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ENC2008-00114 (2)
CITY OF CAIvIPBELL ENCRO AC H,41ENT PBRh2IT PetruY No C~ ~ C 2"C) C~ ~ ._ C~ ~ l T3EPT. E3F PUBLIC Wf3RF~ (ior w©rbi~g vr~thin the puafic ~ ~-Rai. File 70 hlorth First St. right-nf-way) G Campb~Il, C.4 93Q~8 AppIicauon Date O _ ' (40~) ~6ti-2160 Issued ~ ~. j ~~'"- AppIicatior, Ex_~irarion Date ~-, Fax. (A-0&) 376-098 ~' j ~ ,~s ~rvl~~ O ~ 3~ g5' Permit Expira¢oa Dat°, (•~~ A.PN _ _ ~ ~] ~ •- •~ ~ -- X775 APPLIC4TION -Application is hereby matte--for a Public Works Perini in acetsrdance with. Campbell t`vlunicipal Code, Section 1 I.p4_ (Application expires in six {6} months if tb~ permit is not issued./ Applica/ti'-o~n Pee is no¢-r/ei/undabie,} 4. W ork address ar tract n ~ l !~ l.-(,(/1iL11~~P1 1 ~.~.P - Utility trench tocatia¢ ~~~,~~~ G'~ ~~~-~'f~(~ ~z~~(~ ~` ~~•..~-~.~- ~~ei~+ B. ltiatvre of work __ 1 _ C. Attach four {4} copies of an en~ine~ed plan showing dse location and extent of the work, and four {4j'cogzes of the preliminary. Eneineei s Estimate of work. The plans sha~I show the relation of the proposed work to existing surface. and under~ound imnravcmcnts. ~t%hen approved Isy'the City En~,incer; said plan becomes a uarE afi this nerntiL D. Ali wort: snail conform to the City of Campbell Standard Specifications and Details for Puialic GVOrks Construction: ttse General Permit Con[iitions list;:d on the. reverse: side;-and the Special Pmvisians fUr this permit, fisted below. raiIure Eo abide by these :,onditions and provisions tea;~ resuh in jcrb shutitown and/or forfeiture of Faittsful !'c~orrnarsce 3ure[ies and cash deposits. {See Cjenera4 Penxtit Conditions I and 2.} E. The Cont:zcwr must have this pernut and apnrCSVed plans at rite site and most notify tfite Puhtic Wari:s Ueparttnent at /cast two days before starting wort; '~c , must be given to Public Vi'prY.s at icast 24 hours before w.starting any work. 'ry ~' ~ ~ ~'~~P-~,,,~,~ Name of Applicant PaC(,~'~~G~. hy~-IQ~ i C ~ Tck;.phone ',C'-~~ ;',; ~^~~~ - Addressr'( ~ ~ ~ ~,~' 2~-Ht7UR E1vIERGENCI' TELEPHOI~lE NO.~,-_ & E-Mail Address ~~~fS ~~~. C.~W~pp~ 4 "~ . G..s Is ti><s work bcinr Qone bl, the property owners at their tswn residence? Yes ~_No Tht: ApplicandP^rmittcc hereby a~^s by affrxing their signature to [Eris permit to bold the City of Campbelt, its or:scers, agentx and emplgyees free, safe and itss from any maim or demand for damages resultmp imm the work crn~ered by this persni~ TEse AppIi~tsifPcrmiuee hereby acknnwled~°s that they tsave read and unde:rstand,hath'the iYnnt arirl heel: of this permit, and [hey wiH irifortn their