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12/2L/2008 15:06 FAX 925 229 8987 AT&T BROADBAND ~ 002 Print Form ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ~ Permit No~ C~ `~ ~~ - ~ C' `~ ~~ CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PIfBLIC WORKS (for working within the public X-Ref. File ~~~ - 70 North First Street right-o - Application Date " r z~~1 O Campbell, CA 95008 ~ ~ ~ i~ AppHca 'on Expiration to .~ NCO ~~1~> Ph. (4013} gb5-2150 Issued , Fx. {no81376-o9ss ~ /^)~ APN2.~C ~ '1''r:~C Permit Expiration Date ~ / ~ ~ '®~' APPLICATION - Application is hereby made for a Public Works Permft in accordance with Campbell MunicipaE Code, Section 11.IY7~.~4pplicatrbn ~~es in six (6) months if the permit is not issued. Application Fee is Han-refundable.} A. Work Address or TractNo.: ~ ~ ~1~. lA '~ Utility Trench location: I ~ ~~,,, ,`„ /} ~, ~ (,7 ~ r B. Nature of Work: ~ ~~ ei , n _ ~ ~ j ( /~'` i~~ ~ fi ] ,~ C. Attach four (4) copies of an engineered plan show-iwng tlhJe`I-o'cation and extent ofthe~ k, a d four (4) co~slo]f(tJhe prel"nninary gineer's Estimate ofwork The plans shall show the relation ofthe proposed workto existing srirface and underground im~orovements. When approv d by the City Engineer, said plan becomes a part of this permR. D. Allwork shall conformto the City of Campbell Standard Specifications and Details for Rublic Works Construction; the General Permit Conditions listed on the reverse side; and the Special Provisions for this permit, listed below. Failure to abide by these conditions and provis'rons may result in job shutdown and/or forfeiture of Faithful Performance Sureties and cash deposits. (See General Permit Conditions 1 and 2.) E. The Contractor must have this permit and approved plans at the site and must notify the Public Works Depa rtment at least two days before starting work. Notice must be given to Public Works at least 24 hours before restarting any work. Q Name of Appl""Kant: r+-x~ f ' ~`-~" Telephone: ~~ , /(J / T ~L ~- Address: 1C=i*~ ~~,~ ~-i`ce'-`"'~ . ~-r+ y Cv`r'/ yr / CJ\ ~ ~~Cj~ ! E-Mail Address: i J /~ n ~n + ~j ~ ~},, f ~ ~ 24F{OUR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: { ~~C >!^~ ~ . )~ / - ~` `"~~ Is this work being done byGth~eprloperty owners at't-h'-e`ir'vown residence~~~~ ~~ ES ~O I ~ l The Applicant/Permittee hereby agrees by affixing their signature to this permit to hold the City of Campbell, its officers, agents, and employees free, safe and harmless from any claim or demand for damages resulting from the work covered by this permit, The Applicant/Permittee hereby acknowledges that they have read and understand both the front and back of this permit, and they will inform their contractor(s) of the inf lion. Applicant is advised that upon issuance of this permit, property owner, or property ~p~ers suc essors, shall be responsible for an amages arisincyout ofthe condition of any private improvements in the public right-of--way. J~ Accepted: Permittee) (sign) (Contractor) (Print Name) SPECIAL PROVISIONS: 1. Street shall not be open cut for underground installations. Minimum cuts may be allowed for connections or exploration holes. Such cuts may be s~ecificaAy aooroved by the Inspector prior to cutting. 2. Pavement may be cut for underground installations and must be restored in accordance with the Standard Details Trench Restoration Method "A",unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 3. Work to be staked by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and two (2) copies of the tut sheets sent to the Public Works Department before starting work. 4. Per Section 4215 of the Government Code this permit is not valid for excavations until Underground Service Alert (USA} has been notified and the inquiry identification number has been entered hereon, USA Phone: 1-800-227-2fi~. USA TICKET NO._ 5. Prior to any work, the property owner shall execute an Agreement for Private Improvements in the Public Rightgf~Way, which shall be recorded. 