HPB Mins 08/24/2016HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers August 24, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Chair Hernandez called the Historic Preservation Board .Regular Meeting of Wednesday, August 24, 2016, to order at 4:05 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: JoElle Hernandez, Chair Susan Blake, Vice Chair Todd Walter Dawn Anderson Laura Taylor Moore Board Members Absent: None Staff Members Present: Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Board Member Moore made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of July 27, 2016, as amended toyreplace "board member" with "Vice Chair Blake" on page 4 of the minutes. Vice Chair Blake seconded. Motion Passed 5-0-0 NON-AGENDIZED ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes August 24, 2016 PUBLIC HEARING None NEW BUSINESS None ®LD BUSINESS Page 2 of 3 1. Grower's National Bank (400 E. Campbell Ave.): Informational only. Staff provided a brief update on the application including the proposal to establish an arcade based restaurant on the first floor of the building. The Conditional Use Permit will go before the Planning Commission in September. The upstairs portion of the building would still be used as an office. Historic Preservation Ordinance (Chapter 21.33): The HPB continued their discussion regarding the update of the City's Historic Preservation Ordinance. There was some discussion about adding language regarding interior modifications, landscaping, and fencing. There was also some discussion about renaming properties on the "potential list" as "structures of merit" without changing the process for properties currently on the potential list. It was also suggested that after all of the draft changes are made to the existing ordinance, that the HPB consider reformatting the ordinance. The draft changes would be presented in both formats for ease of reference. The HPB agreed to meet the second Wednesday of each month at a study session to discuss the update. The first study session will be held on September 21St to accommodate everyone's schedule. All of the board members were going to take another look at the proposed changes to date and provide additional comments as .needed. Board Member Anderson offered to look for inconsistencies throughout the Ordinance. 2. Brochure: Board Members Moore and Walter presented the color brochure that they created. The existing images are placeholders and links will be added for the online brochure. One board member suggested a landscape (horizontal) layout. Another suggestion.was to replace the bottom image with a box of web links/ URLs. Chair Hernandez suggested including a catch headline at the top of the page and combining the first two paragraphs and making then shorter. Another suggestion was to add links to words throughout the documents (e.g., "Mills Act"). Other suggestions were to add a title to the images and put important words in large print (e.g., "resale value", "benefits", "remodel and additions"). 3. Historic Mobile application: Chair Hernandez and Vice Chair Blake provided an overview of the meeting they had with City staff including Kerry Perkins, Senior Museum Specialist with the Campbell Historical Museum. In addition to considering Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes August 24, 2016 Page 3 of 3 the consultant who created the City's General Plan update mobile application, there are at least three companies/individuals who create the type of application the HPB and Museum may be interested in; "My Tours"; "Tour Buddy" and the creator of the "Lost Gatos" application. The cost for the "My Tours" application is $1,995 for'initial set-up and $1,495 per year for maintenance. The main concern with the General Plan app consultant was ongoing maintenance. More information will be gathered and brought back to the HPB for discussion. If the HPB chooses a company that provides yearly maintenance, a budget adjustment to be approved by the City Council will be needed even though the total cost over several years would not exceed the $15,000 budget approved by the Council for fiscal year 2016/2017. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 1. Heritage tree application (September 2016) 2. 226 Alice Ave -Alice Hyde House -Mills Act (September 2016) 3. 235 S. First St -Hattie DePuy House -Addition (TBD) 4. Cambrian and Kennedy Tract area (TBD) HPB MEMBER /STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS /COMMUNICATIONS Training -Todd will complete his training prior to October 1St 2. 91 S. 2nd Street -Vice Chair Blake announced that Joe Russo invited the HPB and staff to tour the historic home which has recently been extensively remodeled. While the home is not a landmark, the owner is considering designation. If more than two members intend to attend the tour, it will need to be noticed as a public meeting. 3. Chair Hernandez announced her appointment to the Planning Commission and subsequent resignation from the HPB. All board members expressed sincere appreciation of her years of dedicated service to historic preservation in Campbell and wished her well on the Planning Commission. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 5:30 p.m. to a regular meeting to be held on September 28, 2016, at 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. PREPARED BY: ~ `~~~~ Cindy McC mick, Senior Planner ,~~-_' APPROVED BY: ~--- ~ ~-' Susan B ake, Vice Chair