atshtractnr(s; of the informatio¢. Applicant is advised tlnnt upon issuance of this pv°rmi[, prnnpr[y owner, or property owner's successors, shat/ be responsible Tor any and all damages atisin nut of [hc condition of any privEtte ir¢p;ov~ments in the pubh~ Rnhyof-way. •t~~ Permi[tee) (sigtsj g~ Cnnuacwr {Print Name} Harr. SPL'CIAL PROV ISIONS I . Suaershal[ not be open cut for u¢dt~r~ound insrtRatio¢s_ Minimum cats r?Y lse allawcd for connections or expi.oration lsoies. Suds cuts m,rv he snccifscally approved by th^ tnsae^tor 17nnr IU cn[tin^, T''. Pavement may fie cut for und~~[suad installatio¢s aisd must be restored in accordance with the Sn[ndard Details Trench Restoration Method "A", unless othrnvise approved by Inspector. ~3. W`nrk to be staked b_y a licensed Land Surveyor or Civii Engineer and twe (2) ec,pies of the cut, sheets Beni to the Putiiic V~rarics Deparrrnent before starting work. _4. Per Section 4215 of sire C~ovetntnent Code this permit is not valid for ezcavasioms und! Flnder_*rnund Service Alerc (USA) has Eiw.n ¢o[ifted and the inquiry idaitincation number ha_s bcctt ent,:rcd hereon. U5A Phone I-BT€I-'!.~.;-?6()n. USA TICKET NC.}. P.cr tr, any work. the pr•pc:ty owtser,l,alt execute au A:g,racss7cat far P ivate irnprovenen~ i¢ the P[;uiir. Riq,~~-ui-`v'Jaj~, whirl-~;1-jell b~ recorded. ~G. Public Nouncation R~auir~menus SITE PUBLIC !FORKS Fire. SCI-iEDULB 1;OR CURRENT F.W'.S AMfClI.JNT RECcIY'1' NO. PER:MIT.APPLIC.4TION EvE S J8~ PLAN CHECI:I7EPL'SiT s _~ SBCLIRITY-FOR =AIT13FI1Z PERFpRiw'IANCElLABOR dMATERIALS $ CONSTRLIGTTCEN CASH DEP051'i ~~ PLAN CiIECK 6c 1N5PrCTION PEr. APPRO~!ED POR 155UANCE ~21 ~GS6 Far City in~neer Date Permit Expires 12 Months After Dale of Lssuanrw PG&E, Dependency Permit Desk ~ 900 Lightpost Way, Ste 150 Morgan Hill, CA 95037 August 18, 2008 City of Campbell Public Works Department 70 North 1St Street Campbell, CA 95008 Re: ENCROACHMENT PERMIT Attached is a permit application for the following location. 51 E. Campbell Ave., Campbell Please mail the permits and invoice to: PG&E Dependency Permit Desk 900 Lightpost Way, Ste. 150 Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Additionally please reference PM #80039989 on the invoice. If you have any engineering or design questions, please contact Tim Hamasnki at (408) 722-5223. Thank you, Kathy Donohue Dependency Permit Desk FAX (408) 722-5373 G~14'IIt.4L I'~~TVffT ~O?y*BTTIC}ht~ i , A Constzttctiao Cas3t I)epasit zs rngsszred. CitarL+es will be shade against this deposit if there is as em~~cy calf-cat. avrrt'strte inspection nr when City ordered batricadn; is rogtsred. An}'such. costs in cxctss of the deposit will lair lsill~d to the i'irmittee. ~. A csnc-veat• rnaint::autn;~ p~ind and stst^..ty ar rrqui.;,.d Such period w;.li i>•~n oa date ~ urciu.An aznw.~: 3rv tisa City. _. Ftuad of ihv isle e.^aasst ~. aac r_^fisac or -~nr~llaticce et: ;he c-~i'.h=tsk P.-~•fars[s~ce S:u~~~ ws73 1A initiat:.rl i+}' rite ur:ir~a a..,..:•; °ptra,^ ~ iar. w~l sy:he City. .~_ '1'Er^: F'e.^rdttx nsust rcgsx-~: za wrias:t~ a rirsal inspw<ion astd a,^^~rtas>=~ of tsze wurh sspast :,a*npi=son. 4~taac°. ay ~= Ciry wiP1 a` tna~; is writa~ to the Pcrtnitter_ S_ Maintain sate pedestrian and vehicular crossing and free access ro private driveways, bus stops, tirc hydartu and water valves, 6. A Ccutstru."tSon 7tafr'sn Ccrnsr~! r'us cad a Constru::tioa 5chedssie are renuirrd for all line :.kosutzs, dcsrurs and sm~l..l closures. 33tis pica ttyu5t b rc3'i^w ti zed ata~tmv-d prier t€t anv ~n~ ~kcssurc>. ^,. "f'nr Corisav.^tion Tra;~ic C~rtml ?kan sisatl eauftzm to tkr~ C_lcuts Artattnal of T:~s=ilc Cnauals t""ar Ca=tsnectior= asiei ?ufaintcr:anre VJxI: ?.one, d?t.-3 3.44(1, ax-aiianL- at Catc'atu_ ~safcie cahtrol e:;aiprnestt sital3 include Tvpa Il fiashin~ azsaw sins if rrwir-d. ~_ Replace as dirccsed by tip Czt:stninc~~ zny dasrta~cd ~ ;.shaved imprarerscnts in ac~dsaar-. with Ce±}' Stztedarea and. Sp~is~tians at thL so?u expense of the Pcrtntr[~. 4. Sawcalt for all. PGC nr AC removals, Alk PCC r:xstovals shall. be to nr:arest scarcrnark cad s1sa11 be doweled w er;istins isnprovemenrs. .. .. ! 0. Pr=or a3xprnval at snspcctc.. Ls r=rausr:ss rar art_V wort dote aft~• narcr,.:9 warkesa; nnurs, an w~ivcaus ar halida)'s arnd sr~au a=au:re tetmisurcnxent inspe: tine tests at ties etarrnt crv~tisna rate. 3 3. Kdcoa.-at, stanine cad h3r:i~die~ sc ~.auirr, oa the lob sit=- =a?srst~ to prv»i€l=suds sit~ssng and Fsa'ti.~..din± reray' mutt in t5u C:ty'a prv~vidin~ samca~ and sa.~'i~d;~ anti ~,ar~ na t'xs_ cast t snctndin; all tabor cad asst~als k a~it~a: the cacfi depasit_ - 1? Compaction te..tiaII ns• sui±grsde, lzssc ro: k. anal sphxk[ dan,^r~te b}° F'~rmitt~ is reauirtd uttl~s atha^vrs` st. t_rl rry cst~ Ci€y =a~snce:. 13. The Contractor nr f'ertnittec will have a supervisarv representative available ter contact nn the proje.^t at atl tlsnts duris+.~ constsuctinn. Contractor ar Permitt~e: shah pmvidc a phone numb." at which they can he r:nntacted nntside the haurs of $:Od a.m. to 4'63(3 p_m. l4. Na storage ai trtate-;als ar :.puiprt^rsa will h` allawt~ n:.^s the ~lpe oT pavement, the trv~ted u~tq, or w.i-thin nt slr~sld~iisse whi:.kt wouitl cr,~~ a 'cazzrdtxts coad:uan to the public, l._ iris pe„;tttit sra3! not. be ~-t,-[td ,s asstito ~tian €or ratiryn sstti ~an'ing nn prs~atc prop~t},° aa~~t ttf late w~Tb a- aati• at-a.