ENC2008-00137CITY OP CAMPBELL FNCRgACFiMENT PERMIT Permit No~G, N C 2 ~ C~'C~~3''1 DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS (for worldng:within the public X-Ref. Fie 70 Ntsittt First t St. right-ofway) Campbell, CA 9SOOS ! v Application Due (~ 3 ~ 8 (a08} 866-2150 Issttrd l v / c, Applicuion Expiration Date /[~ q Fax (408) 3760958 ~ ../~I Permit Expiration Date ~ ~/3 APN ~ ~ T 1~" ~SZ APPLICATION - Apphcadon is hutby made fa s Public Wtsrks Permit is atxordattet with Campbell Muntciptl Code, Stx~oa 11.04. (Application spires in six {ti) moans if the pcrattt is oa iuutd. Apptic}ntion Fee is two-«fundabk,) A. Work address ar veer x ~ /~ ~ ~ 3J ~~ ~ ~jD~?j~~s~ 0 Utility trench location ~ 1~-(/ ~ ,T/ 1 F"TJ ~p (~ ~ B Nawrc of work ~_„~'~'~ j ~C~ ~b~~ 1~~~~ ~~ ~ jxt C. Attach four (4) copies of an engineered plan showing the location and extent of the werk, and four (a) Copiu of dte preliminary Ettgitteu's Estimate of work. The plans shall show ttse relation of the proposed work to exisung surface and underground impmvemrnu. When approved by the City Eagitteer, said plan becomes a part of this permit. R. All wort s4s11 oouforao to the City of Caertpbell Staadnnd Sperafrntions and Details for Pubic works Construction: the Generai Permit Conditions listed oa the reverse. sidct atu! the Special Pronsiens for Otis permit, lisud below. Failure w abide by these conditions and provisions may result in job shnsdown aodf~ forfdturc of Fait}iftil Perftxrnattee Sureties and Lerch deposits. fSee General Permit Conditions 1 and 2.) E. The Ctmttscuor must have this permit tend approval plans at the siu and must notify the Public Works Department at least two days before stattia; wort. Notice must be given to Public Works at ksst 24 boos bcfa/e rlestarring any ~~Q Nstne of Appiit:ant 1~-l ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Telephtme EyJO ~~ ~3 Z~ Address ~2~,~~s ,~j,,~/~'~j ~~~) 24•HOUR EMBRGENCY'i'ELEPHONE NO 7 ~a"~/ @-Mail Address ~a~ Yv v r ~~i f ~~~ _ `V ]s this work being done by the property owners a[ their own «stdence? Yes No 't'he ApplicanttPerminee hrreby agtoes by affixing their sigttsture W this ptYrtsit to hold the City of Campbell, tts officers, agtxttc aaJ employees free, safe and harmins from say e11im or demand for damages rtxuiting ban rile work ooviced by t1>:s Permit. The ApplicandPermtttee hereby acknowkdgrx that they. have rtmd and tttttierswnd bout the ftrmt and hack of thts permit. and they wilt reform thnr catttracu>r(s) of the infcxtnautM. Applicant u advised issuance of this permit, pmpeny owner. or property ownu's successors, shalt be rzsponsibk For any and all datrtugrs arising out of the condition of any 'ate rover is in the public nght•of-way. ~ A - -~ Accepted ~Jm/~"~f 7 3 (Apphant Permttta) (s,gn) Date Contractor (Riot Name) Datc _ I . Suset shall not be open cur for underground insallaticxts, Minimum curs .may br: allvwt~ fur ctxtntxtions or explorauon holes. Such cuts tngy ~i,~pycif{p~`LRp72vl~.pvibl6~rt~i~4KPJLL tntuau. ~.',. Pavement maybe cut fa uodergratnd instaliarions noel must be reswred in accordance with the Standard Derails Trench Rtxtoraiion Method "A" Unitas otherwise approved by Inspector: ,~~. Work w be staked by a Ucetrstid Led Stuveya or Civi I Engineer attd two (2) copies of the cut sheets sent to thr. Public Works Department before sorting work. ~4 Per Stxtian 42t3 of tFte Government Colt this permit is not valid frn exeavaueos until Underground Service Alen (tJ$Al hu beta otwificd and the inquiry idto0fit~iton nurttba has been entered hereon. USA Phone i •ti00.227.2ti00. USA TICKET NO. _5 Prior w any work. the propeaty owner rt'ali