HPB Mins 10/26/2016HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers October 26, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Blake called the Historic Preservation Board Regular Meeting of Wednesday, October 26, 2016, to order at 4:05 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ~~~ ~ cai t Board Members Present: Susan Blake, Chair Todd Walter Laura Taylor Moore Board Members Absent: Dawn Anderson Staff Members Present: Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Board Member Moore made a motion to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of September 28, 2016. Board Member Walter seconded. Motion Passed 3-0-1 NON-AGENDIZED ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None STUDY SESSION 1. `Lost Gatos': Q&A with Mr. Feinberg who is the primary creator of the 'Lost Gatos' Historic Preservation Tour app, using `mytours.com' Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes October 26, 2016 Page 2 of 3 Chair Blake asked Mr. Feinberg why he chose "mytours.com". Mr. Feinberg answered that mytours kept coming up in his research of mobile applications and that his phone calls with the CEO of the company were very positive and responsive. When asked how the app came about and its funding source, Mr. Feinberg indicated that it is privately funded by a group of concerned citizens who wanted to make sure that residents and kids understood Los Gatos's history. When asked how. long the effort took, he answered that it took about a year of development and that a local resident wrote the content. He indicated that using one person to develop the content was more efficient and resulted in consistency within the app. They originally started with one tour with 12 to 15 stops, but expanded it to three tours because they had enough content to do so. They did a soft launch with the single tour and did a beta test with friends. Mr. Feinberg indicated that the company will format pictures after the HPB drops them into the mytours program. They chose background music that was not copyrighted and had local residents narrate stories of Campbell. Photos that had previously been digitized were acquired from the library and museum and then edited in photoshop to crop and optimize them for the app. He also indicated that the mytours program includes analytics and that were 144 downloads in the past two months. In addition to the $2,000 set-up fee and $1,500 annual maintenance fees, he indicated that the City would need to open two accounts - an "apple developer program" ($25 one time flat fee plus $99/year) and the "google developer program" ($25 one time flat fee). PUBLIC HEARING 1. 235 S. First Street: Hattie DePuy House -The Conditional Use Permit application is fora 448 square foot addition and 293 square foot garage to be added at the rear of the existing 456 square foot home for a total floor area of 1,197 square feet. The owner is also proposing to replace one of the windows in the front of the home with a window from the rear of the home that will be removed to accommodate the new addition. Board Member Walter commented that the original house is simple in form, making it difficult to build an addition that doesn't look out of place, finding that the proposed architecture is appropriate. Chair Blake agreed, stating that the applicant has met the delicate balance of being consistent with both the City's Historic Design Guidelines and the State's Interior Standards. Board Member Moore further added that the addition to the rear would not alter the streetscape. Board Member Moore made a motion to approve the CUP application for an addition to a historic district home. Board Member Walter seconded. Motion Passed 3-0-1 2. 226 Alice Avenue: Alice Hyde House -The property owner has applied for a Mills Act Contract and has provided a 10 year Maintenance and Treatment plan for the property. Chair Blake asked about the original location of the entrance and whether it was original on First Street as opposed to Alice Avenue. The owner was unsure but indicated that it has always been on First Street as far as he knew. Board Member Walter made a motion to approve the Mills Act application for the Alice Hyde House. Board Member Moore seconded. Motion Passed 3-0-1 Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes October 26, 2016 Page 3 of 3 NEW BUSINESS None OLD BUSINESS Historic Preservation Ordinance (Chapter 21.33): Tabled discussion to November Stn study session. It was noted that there was insufficient time at the previous study session to .have a thorough discussion of the Ordinance update. 2. Brochure: The HPB continued their discussion of the brochure, including the four brief bullet points that would be targeted at realtors and homebuyers: 1) what is the HRI; 2) how is a property listed; 3) what are the benefits of being on the HRI; and 4) what is the effect on resale value. Board members Walter and Moore will eventually replace the placeholder images in the near future. HPB MEMBER /STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS /COMMUNICATIONS Farmer's Market Table: Staff member Cindy McCormick indicated that the HPB shares the Farmer's Market Table with the City's Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and that there has been some confusion when CERT can use it. Board Members Blake, Walter and Moore indicated that that CERT can use it. on a regular basis and that the HPB would reserve it ahead of time as needed. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 4:57 p.m. to a special meeting to be held on November 9, 2016, at 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. -t rRErARE~ SY: ~1 M.~ Cin y McC mick, Senior Planner APPROVED BY: ~~~-~.OG~ ~_~.V~'" Susan Blake, Chair