HPB 02/25/2015 MinutesHISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -.Wednesday City Council Chambers FEBRUARY 25, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Chair Walters called the Historic Preservation Board Regular Meeting of Wednesday, February 25,-2015, to order at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Todd Walter, Chair George Niczewicz, Vice-Chair JoElle Hernandez Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore Board Members Absent: None Staff Members Present: Paul Kermoyan, Community Development Director Todd Capurso, Public Works Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES "Vice Chair Niczewicz made a motion and Board Member Blake seconded to approve the Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2015 with no changes. Approved 5-0. ORAL REQUESTS Martha Heinrichs, who lives in Willow Glen,. spoke about the Willow Glen Trestle. This 93-year old trestle was used by freight trains until the 1960's when the valley was referred to as the "Valley of Hearts Delight" which included many fruit packing houses claimed as the largest in the world. This 210 foot long, 25 foot high trestle has very little Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes. February 25, 2015 Paae 2 of 5 remaining and currently serves as a reminder of the valley agricultui-aI past. The City of San Jose is proposing to demolish the trestle and she requested that .the Historic Preservation Board comment on an Environmental Impact Report before March 19, 2015. Board Member Blake noted that she toured the trestle over one year ago and commented that the support timbers were massive. She believed the rough cut redwood timbers must have been harvested from the Santa Cruz Mountains. She was in support of preserving the trestle. Scott Laymen also addressed the Board on this issue, who was a representative of Preservation Action Council (PAC.) of San Jose. This "very active Board" monitors development within the City of San Jose to determine what impacts development. may have on existing historic resources. He spoke about the structural integrity of .the trestle and _the~ reason why, Martha and he -were addressing .the_ City of Campbell HPB. He noted that the Board consisted. of experts in the field of historic preservation and, that the Board's opinions will carry more weight than most. Scott also informed the Board that PAC of San Jose~is planning its 25-year Gala and is trying to locate a .venue to lock down a date. They are planning for either the month of October or November. Board .Member Moore suggested that he inquiry about using the Orchard City Banquet Hall. PUBLIC HEARING None NEW BUSINESS 1. Update on the Civic Center Master Plan: Public Works Director Todd Capurso presented an update of this City project and why the Plan is being considered now. He mentioned that the focus was on improving the Library with additional focus on the entire Civic Center. Identification of future needs and how the various City programs function within the buildings is .also an important issue that will be addressed within a new Master Plan. He also discussed the three scenarios developed to date in which the City Council is scheduled to continue their discussion at a March 25 Study Session to be held in the Roosevelt Room at 3:00 p.m. Board Member Hernandez asked if there was on-line information of the Master Plan identifying details as described. She also requested more explanation as to what is wrong now, noting that it must be more than the fact that the building is old. Once the details are assembled, she requested that the information be forwarded to the Board. She also recognized that there is an HPB meeting that day beginning at 4:00 and suggested that the Board might want to reschedule the Board meeting so members can be present at the City Council Study Session. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes February 25,2015 Page 3 of 5 In response to these comments, Public Works Director Capurso mentioned that there was some information on the City's website but it may be difficult to access. In this regard, he mentioned that staff is working on placing the information on the City's website so it can be more easily accessed. He also mentioned that there are current and future space needs which .have created concern of system failures due to lack of space for program operations. Chair Walter requested clarification on the process sequence for planning of program needs. He mentioned that the City needs to first clearly understand what is needed before a set of development scenarios are created. Public Works Director Capurso provided examples of several deficiencies at the Library and City Hall including :both program and building structure. He discussed several questions_ahat wial.come before the City Council at the March 25 study session. He also mentioned that a #inancial advisor will be present to talk about .how the City could possible finance such an improvement. Vice Chair Niczewicz questioned if the City Council has asked staff what other cities are doing to fund such improvements. Public Works Director Capurso. provided a response that different financing methods have been discussed but noted that the City Council has not specifically asked that question yet. He mentioned that it will be discussed, however, at the City Council study session. Board Member Blake mentioned that it may be a good idea to consider moving the March 25 HPB meeting, unless there is something pressing to discuss that day. _ Chair Walter requested that staff check back with the Board to determine if there were items needed to be heard that day and if not, possibly consider a March 18 meeting instead. 2. 2015 Goals Discussion on possible Board goals and activities to support and promote local historic preservation (e q pamphlets such as a referred contractor's -list . Board Member Blake discussed the ability to work with local realtors on .what it means to be designated an HRI property and how the HPB helps with .owners' potential desires to perform home improvements. Community Development Director Kermoyan questioned if the HPB has ever had a formal Work Plan so it is clear what tasks they are seeking to accomplish in a fiscal year. Board Member Hernandez inquired if such a Plan was limited to a fiscal year. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes February "25, 2015 Page 4 of 5 Community Development Director Kermoyan responded that it is not necessary so long as the Board plan's its planning efforts fora 12-month period. He indicated that this discussion could be continued to then next Board meeting at which time staff can prepare a draft Work Plan for the Board to discuss. All Board Members agreed and Board Member Hernandez suggested a study session for March 18, 2015 as a potential date. 3. National Historic Preservation Month: Begin discussion on Historic Preservation Board activities and public outreach for May 2015. This year's theme has not been announced. Board Member. Blake recognized that this subject is tied into the Work Plan discussion and suggested that it come back to a study session on March 18. Chair Walter. inquired if Planning Manager and HPB staff liaison would be back from vacation. - Community Development Director confirmed that she would. All agreed to continue this discussion and wrap it into the Work Plan study session. OLD BUSINESS None ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS 1. Update on the next round of historic plaques in Downtown Campbell Board Member Blake stated that she had sent letters to various property owners and received responses back from three owners who have expressed interest. She intends to meet individually with them to explain the program. She also mentioned that former HPB member Masel Sheehan will help fund the program. 2. Update on 99 Alice Avenue Community Development Director Kermoyan presented an update and mentioned that the item will be heard by the Board at a special meeting scheduled for March 4. 3. 97 E. Rincon Avenue Community Development Director Kermoyan distributed a February 13, 2015 memorandum from Planning Manager Aki Honda Snelling informing the Board of an administratively approved front exterior porch and minor renovations to a potential HRI property. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes February 25, 2015 Paae 5 of 5 4. Campbell Express Article Board Member Blake inquired if the other Board Members read last week's article on Historic Preservation, noting that it was an interesting article. 5. Listing of Campbell Properties Sold Board Member Blake mentioned that she has been in contact with various realtors who have provided her information on properties sold in Years 2013 and most recently received 2014 information from Mr. Scott Resse. Two HRI properties were on the 2013 listing in which their values exponentially increased and there were six properties on the 2014 listing. She also read a letter from Mr. Resse who was of the opinion that most realtors believe that properties listed on an HRI will have limitations which could detract .:~-~ buyers. ~_Board Member Blake recognized how broad a statement that was and felt it is _statements, like this that need to be explained. . Board Member Hernandez, agreed that the Board -needs to continue to improve its education and explanation of what it means to be an HRI property. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 5:05 p.m. to a potential special meeting scheduled for March 18, 2015 (note: Third Wednesday) at 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: Paul Kermoyan, Community Development Director r., Chair