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08/22/2008 08:09 FAX 925 229 8987 AT&T BROADBAND [~j002 I .Print Form CITY OF CAMPBELL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT Permit No ~~I ~- 4- ~ V ~ - ~% y 1 Z 3 DEPT. OF PUBLiC WORKS (for working within the public X-Ref. File 70 North First Street ri ht-of--way) ~T Application Date _ 2 cl V ~ Campbell, CA 95008 c~. ` C~ Application Expiration ate 2 ~ V Ph. (408) 866-2150 Issued ~ 2 ~ w APN ~ .t Z _ 31- Oll:~ 2 Fx. (408-376-0958 Permit Expiration Date ~ ~' ~~ APPLICATION -Application is hereby made for a Publ'K Works Permit In accordance with Campbel! Municipal Code, Section 1 i.~4. (Application expires in six (6) months if the permit is not issued, Application Fee is non-refundabieJ A. Work Address or TractNo.:I--63_tJ,Jp~ ~In~~(.~- .~.C1~f~d(,a~~j ~j~G(~~r~,~/I~ Utility Trench Location: B. Nature of Work: ~ '~{~,, ~n•,,,.~ f ~~,f7 J ~QOI.CQ. '~.-~,ri G~/ 2- ,6~ - /~.(" i _ C. Attach four {4) copies of an engineered plan showing the location and extent of t e work, ana your (4} copies oftFie preliminary Engineer's ~t~ Estimate of work. The plans shall show the relation of the proposed work to existing surface and underground improvements. When approved by the Clty Engineer, said plan becomes a part of this permit. D. Alf work shall conformto the City of Campbell Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction; the General Permit Conditions listed on the reverse side; and the Special Provisions for this permit, listed below. Failure to abide by these conditions and provisions may result in job shutdown and/or forfeiture of Faithful Performance 5u~eties and cash deposits. (See General Permit Conditions 1 and 2.) E. The Contractor must have this permk and approved plans at jhe site and must notify the Public Works Department at least two days before starting work. Notice must be given to Public Works at least 24 hours before restarting any work. Name of Applicant: ~~a~1,Y1C-0L-$ I ~ Telephone: ~~~~ -~J ~`,~ ! / Address: t .~'7~ ~ TY•'LF'~GC ~~r C.t~ t./`t ,~'~~ZO._.__._.._,_J ..~__._C_---- E-Mail Address: iJQ~ , ~_ ~ ~~ ~~m~~-f ^ 2~ q_HOUR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: ~~ ~ T ^-- Isthis work being done by the property owners at their own residence? ~ YES (-",ENO The Applicant/Permittee hereby agrees by affixing their signature to this permit to hold the City of Campbell, its officers, agents, and employees tree, safe and harmless from any claim or dema nd for damages resulting from the, work covered by this permit. The ApplicanUPermittee hereby acknowledges that they have read and understand both the front atxl back of this permit, and they will inform their contractor{s) of the information. Applicant is advised that upon issuance of this permit, property owner, or property owner's successors, shall be responsible for any nd all damages/arising out of the co ition of any/private improvements in the public right-of--way. Accepted: ~'~--~V ~-tc..Q~ ~'e.GC+V1, l.+Q,,Q~ _ ~i r ~ Z Z' f`) (Applicant Permitteei (sign) Date (Contractor) (Print Name) Date -_ SPECIAL PROVISIONS• 1. Street shall not be open cut for underground installations. Minimum cuts ~ be allowed for connections or exploration holes. Such cuts a be specifically approved by the Ins ctor prior to cutting. 2. Pavement may be cut for underground installations and must be restored in accordance with the Standard Details Trench Restoration Method "A",unless otherwise approved by the Enginee-. 3. Work to be staked by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civi I Engineer and two {2) copies of tfie cut sheets sent to the Public Woks Department before starting work. 4. Per Section 4215 of the Government Code this permit is not valid far excavations until Underground Service Alert (USA) has been notified and the inquiry Identification number has been entered hereon. USA Phone: 1-800-227-2600. USA TICKET NO._ 5. Prior to any work, the property owner shall execute an Agreement for Private Improvements in the Public Right-o1=Way, which shall be recorded. j('1~ )~'q'~L-'MINT oN McCrl.~ NCY' ~ xc r~au~ wvrrn~ rtr ~l.titUULt FUK (.UKRtN I i-fE5 AMOUNT PERMIT APPLICATION FEE 5 32S PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT 5 SECURITY FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE/LA$OR ~ MATERIALS S CONSTRUCTION CASH DEPOSIT g PLAN CHECK& INSPECTION FEE ~ Z y APPROVEDFORISSUANCE `~ ~2 Permit Expires 12 Months After Date of Issuance 0(C ~:itl/iS ~'~ 08/22/2008 08:10 FAX 925 229 8987 AT&T BROADBAND ~ 003 etc C~ L~~c~-~{ LN fore: 40' 'h N i~ Z U N ~ J = C) ~ p$~ Ate o ~ z ~~ . U ~~`=~ U ~ ~~ o ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~t M Q • ~ ~ W U ~. p 0 ~ U ~ ~ Q ~ v r ~Y~ u~G X15 ~ ~Qa.c~-~ - 2! - T.~ p:~,~ . a ~~ ~urc~s o . ~' ~ ~3 ~+•~ ~ I ~ e W 1~ ~ ~g 'CIS `F, ~ ~ ~~~ F9c I ~.. ~~-deats r I ~~ i,+~z ~Ff s l~l-~g o ~ 1+57 L~3~ f - I-~-t ~ ~'~ a'~'b~'v sss ^ h/M of~'9 ~sIC ~ c~ Sec.U2~' ~ a p~t7 3 ~s~ 13 ~ Y,~ULT Za ~3~ fNS~AI.I~~i ~~ p Ca.w.{)~aet) ~~„ o~4q Ms.~~ ~ sls ~ T crt-.r+4- c~-E-4~1 ~l, g ® a C~?.i/ b-E3~ as IQ-~ ~t'•S~tdf~ ~~ ~ ~.~ o+ZCt ats r3~ [~ Wµ o~~, o1s t r ' ~j(p~ gi"• I;~~ o+oo else ,, ~~ vcr a+ao cs~~' 08/22/2008 08:10 FAX 925 229 8987 AT&T BROADBAND ~ 004 a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~O ~ o ®~ Z 64. .' ~~ A ~ O o j ~ n 1 ~J t~.0/~W~ ~ ~ ~ ~N 0~ Z ° a ~ ~ ~ 01 ~ a~ a ^o~ I .~ v cn~ n ~ r~ '' 6 ~ Z S\ ~ 1 r 10~' ~~'. * 1 ~~d. ~G S'~'~ _ ~ ~ ~ X68 ~ GGJoS~~j~ ~~~ ~SS - -~ G~ "mss ~~ ~ ~ ~' i ¢ !9 } ~ z 6Eg 683 ~~~ 3 GfO~ I ` ~ wo ~ ter- co ~ ~' ~ JU N ¢~ CO ~'~ ~ ~ O v o ~~ '' ~~ ' ti~ ~ ~ . ' ~~ a i9~ W ter' rn v ~ ~ ~ 0 ^oa ~ O~\~ °O 2~~ o ~° I J U ~~ ~ ~ ~ ors U~~ ~m ~ ~r ^aa ~ ~~JJ a J ~ ~ ~~ !~ ~' V U Noy ~a~p` r ~~' Q gc ~orvn Q < J.M~Id 1~~0~ NH031 138dWb ~ $ ~ ~ • . Jam+« ~ • g i I I ' ~~u~ u~ ~ ~ ~ JQln Lll to zUUU t © of a ~ o ~ ' Y tZif~~ _ Q ^o~- i I ~ ¢ U 1 r "`° ` ~0 ~~~ ~ 01 L ' O~ ~U u,~~ ^t _ ~ a3~U ~_ ' J~ ^~Z I ~~Q'i ~' ~ m~ ma U W G ~` ~ ~ ~ =a ~' I o V ~ ~~ b'~ ~S 1 ~5'n~:J, `/ i ti ~,~_ a 08/22/2008 08:11 FAX 925 229 8987 AT&T BROADBAND Shoulder Work on Undivided Highways ~ 005 SIGN SPACING ft. TAPER LENGTH R. OPTIONAL CHANNELfZER SPACING >ft. SPEED Undivided (S) Divkisd (S) Shoulds {T7) Lane (T2) BUFFER LENGTH (ft.) B Tap»re BuHerl Work Areae 0-35 200 - 70 - 120 35 50 40-45 350 - 150 - 220 40 100 50-55 500 - 185 - 335 50 100 fi0-70 1000 - 235 - 550 60 100 1 Shoulder taper length based on 10 ft. (standard shoulder width) of6eE 2 Lane taper length bated on 12 ft. {atendard I~tne width) offset TYPE ROADWAY SK3N MAXIMUM HEIGHT WORK ZONE LENGTH (L} URBAN Y Portable ~ Mi 7' Post RURAL UNDIVIDED 1 P°rtable ' 3 Mf. Post 5 Notes: In addition to shoulder work, this typical application is applicable to work beyond shoulder where vehicles and equipment are parked on the shoulder. A protective vehicle shall be used while work is in progress. The protective vehicle should be equipped with a TMA and positioned at least 150 ft. in advance of the work space. If encroachment onto driving surface occurs and there is not 10 ft. of driving surface available for the lane of traffic, that traffic lane shalt be closed. Refer to appropriate lane closure typical applications. If an arrow panel is used for an operation on the shoulder, the caution mode shall be displayed. For short duration or mobile operations, signs, channelization devices and protective vehicles may be reduced or eliminated if a work vehicle with activated rotating lights or strobe lights is used. However, if limited sight distance exists in a stationary operation or workers are on foot, a protective vehicle should be used. This protective vehicle should be equipped with a TMA and truck mounted flashing arrow panel and positioned at least 150 ft. in advance of the work space or work vehicle, as applicable. If a protective vehicle is used, a vehicle mounted sign shall be mounted at a recommended height of 48 in. above the road surface. For work beyond shoulder, where vehicles and equipment are parked on the shoulder, the protective vehicle may be eliminated if a work vehicle with activated rotating lights or strobe lights is used. Additional warning signs shall be erected at each intersection with another state highway within the work zone. Upon the discretion of the supervisor, additional warning signs may be erected at other intersections within the work zone. Other appropriate signs may be used in lieu of SHOULDER WORK AHEAD sign. Channelizer ~~ protective Vehicle Cone ar Drum i Sign ® Truck Mounted Auenuator (TMA) ~ Truck or Trailer P l d A ® ace Work S rrow ane Mounte p p~rWecflve Vehicle Rof-Ahead Space L B a ^ T1 r S f TA-2 08/2L/2008 08:12 FAX 925 229 8987 AT&T BROADBAND Lane Closure on Two-Lane Highways Using Flaggers boos ~ StGN 8PACWG TAPER LENGTH OP'T10NAL CHANNELIZ ER SP BI~rR. SPEED Umdhrldsd Ohfidsd Should Lens Bl1FFER LENGTH {R) Tapers Work Areas (g) (S) (T7) {T2) B 0-35 200 - - - 120 - 50 40.45 350 - - - 220 - 100 50-55 ~ - - _ 335 _ 100 80-70 1000 - - - 550 - 100 . -. .. - -...__-~ -- <~ o ~~.,...~.a . ~....a,ae. ,.a~x ti~ ntfnat 2 I~ne tenor lenolh based on 12 ft. (standard lane ruidth) offset - - - - - IiEIGHT ttYORK ZONE LENGTH (L) URBAN 1' Portable ' 1 ~. Post 7 RURAL UNDIVIDED 1' Portable 5' Post 3 MI. (Optional) Notes: A protective vehicle shall be used while work is in progress. The protective vehicle should be equipped with a TMA and flashing arrow panel and positioned at least 150 ft. in advance of the work space. If a flashing arrow panel is used, the caution mode shall be displayed. When a temporary road closure is needed, both directions may be stopped at the same time up to a maximum of 20 minutes. Where operational conditions warrant, channelizing devices may be eliminated. For short duration operations, signs and channelizers may be reduced or eliminated. The protective vehicle may be eliminated if adequate sight distance exists and the work vehicle uses activated rotating Lights or strobe lights. For mobile operations where workers are on foot and move with the operation, channelizers may be reduced or eliminated. '! 00' (5 channelizers min.} ~' 100' (5 chaninelizers min.} (Optionaq p Channelizer fi TruckorTrailer f P d ~ work Cone or Dmm ane Arrow Mounte Space ~' Flagger ®Truck Mounted TMA ® Protective i Sign ) Attenuator{ Vehicle Additional warning signs shall be erected at each intersection with another state highway within the work zone. Upon the discretion of the supervisor, additional warning signs may be erected at other intersections within the work zone. For mobile operations, spacing between flagger and FLAGGER AHEAD signs shall not exceed one mile. TA-7 08/22/2008 08:08 FAX 925 229 8987 AT&T BROADBAND COMCAST FAX TRANSMITTAL FROM: DATE: fl~ RE: PAGES• fncfudfn cows CC: ~_~ Urgent ~ pevlew MESSAGES: ~ 001 ~~c ~, ~"' ~ ~o~- s~9 ~o/ 6