feet orone-half the height of the building wall adjacent to the side property line (whichever is greater). Vehicular access 25 feet to any public right-of-way. Maximum floor area 0.45 ratio Maximum lot 40% coverage Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 8 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ~ Main structure 35 ft./2 %: stories maximum height Distance between The distance equal to building wall height of the taller of the two structures. anon-accessory structures on the same lot Accessory structures See Section 21.36.020 (Accessory structures) i Fences, walls, lattice See Section 21.18.060 (Fences, walls, lattice and screens) and screens i I .. - -- _ __..__ ~ Motorvehicle parking~ i __-__ __ See Chapter 21.28(Parking and Loading) (Ord. 2108 § 1(part), 2008; Ord. 2070 § 1 (Exh. A)(part), 2006; Ord. 2043 § 1(part), 2004), 21.O8.OSOR-M (Multiple-family) zoning district. A. Purpose of R-M (Multiple-family) zoning district. The R-M zoning district identifies areas appropriate to provide a variety of dwelling types. The allowable maximum density range is six to thirteen dwelling units per gross acre. The R-M zoning district is intended to provide for single-family, two- family, and multiple-family dwelling units on parcels ranging from six thousand square feet for single- family, seven thousand square feet for two-family, and nine thousand square feet for three-family dwelling units. The R-M zoning district is consistent with the low-medium density residential land use designation of the General Plan. ` B. Permitted uses in R-M (Multiple-family) zoning district. The following uses are permitted with a zoning clearance in compliance with Chapter 21.40, (Zoning Clearances): 1. Accessory structures; 2. Apartments; 3. Duplexes; , 4. Family child day care homes, small; 5. Garage/yard sales, private; 6. Groundwater recharge facilities; 7. Home occupations; 8. Parks, public; ' 9. Residential care homes, small; Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances ~ Page 9 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 10. Residential service facilities, small; 11. Satellite television or personal internet broadband dishes/antenna (less than three feet in diameter); 12. Schools - K-12, public; ~13. Single-family dwellings. 14. Supportive housing. , 15. Transitional housing. C. Uses allowed with conditional use permit in R-M (Multiple-family) zoning district. The following uses are permitted with a conditional use permit in compliance with Chapter 21.46, (Conditional Use Permits): 1. Bed and breakfast inns; 2. Community/cultural/recreational center; 3. ConvalescenUrest homes; 4. Emergency shelters; 5. Family child day care homes, large; 6. Government offices and facilities (local, state, or federal); 7. Monastery, convent, parsonage, or nunnery; 8. Public utility structures and service facilities; 9. Residential care homes, large; 10. Residential recreational facilities, private; 11. Residential service facilities, large; 12. Rooming and Boarding houses; 13. Satellite television or personal internet broadband dishes/antenna (greater than three feet in diameter); 14. Schools - K-12, private; 15. Tennis courts, private; • asiag; 17. Wireless telecommunications facilities. D. Prohibited uses in R-M (Multiple-family) zoning district. The following uses are prohibited: 1. Commercial and industrial uses (except those allowed by a home occupation permit); 1, 2. Storage of commercial vehicles; 3. Storage of supplies and materials for commercial or industrial purposes; 4. Storage of supplies, materials, lumber, metal and junk exceeding an area of one hundred square feet, except when such are being used for construction on the property with a valid building permit; , Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 10 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 5. Any use which is obnoxious or offensive or creates a nuisance to the occupants or visitors of adjacent buildings or premises by reason of the emissions of dust, fumes, glare, heat, liquids, noise, odor,_smoke, steam, vibrations, or similar disturbances; 6. Any use inconsistent with state or federal law. E. General development standards for uses in R-M (Multiple-family) zoning district. New land uses and structures, and alterations to existing land uses and structures, shall be designated, constructed, and/or established in compliance with the requirements in Table 2-5 (General Development Standards - R-M Zoning District), in addition to the general development standards (e.g., landscaping, parking and loading, etc.) in Article 3, (Development and Operational Standards). Table 2-5 General Development Standards - R-M Zoning District Development Feature R-M Minimum parcel size 6,000 square feet for asingle-family dwelling. 7,000 square feet for atwo-family dwelling. I 9,000 square feet for athree-family dwelling. Parcels having an area greater than 9,000 square feet may be developed at a ratio of one dwelling unit for each 3,000 square feet of parcel area. Minimum parcel 60 ft. width Minimum public 25 ft./15 ft. for flag lots frontage Maximum allowable 6 to 13 d.u./gross acre density Open space required An area of not less than 300 square feet for each dwelling unit for recreational jforrnultiple-family purposes (if not a townhouse or condominium). Iidwelling units i When serving multiple-family dwelling units, the area may be private or common. The area shall be in addition to the required front setback between the structure and any street property line. It shall be specifically designed for I recreational use, whether active or passive, and shall not be occupied by Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 11 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS driveways, parking spaces, or walkways between structures. When serving multiple-family dwelling units, a recreation area may be provided for each dwelling unit, or all the required space may be combined in one area. A rooftop recreation space may be counted as a part of the required space; provided, it is at least 300 square feet in area. The area may be occupied by recreational facilities (e.g., deck, patio, playground equipment, porch, or swimming pool); provided, they are open on at least two sides and not covered by a roof or canopy. When the recreation area is 500 square feet or more in size, a recreation structure may be built on not more than 25 percent of the area. No dimension of an area to be counted as open space shall be less than 10 ft. Setbacks required i Front ~ 20ft. Side (each) A minimum of five feet orone-half the height of the building wall adjacent to the side property line (whichever is greater). Street side 12 ft. Rear A minimum of five feet orone-half the height of the building wall adjacent to the side property line (whichever is greater). Vehicular access 25 feet to any public right-of-way. Maximum floor area 0.50 ratio Maximum lot 40% coverage Main structure 35 ft./2 % stories maximum height Distance between The distance equal to building wall height of the taller of the two structures. non-accessory structures on the Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 12 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS same lot Accessory structures See Section 21.36.020 (Accessory structures) Fences, walls, lattice, and screens See Section 21.18.060 (Fences, walls, lattice and screens) Landscaping See Section 21.26.020 (Landscaping requirements for individual zoning districts) Motor vehicle parking See Chapter 21.28 (Parking and Loading) (Ord. 2108 § 1(part), 2008; Ord. 2070 § 1 (Exh. A)(pert), 2006; Ord. 2043 § 1(part), 2004). 21.08.060R-2 (Multiple-family) zoning district. A. Purpose of R-2 (Multiple-family) zoning district. The R-2 zoning district identifies areas appropriate to provide a variety of dwelling types. The allowable maximum density range is fourteen to twenty dwelling units per gross acre. The R-2 zoning district is intended to provide for single-family, two- family, and multiple-family dwelling units on parcels ranging from six thousand square feet for single- family, seven thousand square feet for two-family, and eight thousand square feet for three- and four-family dwelling units. The R-2 zoning district is consistent with the medium density residential land use designation of the General Plan. B. Permitted uses in R-2 (Multiple-family) zoning district. The following uses are permitted with a zoning clearance in compliance with Chapter 21.40, (Zoning Clearances): 1. Accessory structures; 2. Apartments; 3. Duplexes;. 4. Family child day care homes, small; 5. Garage/yard sales, private; 6. Groundwater recharge facilities; 7. .Home occupations; 8. Parks, public; 9. Residential care homes, small; 10. Residential service facilities, small; 11. Satellite television or personal Internet broadband disheslantenna (less than tliree feet in diameter); 12. Schools - K-12, public; Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 13 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS 13. Single-family dwellings. 14. Supportive housing. 15. Transitional housing. C. Uses allowed with conditional use permit in R-2 (Multiple-family) zoning district. The following uses are permitted with a conditional use permit in compliance with Chapter 21.46, (Conditional Use Permits): 1. Bed and breakfast inns; 2. ConvalescenUrest homes; 3. Emergency shelters; 4. Family child day care homes, large; 5. Government offices and facilities (local, state, or federal); 6. Monastery, convent, parsonage, or nunnery; 7. Public utility structures and service facilities; 8. Residential care homes, large; 9. Residential recreational facilities, private; 10. Residential service facilities, large; 11. Rooming and Boarding houses; 12. Satellite television or personal Internet broadband dishes/antenna (greater than three feet in diameter); 13. Schools - K-12, private; 14. Tennis courts, private; 15 -T ransitiena~beusinQ; 16. Wireless telecommunications facilities. D. Prohibited uses in R-2 (Multiple-family) zoning district. The following uses are prohibited: 1. Commercial and industrial uses (except those allowed by a home occupation permit); 2. Storage of commercial vehicles; 3. Storage of supplies and materials for commercial or industrial purposes; 4. Storage of supplies, materials, lumber, metal and junk exceeding an area of one hundred square feet, except when such are being used for construction on the. property with a valid building permit; 5. Any use which is obnoxious or offensive or creates a nuisance to the occupants or visitors of adjacent buildings or premises by reason of the emissions of dust, fumes, glare, heat, liquids, noise, odor, smoke, steam, vibrations, or similar disturbances; 6. Any use inconsistent with state or federal law. E. General development standards for uses in R-2 (Multiple-family) zoning district. New land uses and structures, and alterations to existing land uses and structures, shall be designated, constructed, and/or established in compliance with the requirements in Table 2-6 (General Development Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 14 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Standards - R-2 Zoning District), in, addition to the general development standards (e.g., landscaping, parking and loading, etc.) in Article 3, (Development and Operational Standards). Table 2-6 General Development Standards - R-2 Zoning District Development Feature R-2 Minimum parcel size 6,000 square feet for asingle-family dwelling. ~ 7 000 square feet for atwo-family dwelling. 8,000 square feet for athree- or four-family dwelling. Parcels having an area greater than 8,000 square feet may be developed at a ratio of four dwelling units for the first 8,000 square feet, and 2,200 square feet for each additional unit. Minimum parcel 60 ft. width Minimum public 25 ft./15 ft. for flag lots frontage Maximum allowable density 14to 20 d.u./gross acre Open space required An area of not less than 300 square feet for each dwelling unit for recreational for multiple-family purposes (if not a townhouse or condominium). dwelling units ~ When serving multiple-family dwelling units, the area may be private or common. The area shall be in addition to the required front setback between the structure and any street property line. It shall be specifically designed for recreational use, whether active or passive, and shall not be occupied by driveways, parking spaces, or walkways between structures. When serving multiple-family dwelling units, a recreation area may be provided for each dwelling unit, or all the required space maybe combined in one area. A rooftop recreation space may be counted as a part of the required space; provided, it is at least 300 square feet in area. The area may be occupied by Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 15 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS recreational facilities (e g deck, patio, playground equipment, porch, or swimming pool); provided,.they are open on at least two sides and not covered by a roof or canopy. When the recreation area is 500 square feet or more in size, a recreation structure may be built on not more than 25 percent of the area. No dimension of an area to be counted as open space shall be less than 10 ft. Setbacks required Front 20 ft. Side (each) A minimum of five feet or one-half the height of the building wall adjacent to the side property line (whichever is greater). Street side 12 ft. Rear A minimum of five feet orone-half the height of the building wall adjacent to the side property line (whichever is greater). Vehicular access 25 feet to any public right-of-way. Maximum floor area 0.55 ratio Maximum lot 40% coverage Main structure 35 ft./2 % stories maximum height Distance between The distance equal to building wall height of the taller of the two structures. non-accessory structures on the same lot Accessory structures See Section 21.36.020 (Accessory structures) Fences, walls, lattice See Section 21.18.060 (Fences, walls, lattice and screens) Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 16 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS and screens I Landscaping See Section 21.26.020 (Landscaping requirements for individual zoning districts) Motor vehicle parking See Chapter 21.28 (Parking and Loading) (Ord. 2108 § 1(pa~rt), 2008; Ord. 2070 § 1 (Exh. A)(part), 2006; Ord. 2043 § 1(part) 2004). 21.08.070R-3 (Multiple-family) zoning district. A. Purpose of R-3 (Multiple-family) zoning district. The R-3 zoning district identifies areas appropriate to provide a variety of dwelling types at a controlled high density at readily accessible locations that are convenient to community facilities. The allowable maximum density range is twenty-one to twenty- seven dwelling units per gross acre. The R-3 zoning district is intended to provide for single-family, two-family, and multiple-family dwelling units on parcels ranging from six thousand square feet for single-family, seven thousand square feet for two-family, and eight thousand square feet for three- and four-family dwelling units. The R-3 zoning district is consistent with the high density residential land use designation of the General Plan. B. Permitted uses in R-3 (Multiple-family) zoning district. The following uses are permitted with a zoning clearance in compliance with Chapter 21.40 (Zoning Clearances): 1. Accessory structures; 2. Apartments, 3. Duplexes; 4. Family child day care homes, small; 5. Garage/yard sales, private; 6. Groundwater recharge facilities; 7. Home occupations; ' 8. Libraries, public; 9. Parks, public; 10. Residential care homes, small; 11. Residential service facilities, small; 12. Satellite television or personal Internet broadband dishes/antenna (less than three feet in diameter); 13. Schools - K-12, Public; 14. Single-family dwellings. 15. Supportive housing. 16. Transitional housing. Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 17 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS C. Uses allowed with conditional use permit in R-3 (Multiple-family) zoning district. The following uses are permitted with a conditional use permit in compliance with Chaoter 21.46 (Conditional Use Permits): 1. Assisted living facilities; 2. Bed and breakfast inns; 3. Commercial child day care center; 4. ConvalescenUrest homes; 5. Emergency shelters; 6. Family child day care homes, large; 7. Government offices and facilities (local, state, or federal); 8. Mobile home parks, homes must be less than one story in height; 9. Monastery, convent,,parsonage, or nunnery; 10. Public utility structures and service facilities; 11. Residential care homes, large; 12. Residential recreational facilities, private; 13. Residential service facilities, large; 14. Rooming and Boarding houses; 15. Satellite television or personal Internet broadband dishes/antenna (greater than three feet in diameter);, 16. Schools - K-12, private; . 17. Single Room Occupancy facilities 18z. Tennis courts, private; 198. , 4920. Wireless telecommunications facilities. D. Prohibited uses in R-3 (Multiple-family) zoning district. The following uses are prohibited: 1. Commercial and industrial uses (except those allowed by a home occupation permit); 2. Storage of commercial vehicles; 3. Storage of supplies and materials for commercial or industrial purposes; 4. Storage of supplies, materials, lumber, metal and junk exceeding an area of one hundred square feet, except when such are being used for construction on the property with a valid building permit; 5. Any use which is obnoxious or offensive or creates a nuisance to the occupants or visitors of adjacent buildings or premises by reason of the emissions of dust, fumes, glare, heat, liquids, noise, odor, smoke, steam, vibrations, or similar disturbances; 6. Any use inconsistent with state or federal law. E. General development standards for uses in R-3 (Multiple-family) zoning district. New land uses and structures, and alterations to existing land uses and structures, shall be designated, constructed, and/or established in compliance with the requirements in Table 2-7 (General Development Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 18 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Standards - R-3 Zoning District), in addition to the general develbpment standards (e.g., landscaping, parking and loading, etc.) in Article 3 (Development and Operational Standards). TABLE 2-7 GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - R-3 ZONING DISTRICT Development Feature R-3 Minimum parcel size 6,000 square feet for asingle-family dwelling. ~ 1 _._ - ---_ _ _ __.---- -- . - ---- 7,000 square feet for atwo-family dwelling. 8,000 square feet for athree- or four-family dwelling. Parcels having an area greater than 8,000 square feet may be developed at a ratio of four dwelling units for the firsf8,000 square feet, and 1,600 square feet I for each additional unit. Minimum parcel 60 ft. width ~ Minimum public 25 ft./15 ft. for flag lots frontage Maximum allowable 21 to 27 d.u./gross acre ~ density Open space required An area of not less than 300 square feet for each dwelling unit for recreational for multiple-family purposes (if not a townhouse or condominium). dwelling units. When serving multiple-family dwelling units, the area may be private or common. The area shall be in addition to the required front setback between the structure and any street property line. It shall be specifically designed for recreational use, whether active or passive, and shall not be occupied by driveways, parking spaces, or walkways between structures. When serving multiple-family dwelling units, a recreation area may be provided for each dwelling unit, or all the required space may be combined in one area. A rooftop recreation space may be counted as a part of the required space; provided, it is at least 300 square feet in area. The area may be occupied by Campbell, Califorriia, Code of Ordinances Page 19 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS recreational facilities (e.g., deck, patio, playground equipment, porch, or swimming pool); provided, they are open on at least two sides and not covered by a roof or canopy. When the recreation area is 500 square feet or more in size, a recreation structure may be built on not more than 25 percent of the area. No dimension of an area to be counted as open space shall be less than 10 ft. Setbacks required Front 20 ft. Side (each) A minimum of five feet orone-half the height of the building wall adjacent to' the side property line (whichever is greater). Street side 12 ft. Rear A minimum of five feet orone-half the height of the building wall adjacent to the side property line (whichever is greater). Vehicull ar access ~ 5 feet to any public right-of-way. Maximum floor area 0.55 ratio Maximum lot 40% coverage Main structure 40 ft./3 stories maximum height Distance between The distance equal to building wall height of the taller of the two structures. non-accessory structures on the same lot I ' Accessory structures See Section 21.36.020 (Accessory structures) Fences, walls, lattice See Section 21.18.060 (Fences, walls, lattice and screens) Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 20 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 2 -ZONING DISTRICTS Chapter 21.08 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS and screens Landscaping ' See Section 21 26.020 (Landscaping requirements for individual zoning districts) ---- Motor vehicle parking See Chapter 21.28.(Parking and Loading) ~- (Ord. 2108 § 1(part), 2008; Ord. 2D70 § 1 (Exh. A)(part), 2006; Ord. 2043 § 1(part), 2004). i Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 21 EXHIBIT B 21.10.080 M-1 (Light Industrial) zoning district. A Purpose of M-1 (Light Industrial) zoning district. The M-1 zoning district is designed to encourage sound industrial development (e.g., light manufacturing, industrial processing, storage and distribution, warehousing), in addition to service commercial uses (e.g., motor vehicle repair facilities) in the city by providing and protecting an environment exclusively for this type of development, subject to regulations identified in this Zoning Code which are necessary to ensure the protection of nearby residential uses from hazards, noises, or other related disturbances. Industries producing substantial amounts of hazardous waste, odor, or other pollutants would be prohibited. Businesses serving commercial uses (e.g., food service or office supply) would generally be allowed as ancillary uses, subject to appropriate development and design standards and guidelines. The M-1 zoning district is consistent with the light industrial land use designation of the General Plan: B. Permitted uses in M-1 (Light Industrial) zoning district. The following uses are permitted with a zoning clearance in compliance with Chapter 21.=10 (Zoning Clearances): 1. Ambulance service. 2. Artisan products; small-scale assembly. 3. Blueprinting shops. ~ . 4. Business support service. 5. Clothing products manufacturing. . 6.. Electronics and equipment manufacturing. 7. Gmcrgencv shelters, only in that portion of thcM-1 zone bounded generally by Camden ,avenue, Los Gatos Creek Countv Park, Hacienda Avenue and Winchester Boulevard. A~. Food and beverage product manufacturing. 98. Furniture/cabinet shops. 109. Glass products manufacturing.. 11N..Handicraft industries: small-scale assembly. 12~. Laboratories. . 13~. 1-13. 154. 16a Laundries/dry cleaning plants. Light rail lines. Light rail passenger terminals. Lumber and wood products, including incidental mill work. 17(x. Machinery manufacturing. IBS. Metal products fabrication. 1)8. Offices, professional. 2041. Paper products manufacturing. 210. Pharmaceutical manufacturing. 22-F. Plastics and rubber products. 2~3. Printing and publishing. 23~. Repair and maintenance,,consumer products. '. 254. Research and development. 25G. Rug and upholstery cleaning. 27Fi. Satellite television or personal Internet broadband dishes/antenna (less than 3 feet in diameter). 2R~. Sign manufacturing. 298. Sign shops. 2!130. Textile products manufacturing. 31 A. Trucking/freight terminals. 32-h. Warehousing, wholesaling and distribution facility, incidental. 32~. Warehousing, wholesaling and distribution Facility, primary. ~ 343. Wireless telecommunications facilities-stealth (requires approval of a site and architectural review Permit): 354. Sexually oriented business in compliance with Chapter x.55 and section 21.36.205 of this Code. C. Uses allowed with conditional use permit in M-1 (Light Industrial) zoning district. The following uses are permitted with a conditional use permit in compliance with Chapter 2 L46 (Conditional Use Permits): 1. Ancillary retail uses serving industrial uses. 2. Alternative fuels and rechargingfacilities. 3. Broadcast and recording studios. 4. Building material stores/yards. 5. Caretaker/employee housing. 6. Cat and dog day care facilities. 7. Cat and dog grooming facilities. 8. .Cat Boarding facilities. 9. Catering business. 10. Chemical products. 1 I . Construction equipment rentals. 12. Contractor's equipment yards. 13. Conversion, industrial converted from residence. 14. Dog Boarding facilities. 15. Emergency shelters, except as permitted in that portion of the M-] zone described in Section 21.10.080(B)(7). 16. Government offices and facilities (local, State or federal). 17. Health/fitness centers. 18. Late night activities. 19. Marine sales (new and used), with/without service facilities. 20. Motor vehicle leaning, washing, and detailing. 21. Motor vehicle~lismantling. 22. Motor vehicle-leasing. 23. Motor vehicle-oil change facilities. 24. Motor vehicle-painting. 25: Motor vehicle-renting. EXHIBIT C Title 21-ZONING _ ARTICLE 3. -DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONAL STANDARDS Chapter 21.36 PROVISIONS APPLYING TO SPECIAL USES 21.36.085 Emergencv Shelters. A. _ Purpose.This section provides provisions for the establishment and operation of emergency shelters. B. Locational Criteria. Emergencv shelters shall be a Permitted Use in that portion of the M- 1 (Light Industrial) Zoning District located west of Highway 17. Emergencv shelters require approval of a conditional use permit in the M-1 ILight Industrial) Zoning District District, and the C-2 (General Commercial) Zoning District. C. Development Standards: The shelter shall conform to all development standards of the zoning district. D. Operational Standards: 1. Maximum number of beds. The maximum number of beds shall be limited to the number of homeless persons in the City of Campbell based upon the most current homeless count for the Citv of Campbell at the time a request is made for the establishment of a homeless shelter. The current homeless count shall be based upon the current Santa Clara County Homeless Census and Survey. 2. On-site parking. The shelter shall provide for one (11 parking space for each three 131 beds. 3. Waiting and intake area. The exterior andlor interior client waiting and intake area from the public right-of-way. 4._ Length of stay. Residents may stay for thirty (30) days. Extensions up to a total of one hundred eighty (180) days may be provided by the on-site manager if no alternative housing is available. 5._ Lighting. The shelter shall have adequate outdoor lighting for security purposes. 6. Management and Operation Plan. A Management and Operation Plan shall be submitted by the operator of the emergency shelter for review and approval by the Director of Community Development and Chief of Police prior to establishment of the use. The plan shall be approved if it sets forth the following: a. The plan specifies that the shelter shall provide 24-hour, professional on-site management; ` b. The plan sets forth management experience of all staff; a procedure for responsiveness to neighborhood issues; transportation services that are provided; client supervision policies; client services provided• and food services provided; c. The plan includes a floor plan that demonstrates compliance with the physical standards of this section; Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 7 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 3. -DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONAL STANDARDS Chapter 21.36 PROVISIONS APPLYING TO SPECIAL USES d. The plan sets forth a security plan that shall be. provided as part of the Management and Operation Plan. On-site security patrol and security devices including security cameras, shall be provided at all times. The location type and number of security devices shall allow for clear visibility of all exterior and interior portions of the emeraencv shelter. e. The plan sets forth the maximum number of beds and persons to be served by the emeraencv shelter, the number of parking spaces to be provided the size and location of the waiting and intake area, the length of stay of residents the lighting plan, and the security measures and plan, and the policies governing the management and operation of the emeraencv shelter, in compliance with the provisions of this section. ~ ' f. The operator of the emeraencv shelter shall submit an annual statement on or before each anniversary of the approval of occupancy of the shelter demonstrating that the facility is operating in compliance with the approved management plan, or shall submit an updated management plan for review and approval by the Director of Community Development and Chief of Police in accordance with this subsection that reflects any changes from the approved ~, - version. EXHIBIT D 21.72.020Definitions of specialized terms and phrases. The following "land use" definitions are in alphabetical order. A. DEFINITIONS, "A." "Accessory structure" means a detached, subordinate building whose use is clearly incidental to that of the main structure and which does not contain sleeping quarters, a kitchen or storage for commercial motor vehicles in excess of athree-quarter-ton size. Accessory structures shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.020. "Adult day care facilities" means facilities of any capacity that provide programs for frail elderly and developmentally disabled and/or mentally disabled adults in a day care setting. The establishments shall be licensed by the State of California Department of Social Services. "Alley" means a passageway that affords a secondary means of access to abutting property and not intended for general traffic circulation. "Alteration, structural" means any change in either the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams and girders, or in the dimensions or configurations of the roof or exterior walls. "Alternative fuels and recharging facilities" means a commercial facility offering motor vehicle fuels not customarily offered by commercial refueling stations (e.g., LPG) as well as equipment to recharge electric. powered vehicles. "Ambulance service" means a commercial facility where ambulances are stored, and from which ambulances and emergency personnel are dispatched to emergencies. "Ancillary retail uses serving industrial uses" means the retail sales of various products within an industrial area for the purpose of serving the employees and businesses. "Apartment" means a single structure or complex of multiple structures incorporating-five or more living units that are independent of each other with each one having a kitchen and direct Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Pagel Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS access to the outside or to a common hall. Does not include "Rooming and Boarding Houses", "Townhouse", "Condominiums", "Duplex", "Triplex", or "Fourplex'". "Arcades" means establishments providing three or more arcade machines within an indoor amusement and entertainment facility. Two or less arcade machines are not considered a land use separate from the primary use of the site. This land use does not include arcade games or other activities located within private entertainment facilities. "Artisan products, small-scale assembly" means commercial establishments manufacturing and/or assembling small products primarily by hand, including jewelry, ceramics, quilts, and other small glass and metal arts and crafts products. Assembly Use. (See "Public