execute an Agreement fa Private Improvett>etta m the i`ublic Right-of•Vray, which shall be recorded. .r G. Public Notification Requirements: SEE ~j,(~I,,.tC W~I~S FEE SCHEDUL'e FOR Ci1RRFNT FEES AMCIUNT RECEIPT NO. PERMIT APPLICATION FEE 7 S PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT ; " S SECURiT'Y FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANC R & F tbNSTRUCTION CASH DEPOSIT ~ S PLAN CHECK dt INSPECTION FEE S~ APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE ~~ ~ ~t! ~ Far City Engineer Permit Exaircs [~ Months After Uau of lssuanee GENERAL PERMTT COPiDTCIONS (. A Coasauctioa Cash Depoaitis regoaed. Charges will be ooade agsinat this deposit if that is w arterRptey call-pal. avatithe inspecnan or when City tudaed bamcadiag u required. Aoy such costs is excess of the deposit wiq be bilteA to the Permittee. A ooe-year rountgiaooc period and surety errs tequirad. Sam persod wi0 begin na date d wntren aceeputtcs by she Ciry. ~. Ratnnd of the taro deposit booster and rtdrsod a gxellagm d the Faidsfal Pertormaacs Surary will be rmtisted by the vrriaep aKxpaax d the watt ln• the City. a.. The Permta[ae most request is wnang a fiaa{ tsspecsraa and acapmee d the work upm corrtirktian. Accgltattee by the City will be made w writing to the Perraiasc. S. Munura sofa pedestrian end vehicular crossings and free access to private tlrivewsvs, bus stops, fire hythanu and water valves. 6 A Ctsnstsuetion Traffic Car¢W Plan a~ a ConsaucDOn Seheduk are required fa all coat claaures, detours attd street rbsurxs. This ptaa most be rsvtcwed cad appeared prig w acv bnc elaetrres . The Caueuaioo Traffic Gomo1 Plan shal3 conform so ilk Catvans Maottal of Traffic Controls far Cassvttenon arx.' Mnamnanee Wcsrk Ts>4es. dated 1490. avaikrWe u Calrnns. Traffic cannot equrpmestt shall rrruude Type ll fltshrng arrOr stprs if roqutrtd 8. RepL•ict x directed by the Gry EeRinser any damaged or rsnwved impmvettKnu ~a accardaacc +vitlt City Standuds and 5peafiatinns s; the sok upimse d the Perwttx. 9 Sawcut fa all PCC a AC ranovals All PCC rtmovals ahall be to neartat sctxertiuk and sba11 be doweled w axic[ing tmpmvetrrettts. 10. Pnp approval d iaspmttr u required fa nay wart dace afro sorrnal wrong hoars. on watendc tx holidays cad may regwts rpmbtttsetneot d ttsapeetioa txxa at use wrseat tsvsrtime ate. i I Adnquatt sigsiosg cad hsirritadiaR is tttgititsd oe the lob aK Failarc m preside weh ugniog cad baaicadiag twy rssnlt m the Crty's provtdasg salraog and batrscadee cal ctsapog the coat Eiaclodiog alt labor and mstaralsl against the cash depaait t Z. Congiactrnrt tatting d wlsgfatie, base rock. and asphalt cooerete by Pamrrta is rtqutted nnlas othervrise stated by the Citv Fapnec. 13. Tfu Caarcactor a Pamittee wilt have a supervrsary reprpmtauvc avaiL~bk for contact oa the pro~act al all amts dunng txtnmucuon. Gui[rrtxa or Ptxminse shall pmvide a phone number at which they c;irt be contaacd outside the hourc d 8:(Kl a.m. to d:p0 p.m. la No skxage d rrntaiala or egnrpmrni will be albwed nor the edge of pavement. the havekd way, or witbm ttic shoolderliae which waukl tepee a haurdaas cdtditiun to the pebiit i5 Thu permi[ strEl not be snantrued x aatiorisapaa for es[avatiaa and grading m pnvau property ad}aeenr to slit vat a nay [Niter w'arS, fa vvhms : separua permit easy be regiired. eta doer ie n:ltevc the Penutta d nay obhgauoe to obnia any other pamu regwred by bw 16. This pmrait does oat release tht 1'ermitla from any 6ubiiiuts mntaiiral m other agmroesits or cnnUaete with die City snd nay ether pabhc agexecy. 