HPB 10/28/2015 MinutesHISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers OCTOBER 28, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Chair" Walter called the Historic Preservation .Board Regular Meeting of"Wednesday, October 28, 2015, to order at 4:02 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, "California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL " Board Members Present: Todd Walter, Chair Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore (3 min late) JoElle Hernandez Board Members Absent: Staff Members Present: Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner Brad Misner, Planning Manager Paul Kermoyan, Community Development Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board Member Hernandez made a motion fo approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of .September 23, 2015 a_s amended. Board Member Blake seconded. Motion Passed 3- 0-1 (Moore absent). NON-AGENDIZED ORAL~COMMUNICATIONS Community Development Director Paul Kermoyan introduced Brad Misner, the City's new Planning Manager, who will be taking over the Historic Preservation Board. PUBLIC HEARING None Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes October 28, 2015 Page 2 of 3 NEW BUSINESS None OLD BUSINESS 1. Historic Virtual Home Tour (City Website): Chair Walter and Board Member Hernandez (subcommittee) met last week to talk about the virtual tour and web application which resulted in more questions than answers. The subcommittee presented an outline of questions to the other board members for direction. Questions include: Who is the tour for, What will it take, how can the HPB tie the brochure and web application together, what will the application include, who is the audience, who will it benefit, who will maintain it, and what does the board want to achieve? .It should be quick and easy to use. One idea was to highlight architectural ::styles. Another idea is to have "a virtual tour. of: the outside of homes (versus the °~: inside which. is more invasive). The tour could highlight homes that are 'in the .:brochure or _it could highlight the 10 businesses that have plaques (five of which have the correct QRC code): _ The Board will need to consider the time and cost to produce the application and maintain it over a specified term. The Board will need to find someone to create the application. It could be funded through a grant or the Board could work with the Youth Commission who could help produce a u-tube video,. photos, or other technology. Board Member Hernandez will work with the Museum to see if they can combine resources. Board Member Blake indicated that the Farington House Foundation could help, but it would be costly. Chair Walter suggested creating a Master Plan, then tackling the easy tasks first. Board Member Blake, suggested creating a goal statement. Chair Walter and Board Member Hernandez (subcommittee) will meet again and bring the results of their meeting back to the HPB. 2. Historic Preservation Ordinance (Chapter 21.33): The Board agreed that the top two items to focus on were the Mills Act Incentive and the definition of "demo by neglect" - .. with possible fines. Other ideas were to reference the Context Statement in the Ordinance, include a "Conservation District" definition, better define the appeals procedure which is currently vague, grant exceptions, provide additional incentives, and reference the evaluation criteria. 3. Historic Context Statement (1996): The Context Statement is the how, when, why of past and present and includes common themes. It should be referenced in the Ordinance (which may be a requirement for a CLG). Board Member Blake indicated that~there are at least 9 points that need to be updated. Staff will need to research how it was adopted and approved. Was it at staff level or City Council? How can it be updated? Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes October 28, 2015 Paae 3 of 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS 1. Update on General Plan: Community Development Director Paul Kermoyan indicated that the RFP was out. The deadline was extended to November 13th but some firms have already declined. The GPAC is on-hold until a consultant is hired. Council Member Gibbons and Mayor Cristina are on the subcommittee. 2. Update on the brochures (tri-fold brochures for realtors, etc.). Chair Walter and Board member Moore (subcommittee) met and divided up the outline. They are reaching out to Sonia to help with the brochure... 3. Update on historic plaques in Downtown Campbell.. HPB member Blake indicated that the plaque'installatiori is on hold until-the mounting brackets arrive. The property owners have been notified. 4. Training: Chair Walter and Board Members Blake and Hernandez have completed their training. Staff is waiting on everyone to finish but will need to submit the invoices for reimbursement. 5. HPB Vacancy: The City Clerk will put out an ad for the vacancy left behind by Vice Chair George Niczewicz, who will be missed. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 5:13 p.m. to a regular meeting to be held on November 18 2015, at 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. PREPARED BY: ck, Senior Planner APPROVED BY: