HPB Mins 05/25/2016HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers May 25, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Chair Hernandez called the Hisforic Preservation Board Regular Meeting of Wednesday,: May 25, 2016, to order at 4:01 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: JoElle Hernandez, Chair Susan Blake, Vice Chair Todd Walter Laura Taylor Moore Dawn Anderson (arrived 4:50pm) Board Members Absent: none Staff Members Present: Daniel Fama, Associate Planner Stephen Rose, Associate Planner. Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner Paul Kermoyan, Community Development Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Board Member Walter made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of April 27, 2016. Board Member Moore seconded. Motion Passed 3-0-2 (Anderson absent, Hernandez abstained) Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes May 25, 2016 Page 2 of 5 NON-AGENDIZED ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None NEW BUSINESS 1. 96 E. Rincon. Staff Planner Daniel Fama gave the report, summarizing the Historic Resource Evaluation that was completed by Garavaglia Architecture, Inc., determining that the structure located at 96 E. Rincon Avenue is ineligible for listing on the Campbell Historic Resource Inventory (HRI) and not a Historic Resource under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The consultant. found that the property does not qualify for listing as a historic resource on the California Register of Historical Resources or on the National Register of Historic Places. The consultant also found that the home does not possess exceptional levels of historical and cultural history nor architectural, engineering, and historical significance in Campbell. Board Member _ Moore disagrees with the Evaluation and stated that the City shouldn't reward property owners for neglecting their properties. Vice Chair Blake was disappointed that the HPB's recommendation does not have the same weight as State /National standards. She asked that the homeowner replace the demolished structure with a home that is similar in style. Vice Chair Blake also stated that Rincon Avenue has the potential to be a historic, district. Mr. Fama stated that the consultant looked at every DPR survey in the City to determine what is considered historic in Campbell and found that other structures in the City are of a higher caliber. He also indicated that the HPB could designate a Historic Consultant to complete these types of reviews in the future. Mr. Fama indicated that the HPB could propose a new category for the Historic Preservation Ordinance for "Contributing structures". Mr. Fama also presented the elevations of the main dwelling and a second unit proposed for the site, but indicated that the design may change. Chair Hernandez stated that it is a shame that the neighborhood is losing its historic character. Homeowners shouldn't be able to work around the Ordinance. She asked that the homeowner salvage some of the structure such as the doors, windows, fixtures, etc. Chair Hernandez also requested-that the new home be of a similar style as the existing home in order to maintain the neighborhood character. Board Member Walter stated that the City is losing this home due to the "opt-out" process, that the HPB has no control or recourse, and that owners can do whatever they want. He stated that the Evaluation is flawed because it depends on shining examples but Campbell only has a small percentage of historic homes compared to other cities. He also stated that this action sets precedence for other homeowners to demolish their historic homes and that this issue needs to be brought to 'the City Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes May 25, 2016 Page 3 of 5 Council's attention. Vice Chair-Blake reiterated that only about 1 % to 2% of the homes in Campbell -are historic. Chair Hernandez stated that if the City loses more historic homes, it will be harder to set up a historic district. 2. Cambrian and Kennedy Tract area. Vice Chair Blake indicated that there are two areas in the City with interesting architecture that have not been surveyed; the Cambrian annex area and the "4-C's" neighborhood (Cherry, California, EI Caminito, Catalpa Lane). She proposed that each HPB member do a windshield survey and bring their findings back to the HPB. HPB members should also survey potential heritage trees. in these neighborhoods. Board Member Walter suggested the HPB also consider other areas of the City that may not have been surveyed. The HPB will discuss the. windshield survey plan again in July. Staff ..will send the HPB a copy of the annexation map -for their review. 3. 207 E. Rincon: The homeowner presented the HPB with a brochure showing the historic color palate that he will be using to paint his HRI home. The Board members were receptive of the colors and thanked the homeowner for notifying the HPB. PUBLIC HEARING 1. 