HPB Mins 03/23/2016HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers MARCH 23, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Chair Hernandez Wednesday, March located at~~70 North were had to wit. ROLL CALL called the Historic .Preservation Board Regular Meeting of 23, 2016, to order at 4:00 p.m: in the City Council Chambers; ..First Street, Campbell, California, and.. the following .proceedings Board Members Present: Todd Walter, Chair Susan Blake JoElle Hernandez Laura Taylor Moore Dawn Anderson Board Members Absent: None Staff Members Present: Daniel Fama, Associate Planner Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner Paul Kermoyan, Community Development Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Board Member Walter made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of December 16, 2015. Board Member Blake seconded. Motion Passed 3-0-2. .(Board Member Moore and New Board Member Anderson abstained since they were absent) 2. Board Member Walter made a motion to approve the Special Meeting Minutes of February 3, 2016. Board Member Blake seconded. Motion Passed 4-0-1. Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes March 23, 2016 Page 2 of 4 NON-AGENDIZED ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None PUBLIC HEARING None NEW BUSINESS 360 E. Campbell Ave. Staff planner Daniel Fama gave a preliminary review of the application to allow a facade restoration and associated seismic retrofit of a historic unreinforced masonry commercial .building. Mr. Fama asked the HPB for feedback on the placement of the entry door (center or side of building), the window design, and the layout of the entry. The HPB acknowledged. that they were looking at the drawings for the first time during the meeting and would have additional comments when the formal application returns to them in the near future. Board Member Anderson had several questions and comments related to accessibility, asking the applicant to ensure that the plans reflect the proper construction needed for the ADA ramp and entry. Vice Chair Blake indicated she was happy to see that it would finally be retrofitted. Vice Chair Blake also commented on the damaged the under the arched windows, verifying which supplier the applicant would be using to source the materials. Board Member Moore also commented on the proposed supplier who is familiar with this building. Board Member Walter encouraged the applicant to look at the Historic Building Code exceptions. The applicant also spoke on the application, stating that their intention is to try and bring the structure closer to its historic state. However, they felt that moving the entry back to the corner would potentially create a conflict. The applicant also stated that an internal ADA ramp would take up a lot~of square footage. The applicant intends to keep the awning which is required per CalGreen. There was a lot of HPB discussion on the location of the door, but ultimately a majority of the HPB agreed that the door might be more appropriate in the center of the tenant space. The HPB also stated that they would consider allowing the facade to move forward. There was also a lot of discussion on the support beam, but acknowledged that it must remain for structural purposes. The HPB asked that the applicant use an appropriate technique to blend the associated horizontal band on the front of the building with the remainder of the brick building. No decision. The application will come back to the Board at a future meeting. Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes March 23, 2016 Page 3 of 4 2. 209 Railway Ave (Cannery Workers Dining Hall). The HPB discussed ideas on preserving the building which is located adjacent to the railroad. One idea was to see if the City could acquire the property for a park, museum, or interpretive exhibit. Director Kermoyan will look into -the possibility and return to the HPB with more information at a future date. OLD BUSINESS 1. Historic home tour/Mobile app: The HPB continued their discussion of potentially. developing a mobile application for the joint benefit of the HPB and the museum., providing the public with information on their respective programs. The Museum Board will be meeting on this idea in the near future. 2. Historic Preservation Ordinance (Chapter 21.33) /Historic Context Statement: Vice Chair Blake. updated the HPB acknowledging that the existing Historic Context . Statement includes all of the required information. Vice Chair Blake also informed the HPB that the Context Statement is not meant _to be a complete history of the City, but rather to .provide historic themes of the built environment.and abasis for .determining the °significance of historic resources. Vice Chair Blake indicated that graphics could be included in the, Context Statement. but weren't necessary. Vice Chair Blake recommended that the Context Statement be referenced in the Historic Preservation Ordinance as part of the forthcoming update. Vice Chair Blake would also like the Historic Preservation Ordinance to reference the historic resource review criteria (i.e., score sheets) and add this information to the City website so that it is accessible to the public. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 1. None HPB MEMBER /STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS /COMMUNICATIONS 1. Brochures: Chair Hernandez and Board Member Walter will send out information on the brochures which will be discussed at the next meeting. 2. Historic plaques in Downtown Campbell: Vice Chair Blake indicated that the plaques are up and that she is looking into a potential third round, pending potential funding. The potential sites are the entrance to the Alice Avenue Historic District as well as the Gomes Park entrance to the District, Hyde Park, and the Campbell Light Rail station. 3. Trainin :Some HPB members will be attending a workshop on April 18th and will report back to the Board at the next meeting. The HPB would like the next training to be on CEQA as it related to historic resources. 4. General Plan Update: No update. Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes March 23, 2016 Page 4 of 4 ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 5:30 p.m. to a regular meeting to be held on April 27 2016, at 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. Y: ~~~ ~ PREPARED B Cindy McCor ick, Senior Planner APPROVED BY: JoEli Hernandez, Chair