assembly use"). "Assisted living facilities" means a special combination of housing, supportive services, personalized assistance, and health care designed to respond to the individual needs of those who need help with activities of daily living. A facility with a central or private kitchen, dining, recreational, and other facilities, with separate bedrooms and/or living quarters, where the emphasis of the facility remains residential. The facilities shall be licensed by the State of California Department of Social Services. "Automated teller machines (ATM's)" means apedestrian-oriented machine used by bank and financial service patrons for conducting transactions including deposits, withdrawals, and fund transfers, without contact with financial institution personnel. The machines may be located at or within banks, or in other locations, in compliance with this Zoning Code. B. DEFINITIONS, "B." "Banks and financial services" means financial institutions including: 1. Banks and trust companies; 2. Credit agencies; 3. Holding (but not primarily operating) companies; 4. Lending and thrift institutions; 5. Other investment companies; 6. Securities/commodity contract brokers and dealers; 7. Security and commodity exchanges; 8. ~ Vehicle finance (equity) leasing agencies. See also "Automated teller machine." Does not include "Check cashing." "Banquet facilities" means a facility or hall available for lease by private parties and engaged in providing single event-based food services (e.g., graduation parties, wedding receptions, business or retirement luncheons, trade shows, etc.) The facility may have equipment and vehicles to transport meals and snacks to events and/or prepare food at an off-premise site. Banquet halls with catering staff are included in this industry. Does not include restaurants ("Restaurants"). "Basement" means a space in a structure that is partly or wholly below grade and where the vertical distance from grade to a finished floor directly above such space is less than or equal to two feet. If the finished floor directly above the space is more than two feet above grade at any point, such space shall be considered a story, and the entire space shall be included in the calculation of gross floor area. As used in this definition, the term "grade" shall mean finished grade adjacent to the exterior walls of the structure. Light wells and exterior stairwells for basements shall meet any required setbacks. Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 2 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS Star) C '~- Ceiling ir- Top of F.kror Baseent '. r ~,• . Figure 6-1 Basement '. Graund . '~' efevo!lor, When the vertical distance ("A") is less than or equal to 2 feet from grade to the finished floor directly above, then the space described by "A" and "B" combined is considered a basement. "Bed and breakfast inn" means a residential structure with one family in permanent residence with up to five bedrooms rented for overnight lodging, where meals may be provided. A bed and breakfast room with more than five guest rooms is considered a hotel or motel. Does not included room rental in a "Boarding house" situation ("rooming and Boarding houses"). "Beer and wine festival" means a fair, exhibition, ceremony, art show, program, celebration, or other public assemblage of people for the conduct of a festivity involving the sale and consumption of beer or wine. Beer and wine festivals shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.030. "Blueprinting shop" means an establishment primarily engaged in reproducing text, technical drawings, architectural plans, maps, or other images by blueprinting, photocopying, or other methods of duplication. Does not include printing and publishing services ("printing and publishing") or other business support services ("business support services"). "Bookstore" means a retail establishment primarily engaged in the sale, rental, or other charge- for-use of books, magazines, newspapers, and other printed conveyed information or media, excluding any adult bookstore selling adult material ("adult oriented businesses"). "Building wall height" means the vertical distance (to be used for the purpose of determining setbacks) from the finished grade adjacent to the building to the highest point of the roof surtace for a flat roof, top of the deck line for a mansard roof, top of the plate height for a hipped roof, and the mean height level between the eave and the ridge for a gabled or gambrel roof. Hipped Roof Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 3 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS ~L1•Tir FEiGHT SN6D FADE Gabled Roof nG ~ Ohl :qVF_ NIXED ~~Rnz>6 Flat Roof FI.SC~REST t~m1sT Gr R~O~ S~+RF+~LE 4 F1NIS~+EO Y1 -x / C~TenDc Mansard Roof Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 4 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS ~f- ToP oP I>EG~ ~ t_tNE >r~Nt5t1ED ~ C~ur.DE Figure 6-2 Building Wall Height "Business support services" means establishments primarily within structures, providing other businesses with services including maintenance, repair, and service, testing, rental, etc., also includes: 1. Business equipment repair services (except vehicle repair); 2. Commercial art and design (production); 3. Computer-related services (rental, repair); 4. Copying and quick printing services; 5. Equipment rental businesses within structures; 6. Film processing laboratories; 7. Heavy equipment repair services where repair occurs on the client site; 8. Janitorial services; 9. Mail advertising services (reproduction and shipping); 10. Other "heavy service" business services; ` 11. Outdoor advertising services; 12. Photo developing/finishing/printing; 13. Protective services (other than office related); 14. Rental, repairs and distribution of office or business equipment; 15. Soils and materials testing laboratories; 16. Window cleaning. C. DEFINITI ONS, "C." Cafe . See "restaurants." "Caretaker/employee housing" means a structure constructed to residential occupancy standards in compliance with the Uniform Building Code that is accessory to a nonresidential primary use and required for security, or 24-hour care or supervision. Caretaker/employee housing shall comply wi th the provisions of Section 21.36.040. Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 5 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS "Carport" means an accessory structure or portion of a main structure designed for the shelter or storage of automobiles and having a permanent roof and open on at least two sides. "Cat Boarding facilities" means the keeping of cats for overnight or extended periods of time for commercial purposes. "Cat and dog day care facilities" means facilities that provide nonmedical care and supervision of cats and/or dogs for periods of less than 24 consecutive hours per day. Does not include overnight stays ("Cat Boarding facilities" or "Dog Boarding facilities"). "Cat and dog grooming facilities" means facilities where cats and dogs are bathed, clipped, or combed for the purpose of enhancing their aesthetic value and/or health and for which a fee is charged. Includes self-service cat- and dog-washing facilities where the customers provide the labor. "Catering businesses" means a use, independent of a restaurant, which involves the preparation and delivery of food and beverages for off-site consumption. "Catering businesses," only when ancillary to a restaurant, means an ancillary use to a restaurant, which involves the preparation and delivery of food and beverages for off-site consumption. No additional vehicles or equipment (e.g. outside barbeques) are permitted to be stored on-site. "Cemeteries" means establishments engaged in subdividing property into cemetery lots and offering burial plots or air space for sale. Also includes animal cemeteries, cinerarium, columbarium, and mausoleum operations. "Check cashing" means a business that serves only to exchange cash or money orders for checks from a third party. "Chemical products manufacturing" means manufacturing establishments that produce or use basic chemicals and establishments creating products predominantly by chemical processes. Establishments classified in this major group manufacture three general classes of products: (1) basic chemicals including acids, alkalis, salts, and organic chemicals; (2) chemical products to be used in further manufacture, including dry colors, pigments, plastic materials, and synthetic fibers; and (3) finished chemical products to be used for ultimate consumption including cosmetics, drugs, and soaps; or to be used as materials or supplies in other industries, including explosives, fertilizers, and paints. "Child day care facilities" means facilities that provide non-medical care and supervision of minor children for periods of less than 24 consecutive hours per day. These facilities include the following, all of which are required to be licensed by the California State Department of Social Services: "Family child day care homes, large" means a day care facility located in a residence where an occupant of the residence provides care and supervision for seven to 12 children. A large family day care home may provide care for two additional children (up to a maximum of fourteen children) in compliance with Section 1597.46 of the Health and Safety Code. Children under the age of 10 years who reside in the home count as children served by the day care facility. Large family child day care homes shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.060 (Child Care Facilities) and Section 21.36.070 (Large Family Child Care Homes). "Family child day cafe homes, small" means a day care facility located in asingle-family residence where an occupant of the residence provides care and supervision for six or fewer children. A small family day care home may provide care for two additional children (up to a maximum of eight children) in compliance with Section 1597.44 of the Health and Safety Code. Children under the age of 10 years who reside in the home count as children Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 6 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS served by the day care facility. Small family child day care homes shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.060 (Child Care Facilities). "Commercial child day care centers" means a commercial or non-profit child day care facility not operated as a small or large child day care home. Includes. infant centers, preschools, sick child centers, and school-age day care facilities. These may be operated in conjunction with a business, school, or religious facility, or as an independent land use. Commercial child day care centers shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.080 "Clothing products manufacturing" means manufacturing establishments producing clothing, and fabricating products by cutting and sewing purchased textile fabrics, and related materials including furs, leather, plastics, and rubberized fabrics. Custom tailors and dressmakers not operating as a factory and not located on the site of a clothing store ("Retail stores, general merchandise") are instead included under "Personal services, general." "Columbarium, Crematorium, Mausoleum" "Columbarium" means a structure or building substantially exposed above ground intended to be used for the interment of the cremated remains of a deceased person or animal. "Crematorium" means a location containing properly installed, certified apparatus intended for use in the act of cremation. "Mausoleum" means a structure containing aboveground tombs. "Commercial child day care center". See "Child care facilities." "Commercial schools" means an establishment providing specialized trade or vocational classes as a part of a certificate or degree granting program, including but not limited to various construction trades, the practice of law, auto mechanics, and real estate licensure. "Community/cultural/recreational centers" means multi-purpose meeting and recreational facilities typically consisting of one or more meeting or multi-purpose rooms, kitchen, and/or outdoor barbecue facilities, that are available for use by various groups for activities including dances, meetings, parties, receptions, exhibits, etc. "Community apartment project" means an undivided interest in land coupled with the right to exclusive occupancy of the apartment located on the land. "Community housing project" means and includes any of the following: a condominium development, a community apartment project, a membership association, or a stock cooperative. "Condominiums" means a development where undivided interest in common in a portion of real property is coupled with a separate interest in space called a unit, the boundaries of which are described on a recorded final map or parcel map. The area within the boundaries may be filled with air, earth, or water, or any combination thereof, and need not be physically attached to any land except by easements for access and, if necessary, support. "Conservation or natural resource land" means land that possesses or encompasses conservation or natural resources. "Conservation of natural resource" means and includes, but is not necessarily limited to ground water, natural vegetation, recharge, soils, special land forms, streams, watersheds, and wildlife habitat as defined below. "Construction equipment rentals" means retail establishments renting heavy construction equipment, including cranes, earth moving equipment, heavy trucks, etc. "Contractor's equipment yards" means storage yard operated by, or on behalf of a contractor for storage of large equipment, vehicles, or other materials commonly used in the individual contractor's Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 7 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS type of business; storage of scrap materials used for repair and maintenance of contractor's own equipment; and structures for uses including offices and repair facilities. "Convalescent/rest homes," also known as nursing homes, means these are facilities licensed by the California State Department of Health Services. These facilities house one or more individuals in a single room with bathroom facilities and provide intensive medical and nursing care, including 24-hour availability of licensed nursing personnel. Residents are often convalescing from serious illness or surgery and require continuous observation and medical supervision, or will reside in the facility as a long-term resident. Does not include residential care facilities ("Residential Care Facilities") or assisted living facilities ("Assisted Living Facilities"). "Convenience markets/stores" means an establishment that includes the retail sale of food, beverages, and small personal convenience items, primarily for off-premises consumption and typically found in establishments with long or late hours of operation and in a relatively small building; but excluding delicatessens and other specialty food shops and also excluding establishments which have a sizeable assortment of fresh fruits and vegetables and fresh-cut meat. These stores can be part of a gasoline station or an independent facility. "Conversion" means a proposed change in the ownership of a parcel of land, together with the existing attached structures, to a community housing project, regardless of the present or prior use of the land and structures and or whether substantial improvements have been made to the structures. "Conversion, commercial converted from residence" means a structure or use originally designed, constructed, or intended for residential use that is converted to a commercial use. "Conversion, industrial converted from residence" means a structure or use originally designed, constructed. or intended for residential use that is converted to an industrial use. D. DEFINITIONS, "D." "Dancing and live entertainment" means a commercial facility where patrons cbme to dance to live or recorded music or simply enjoy entertainment performed by live entertainers. Does not include karaoke orjuke box. "Density bonuses" means a density bonus, as defined by California Government Code Section 65915 et seq., is an increased residential density of up to 25 percent over the maximum density allowed under the General Plan land use diagram which is granted to an owner/developer of a housing project agreeing to construct a prescribed percentage of very low, and/or-low income dwelling units and/or senior housing units. "Department store" means a retail store offering a full line of general merchandise items. "Detached" means any structure that does not have a wall and roof in common with another structure. "Dog Boarding facilities" means the keeping of dogs for overnight or extended periods of time for commercial purposes. May include ancillary dog grooming for customers. "Drive-in theater" means a theater providing a large outdoor movie screen where patrons view the movie from the comfort of their private motor vehicles. "Drive-in/drive-in service" means the act of serving food and beverages by' a restaurant to occupants in motor vehicles for on-site consumption. "Drive-through/drive-up service/drive-up window" means the rendering of services or the selling of food and beverages or other products for consumption or use off-site, to occupants in motor vehicles. Businesses with this type of activity include but are not limited to restaurants, cafes, pharmacies/drug stores, and banks. Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 8 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS "Dry cleaning" means an establishment maintained for the pickup and delivery of dry cleaning and/or laundry. "Duplex" means a residential structure containing two dwelling units designed exclusively for occupancy by two families living independently of each other. "Dwelling unit" means one or more rooms designed, occupied, or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters, with cooking, sleeping, and sanitary facilities provided within the dwelling -, unit for the exclusive use of a single family maintaining a household. A dwelling unit may not have more than one kitchen. E. DEFINITIONS, "E." "Electrical transmission line, major" means a public utility transmission line utilized for the transmission of electrical energy for sale to multiple customers (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial, government, etc.) that cannot be installed underground due to technical constraints, safety constraints, or industry standards. "Electronics and equipment manufacturing" means establishments engaged in manufacturing machinery, apparatus, and supplies for the generation, storage, transmission, transformation, and use of electrical energy, including: 1. Appliances (e.g., stoves/ovens, refrigerators, freezers, laundry equipment, fans, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines); 2. Aviation instruments; 3. Electrical transmission and distribution equipment; 4. Electronic components and accessories, and semiconductors, integrated circuits, related devices; 5. Electronic instruments, components and equipment (e.g., calculators and computers); 6. Electrical welding apparatus; 7. Lighting and wiring equipment (e.g., lamps and fixtures, wiring devices, vehicle lighting); 8. Industrial apparatus; 9. Industrial controls; 10. Instruments for measurement, testing, analysis and control, associated sensors and accessories; 11. Miscellaneous electrical machinery, equipment and supplies (e.g., batteries, x-ray apparatus and tubes, electromedical and electrotherapeutic apparatus, electrical equipment for internal combustion engines); 12. Motors and generators; 13. Optical instruments and lenses; 14. Photographic equipment and supplies; 15. Pre-recorded magnetic tape; 16. Radio and television receiving equipment (e.g., television and radio sets, phonograph records and surgical, medical and dental instruments, equipment, and supplies); 17. Surveying and drafting instruments; 18. Telephone and telegraph apparatus; Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 9 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS 19. Transformers, switch gear and switchBoards; 20. Watches and clocks. Does not include testing laboratories (soils, materials testing, etc.) "Emergency shelter" means housing with minimal supportive services for homeless persons that is limited to occupancy of six months or less by a homeless person. No individual or household may be denied emergency shelter because of an inability to pay.a #a6itity-ttaat-previd^°'~~ ,a.,,.,••,;~' gen6y-AVernig~~ ~~^~~~• s••,•a ~~,•,•,•,• slott+es; and-atMther-sewis..^ ^•;~~^~~ t^ ~s^ ~+~•• «e-day-needs-ef-shelteF-residefl'°~~ase managers-and~helter ..~,R4^•~ ^ •,~a^ ~ ~~•~^^^ ~^ •~^ ~ ^~s#a!-attainmen*.n<~ Meosieg-including--housing-locati©n-assista+ace-housing-ceunseling,-and-edusatfonal services: "Equipment rental establishments" means service establishments which offer a wide variety of materials and equipment for rent, including business equipment (e.g., computers, copiers, desks, projectors, etc.) and equipment and supplies for parties and other social events (e.g., chairs, fountains, glassware, linens, tables, etc.), all available within an enclosed structure. DEFINITIONS, "F." "Family" means an individual or group of persons living together who constitute a bonafide single housekeeping unit in a dwelling unit. "Family" shall not be construed to include a fraternity, sorority, club or other group of persons occupying a hotel, lodging house, or institution of any kind. I~leed-er-+narriagc~, ors-greu lud••,•• ° ••`°~ •,•,' ",~°r„-' by-b lood- o r-ma rriag e,-t+v i ng-together-as-a-sicrgl a-h eusetceeping-unit-in-a-d welti ng-u n+t "Family child care homes, small and large". See "Child day care facilities." "Fence" means an artificially constructed barrier of wood, masonry, stone, wire, metal, or other manufactured material or combination of materials erected to enclose, screen, or separate areas that does not contain any horizontal feature. "Floor area, gross" means the total horizontal floor area in square feet of all stories of all buildings measured to the outside surface of exterior walls.. Stairways and elevator shafts shall be included on all floors. "Floor area ratio" means the ratio of gross floor area to the net lot area. Floor area ratio shall include the floor area of all stories of all buildings and accessory structures and shall be measured to the outside surface of exterior walls. Floor area ratio does not include uninhabitable attic space, basements, below-grade parking, unenclosed accessory structures (e.g., trellis) and covered porches. ~ Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 10 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS Lcct \1'idBt`• c ; _ ~. In a zone district with a maxinnun FAR or 4.~0. the maximum altcarvahle floor ¢trc+a of a fituiitlin~ ntt :! ~IC1,()00 ~t{. fi. lot ~E•c}uld be 2(1,t~t)) sq. f!. ('2f).OtJtJ sy. ft. dit•idcd b}~ -lCl,(tdt7 stl. ft. ctluttls .5ti}. i\`C)'I'li: t~uri¢tti+irts trttty acctir if upper ftor}rs are S[cpped 1?itck frgm gr~7urtd Ccx~nl Ibt covtrt~e. , Grr>ss BuililingAtt:a (Alt Nloot:.} Floor Area Ratio (1"+~V2} Lot r\rea Figure 6-3 Floor Area Ratio "Food and beverage product manufacturing" means manufacturing establishments producing or processing foods and beverages for human consumption, and certain related products. Includes: 1. Alcoholic beverages; 2. Bakeries; 3. Bottling plants; 4. Breweries; Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 11 t,ot \t5chh-" Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS 5. Candy, sugar and confectionery products manufacturing; 6. Catering services separate from stores or restaurants; 7. Coffee roasting; 8. Dairy products manufacturing; 9. Fats and oil product manufacturing; 10. Fruit and vegetable canning, preserving, related processing; 11. Grain mill products and by-products; 12. Meat, poultry, and seafood canning, curing, byproduct processing; 13. Miscellaneous food item preparation from raw products; 14. Soft drink production. Also may include tasting and accessory retail sales of beverages produced on site "Fourplex" means a single structure for four living units that are independent of each other with each one having s kitchen and direct access to the outside or to a common hall. Does not include "rooming and Boarding houses." - , "Frontage" means all the property fronting on one side of a street between intersecting or intercepting streets, or between a street and aright-of-way, waterway, and/or dead-erid street, or city boundary, measured along the street line. An intercepting street shall determine only the boundary of the frontage on the side of the street that it intercepts. "Furniture/cabinet shops" means manufacturers producing: wood and metal household furniture and appliances; bedsprings and mattresses; all types of office furniture and partitions, lockers, shelving and store furniture; and miscellaneous drapery hardware, window blinds and shades. Also includes wood and cabinet shops, but not sawmills or planing mills, which are instead included under "lumber and wood products." "Furniture, furnishings, and equipment stores" means retail stores primarily selling: home furnishings including draperies, floor coverings, furniture, glass and chinaware, refrigerators, stoves, other household electrical and gas appliances including televisions and home sound systems and outdoor furniture including lawn furniture, spas, and hot tubs. Also includes the retail sale of office furniture and pianos. G. DEFINITIONS, "G." "Garage, private" means an accessory building or portion of the main building designed for the shelter or storage of automobiles having a permanent roof and enclosed on all sides. "Garage, public" means a building other than a private garage used for the shelter or storage of automobiles. "Garage/yard sale, private" means a sale held for the purpose of selling, trading, or otherwise dispdsing of household furnishings, personal goods, or tangible property of a resident of the premises on which the sale is conducted on a residential property. The annual frequency and maximum number of days for garage sales are regulated by Section 21.36.090 (Garage and Private Yard Sales). "Garden centers/plant nurseries" means commercial agricultural establishments engaged in the production of ornamental plants and other nursery products, grown under cover or outdoors. Includes stores selling these products, nursery stock, lawn and garden supplies, and commercial scale greenhouses. The sale of houseplants or other nursery products entirely within a building is Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 12 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS also included under "retail stores, general merchandise." Home greenhouses are included under "Accessory Uses and Structures." "Gasoline stations" means a retail business selling gasoline or other motor vehicle fuels, which may also provide very limited motor vehicle repair and maintenance that are incidental to fuel services. Does not include the storage or repair of wrecked or abandoned vehicles, vehicle painting, body or fender work, or the rental of vehicle storage or parking spaces. Includes alternative fuels and recharging facilities which are commercial facilities offering motor vehicle fuels not customarily offered by commercial refueling stations (e.g., LPG) as well as equipment to recharge electric powered vehicles. "Glass products manufacturing" means manufacturing establishments producing flat glass and other glass products which are blown, pressed, or shaped from glass produced in the same establishment. Also includes large-scale artisan and craftsman type operations producing primarily for the wholesale market. "Golf courses" means public and private golf courses, with or without country clubs, and accessory facilities and uses including: clubhouses with bar and restaurant, locker and shower facilities; driving ranges (driving ranges separate from golf courses are instead classified under "golf driving ranges"); "pro-shops" for on-site sales of golfing equipment; and golf cart storage and sales facilities. Does not include miniature golf courses ("miniature golf course"). "Golf driving ranges" means public and private facilities providing an opportunity for driving gdlf balls and practicing one's golf swing. May be a separate stand-alone facility or in conjunction with a golf course. "Government offices and facilities" means facilities owned or operated by a governmental entity (e.g., city, county, State, or Federal government). "Grade, finished" means the final elevation of the ground surface after completion of construction on the site. "Grade, natural" means the elevation of the ground surface in its natural state, prior to any disturbance related to construction on the site. "Grocery stores" means an establishment which sells staple food items (e.g., coffee,, sugar, flour, etc.) and usually meats and other foods (e.g., fruits, vegetables, dairy products, etc.) and household supplies (e.g., soap, matches, paper napkins, etc.); a minor portion of the food sold may be processed on site (e.g., deli or bakery services). Food stores specializing in a single type of these items (e.g., candy stores, produce only shops, coffee and tea shops, etc.) are not classified as grocery stores. "Gross floor area". See "Floor area, gross: "Gross lot area". See "Lot area, gross." "Groundwater recharge facilities" means a public facility or place that is part of or supports the local, regional, or State water distribution, supply, or treatment system and where water is allowed to collect in order to recharge the underground water supply. H. DEFINITIONS, "H." "Half story". See "story, half." "Handicraft industries, small scale assembly" means manufacturing establishments not classified in another major manufacturing group, including: jewelry, musical instruments, pens, pencils, sporting and athletic goods, toys, and other artists' and office materials; brooms and brushes, buttons, costume novelties, and other miscellaneous small-scale manufacturing industries. Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 13 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS "Hardware store" means a facility of 10,000 or fewer square feet gross floor area, primarily engaged in the retail sale of various basic hardware lines, such as tools, builders' hardware, plumbing and electrical supplies, paint and glass, housewares and household appliances, garden supplies, and cutlery; if a facility is greater than 10,000 square feet, it is a building materials supply store/yard ("building materials stores/yards"). "Hazardous material" means a material that can be harmful to human health and to the environment if handled improperly. A material can be considered hazardous if it exhibits one of the following characteristics: 1. "Ignitability" means a material that is determined to be flammable under certain conditions. 2. "Corrosivity" means a material that corrodes metals or has a very high or low pH. 3. "Reactivity" means a material that readily explodes or undergoes violent reactions. 4. "Toxicity" means a material that is known to be harmful or fatal when ingested and is known to leach into ground water at certain levels. For example, materials with high levels of arsenic, lead, or mercury. "Health/fitness centers" means membership based fitness facilities, gymnasiums, athletic clubs, and similar establishments requiring membership for access. "Historic structure" means a structure listed on the city's historic resources inventory. "Hobby car restoration" means an activity in which resident owners engage in the restoration or modification of a motor vehicle and in compliance with the provisions of Section 21.36.100 (Hobby Car Restoration). "Hollywood drive" means a type of driveway that consists of two strips of concrete or similar material leading from the street to an accessory garage or carport. The strips of concrete may be separated by turf or other similar vegetation that can be maintained at a very low height or by mulch, gravel, or similar decorative landscaping material. The strips are spaced approximately the width of a passenger vehicle's tires. .i ~ i i ~ ~:~_ ii ~~l! r°. ~ ~ .~ ~- - Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 14 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS j, I/ ~~'~ ~ .~. , Figure 6-4 Hollywood Drive "Home occupations" means an accessory business conducted in a residential dwelling unit, only by residents of the unit, in a manner clearly incidental to the residential character of the site and surrounding neighborhood, and in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 21.44 (Home Occupation Permits). "Hospitals" means an institution, designed within an integrated campus setting for the diagnosis, care, and treatment of human illness, including surgery and primary treatment. "Hotels" means guest rooms or suites, provided with or without meals or kitchen facilities, rented to the general public for overnight or other temporary lodging (for up to thirty days). Access to the individual guest rooms are generally from an ihterior hallway. Also includes accessory guest facilities (including accessory retail uses, elevators, indoor athletic facilities, swimming pools, and tennis courts). DEFINITIONS, "I." "Indoor amusemenUentertainmenUrecreation centers" means indoor establishments providing amusement/entertainmenUrecreation services for a fee or admission charge, including: arcades emphasizing coin operated amusements and/or electronic games; bowling alleys; card rooms; dance halls, clubs and ballrooms, and billiard parlors and pool halls, that are principal uses rather than being subordinate to a bar or restaurant; ice skating, and roller skating; skateBoard ramps, and trampoline centers. Does not include "adult oriented businesses" which is separately defined. J. DEFINITIONS, "J." "Junkyard" means the use of more than 100 square feet of the area of a lot for the storage of junk, including scrap materials and metals, or wrecked or inoperable vehicles and machinery, whether or not sale of junk is made or proposed. K. DEFINITIONS, "K." "Kitchen facilities" means any room or area designed, intended, or used for the cooking and preparation of food with appliance(s) for cooking or heating food or beverages, such as a stove, oven, microwave, toaster, or hot plate, installed (either temporarily or permanently). L. DEFINITIONS, "L." Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 15 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS "Laboratories" means an establishment providing medical or dental laboratory services; or an establishment providing photographic, analytical, or testing services. "Late night activities" means land use activities operating between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., including, but not limited to, the provision of goods and services to the public and all ancillary activities such as property maintenance, janitorial services, street and parking lot sweeping, deliveries, and similar activities. "Late night activities" do not include the lawful, reasonable and customary use of residential uses or professional offices in a manner that does not intertere with the reasonable use and enjoyment of other properties. "Laundries/dry cleaning plants" means service establishments engaged primarily in high volume laundry and garment services, including: power laundries (family and commercial), carpet rug and upholstery cleaners, diaper service, garment pressing and dry, cleaning, industrial laundries, and linen supply. Does not include "laundromat, self-service" or "dry cleaning." "Laundromat, self-service" means an establishment that provides washing, drying, and/or ironing machines for hire to be used by customers on the premises. "Library" means a public facility for the use, but not sale, or literary, musical, artistic, or reference materials. "Light rail lines" means permanent light rail tracks that service the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) light rail system and links Campbell to several other cities in the south bay, including Santa Clara, San Jose and Mountain View. "Light rail passenger terminals" means passenger terminals that provide rider access to the valley transportation authority (VTA) light rail system and links Campbell to several other cities in the south bay, including Santa Clara, San Jose and Mountain View. "Limited equity housing cooperative" means as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 33007.5). "Liquor establishments" means a retail activity that is primarily devoted to the selling of alcoholic beverages as a stand-alone bar or tavern, or in conjunction with a restaurant or nightclub facility, for consumption on the premises. "Liquor stares" means a retail activity that is primarily devoted to the selling of alcoholic beverages, including beer and wine, for consumption off the premises. Liquor stores shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.110. "Live/work units" means a structure that is intended to function predominantly as workspace with incidental residential accommodations that meet "basic habitability requirements" means live/work units are intended [o be occupied by business operators who live in the same structure that contains the business activity. Live/work units shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.120. "Living Unit" means a room or group of internally connected rooms that have sleeping, cooking, eating and sanitation facilities, but not more than one kitchen, which constitutes an independent living unit. "Loading area" means an open area, other than a street or alley, used for the loading or unloading of vehicles. "Loading space" means an off-street space or berth on the same lot with a building, or contiguous to a group of buildings, for the temporary parking of a commercial vehicle while loading or unloading merchandise or materials, and which abuts upon a street or other appropriate means of access. ' Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 16 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS "Lodging houses" means a structure or a portion of a structure, other than a hotel or motel, where lodging for five or more persons is provided for compensation. Also includes rooming houses ("rooming and Boarding houses"). "Lot" means any land occupied or to be occupied by a building, or unit group of buildings, and accessory buildings together with such yards and/or open spaces and lot area as are required by this Zoning Code, and having its principal frontage upon a street, or a place approved by the planning commission. "Lot" includes "plot." "Lot, corner" means a lot or parcel of land abutting upon two or more streets at their intersection, or upon two parts of the same street forming an interior angle of less than 135 degrees. "Lot, cul-de-sac" means a lot at the end of a dead end street. "Lot, flag" means a lot having access from the building site to a public street by means of a narrow private strip of land that is owned in fee. "Lot, interior" means a lot other than a corner lot. "Lot, through" means a lot having frontage on two parallel or approximately parallel streets. ci» ~ ; Y.ey t.ut Rc.'ces'e t.ot ' C.omcr I.a INerior t.n Figure 6-5 Lot Types 'Lot area, net" means the total area within the lot lines of a lot, excluding any street rights-of- wa y. "Lot area, gross" means the total area within the lot lines of a lot, plus that area between the centerline of adjacent public streets and the property lines. "Lot coverage" means the horizontal area measured within the outside of the exterior walls on the ground floor of all buildings and accessory structures on a lot including garages, carports and covered porches. Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 17 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS I I '•,~'~; I ®' i Landscaped i area i I I I ® I I I i _ I i 1 I Ir" I ( 1 i ~ _ I . I ~ I r i - I i i i ,,,.~,.~ Cam ~s I I r ~~ j ~ ~ ~r;s~ ~ ~ ' I a ~ ~~ i I ~~~ I ( I • :.° • .. -- I ° -' '~ .. i Figure 6-5 Lot Coverage Lot COViri'a~e Paving cevera~e 1 "Lot depth" means the horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines, measured along the median between the two side lot lines. "Lot width" means the horizontal distance between the side lot lines, measured at right angles to the lot depth at a point midway between the front and rear lot lines. The community development director shall determine the lot width for parcel of irregular shape. Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 18 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS Gross LM Area t,01 1l`idtkt ~ I \a IAt 1 ( nnn Rc;u Lot r Lfiro_..._/_~ __ _--_ Cidc Lot ~ Li Lot ~ i,ot nt; c>:rtt, ~',~etn P ___ hlidwny '~ 1lidan)~ I Bctxxen tlctwan Fn~nt rnd ~ $ftront ant Rc9r LM Rcar Lui I ~ I.ina I I,ir~ E'n)f1t tAi Lin: Figure 6-7 Lot Lines and Lot Areas "Lumber and wood products" means manufacturing, processing, and sales uses involving the milling of forest products to produce rough and finished lumber and other wood materials for use in other manufacturing, craft,.or construction processes. Also includes the following processes and products: 1. Containers, pallets and skids; 2. Milling operations; 3. Trusses and structural beams; r 4. Turning and shaping of wood products; 5. Wholesaling of basic wood products; 6. Wood product assembly. "Craft-type shops" are included in "Handcraft Industries and Small-Scale Manufacturing." Other wood and cabinet shops are included under "Furniture/Cabinet Shops." The indoor retail sale of building materials, construction tools and equipment is included under "Building Material Stores/Yards." M. DEFINITIONS, "M." "Machinery manufacturing" means the manufacturing of machinery and equipment for purposes and products including the following: 1. Construction; 2. Conveyors; Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 19 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS 3. Die casting; 4. Dies; 5. Dredging; 6. Engines and turbines; 7. Farm and garden; 8. Food products manufacturing; 9. Gear cutting; 10. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning; 11. Industrial molds; 12. Laundry and dry cleaning; 13. Materials handling; 14. Mining; 15. Paper manufacturing; 16. Passenger and freight elevators; 17. Pistons; 18. Printing; 19. Pumps; 20. Refrigeration equipment; 21. Textile manufacturing. "Main structure" means a structure that accommodates the primary use of the site. Major Electrical Transmission Line. See "Electrical Transmission Line, Major." "Manufactured housing" means a housing unit that is either wholly or partially cohstructed or assembled off the site in compliance with California Health and Safety Code Section 18551, and certified under the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. Sections 5401 et seq.). "Marine sales" means retail establishments selling and/or renting new and/or used boats, and associated marine equipment (e.g., jet skis, trailers, etc.) Also includes parts sales or service facilities only when part of a dealership selling new marine equipment on the same site. "Massage establishment" means an establishment having a fixed place of business where any person, firm, association, or corporation practices or otherwise permits massage for compensation. "Massage establishment" shall include any establishment providing off-premises massage services and establishments that offer services such as relaxation, hot tub, towel wraps, baths, health treatments, tanning, or any service where the essential nature of the interaction between the employee and the customer involves a massage. "Massage therapy" means therapeutic (non-sexual) rubbing or kneading of parts of non- specified anatomical areas of the body to aid circulation or to relax muscles, provided by a licensed professional. "Medical services, clinics" means facilities primarily engaged in furnishing outpatient medical, mental health, surgical, and other personal health services. These include: medical, dental, and psychiatric offices (counseling services by other than medical doctors or psychiatrists are included Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 20 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS under "offices"); outpatient care facilities; emergency room services; and allied health services. Associations or groups primarily engaged in providing medical or other health services to members are included. "Medical services, extended care" means residential facilities providing nursing and health- related care as a principal use with in-patient beds, including: skilled nursing facilities (facilities allowing care for physically or mentally disabled persons, where care is less than that provided by an acute care facility); extended care facilities; Board and care homes. Long-term personal care facilities that do not emphasize medical treatment are classified in "residential care homes." "Medical services, laboratories" means facilities primarily engaged in furnishing medical and dental laboratory services. Meeting halls. See "Public assembly uses." "Membership organization facilities" means permanent, headquarters-type and meeting facilities for organizations operating on a membership basis for the promotion.of the interests of the members, including facilities for: business associations, civic and social organizations, labor unions and similar organizations, political organizations, private clubs, professional membership organizations, private clubs, and other membership organizations. "Metal products fabrication" means the assembly of metal parts, including blacksmith and welding shops, machine shops, sheet metal shops, and boiler shops, that produce metal duct work, cabinets and enclosures, metal doors and gates, tanks, towers, and similar products. "Miniature golf course" means atheme-oriented recreational facility, typically comprised of nine or 18 putting greens, each with a "cup" or "hole", where patrons in groups of one to four pay a fee to move in consecutive order from the first hole to the last. "Mixed-use developments" means a combination of uses in a single building or on a single lot that contain residential and commercial uses that are part of an integrated development project with a significant functional inter-relationship. Residential and commercial uses may be mixed horizontally or vertically provided they are on a single parcel. Mixed-use development shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.130. "Mobile home parks" means any site that is planned and improved to accommodate two or more mobile homes used for residential purposes, or on which two or more mobile home lots are rented, leased, or held out for rent or lease, or were formerly held out for rent or lease and later converted to a subdivision, cooperative, condominium, or other form of resident ownership, to accommodate mobile homes used for residential purposes. Monastery, Convent, Parsonage, or Nunnery. "Monastery, convent, or nunnery" means the dwelling units of a religious order or congregation. "Parsonage" means the official residence usually provided by a religious institution for its minister, parson, rabbi, etc. "Mortuaries or funeral parlors" means establishments where deceased are prepared for burial or cremation, and funeral services may be conducted. Includes crematoriums, funeral homes, and funeral parlors. "Motels" means guest rooms or suites, provided with or without meals or kitchen facilities, rented to the general public for overnight or other temporary lodging (for up to 30 days). Access to the individual guest rooms are generally from an exterior walkway. Also includes accessory guest facilities (including accessory retail uses, elevators, indoor athletic facilities, swimming pools, and tennis courts). Motor Vehicle Related Land Uses. Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 21 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS 1. "Motor vehicle cleaning, washing, and detailing" means facilities specializing in the cleaning, washing, detailing and polishing of motor vehicles. 