HPB 11/18/2015 MinutesHISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers NOVEMBER 18, 2015 CALL TO ORDER " Chair Walter called the -Historic Preservation .Board Regular Meeting of Wednesday, November 18; 2015, to order at 4:00 p.m..in the City Council Chambers, located at -70 North First Street, Campbell, California; and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: _ Todd Walter, Chair Susan Blake JoElle Hernandez Board Members Absent: Laura Taylor Moore Staff Members Present: Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner Paul Kermoyan, Community Development Director APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board Member Blake made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of September 23, 2015 as amended. Board Member Hernandez seconded. Motion Passed 3-0-1 (Moore absent). ' NON-AGENDIZED ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None PUBLIC HEARING None Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes November 18, 2015 Paae 2 of 3 NEW BUSINESS None OLD BUSINESS Historic Virtual Home Tour (City Website): Board Member Herriandez met with Kerry from the Museum. The Museum would like to work with the HPB on the virtual tour project as well as other social media. One issue that was identified is that the museum is lacking pictures from the 1960's until now. The HPB will be working on a goals statement and phasing plan. The two groups will have different goals but some similarities including ~a need to outreach to a larger audience and the desire to stay current and relevant. 2. -Histo Historic Context Statement: Board. Member Blake idehtified a few updates for the Historic Context Statement. Board Member Blake will. continue working on research with the Historical Museum and then bring`the information back to the HPB at a future meeting. She asked that other HPB members send additional recommended updates to city staff who can then forward the information to her for editing. Board Member is working on the parks section of the Historic Context Statement. The HPB would also like to consider adding a section on Heritage Trees if it is appropriate. ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS Update on General Plan: Staff member Cindy McCormick indicated that the City has received 4 proposals for the General Plan. The General Plan Subcommittee will be reviewing them soon. 2. Update on the brochures (tri-fold brochures for realtors, etc.). HPB member Blake provided an example from the Veteran's Memorial. Chair Walter and Board member Moore (subcommittee) will discuss the content of the brochures at the December HPB meeting: 3. Update on historic plaques in Downtown Campbell: HPB member Blake- indicated that the mounting brackets were received but the volunteer who is helping to install the plaques is not currently available. 4. Training: A webinar on digital media as it relates to historic preservation will be played in the Council Chambers on December 2~d at 12:00 noon. HPB members and representatives from the Historic Museum are welcome to attend. Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes November 18, 2015 Paae-3 of 3 5. HPB Vacancy: The application period for the vacancy ends on December 2, 2015. 6. Public Outreach: HPB member Hernandez indicated that she participated in a promotional video for the upcoming Super Bowl, briefly discussing Campbell's history. ADJOURRlMENT Adjourned at 4:30 p.m. to a regular meeting to be held on December 16 2015, at 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY:.