= wets: ti~ uai~ a seams-,.e~ a~-rsmjt e«;a~ be :~atdsse. aso: rkots i[ t: kiec ~ ;hc P°snitlc of any oc~ia~tian to o'n•.aia nay nEh~ permit rcauircd "ny kaN- , 16. ± cis pesmii [sacs not release trse P^smitse:; imsn nay L•ahHl€ti.s cantaitsed in other xa=r~:in~sts ar cana.~cn wrtir ¢icc City ann. nay attt'-r tmrhlic u~eac}•. 1?. This permit i^, hat transferable. Wnrl; mt;.5t be perfarmed by rltc 3'errrsittee ar hiR drsigrtated agent ar t:an~actor as ,^.pecitied titerean. I ~. Carl Ysack lcakl avt} dttc to eaa~eneics rez-ardinr this permitsisall be at the entreat av:stimc rate with a ttne.° 13) haur uuaimuta charge per occurrcnc~ 34. Pursssatst sa Cttspt^r I»_Gs? of tiu- Cr~srcpb:3l RSuniapal Cnae, applicant sicali nn nose to l~3ss.^.i=.as~...:n a*t tnat~-ial into t*e_ rhea"s~ina6 sterrn drsr. srst.-m atia~ iF,aa ;,~-an v.;sa,r. ~onii~tt: snail aaa^ w '~. ]3F5`:' MfUVAG?Jd'[:~? Pr2~C+1C5S sabtisaod isy' tkt_ Saner Czar- t%zI4^y lirbar. R~o:t Ptilinedtan i'r~v:sttion Pra~.st. ?{1. It the pttbiie intCFSC ragaerus a sreatCtn tto*t af, ar a degartute =salts. tit: akaas and speccti~nn.^ss. ra t`its' sEta16 have ~c autnont}' tc restsr: ar zppreve any rnodificanon or dcpasmre and to sp....fn~ the matmer in which rite same is to be tnadt iar Cety-gwn.si nr ma'sn~•sin~i fa~titis. 2s. Pcttnittee must prnvkc% advance aauficatian to cif panics that trtay he afi^_=ud by the permit ac[ivities. Notifcatian sEtal{ be revizwed 'n}~ City prior to disc s uticu a:,d ~clud:, d.=rc' t;` ;•vor1: rs ; a caaract au .cr. cad ~.ha7c rau.atcr. ?'~ppli~at s::all i r rspansi.bi: inr °:snrir~«, tisat aIE thane proviain; sen-iy~s ur=du^ the arpFirast are aunt of and und:ss;and 2l] cti ine above coaditian> ~s~~=v~ ~3a~ Late :ltsartrts ~s.~pe: rta Cantsactar irrtnt tonne;-f ~866~008 :Wd J.Nbd W 0~ ~ I ~Il~~~~ D Nb Sb0 ~ I~ I bbd ~1HS ~a3H10 EL~~BLZOt ~'~IlON gas ~o~ V~ `1138dWtl~ 3AV 1138dWV~ 3 lS 433dS1H911 1~81d H~Z~xS NOIZ~II~ZSNO~ 'I~NI~ 'mo.l~rr~M000y fulJnp 3I!e :l.,i ,~.~. ..;,.- WQ~d Y~iW~{ iAq/ JiIMU loam I{Ua? Ii~gdua~~ ~G ~~i~ 'NOI1~f12~1SNC)~ ~~~ t~3n02lddd ~ ~ O ~.. N _____.~ in ^~ ~ M N N I I I I I ~ I I U I ~ ~ I N i ~ h 1 ~xZ i ~ 2 IN =HQ i ~ ~ I~ ~O~ I ~ ~ Q ~ INOyQ 3E~1 IM~~~atA~i I pp\I~ N Y 00 1A~ I~N~I `I Mlli~I IM~~~--tOdJl r5 ~31S3H~NIM ~ /~ AHZL VL6£ -£ `v '~ W Q J J W m U !' O <</8 ~31dd 1a0~3f1S S31 Zd10 311 s3ao~~ VOIN I~dSdYVbI • ~-C 0 N ]L Z 4 m m M ~ N ~ i ,may > ~ ~ M Y i J LU ,N~ .~i W ~ i Q a2Z ~ ~a~.-,O 4 ~ ~O > H~Q~Z ~YF-m~ ~O°°ou~ H _l ~ ~ W C~O~ ~~~