2. "Motor vehicle dismantling" means customarily outdoor establishments primarily engaged in assembling, breaking up, sorting, and the temporary storage and distribution of recyclable or reusable scrap and waste materials, including wreckers engaged in dismantling motor vehicles for scrap and the incidental wholesale or retail sales of parts from vehicles. Includes light and heavy processing facilities for recycling. Does not include: places where these activities are conducted entirely within structures; pawnshops and other secondhand stores; or the sale of operative used cars. Motor vehicle dismantling shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.240 3. "Motor vehicle leasing" means retail establishments leasing motor vehicles (e.g., automobiles, trucks and vans). 4. "Motor vehicle oil change facilities" means these facilities are limited to performing only oil changes and very limited incidental maintenance and only on light duty motor vehicles (e.g., automobiles, light duty trucks and vans). 5. "Motor vehicle painting" means motor vehicle repair facilities dealing with entire vehicles, but only within a completely enclosed and soundproofed structure. These establishments customarily provide towing, collision repair, other body work, and painting services. 6. "Motor vehicle parking facilities" means and includes short-term commercial garages, parking lots, and structures, except when accessory to a primary use. (All primary uses are considered to include any customer or public use off-street parking required by the Zoning Code.) 7. "Motor vehicle parts and supplies" means retail stores that sell new motor vehicle parts, tires, and accessories. May also include very limited vehicle maintenance and parts installation connected with the retail sales. 8. "Motor vehicle renting" means retail establishments renting motor vehicles (e.g., automobiles, trucks, recreational vehicles and vans). 9. "Motor vehicle repair and maintenance, mihor and major" means major vehicle repair facilities deal with the entire vehicle; minor repair facilities generally specialize in limited aspects of repair (e.g., muffler and radiator shops, fire shops.) All repair activities (minor and major) are conducted within a completely enclosed and soundproofed structure. Does not include: motor vehicle dismantling yards which are included under "motor vehicle dismantling." Motor vehicle repair facilities shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.140 10. "Motor vehicle repair and maintenance, minor only" means minor repair facilities generally specialize in limited aspects of repair (e.g., muffler and radiator shops, oil change shops, smog shops, fire shops, tune up shops, window tinting.) All repair activities are conducted within a completely enclosed and soundproofed structure. Does not include: motor vehicle dismantling yards which are included under "motor vehicle dismantling." Motor vehicle repair facilities shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.140 11. "Motor vehicle sales" means retail establishments selling new and/or used motor vehicles (e.g., automobiles, trucks, and vans). May also include service and repair shops and the sales of parts and accessories, incidental to vehicle dealerships. Does not include: the sale of auto parts/accessories separate from a vehicle dealership. 12. Motor vehicle tune-up. See "motor vehicle repair and maintenance, minor only." Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 22 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS 13. Motor vehicle tune-up, limited to light duty only. See "motor vehicle repair and maintenance, minor only;" however, these shops are limited to pertorming only tune ups and only on light duty motor vehicles (e.g., automobiles, light duty trucks and vans). 14. Motor vehicle window tinting. See "motor vehicle repair and maintenance, minor only." "Multi-family dwelling" means an apartment, townhome, or condominium development. "Museums, public" means public facilities including aquariums, arboretums, art exhibitions, botanical gardens, historic sites and exhibits, museums, and planetariums, which are generally non- commercial in nature. "Music (recordings) store" means an establishment primarily engaged in retailing new prerecorded audio and video tapes, compact discs (CDs), digital video discs (DVDs), and phonograph records. DEFINITIONS, "N." "Nature preserves" means areas intended to remain in a predominately natural or undeveloped state to provide resource protection and possible opportunities for passive recreation and environmental education for present and future generations. "Nightclubs" means commercial establishments, with or without food service, providing opportunities for dancing, music, and other related forms of entertainment, including cabarets. These, establishments may be part of a restaurant, where the food service is subordinate to the dancing and entertainment. "Nonconforming building" means a building or structure the size, dimensions, or location of which was lawful prior to the adoption, revision, or amendment of this Zoning Code, but which fails by reason of such adoption, revision, or amendment, to conform to the present requirements of this Zoning Code. "Nonconforming use" means a use or activity which was lawful prior to the adoption, revision, or amendment of this Zoning Code, but which fails; by reason of such adoption, revision or amendment, to conform to the use regulations for the zoning district in which it is located. (Ord. 1617 SI(part), 1986). O. DEFINITIONS, "O." "Offices, professional" means professional or government offices including: 1. Administrative; 2. Accounting, auditing and bookkeeping services; 3. Advertising agencies; 4. Architectural, engineering, planning, and surveying services; 5. Attorneys; 6. Counseling services; Campbell; California, Code of Ordinances Page 23 "Nuisance per se" means an activity that in and of itself is inherently considered to be a nuisance. Examples of activities that are nuisances per se include water pollution by discharge, structures which amount to a fire hazard, noise, air pollution, weeds, rubbish and refuse, junkyards, earth movement, and illegal signs. See "Public Nuisance." Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS 7. Court reporting services; ~ 8. Data processing and computer services; 9. Detective agencies and similar services; 10. Educational, scientific and research organizations; 11. Employment, stenographic, secretarial and word processing services; 12. Insurance agencies; 13. Government offices including agency and administrative office facilities; 14. Management, public relations and consulting services philanthropic enterprises; 15. Philanthropic enterprises; 16. Photography and commercial art studios; 17. Public utilities; 18. Real estate services; 19. Travel agencies; 20. Writers and artists offices outside ttie home. Does not include: medical offices, which are allowed under "medical services- clinics", financial institutions, or offices that are incidental and accessory to another business or sales activity that is the principal use" means Incidental offices that are customarily accessory to another use are allowed in any non-residential zoning district as part of an approved principal use. "Oil change facilities". See "Motor vehicle oil change facilities." "Open space" means that portion of a lot or property which is required to be open and unobstructed by structures, except as specifically provided by law, from the ground to the sky. "Open space, required for multiple-family dwelling units" means a private or common space serving multiple-family dwelling units that is specifically designed for recreational use, whether active or passive, and shall not be occupied by driveways, parking spaces, or walkways between structures. "Open space, usable private" means the area shall exclude the required front setback between the structure and the street property line. The open space area may be occupied by recreation facilities (e.g., deck, patio, playground equipment, porch, swimming pool, etc.) provided it is open on at least two sides and not covered by a roof or canopy. "Open space land" means any parcel or area of land essentially unimproved in its natural state; devoted to an open space use; and which is designated in the open space element in the General Plan for open space. "Open space zoning district" means any area of land or water designated O-S (open space) and subject to all of the terms and regulations of this Zoning Code. "Open space use" means the use of land for: 1. Containment and structuring of urban development; 2. Conservation or use of natural resources; 3. Enjoyment of scenic beauty; 4. Production of food or fiber; Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 24 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS 5. Protection of man and his artifacts (property, structures, etc.); and 6. Public recreation. "Outdoor "active" activities" means an accessory activity to an allowed commercial retail or service land use that is active in nature (e.g., drive-up windows, sales stations, etc.) "Outdoor amusement/entertainment/recreation centers" means facilities for various outdoor participant sports, entertainment, and most types of recreational activities where a fee is charged for use, including: amusement and theme parks; drive-in theaters; golf driving ranges; miniature golf courses (golf courses are included under the definition of "golf courses"); skateBoard ramps and parks and water slides; recreation equipment rental (for example, bicycles, roller skates); health and athletic clubs with predominately outdoor facilities; tennis courts, swim and tennis clubs; zoos. May also include commercial facilities customarily associated with the above outdoor commercial recreational uses, (e.g., bars and restaurants [both table service and counter service], and video game arcades.) "Outdoor retail sales and activities" means permanent outdoor sales and rental establishments including auction yards, flea markets, flower stands, lumber and other material sales yards, newsstands, outdoor facilities for the sale or rental of vehicles/equipments, and other uses where the business is not conducted entirely within an enclosed structure. Does not include the sale of automobiles and recreational vehicles ("motor vehicle sales"). "Outdoor seating" means an outdoor dining area provided by a restaurant for its customers that is furnished with tables, chairs, umbrellas, and other items necessary for the consumption of food and beverages served by the restaurant, either with or without waiter service. Outdoor seating shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.150. "Outdoor storage" means the storage of various materials, including contractors' equipment, outside of a structure other than fencing, either as an accessory or principal use, suitably screened from public view, but not within 50 feet of a residentially zoned parcel. Outdoor storage shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.160. P. DEFINITIONS, "P." "Paper products manufacturing" means the manufacture of paper and paperBoard, from both raw and recycled materials, and their conversion into products including boxes, envelopes, paper bags, wallpaper, etc. "Parking lots/structures, public" means service establishments in the business of storing operative cars, buses, recreational vehicles, trucks, vans, and other motor vehicles for clients. Includes day use commercial garages, parking lots and structures, except when accessory to a primary use. (All primary uses are considered to include any customer or public use off-street parking required by the Zoning Code.) Also includes sites where vehicles are stored for rental or leasing. "Parking space" means an area off the street or highway for the temporary storage of an automobile or other motor vehicle. A parking space shall not include space needed for driveway or loading area. "Parks, public" means and includes public parks, play lots, playgrounds, and non-professional/ noncommercial athletic fields, including park and playground equipment, accessory structures, and facilities. "Personal services" means establishments providing non-medical services as a primary use, including: 1, Barber and beauty shops; Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 25 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS 2. Clothing rental; 3. Dry cleaning pick-up stores with limited equipment; 4. Home electronics and small appliance repair; 5. Laundromats (self-service laundries); 6. Nail shops; 7. Shoe repair shops; 8. Tailors. These uses may also include accessory retail sales of products related to the services provided. These uses do not include body piercing, psychic readers, tattoo parlors, or any of the other uses listed under "Personal services, limited." "Personal services, limited" means establishments providing nonmedical services of a very limited and restricted nature as a primary use, including body piercing, palm readers, psychic readers, and tattoo parlors. Pet Clinics. See "Veterinary clinics and animal hospitals." "Pet store" means a retail sales establishment primarily engaged in the sale of domestic animals, such as dogs, cats, fish, birds, and reptiles, excluding exotic animals and farm animals. "Pharmaceutical manufacturing" means establishments engaged in the production of drugs and related therapeutical products for distribution to clinics, hospitals, medical-related facilities, and pharmacies drug stores. "Pharmacies/drug stores" means a retail store where a licensed pharmacist prepares prescription medicines for sale, which may also sell over-the-counter medicines, personal care products, and other miscellaneous products. Pharmacies/Drug Stores, With Drive-Up Service. See (Pharmacies/drug stores;" however these facilities sell their products either through over-the-counter sales or drive-up window service. "Philanthropic enterprise" means an organization or institution engaged in collecting donations of money, goads, or services in order to provide humanitarian or charitable assistance. "Philanthropic collection trailer" means a portable trailer that is parked on private property for the purpose of collecting donations of household goods (e:g., clothing, books, toys, furniture, kitchen utensils, bedding, lamps, rugs, etc.) from area residents. An attendant from the sponsoring philanthropic enterprise is usually present at the trailer during prescribed hours to assist donors in placing their donations in the trailer, to dispense tax receipts, and to maintain the cleanliness of the area surrounding the trailer. "Photocopying" means an establishment (except private mail centers) engaged in providing a range of office support services (except printing services), such as document copying services, facsimile services, word processing services, on-site PC rental services, and office product sales. "Photography studio/supply shop" means an establishment primarily engaged in providing still, video, or digital portrait photography services. Also an establishment primarily engaged in either retailing new cameras, photographic equipment, and photographic supplies or retailing new cameras and photographic equipment in combination with activities, such as repair services and film developing. "Plastics and rubber products" means the manufacture of rubber products including: rubber footwear; mechanical rubber goods; heels and soles; flooring; and rubber sundries from natural, synthetic, or reclaimed rubber. Also includes: establishments engaged in molding primary plastics for Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 26 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS the trade, and manufacturing miscellaneous finished plastics products; fiberglass manufacturing, and fiberglass application services. "Primary dwelling unit" means a building that is the principle use of the lot on which it is situated. "Printing and publishing" means establishments engaged in printing by gravure, letterpress, lithography, offset, screen, or other common process, including electrostatic (xerographic) copying and other "quick printing" services; and establishments serving the printing trade including bookbinding, electrotyping, engraving, photoengraving, silk screening,"and typesetting. This use also includes establishments that publish books, newspapers, and periodicals; and establishments manufacturing business forms and binding devices. "Public assembly uses" means a facility or place where groups of people gather for civic, educational, political, religious, or social purposes. "Public assembly uses" include the following: 1. Auditoriums; 2. Conference centers; 3. Convention and exhibition halls; 4. Lecture halls; 5. Meeting halls; 6. Religious institutions. Does not include banquet facilities ("Banquet Facilities"), movie theaters, performing arts theaters, or concert halls ("Theaters, Movie or Performing Arts, and Concert Halls"). Also does not include "Adult Oriented Businesses." Public assembly uses shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.170. "Public nuisance" means an act or omission that interferes with the interests of the community or interferes with the public health, safety, and welfare. A public ruisance affects an entire community or neighborhood, or any considerable number of persons at the same time, although the extent of the annoyance or damage inflicted upon individuals may be unequal. California Civil Code Section 3480. "Public utility structures and service facilities" means fixed-base structures and facilities serving as junction points for transferring utility services from one transmission voltage to another or to local distribution and service voltages. These uses include any of the following facilities that are not , exempted from land use permit requirements by Government Code Section 53091: 1. Corporation and maintenance yards; 2. Electrical substations and switching stations; 3. Natural gas regulating and distribution facilities; 4. Public water system wells, treatment plants and storage; 5. Service uses/structures; 6. Telephone switching facilities; 7. Wastewater treatment plants, settling ponds and disposal fields. "Public works maintenance facilities and storage yards" means publicly owned or operated structures and open storage yards designed to accommodate motor vehicles, construction equipment, and the storage of materials used by the governmental agency. Also includes enclosed structures designed to warehouse space parts and service the above listed equipment. R. DEFINITIONS, "R." Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 27 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS "Radio or television transmitter" means usually a tall, fabricated structural metal tower designed and equipped to receive and transmit radio and television signals. "Radio station" means a commercial facility that serves as the base-of-operations for an on-air radio broadcasting company. These facilities may also contain administrative offices and equipment of the type and scale customarily associated with wireless telecommunications facilities. Recreation land" means any area of land or water suitable for recreational purposes. "Recycling facilities" means this land use type includes a variety of facilities involved with the collection, sorting, and processing of recyclable materials. Typically a center for the collection and/or processing of recyclable materials. A "certified" recycling or processing facility is certified by the California Department of Conservation as meeting the requirements of the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act of 1986. A recycling facility does not include storage containers located on a residentially, commercially, or industrially designated site used solely for the recycling of material generated on the site. "Collection facilities (large and small)" means a center where the public may donate, redeem, or sell recyclable materials, which may include the following, where allowed by the applicable zoning district: a. Large collection facilities which occupy an area of more than 350 square feet and/or include permanent structures. b. Small collection facilities which occupy an area of 350 square feet or less and may include: (1) A mobile unit; (2) Bulk reverse veriding machines or a grouping of reverse vending machines occupying more than 50 square feet; and (3) Kiosk-type units which may include permanent structures. c. Reverse vending machine(s); 2. "Processing facilities" means a structure or enclosed space used for the collection and processing of recyclable materials for shipment, or to an end-user's specifications, by means of baling, briquetting, cleaning, compacting, crushing, flattening, grinding, mechanical sorting, remanufacturing, and shredding. Processing facilities include the following types: a. Light processing facility occupies an area of under 45,000 square feet of collection, processing, and storage area, and averages two outbound truck shipments each day. Light processing facilities are limited to baling, briquetting, compacting, crushing, grinding, shredding, and sorting of source separated recyclable materials sufficient to qualify as a certified processing facility. A light processing facility shall not bale, compact, or shred ferrous metals other than food and beverage containers; and b. A heavy processing facility is any processing facility other than a light processing facility. 3. "Recycling or recyclable material" means reusable domestic containers and other materials which can be reconstituted, remanufactured, or reused in an altered form, including glass, metals, paper, and plastic. Recyclable material does not include refuse or hazardous materials. 4. "Reverse vending machines" means an automated mechanical device which accepts at least one or more types of empty beverage containers and issues a cash refund or a redeemable credit slip with a value not less than the container's redemption value, as Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 28 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS 'Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS determined by State law. These vending machines may accept aluminum cans, glass and plastic bottles, and other cdntainers. A bulk reverse vending machine is a reverse vending machine that is larger than 50 square feet, is designed to accept more than one container at a time, and issues a cash refund based on total weight instead of by container. "Repair and maintenance, consumer products" means service establishments where repair of consumer products is the principal business activity, including: electrical repair shops; furniture repair; television and radio and other appliance repair; reupholstery; and watch, clock and jewelry repair. Does not include shoe repair (included under "Personal services, general"). Does not include heavy equipment repair businesses, which are included under "Business support services." "Research and development" means indoor facilities for scientific research, and the design, development,. and testing of electrical, electronic, magnetic, optical, and mechanical components in advance of product manufacturing, that are not associated with a manufacturing facility on the same site. Includes chemical and biotechnology research and development. Does not include computer software companies, soils and other materials testing laboratories, or medical laboratories. "Residential care homes, small (serving 6 or fewer persons)" means a facility licensed by the State of California where care, services, or treatment is provided to persons living in a community residential setting. The facilities are designed for and limited to six or fewer residents and are usually housed in a private residential home setting. "Residential care homes, large (serving 7 or more persons)" means a facility licensed by the State of California where care, services, or treatment is provided to persons living in a community residential setting. The facilities are designed for seven or more residents and are usually housed in a private residential home setting. Residential care homes shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.180. "Residential service facility, small (6 or fewer)" means a residential facility; serving six or fewer natural persons, other than a residential care facility or single housekeeping unit, where the operator receives compensation for the provision of personal services, in addition to housing including protection, supervision, assistance, guidance, training, therapy, or other nonmedical care. "Residential service facility, large (7 or more)" means a residential facility; serving seven or more natural persons, other than a residential care facility or single housekeeping unit, where the operator receives compensation for the provision of personal services, in addition to housing including protection, supervision, assistance, guidance, training, therapy, or other nonmedical care.=Residential-care-homes-shall-samply-wifh-t#e-provisiens--ef--Sestien 21:3>3:a 8~ "Residential recreational facilities, private" means playground equipment, swimming pools and spas, tennis and other sport courts, and similar facilities and accessory structures that are operated for the residents of a specific residential development and their invited guests, and are not open to the general public. Does not include these facilities for individual homes, which are defined as "accessory uses and structures." Restaurants. Restaurants, drive-through. (See "drive-through/drive-up service/drive-up window"). 2. Restaurants, drive-in. (See "Drive-in/drive-in service"). 3. "Restaurants, fast food" means establishments whose primary business is the sale of food and beverages to customers for consumption on-site or off-site. Customarily less than fifty percent of the total gross floor area is used for customer seating. Interior furnishings Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 29 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS include standardized floor plans, stationary seats, and tables Food is primarily pre- packaged rather than made to order. Plates and cutlery are disposable. Condiment bars and trash disposal are self-service. 4. "Restaurants or cafes" means establishments whose primary business is the sale of food and beverages to customers for their consumption within the restaurant or restaurant patio area. Customarily at least fifty percent of the total gross floor area is used for the seating of J customers. The restaurant may be open for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner. Alcoholic beverages and carry-out food service are allowed if they are incidental to the primary purpose of consumption of food and beverages in the restaurant. 5. "Restaurants, standard" means any establishment whose principal business is the sale of foods, desserts, or beverages to the customer in aready-to-consume state, and whose design or principal method of operation includes one or both of the following characteristics: a. Customers, normally provided with an individual menu, are served their foods, desserts, or beverages on tableware by a restaurant employee at the same table or counter at which said items are consumed. b. A cafeteria-type operation where foods, desserts, or beverages generally are consumed within the restaurant building. "Retail stores, general merchandise" means retail trade establishments selling many lines of merchandise. These stores and lines of merchandise include: 1. Art stores/ galleries; 2. Antiques; 3. Artists' supplies; 4. Bakeries (retail only); 5. Boat supplies; ` 6. Beauty supply; 7. Bicycles; 8. Cameras and photographic supplies; 9. Candy stores; 10. Clothing and accessories; 11. Collectibles; 12. Drug and discount stores; 13. , Fabrics and sewing supplies; 14. Florists and houseplant stores (indoor sales only-outdoor sales are "garden centers/plant nurseries"); 15. Gifts, novelties and souvenirs; 16. Delicatessens; 17. Handcrafted items (stores may include crafting preparations subordinate to retail sales); 18. Hobby materials; 19. Jewelry; Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 30 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS 20. Luggage and leather goods; 21. Meat market; 22. Newsstands;. 23. Orthopedic supplies; 24. Photography studio/supply shops; 25. Shoes; 26. Small wares; 27. Specialty shops; 28. Sporting goods and equipment; 29. Stationery; 30. Toys and games; 31. Variety stores. "Rooming and Boarding houses" means houses with individual bedrooms that are rented to between three (3) to five (5) persons for profit, whether or not meals are provided. Rugs and Upholstery Cleaning. See "Laundries/dry cleaning plants." S. DEFINITIONS, "S." Satellite Television or Personal Internet Broadband Dishes/Antenna. See "wireless telecommunications facilities"; however these facilities shall be less than 3 feet or 2 meters in diameter. Satellite television or personal internet broadband dishes/antenna shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.190. "Scenic land" means any area of land or water that possesses scenic qualities suitable for preservation. "Schools, commercial". See "Commercial schools." "Schools-K-12, private". See "Schools-K-12, public;" however, these schools are privately owned and operated, and also may include denominational and sectarian, Boarding schools, and military academies. "Schools-K-12, public" means an institution which offers instructions in the several branches of learning and study required to be taught in the public schools by the State Education Code. Includes elementary, middle, junior high, and high schools serving kindergarten through 12th grade students. Pre-schools and child day care are included under the definitions of "Child day care facilities." "Secondhand/thrift stores" means indoor retail establishments that buy and sell used products, including books, clothing, furniture, and household goods. The sale of cars and other used vehicles is included under "Motor Vehicle Sales." "Secondary dwelling units" means a second permanent dwelling unit that is accessory to a primary dwelling unit on the same site. A secondary dwelling unit can be attached or detached to the primary dwelling unit and shall provide complete independent living facilities including permanent provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking, sanitation and parking. Secondary dwelling units shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.200. "Senior citizen housing" means housing reserved for senior citizens or other qualified residents as defined by California Civil Code Section 51.3 et seq. Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 31 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS "Service bay" means a space within a motor vehicle related land use (herein defined), where a motor vehicle can be located for maintenance or repairs. "Setback" means the distance by which a structure, parking area, or other development feature must be separated from a lot line. Setbacks from private streets are measured from the edge of the easement: See also "Yard." Figure 6-8 (Setbacks) shows the location of front, side, street side, rear, and interior setbacks. $uildablc area ;~ ~ R.ertr ' `~ ~ setback. ~~ ' ~ 1 r- -~ ~e i _'~ ~ 1 ~ ~ • ~~~~ Street ~ l.nfcrior ~ j ~~,~t setback ' SIdG 1 ~ i~ I Side setback y _) , ~ ' j ;._ _ ;~~! setback y ' ! i ~ '~` , ,~ _ ~ I jq 1 "' ! front ~~~ _ _ ~ setback .re. f~~ S1 ..~,.