HPB Mins 04/27/2016HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers APRIL 27, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Acting Chair Blake called the Historic Preservation Board Regular Meeting -of Wednesday; April 27, 2016, to order at 4:06 p.m. in the City Council Chambers; loca#ed at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California; and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Susan Blake, Vice Chair (Acting Chair) Todd Walter Laura Taylor Moore Dawn Anderson Board Members Absent: JoElle Hernandez, Chair Staff Members Present: Daniel Fama, Associate Planner Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner Paul Kermoyan, Community Development Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board Member Anderson made a motion to approve the Regular. Meeting Minutes of March 23, 201.6. Board Member Moore seconded. Motion Passed 4-0-1 (Hernandez absent) NON-AGENDIZED ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes April 27, 2016 Page 2 of 4 PUBLIC HEARING None NEW BUSINESS 1. Del Grande Sian. Vice Chair Blake stated that a member of the public had posted information about the Del Grande monument sign on NextDoor.com and received a positive response to saving it. Vice Chair Blake contacted the Historical Museum who will consider ideas to save it. A member of the public, Monica Isabel, who lives on Gilman Ave also spoke at the HPB meeting, stating that the fluorescent sign is beautiful when turned on and she hopes that it is not torn down. She referenced a historic laundry mat sign in Willow Glen that now advertises The Table, restaurant. She thought the Del Grande sign could say "Welcome to Campbell". Community Development Director Kermoyan pointed,' out that preservation of the sign vvas not called out in the -East Campbell Avenue Master Plan which could imply that its preservation .was not viewed as important. Director Kermoyan invited the HPB to the upcoming May 3`d study session for the conceptual site development review of the Del Grande property to voice their opinion if the HPB's goal is to preserve the sign. 2. 400 E. Campbell Ave. Staff Planner Daniel Fama provided an update to the proposed modifications of the Growers National Bank building that were reviewed by the HPB on 8/19/15. The applicant, Larry Schaadt, described the changes which include reducing the size of the entry door to be closer in size to the historic door; constructing the entry door with wood instead of metal in ..order to more easily trim it out in a manner that is more representative of the historic door; restoring the trim piece around the entry door; using .terracotta and .marble materials to replace damaged sections of the building's exterior cladding; and installing a brass finish Fire Department connection (FDC) fitting. After some discussion of the benefits of using wood versus metal for the entry door; the placement of the trim piece that starts above the entry door and then wraps around the sides of the entry door; and whether or not to recess the entry door, the HPB voted on the proposed modifications. Board Member Moore made a motion to approve the exterior alterations of the Growers National Bank building as described in the submitted plans and as modified by the HPB. Board Member Walter seconded. Motion Passed 3-0-2 (Hernandez absent, Anderson abstained) Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes April 27, 2016 Page 3 of 4 OLD BUSINESS Brochures: Board Members Moore and Walter provided the HPB with a draft copy on the brochure. A question before the HPB 'is whether to design the brochure themselves or hire a graphic designer. Board member Walter asked the other board members send any edits of the draft to Cindy which will then be forwarded to Board Members Moore and Walter. - 2. Historic Home Tour /Mobile app: The HPB continued their discussion of creating a mobile application with the Museum. Some members recently attended a conference on the subject. Vice Chair Blake indicated that there may be grant money available to help fund the app. Board Member Anderson also noted that a virtual tour is preferred to a walking tour due to potential liability issues. 3. Historic Preservation Ordinance . (Chapter 21.33): Staff Planner Cindy McCormick provided an update on the City Council meetin to discuss the HRI opt-in /Opt-out procedures. The meeting will be held on-May 3r~ FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None HPB MEMBER /STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS /COMMUNICATIONS 209 Railway.. Director Kermoyan is still encouraging the Public Works Director and City Manager to consider selecting this site for City Park designation, however there is not currently a process in place to do so. 2: Trainin In April, two HPB members -(Blake/Anderson) attended a workshop and one HPB member (Moore) attended an all-day conference on historic preservation topics. The workshop discussion on "demolition by neglect" will inform the HPB's -update of the Historic Preservation Ordinance (e.g., maintenance standards). Vice Chair Blake also obtained some ideas for historic incentives such as low-interest loans, fee waivers, and fast-track permitting for restoring historic structures. Vice Chair Blake also mentioned disincentives such as restricting development of a property for a certain number of years if the property owner demolished a historic structure without proper permits. Board Member Moore discussed information she learned regarding seismic upgrades and the desire to ensure that historical elements are not destroyed in order to comply with new building codes. The Historic Building Code may be helpful in this regard. 3. General Plan Update: Director Kermoyan provided an update that the De Novo Planning Group consultant was accepted by the Council and a contract is being prepared. The contract includes a comprehensive update of the General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance, and preparation of a Climate Action Plan. At some point in Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes April 27, 2016 Page 4 of 4 the future (TBD), the consultant will engage the HPB in the discussion of the General Plan update. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 5:25 p.m. to a regular meeting to be held on May 25 2016, at 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. 'V PREPARED BY: L Cindy McCormi' ,Senior Planner APPROVED BY: Susan lake, Acting Chair