17. This perms[ is na [tanaferabk. Wart must be ptrfotmcd try the Pamittee or his duigpattai agent a caolraetor x specified thereon 18. Carl stack (call out i due to emergenties rcaardmg this panti[ shell be a[ the cnrtcnt ovartrme rate with a three (?) hour rtanimum charge per oaurratrs. 9 Ptusttarsr w Chapter 1 a.U~ of die Campbc#I s,Aumnpal Cade. appficaat sicaU na*. cotta to bt citschal;txl aov material tmo the mtmippal corm tfr~s syxtsm rxhc clean staeec wow. Apoitan+ stall adhere to the BF.S"' MA,tiAGEMF.NT' PRACTICES estabNslied to the Sates Ciar: ~~alky Ihe~ Repot! 1'aihtuat Prevennao Prflgrssm. 20. if the public interest rogwrres s modificatron d, a a depormre fran. the picas cad speciRauasu. Ne City shalt have the aathorrry to n~utrc a spprovr any modificaston a departure and to spettify the roamer in whidt the same is m be nude for City-cnvoed w mamutna! fxiGUas 21. Permitter must provide advance notification io all parties that may be effected by the permit activiucs. Notification shat! be reviewed by Ciq~ pear to ditmtwuon and in.:lttdc darts d work and a cwaa oaarc arr.". pbonc aus:rbca. Appiieam s1u11 >x rexpoasibk for easetiaQ Utat a71 thafe providing services uadc die appiican; are axvrr of and tmdastand all of the attove ; ondtuoat ~--'-, In ~ 3 A8 Appliort[ Da - Contrrctar (Print trams) Dam Aforrasyrvrpam Rwv i t/'9e0S ~r, w ~aao ownov svwol rrvs r V W ~ - /V ~ SV ~~ TI ~ ~ ~ ~ O I ~ Z ~` ~ rX n q O N. rn v l -+' ~'~$ ~ x -N-i -~ \\ Z ~ J O ` '/ i~~ ;' ~ ti~ ;~ o~oo~' ~/ ~~ b' ,~~/ ~ W ~ ~~ j ~~ ~' / ~~~ % /ti S / / ~~ \ ~~ O~ ~ o~ f"7 V I / _, ~ N ~ ,~ W W v a w 0 ---~ ao n ~ z in cn 0 c cn j W cn O ~ ~ N ~ p n D = n~~v' ~° 0 W z EST: G. FLING ,-, SUPV: S. IQSS ~ REP: R. YCCAII ti a° m __- ~ ~~ ~ ~- J ~~ F- 9* ~~' g4n h v J :, CG"', z `T~ G N W N N W ~~1 ~ -`=- -__-- CT O) p~ N~ Z O O C « C \ CJ cn ' C7 D .a Y p \\~. ~._. J ~1 .-~ - ~ v^.l a ~\ ~ n v R _ ~, ~m ~ ~, . ~, c~ •;. 0 .,,~. w 0 8 ~~ ~ APl~ROVED ~=UFd CONSTRUC ION. C~t~ ~t Campbell ~'ublic Works Permit No. C 2u -ool Cat/tIUCtO/ must /lave thre dMl nn the job site dadn9 opr~tic1/pN v~.~ r C D N cD--O m ~ r N ~vuo -l OD m ~~~A l7 v I I I I t~0°'Z °° N $ ~ ~ NP°„ m ~ ~~w~ w N :- ~ ~ r o ~v -DO ~ Q ~'~ ~TJ m ~ ~ m ~ y O O O H y0 ~ ~ ~ m x N ~ D ~ {a' ~ W -N-1 O ~ n r O In r~ m °D ~ y ~ -1~ O< ° = ~ O O < l ~1 ~ W = n A v to m ~ ~ O ai ~ N t /1 ~ ,'^., °y to Zs r z -~ x< aD x < ~ ~ ~ ~ <~ z mi m ~ 'r D m mx v c v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~+ O r ~ ~ -~ w vo -ni , .~ r A m ~ zs a = , n°o D n m ~v ~ p + -i< v C z ° c a ~° v ~ ~~ ~w y ~ N n ~ O ~ ao O= D~ > ~ c i ~~ z w ut ~c<-i ~ ~ m m m Z ~ C "~ X "i O O D A O m ~ O x ~ O 1 m Z ti ~ z a a ~^ m ° D m .~ ~ a N m m Z p 1 N x O x O x 0 w y i 0 . ., CONSTRUCTION SKETCH sp GONG, BARRY, An Individual NOTIF.:102880t54 1320 ELWOOD DR OTHER: LOS GATOS SHT: SHEETS PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Pa. 30634955 REv Page 1 of 1 Joanne D' Ambrosia From: McCall, Ralph [R3Mw@pge.com] Sent: Friday, October 03, 2008 8:44 AM To: Joanne D' Ambrosia Cc: Spring, Leslee Subject: Permit Application - 1320 Elwood Dr., Los Gatos Importance: High Attachments: Permit.App.1320.Elwood 01.pdf; ELEC_CONS_SKETCH_1320 ELWOOD_306349552 01.pdf Hi Joanne, Attached please find the permit application documents for 1320 Elwood Dr., Los Gatos. PG&E Job # 30634955 When ready, please send to: Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Attn: Ralph McCall 10900 N. Blaney Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 Best regards, Ralph McCall Senior Electric Engineering Estimator Service Planning Desk: 408-725-2061 *** eSafe 6 scanned this email for malicious content *** *** IMPORTANT: Do not open attachments from unrecognized senders *** 10/3/2008