6. Public Notification Requirements: 7. SEF Pi lRl IC' WARKC FFF S(-HFI~I tl F FnR N tRRFntT t=CGc PERMIT APPLICATION FEE PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT SECURITY FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE/LABOR $ MATERIALS CONSTRUCTION CASH pEPOSIT PLAN CHKK& INSPECTION FEE S MOUNT ~ ~ S RECEIPT Nr., ~ s 26~ _ s APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE ~- ~ 2'~2-`I ~°~ For Clry Engineer Date Permit Expires 12 Months After Date of Issuance ~r~L ~ U 12/22/2008 ].5:52 I~AX 925 229 8987 AT&T BROADBAND 0 002 12/22/2668 25:33 408376t'~3 PIJBLYC WORKS ~ PAGE (d1/01 GENERAL ~' IT CONDITIONS ~ 1. A Construction Cash I)opostt is required, Chargcg will be made against this deposit if there is on cmergeacy call-ou, overtime inspection or when Ciry ordered bnrricadinE is rcquircd. Any such costs in excrss'of the dcposii will he billed to the 1'crmittee. 2, A ant-yoar mainrcnancc period and~surety arc rcquircd, Snch period will begin nn date of written acceptance by the City. 3. Rcfttnd of ehe cash deposit balance and refund nr c:tncei]a[ion of the Faithful Pcrfotmnnea Surety will be initlnted by me written acccpntrtce of the walk by rho Clty, 4- Ttte Pernlitrce mutt request in writing a Etna[ inspection and aoCCptancc of rite Work upon Completion, Acecpntnce by the City will bu made in wriring to the Permittcc. 5. Moinmin safe pedestrian and vehicular crossings and free access ro private driveways, bus stops, Ore hydmnrs and wafer vnivaa- 6, A Construction Traffic Centtol flan and a Concaraction 5ehcdulo are required for all lane closures, detours and street closures. This plan txtust be reviewed and approtred prior to arty lane closnrcc, 7. The Contraction Traffic Control Plan sit,111 conform co the Calttang Mnnuuf of Ttnfrc Controls for Conntruction and Mainieuancc Work 7.oncc; dated 19?0, nvattahlcat Caltrtns. Traffic Contra) cquipmcne sltnli include Typc [I flashing arrow sipts ff rcquircd. &. Replace as directed try the City 13n~;inecr any damagCd or removed itttprovetncnts in nacoxlanec with Cicy Standards anal SpeciFications nt the sale ezpcnsc of the Permittcc. 9. Sawcut for all PCC ar AC removals, All PCC removals shall he m nearest scoremnrk and shaft ha doweled to cxisdtt(t improvementa_ ] 0. Prior approval of inspector is rcgtircd for any work done after nrrcmal working hours, on wccketrds or holidays and may require reimbunemcnt of inspection costs at the current overtime rntc. 1 1. Adequate sigttina and barrieuling is requited on the job Aitc. Failure to provide such signing and bartieading may result to the City's providing siguieg and barricades and eharRing dre cost (including all labor and tttntcrials) against dte cash deposit. 12. Compaction testing of suhgradc, U.~sc rock, and asphalt concrete by 1'crmittce is required unless otherwtsc statod by the City Irngineer. 13. The l'ontrtctor br Permittcc win have a supervisory rcprescnrative availabic for contact on the project at al] times during construction, Contractor or PcrmitfcC shall provide n phtNto nnmbcr at which they Cnn be cant<lcted outstdc [he hours of R:OO a.m, to 4:f1G p.m. lti- No storage of materials or equipment will ha allowed near the edge of pavement, rbc traveled way, or within the .houlderlinc which wrntlcl create a htv~rdous condition to the pnblie. 15. Tltis permit shall mt be canatrucd as authnri~tian for excavation and grading nn private property adjncrnt to the work ar tmy outer wodt t'or which a sepnrarc permit mny be rcgnirctl; nor dons it relieve the Pcrmtttec of any obligation to obtnia any other permit rcquircd by law. 1G_ Tltis permit does nor. release the Permiuee from any ltnhilitics contaittecl in other agtecments nr contracts with the City and any other public agency. 