HPB Mins 03/04/2015HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chamber's MARCH 4, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Chair Walter called the Historic Preservation Board Special Meeting of Wednesday, March 4, 2015, to order at 4:10 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL Board Members Present: Todd Walter, Chair George Niczewicz, Vice-Chair JoElle Hernandez Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore Board Members Absent: None Staff Members Present: Paul Kermoyan, Community Development Director Bill Bruckart, Chief Building Official Aki Honda Snelling, Planning Manager Stephen Rose, Associate Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES None. ORAL REQUESTS None. Historic Preservation Board -Special Meeting Minutes March 4, 2015 Page 2 of 5 PUBLIC HEARING Public Hearing to consider the application of Farideh Zamani, for a Conditional Use Permit (PLN2015-30) to allow modifications to a previously approved Conditional Use Permit (PLN2013-203) for exterior alterations and rehabilitation of an existing single-family residence located within the Alice Avenue Historic District at 99 Alice Avenue, within a R-1-6/H (Single-Family Residential/Historic. Overlay) Zoning District. Staff is recommending that a Mitigated Negative Declaration be adopted for this project. Stephen Rose, Associate Planner, presented the report. Board Member Blake indicated that the front door could be replaced if the door is determined not to be salvageable, and that the applicant could find a "period" replacement door with the same style that is secure and solid with divided lights. She suggested the applicant contact Southern Lumber. Vice Chair Niczewicz and Board Member Hernandez asked where the gas meter was previously located on the home and where it is proposed. Chief Building Official Bill Bruckart indicated that the gas meters were removed over 20 years ago, so it is unknown where it they were originally located without plans. Staff recommended moving the gas meter to the rear of the east side of the home (on the new addition) and retain the existing double hung windows on the east side of the historic portion of the home. Board Member Moore complimented staff's recommendation in the report to retain the historic character of the historic portion of the home, and to allow the addition at the rear of the home as proposed. Board Member Blake indicated that she would not be opposed to replacing the windows if they are too deteriorated, but that the architectural style of the windows should remain to fit the sashes and frames with the divided lights. She also states that double pane windows would be OK. Board Member Hernandez asked if different stucco types have been done before. Chair Walter states that the transition of the stucco needs to be done, like a trim piece, or there'll be an off-set in the elevation. Board Member Moore indicated that the condition of the front door, porch and pedestal still need to be discussed. The public hearing was opened. The applicant, Farideh Zamani, stated that there is water damage to the house's foundation where the porch meets the home. Historic Preservation Board -Special Meeting Minutes March 4, 2015 Paae 3 of 5 She also stated that she would like to retain the windows, but believes they are too damaged. The Board indicated their concerns regarding the proposed location of the PG&E meters and how they will affect the windows, and how the porch damage can be resolved. The applicant's contractor stated that water is seeping down below the porch where it connects to the home, creating damage to the foundation. He suggests adding a metal flashing along the entire length of the porch that connects to the home as a waterproof membrane and concealing the flashing with material, such as tile. He also clarified for the Board that all of the foundation where the porch meets the home is damaged. The contractor further stated that because there is already wall articulation between the historic home and the addition, there would be no problem with the two stucco types on the east and west elevations. Board Member Moore asked if the Historic Building Code allows for deviations from the Building Code in these cases? Chair Walter clarified that the Historic Building Code allows for other means of egress and access, and the intent is to retain the property in the original form and appearance. Chair Walter also asked if there were gutters on the original home? Board Member Blake asked why the small window on the west side of the. historic home was removed, as it was distinctive to the historic character of the home. The applicant indicated that it was a closet and is now one big room. Chair Walter asked the applicant if she had looked at designs and styles of the front door that 'have divided lights on top, but are solid below, and are in the period style of the home? Board Member Blake indicated that the rafter tails should continue to be exposed, but should not have to be painted white. However, staff member Rose indicated that the intent is to have the rafter tails match the window trims. Chair Walter indicated to the applicant that the downspouts will need to be addressed to retain the historical integrity of the home. Board Member Moore asked why the concrete should be maintained on the porch. Historic Preservation Board -Special Meeting Minutes March 4, 2015 Paae 4 of 5 Staff member Rose indicated that concrete is the most historical material for porches in this period. Chair Walter suggested that if the Board does not agree on tile, that the Board agree that waterproofing is needed to address the foundation problem and that the final finishing details should be left to the Community Development Director to decide to approve of a material as close to the period as possible. Board Member Blake indicated that she does not feel adding the to the porch pedestals is appropriate and that they should be stuccoed. The Board recommended the following changes: • The gas meter is to be relocated away from the front/historic segment of the home if determined feasible by PG&E. • Front entry pedestals are to remain stucco and are not to be tiled. • Retain all original windows to the extent feasible. Where replacement windows are required, they may be replaced with double-pane windows, with simulated divided light, provided they match the grid pattern, details, and exterior material of the historic windows and frames. • The original small window along the west elevation shall be retained. • Where doors are replaced, they shall be replaced with new doors consistent in materials and design of the building's period, and may included divided `light on the top. If the original front door can be refurbished, it shall be relocated to the east elevation where a new door is shown. If the front door cannot be relocated to the east elevation, a new door in keeping with the design and materials of the period will be permitted. • The front entry and porch shall incorporate (flashing) waterproofing measures to ensure the structure is adequately protected. Prior to resubmitting revised building permit plans, the applicant shall submit plans indicating a material and finish as close to the period as possible, subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development. • Gutters, if installed on the historic segment of the residence, shall not obscure the rafter tails from view. • Changes in the grid design of the new windows, from the originally approved plans that have been installed on the rear addition portion of the residence, are acceptable. • Style of stucco between the historic home and the new addition at the rear of the home shall be differentiated. The stucco to be removed and replaced on the exterior of the front/historic portion of the home shall be of a stucco style of the period of the home (thick stucco style) and the stucco. on the new addition at the rear of the home shall be of a different style. The stucco style shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director prior to final occupancy. Historic Preservation Board -Special Meeting Minutes March 4, 2015 Page 5 of 5 NEW BUSINESS None. OLD BUSINESS None ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS None. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 5:30 p.m. to the next regular meeting (4th Wednesday) to be held on April 22, 2015, at 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: ~ ~~~C Aki Hond Welling, Planning Manager