HPB Mins 04/22/2015HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 4:00 p.m. -Wednesday City Council Chambers APRIL 22, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Chair Walter called the Historic Preservation Board Regular Meeting of Wednesday, April 22, 2015, to order of 4:10 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. Rnl I CSI I Board Members Present: Todd Walter, Chair George Niczewicz, Vice-Chair JoElle Hernandez Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore Board Members Absent: None Staff Members Present: Paul Kermoyan, Community Development Director Aki Honda Snelling, Planning Manager APPROVAL OF MINUTES Board Member Blake made a motion to approve the Special Meeting Minutes of March 4, 2015, with Chair Walter adding a correction to Page 4 to change "he" from "she." Vice Chair Niczewicz seconded. Approved 5-0. ORAL REQUESTS None. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes April 22, 2015 ' Page 2 of 5 PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public Hearing to consider the application of Chauncey and Yvonne Kendall for designation of property located at 155 Alice Avenue as a Historic Landmark (PLN2015-89) located in the Alice Avenue Historic District in the R-1-6(H) Zoning District_ Aki Snelling, Planning Manager, presented the report. Chair Walter opened the public hearing. Yvonne Kendall, applicant, stated that the attic was removed _and the windows were replaced on the west side. She also indicated that she grew up in a historical landmark home and understands the importance of the designation. Chair Walter closed the public hearing. Board Member Blake indicated that the residence meets the checklist criteria of being a fine example of this type of architecture in accordance with the City's historic design guidelines, in that it maintains a porch with period windows and has well- crafted trim. Board Member Blake further noted that on the score sheet, she rated the residence as meeting 1 Bi and 2C. Board Member Hernandez also agreed with Board Member Blake and noted that the residence is a good example of craftsman_ style architecture and history to the City. Chair Walter applauded the applicant for applying for the landmark designation and agreed that the residence should be recommended for landmark designation. Vice Chair Niczewicz also agreed. Vice Chair Niczewicz made a motion to recommend that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council the designation of 155 Alice for Historic Landmark designation. Board Member Hernandez seconded. Recommended for Approval 5- 0. NEW BUSINESS 2. Discussion to consider outreach to property owners of 119 S. Second Street to answer questions about significance of Historic Resource Inventory status for their historic home. The Board indicated that they would like to outreach to the property owners. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes April 22, 2015 Paae 3 of 5 Board Member Moore also indicated that there is currently no fee established for an application to request de-designation of an historic property. Community Development Director Paul Kermoyan stated that the City sent all notices out to the property owner of this property at the time it was being considered for designation, and numerous notices were sent out. However, it appears the former property owner did not disclose this information to the current property owners. Board Member Moore stated that realtors should have a legal obligation to tell all property owners of an historic designation on the residence. She also asked that the Council provide further direction on what it means to be "historic" in the Downtown area. Community Development Director indicated that this discussion can be folded into the discussion with the application for a de-designation of this property. Board Member Hernandez also indicated the importance of following the General Plan with respect, to historic preservation. The Board decided to form a subcommittee of Board Members Blake and Hernandez who will contact the property owners. The Board was all in favor. 3. Discussion of the City Council request from the April 7, 2015 Council meeting to agendize an item to consider waiving fees for property owners wishing to "Opt- Out" their properties as designated HRI properties, and to review streamlining the "Opt-Out" process. The Board asked if staff was considering to establish a recission fee. Board Member Hernandez stated that a recission fee is required per the code and that the City should recoup the fee. She also indicated that if the General Plan indicates that a Certified Local Government (CLG) designation and Historic Resource Inventory Properties are important, then a recission fee is important. Community Development Director Kermoyan indicated that the purpose of the fee is to capture staff cost to process an application. Chair Walter asked what the fee would likely be. Community Development Director Kermoyan stated that staff would need to conduct a comparison with other cities and staff's hourly rate. 4. Proposal for new brochures (tri-fold brochures for realtors, etc.): Discussion on next steps regarding preparation of new brochures. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes April 22, 2015 Page 4 of 5 Board Member Blake indicated that it would be premature at this time to establish brochures for realtors, and that the Board will need to work on strengthening the Board's role until items 2 and 3 are clarified and dealt with. Chair Walter asked if the Board needed to wait, or if the process could begin now to create the brochures. Board Member Moore indicated that it would be important first to understand Council's direction. Community Development Director Kermoyan stated that it is important for the Board to do its job per the ordinance. Board Member Blake asked that each Board Member do homework and provide 3 - 5points that realtors should know. Community Development Director Kermoyan stated that the Board send Planning Manager Snelling the bullet point ideas and that she will assemble them as a draft tri-fold and information for the realtors. 5. National Historic Preservation Month: National Historic Preservation Month Proclamation is scheduled for the May 5, 2015 City Council meeting. This year's theme has not yet been announced; therefore, the description has been left blank at this time in the Draft Proclamation. Board indicated that they approve of the proclamation without a theme at this time. OLD BUSINESS None ANNOUNCEMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS 1. Updated on the next round of historic plaques in Downtown Campbell. Board Member Blake indicated that the Museum staff is assisting her with the plaques, and that she has the narratives written. 2. Update on Joanna Herz letter regarding a historic plaque for John D. Morgan Park. Joanna Herz provided a presentation, indicating she met with City Manager Mark Linder on March 2, and that he was supportive of the location of the plaque. She also discussed the historical importance of the plaque location and showed a copy map overlay of the adobe areas. The Board thanked Ms. Herz for her presentation and the work that she is doing. Historic Preservation Board -Regular Meeting Minutes April 22, 2015 Page 5 of 5 3. Update on 400 E. Campbell Avenue (Growers' National Bank). Community Development Director Kermoyan indicated that the restaurants want to open till 11:30 p.m. and this is the reason Larry Schaadt is having a difficult time finding a restaurant for the space. He also said that Mr. Schaadt is having difficulty finding a restaurant that would like to take the entire space and is exploring a different use for the second floor. Community Development Director Kermoyan also stated that the front door will come back to the Board for review. Board Member Blake indicated that she found original photos of the front door at the San Jose State University Library and provided them to staff to provide to Mr. Schaadt. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 5:30 p.m. to the next regular meeting (4th Wednesday) to be held on May 27, 2015, at 4:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. PREPARED BY: l/"' "~ ~/ Aki Honda _ ~J i ~G ~M~ Planning Manager APPROVED BY: Todd r. hair