300 & 307 Orchard City Drive (previously 93 S. Central Avenue): Staff Planner Stephen Rose gave the report, summarizing the plans to renovate the exterior of the George Hyde Co. Sunsweet Growers building, remove non-historic features, and improve accessibility. The applicant indicated that they intend to keep the historic features of the building but modernize it with new features that complement the historic building. but don't attempt to replicate it. They were grateful to the Historic Museum for helping them determine what is and is not historic, so that they can remove the non-historic elements. Vice Chair Blake indicated that the plan was well thought out and she was very pleased with the design which is consistent with the Secretary's Standards. She asked the applicant to distinguish the new brick from the historic brick and asked about the new and old signage. . The applicant responded that they would introduce a reveal to differentiate the new and. old brick. With regard to the signage, the applicant stated that they would preserve the informational plaque 'by moving it to either the inside or outside of the building. "The Cannery" would be stenciled to the exterior of the building. The applicant will also check with the Museum on historic Cannery .signage. Board Member Moore asked the applicant to preserve any other artifacts they find. Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes May 25, 2016 Page 4 of 5 Board Member Walter applauded the applicant for its clean, simple, thoughtful design, stating that it would be a. nice addition to the area. He asked if the brick will be cleaned or left to patina. He also asked that the new brick be differentiated from the old brick. The applicant responded that repairs will be meticulous and least intrusive as possible. The applicant reiterated that the reveal should differentiate the two. Vice Chair Blake indicated that the Olive tree is dying, is therefore not protected, and OK to remove. She likes the clerestory windows and stated that the clean design will be attractive next to the light rail station. Vice Chair Blake indicated that when the roof was recently repaired, the downspouts -were made too short and have disconnected causing . water damage to the building. The applicant indicated that they would repair the downspouts. Chair Hernandez stated that she loves the clean design"and is happy that the applicant is keeping the brick facade and opening up the historic. clerestory windows.- She asked about the passageway and lighting between the garage and'the property. The applicant stated that the gate is not locked allowing passage from and to the garage. The applicant also stated that there is new LED lighting in the garage and limited lighting in the. residential area. Board Member Anderson asked about accessibility and stated that a lift is not allowed for egress. The applicant indicated that two ADA stalls and two restrooms would be updated to meet accessibility standards. 'The .applicant also indicated that they would re- slope the walkways, eliminate the ramp, and install the lift. Chair .Hernandez stated that the Building Department will review the plans for compliance with accessibility standards and that the purview of the HPB is limited to historic preservation. Board Member Walter made a motion to accept~the application-with the modification to accentuate the reveal around the brick facade entry to differentiate the new brick from the old. Vice Chair Blake seconded. Motion Passed 4-0-1 (Anderson abstained) OLD BUSINESS 1. Brochures: Chair Hernandez stated that.the proposed text for the brochure overlaps with information that is already contained in other Historic Preservation brochures such as "Resources for Property Owners". Chair Hernandez stated that the information should be different for each audience and should include larger font and Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes ' May 25, 2016 Page 5 of 5 larger graphics and possibly a different layout. Board Member Walter stated that it could be 8 % x 11 instead of a trifold. Vice Chair Blake stated that the target audience is realtors and reiterated that there should be more pictures and less text. Vice Chair Blake stated that they had previously discussed that the brochure would contain seven (7) questions with quick answers and would also contain examples of real estate values. 2. Historic Home Tour /Mobile app: Chair Hernandez stated that the Museum Board will be discussing this at their next meeting. Board Member Moore indicated that the members of the Museum Board are changing and they may be waiting to discuss the app until after the new members are elected. 3. Historic Preservation Ordinance (Chapter 21.33): The HPB would like to schedule a study session .in July to begin discussions and assign workplan tasks. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS None HPB MEMBER /STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS /COMMUNICATIONS 1. 209 Railway: Vice Chair Blake stated that she has spoken with Council Member Kotowski who will speak with the City Manager about purchasing this property as park land and preserving the building. Staff will bring this back to the HPB when staff has more information. 2. Farmer's Market: The HPB will have a table and hand out brochures at the May 29tH Farmers Market. ADJOURNMENT -- Adjourned at 5:50 p.m. to a regular meeting to be held on June 22 2016, at 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. V ~ (\, _ PREPARED BY: C ~1UY Cindy McC ick, Senior Planner APPROVED BY: JoEll ernandez, Chair