HPB 05/27/2015 MinutesHISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday , City Council Chambers MAY 27, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Chair Walter called the Historic Preservation Board Regular Meeting of Wednesday, May 27, 2015, to order at 4:05 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell,. California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Todd Walter, Chair George Niczewicz, Vice-Chair JoElle Hernandez Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore and Members Absent: None Staff Members Present: Aki Honda Snelling, Planning Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board Member Hernandez made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of April 22, 2015, with Vice Chair Niczewicz adding a correction transposing his last name in' the minutes. Board Member Blake seconded. Approved 5-0. ORAL REQUESTS Michael Navone, property owner of 235 S. First Street located within the Alice Avenue Historic District, spoke regarding the difficulty in processing his application through the Planning Department due to changes in his plans and his concern regarding the Planning Department's request for a survey that would cost him approximately $13,000. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes May 27, 2015 Paae 2 of 4 The Board indicated that the concerns he has regarding street improvement costs would be no different than if he were not in a historic district. Planning Manager Aki Snelling stated that she would give Mr. Navone a call to set up a meeting to discuss his project with the project planner. PUBLIC HEARINCa 1. Public Hearing to consider the application of Chauncey and Yvonne Kendall for approval of a Mills Act Contract (PLN2015-105) for property in the Alice Avenue Historic District located at 155 Alice Avenue. Aki Snelling, Planning Manager, presented the report. Vice Chair Niczewicz asked if the residence meets all of the criteria for approval of a Mills Act Contract. Board Member Hernandez clarified that it only needs to meet one of the criteria to be considered for a Mills Act Contract. Board Member ~ Moore asked what damage was previously done to the door and what the replacement was being proposed. Yvonne Kendall, applicant, indicated that the damaged door was not original and she intended to replace it with a door of the residence's period style. Vice Chair Niczewicz made a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the authorization for a Mills Act Contract for this residence. Board Member Moore seconded. Recommended for Approval 5-0. NEW BUSINESS None OLD BUSINESS 1. Proposal for new brochures (tri-fold brochures for realtors, etc.): Discussion on next steps regarding preparation of new brochures. The Board indicated that it is still working to provide the Planning Manager with its points/questions for the brochure. Board Member Blake recommended the following points/questions be considered for the brochure: 1. What it means for a property to be listed on the City's HRI. 2. How would it affect the resale value of the property. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes May 27, 2015 Page 3 of 4 3. How does it affect the property owners' ability to do remodeling and additions - interior vs. exterior? 4. Is the designation permanent? 5. Benefits to being on the HRI. 6. What resources are available to property owners. Board Member Moore provided the following recommended comments/questions for the brochure: 1. Campbell has a preservation board. 2. How does the public access the Historic Resource Inventory (HRI) list? 3. Brief description of Campbell History 4. Delineate the Downtown and residential neighborhood 5. Indicate the availability of the Mills Act Contract and network of resources Board Member Hernandez added the following: 1. Know which properties are on the HRI (have the realtors take responsibility) 2. Provide benefits of the HRI and upsell it Board Member Blake indicated that she would like to interview the realtors. Chair Walter asked if the intent is to try and create a third pamphlet. Board Member Blake stated that there should be a single pamphlet targeted to the realtor/seller. Board Member Moore agreed, and further indicated that the existing two pamphlets could be combined, and that a separate pamphlet be created for the realtors. The Board further indicated that they would do additional homework to see if other cities record historic designations on the properties' deed, and also asked staff for assistance to conduct this research. Chair Walter asked the Board to send their comments/questions for the brochure to Planning Manager Snelling so that she can compile.them into a PowerPoint template on one page, not double-sided. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS 1. Update on the next round of historic plaques in Downtown Campbell. Board Member Blake indicated that she met with a graphic designer and received an acceptable quote for the plaques. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes May 27, 2015 Page 4 of 4 - 2. Update on 99 Alice Avenue. Planning Manager Snelling advised the Board that staff put a stop work order on the home that day as a result of learning that the property owner was illegally removing portions of the historic frontage, including the boards behind the stucco. 3. Update on 119 S. Second Street -Application to de-designate an HRI property Board Member Hernandez indicated that she tried to outreach to the property owners; however, the owners indicated to her that they were not interested in meeting with the Board. Planning Manager Snelling stated that the property owners had submitted an application which would be coming to the Board for a public hearing at its June 24, 2015 meeting. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 4:57 p.m. to the next regular meeting (4t" Wednesday) to be held on June 24, 2015, at 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. PREPARED BY: VX~AA~- Aki Ho~nelling, Planning Manager APPROVED BY: T e,~, Chair