~ Sight distance area Figure 6-8 Setbacks Front lot line "Shopping centers" means a group or cluster of retail businesses and offices sharing common pedestrian and off-street parking, and which are located on parcel(s) of land having the following characteristics: 1. Minimum area of three acres uninterrupted or undivided by public streets; Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 32 Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS Abutted on at least two sides by public streets that intersect at one corner of the shopping center; 3. May consist of one or more lots tied together by a binding legal agreement providing rights of reciprocal vehicular parking and access, and one or more ownerships; 4. Combination of commercial and office use with commercial uses to be at least 75 percent of gross floor area. "Sign" means any structure, device, figure, painting, display, message placard, or other contrivance, or any part thereof, situated outdoors or indoors, which is designed, constructed, intended, or used to advertise, or to provide data or information in the nature of advertising, to direct or attract attention to an object, person, institution, business, service, event, or location by any means, including words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors, illumination, or projected images. "Sign shops" means commercial establishments that market and design signs and create banners. Does not include assembly, fabrication, installation, repair, or service of signs. "Sign manufacturing" means industrial establishments that market, design, assemble, fabricate, install, repair, and service signs of all types, sizes, and materials. "Single-family dwellings" means a structure designed for and/or occupied exclusively by one family and containing only one kitchen. Also includes factory-built housing (modular housing) units, constructed in compliance with the Uniform Building Code (UBC), and mobile homes/ manufactured housing on permanent foundations. May include the rental of rooms within a dwelling also occupied by the property owner or a primary tenant. "Single housekeeping units" means a functional equivalent of a traditional family; whose members are a nontransient interactive group of persons jointly occupying a single dwelling unit, including the joint use of common areas in sharing household activities and responsibilities such as meals, chores, and expenses. "Single Room Occupancy facility" means a residential facility providin¢ dwelling units where each unit has a minimum floor area of 150 square feet and a maximum floor area of 220 souare feet, and are rented to a one- and/or two-person household. These dwelline units may have kitchen and/or bathroom facilities, and are provided for a weekly or monthly period of time. in exchanee for an agreed payment of a fixed amount of money or other compensation based on the period of occupancy. "Small-lot single-family dwelling" means asingle-family dwelling (as defined herein) constructed on a lot of less than 6,000 square feet in net lot area, located within the P-D (Planned Development) zoning district. "Spa Services",means an establishment that provides services to customers for financial compensation and may include a sauna, whirlpool, and other similar amenities. "Stock cooperative" means a corporation which is formed or availed of primarily for the purpose. of holding a title to, either in fee simple or for a term of years, improved real property. All, or substantially all, of the shareholders of the corporation must receive a right of exclusive occupancy in a portion of the real property, title to which is held by the corporation, which right of occupancy is transferable only concurrently with the transfer of the share(s) of stock in the corporation held by the persons having the right of occupancy. "Storage facilities" means a structure or group of structures containing generally small, individual, compartmentalized stalls or lockers rented as individual storage spaces and characterized by low parking demand. Includes personal-, self-, ormini-storage." Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 33 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS "Story" means that portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it, or if there is no floor above it, then the space between such floor and the ceiling next above it. "Story, half' means a story under a gable, hip or gambrel roof, the wall plates of which on at least two opposite exterior walls are not more than four feet above the floor of such story. / hls~lt'-story --~`--- 4 tt. nuixinnun ~ to top of Plato (;rxdc .~ , Figure 6-9 Half Story "Structural alteration" means any change in either the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams and girders, or in the dimensions or configurations of the roof or exterior walls. "Structure" means anything constructed or erected, which requires location on the ground or attachment to something having a location on the ground. "Studios, small" means an establishment that offers instruction to twelve or fewer participants at any one time, involving physical or artistic skills and techniques, including but not limited to dance, music, fitness training, martial arts and fine arts. ' T: DEFINITIONS, "T." Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 34 "Studios, large" means an establishment that offers instruction to more than twelve participants any one time, involving physical or artistic skills and techniques, including but not limited to dance, music, fitness training, martial arts and fine arts. Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS "Tennis courts, private" means one or more tennis courts designed and maintained for the sole and exclusive use of the residents/tenants of a specific unit or portion of the site"and their invited guests. "Textile products manufacturing" means manufacturing establishments engaged in performing any of the following operations: Preparation of fiber and subsequent manufacturing of braids, threads, twine cordage, yarn; manufacturing woven fabric and carpets and rugs from yarn; dying and finishing fabric, fiber, yarn; and knit apparel; coating, waterproofing, or otherwise treating fabric; the integrated manufacture'of knit apparel and other finished products from yarn; the manufacture of felt goods, lace goods, nonwoven fabrics and miscellaneous textiles; and upholstery manufacturing. "Theaters, movie or performing arts, and concert halls" means indoor facilities for public assembly and group entertainment, other than sporting events, including: public and semi-public auditoriums; civic theaters, and facilities for "live" theater and concerts; motion picture theaters; and similar public assembly uses. Does not include uses categorized as "Adult Oriented Businesses" or as "Public Assembly Uses." "Towing services" means service establishments where the primary function is the dispatching of tow trucks to motorists in need of a tow to a third location. The facility provides space for the parking of the tow trucks and the private motor vehicles of the tow truck drivers. Also includes administrative offces for the tow truck company and indoor accommodations for servicing (minor maintenance and repair) the tow trucks. Does not include the short-term storage of towed vehicles ("Motor vehicle parking facilities") or the long-term storage of towed vehicles ("Motor vehicle storage facilities"). Also does not include motor vehicle repair of towed vehicles ("Motor vehicle repair and maintenance, minor and major"). Towing services shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.240. "Townhouse" means asingle-family dwelling unit, with a private entrance, which is part of a structure whose dwelling units are attached horizontally in a linear arrangement, and having a totally exposed front and rear wall to be used for access, light, and ventilation. "Trailer sales" means an open paved area, other than a public street, used for the display, sale, or rental of new or used trailers. Also includes minor incidental repair and service of the trailers displayed or sold on the premises. "Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)" means a residential or mixed-use development, located within '/< mile of a light rail passenger terminal (defined herein). "Transitional housing" means fe~up-te-two--years-Residents--are-afse-pr se-+na+~agemen~ Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 35 "Tanning studio" means an establishment that uses artificial lighting systems to produce a tan on an individual's body. This use specifically excludes health and fitness centers ("Health/fitness center"). Title 21 -ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS ef-assestaflse;-mental-and-physisaf-servises~ a+ad--suPpert gFaups: T-ra~~sitiena~Mer+s++ig-shall-somply-with-the-}xovisions-of-Bastian-21.36:230. "Travel agency" means an establishment primarily engaged in acting as an agent in selling travel, tour, and accommodation services to the general public and commercial clients. "Triplex" means a single structure for three living units that are independent of each other with each one having a kitchen and direct access to the outside or to a common hall. Does not include "Rooming and Boarding Houses." "Trucking/freight terminals" means this land use consists of transportation establishments furnishing services incidental to air, motor freight, and rail transportation including: 1. Freight forwarding services; 2. Freight terminal facilities; 3. Joint terminal and service facilities; 4. Packing, crating, inspection and weighing services; 5. Postal service bulk mailing distribution centers; 6. Transportation arrangement services; 7. Trucking facilities, including transfer and storage. "Tutoring center, small" means an establishment providing instruction to twelve or fewer students at any one time, for personal or professional enrichment, involving scholastic, non-physical pursuits, including but not limited to academics, language instruction, wine appreciation, and computer training. "Tutoring center, large" means an establishment providing instruction to more than twelve students at any one time, for personal or professional enrichment, involving scholastic, non-physical pursuits, including but- not limited to academics, language instruction, wine appreciation, and computer training. Establishments providing instruction as a part of a certificate or degree granting program are included under the definition of "commercial school". U. DEFINITIONS, "U." Universities/colleges, private. See "universities/colleges, public"; however, these universities/colleges are privately owned and operated. "Universities/colleges, public" means and includes community colleges, public colleges, universities, and technical schools granting associate arts degrees, certificates, undergraduate, and graduate degrees, and requiring for admission at least a high school diploma or equivalent general academic training. V. DEFINITIONS, "V." "Vending machine" means an unattended self-service device that, upon insertion of coin(s) or token(s) or by similar means, dispenses anything of value including food, beverages, goods, wares, merchandise, or services. "Veterinary clinics and animal hospitals" means office and indoor medical treatment facilities used by veterinarians, including large and small animal veterinary clinics, and animal hospitals. A maximum of five animals may be kept overnight only if they are receiving medical treatment at the clinic/hospital. Veterinary clinics and animal hospitals shall comply with the provisions of Section 21.36.250. "Video rental store" means an establishment primarily engaged in the retail rental or lease of videotapes, films, CD-ROMs, laser discs, DVDs, electronic games, cassettes, or other electronic Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 36 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS media. Sales of videotapes, films, CD-ROMs, laser discs, DVDS, electronic games, cassettes, or other electronic merchandise associated with VCR's, video cameras, DVD players, and electronic games are permitted accessory uses. W. DEFINITIONS, "W." "Warehouse retail stores" means retail stores that emphasize the packaging and sale of products in large quantities or volumes, some at discounted prices, where products are typically displayed in their original shipping containers. Sites and structures are usually large and industrial'in character. Patrons may or may not be required to pay membership fees. Warehousing, wholesaling, and distribution facility, incidental. See "warehousing, wholesaling, and distribution facilities," primary; however, these facilities are only incidental to a manufacturing facility, and serve only as the warehouse for that facility. These incidental facilities do not exceed 50 percent of the total gross floor area of the manufacturing facility that it serves. Warehousing, wholesaling, and distribution facilities, primary. 1. ,Warehousing. Warehouse facilities provide for the storage of furniture, household goods, or other commercial goods of any nature. Also includes cold storage. Does not include: warehouse, storage, or personal or mini-storage facilities offered for rent or lease to the general public. For these see "Storage facilities." 2. Wholesaling and distribution facilities. Wholesaling and distribution facilities include establishments engaged in selling merchandise to retailers; to industrial, commercial, institutional, farm, or professional business users; or to other wholesalers; or acting as agents or brokers in buying merchandise for or selling merchandise to these persons or companies. Includes the following establishments: a. Agents, merchandise or commodity brokers, and commission merchants; b. Assemblers, buyers and associations engaged in the cooperative marketing of farm products; c. Merchant wholesalers; d. Stores primarily selling electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning supplies and equipment. "Wildlife habitat" means any area of land or water valuable or necessary to or suitable for the preservation or enhancement of wildlife resources. Wireless Telecommunications Facilities-Non-Stealth. See wireless telecommunications facilities-stealth; however, these facilities do not meet the definition of a stealth facility, defined below. "Wireless telecommunications facilities-stealth" means a land use facility supporting antennas that sends and/or receives radio frequency signals. Wireless telecommunications facilities. Wireless telecommunications facilities include antennas and all other types of equipment for the transmission or receipt of these signals; telecommunication towers or similar structures built to support the required equipment; equipment cabinets, Base Transceiver Stations, and other accessory development. Also referred to as a "Telecorrimunication facility." "Stealth facility" means any telecommunications facility which is designed to blend into the surrounding environment, and is visually unobtrusive. Examples of stealth facilities may include architecturally screened roof-mounted antennas, facade mounted antennas painted and treated as architectural elements to blend with the existing structure. Also known as "Concealed telecommunications facilities." Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 37 Title 21-ZONING ARTICLE 6. -DEFINITIONS Chapter 21.72 DEFINITIONS Y. DEFINITIONS, "Y." "Yard" means an open space, other than a court, on a lot, unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise provided in this Zoning Code. ' "Yard, front" means a yard extending across the full width of the lot, the depth of which is the minimum horizontal distance between the front lot line and a line parallel thereto to the lot. "Yard, rear" means a yard extending across the full width of the lot between the most rear main building and the rear lot line; the depth of the required rear yard shall be measured horizontally from the nearest point of the rear lot line toward the nearest part of the main building. "Yard, side" means a yard between the main building and the side lot line, extending from the front yard, or front lot line where no front yard is required, to the rear yard; the width of the required side yard shall be measured horizontally from the nearest point of the side lot line toward the nearest part of a main building. Yard sale. See "garage/yard sales, private. t < '~e'$' :ts' m ~ -~ ~ - M_r ~' ~ a t t t ~ ~ ~~Area-miNCich~ Ouse ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~~~' ~~ ~ ~ dr~Other Primary '~ .~~ ~ t ~~ cn ~ . Str~uaw~re~ ~ ay~~e .Built' ~ ~' o r~t~. ~ ~ ~. t~~~q ;3 ~ ig r _~ t `s~ r. d t ..t ~(~" r' ~ '~ Y 41f .t - y~ ~ u: ,- t t Front Setback une (Measured from Front Properly line) ~ .~:j .. .. i... . . ~ Front Yard ~:.t ..FrontPropeityline:._ ~ ~~1.._.. i.._:::~ ~~^ ~° Street . f~ Y ~ :.~ - Figure 6-10. Yards Campbell, California, Code of Ordinances Page 38