17. 'This permit is not tranafcrnble. Work must be performed by the Pcrrrtlttce or his desljnated agent. or coatrar:tor ns speciOed thereon. 18, Cntl hnek (cal[ out) due to emerpenci~a regarcling this permit shoe be nt the current overtime rate with a three (3) hour mittimunn charge pt:r occurrcncc. t 9. Pureuant to Chapter 14.02 of the Campbell Munieipa[ Codc, applicant shall not reuse to be discharged any mnmrinl into the m~uticipal stotyn drain system other than storm water. Applicant shall adhere to the 8E9T MANAGEMENT' PRACTICES aatabtished, by the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff t'opution IPrcvcntion itrogrnm. 20. If the public interest requites a motIitieatign pf, rm a departure from, the plans and specitxcations, the City shall have the nuth;ority to require or approve any modli'icatirm nr dep;n•eAtro and to specify the nlnnncr to which fife same is to be made for City owned or mniutatned facilities. 2i. PcTtnittee taunt provide advance notitleatian to a!f partica that mny be affected by the permit activities, Nntifcation shall he rcvicwecl by Ciry prior to distribution and include darts of work and a contact Horne and phone nnmbcr, Applicant shall he rc~n~'blc £or ensuring that aft these prnvicfing services under the applicant al'c aware of and understand at] of rlac above conditions, ~' O / licant ~~' ___ ___ Contrnc[or (Friar Namc) etc J\forntc\pwpcrm ltcv. 11/9/05 Pos#-Ptw Fax Note 7671 Qat~ ' p~~fa 1~ 7o From ,.~ n ~t~.~ Ca./Dept. ~Uf ~ ~ ~ ~" Co. 9 Phone B Phone ~ F;yx ~ Fax rl 12/22/2008 MON 15:48 [T%/RX NO 8617] f~]001 12/22/2008 15:07 FAX 925 229 8987 AT&T BROADBAND C~j003 /'~C anw,~+b7 U~ b~ 61 APP#~(~vEC C~ ~'t~l~li~ V1/ork nn F®R CONSTRICTION, ~~ Campbell ~'~rmit Nor _ ~ _7.~~~'-~1~~f o-I-a o~~F~y, ~~ s tai' ~v~ ©~ v l waB ~l lob site during cons ruction, ~evr~ev~~Rep.~a.c.~- I D' ~c mod-' SeG~i 6~v siG~~Jc~.2~c, - ~~,~I ~ ~, ~,ts,er~ J~c, ~v~ d~ ~'~-- P~~ ~, s~~~~r~ 12/22/2008 15:07 FAX 925 229 8987 AT&T BROADBAND I~004 12/22/2008 15:11 FAX 925 229 8987 AT&T BROADBAND d98 Sidewalk Detour or Diversion l~J 005 SIGN SPACING ft.) TAPER LENGTH (ft.l OPTIONAL CHANNELIZER SPACING ft.) SPEED Undivided (S) Divided (S) Shoulder (T1) lane (T2) BUFFER LENGTH (ft.) B Tapers Buffer! Work Areas 0-35 200 200 70 - 120 15 25 405 350 500 150 - 220 20 50 50-55 SOp 1000 185 - 335 50 100 60-70 1000 1000 235 - 550 60 100 ? Shoulder taper length based on 10 ft. (slandartl shoulder width) offset 2 Lane leper length based on 12 tl. (standard fans width) offset Channelizer ~ Cone or Drum i Sign c ® Wotk Space ~ Notes: Where sidewalks exist, provisions should be made for disabled persons. Where high speeds are anticipated, a temporary traffic barrier and, if necessary, a crash cushion should be used to separate the temporary sidewallcs from traffic. Only the temporary traffic control devices related to pedesU~ians are shown. Other devices may be necessary to control traf .tic. Signs may be mounted on portable mounts at 1 ft- provided they do not interfere with pedestrian movement or be obstructed by parking. Otherwise, signs shall be mounted at 7 ft. For high speed facilities, cltattnelizer spacing may be reduced to ~h spacing noted in table. Other appropriate signs may be used in lieu of the SHOULDER WORK AHEAD or ROAD WORK AHEAD signs. TA-24 12/22/2008 15:06 FAX 925 229 8987 AT&T BROADBAND COMCAST FAX TRANSMITTA To: [fool ~~ NUBLIC WC}I~KS# ADMINISTRATION L FROM' C~~~~~I~ DATE:. _ ~ ~a ° ( Z~ RE: ~M CCc 0 Urgent Review MESSAGES: ~.-~~> ~~ ~ ~~ a cw~~ ~ ~ sip ~~ o- C~^^~ Li M' " _ Y U ~ - ~~ ~o~ ~694dl6