Jack-in-the-Box S 68-24 ,,~ I 'CIJ 0(') "'^ o I >< 5' ..., I 8;....... :::J'" '(1) V> I >O:J Zo 2:>< 00 0(1) n< >(1) ~O -0"0 ~3 N(I) :::l ....... iW ~ ~. ~ c::>q \ Q \.Jv ~ ~ \ ~ \ ::t. () o -p ---.,.. .-~ OJ -0 m r- .."m 0)> ",tf\ mm 00 ~~ 0)> tf\(') :::jI Z () Z< Cro 3" 0-"- ~~ -3 I t-' t-' O~ I ~2. ~ ~R , l:.i 'E? -. ~ 'd l'i'a 0< VlCD I S OCD wl:l " I c o n' rf;~ ; !?'~ 3 0- om: ~~ ~ CI) ;; l:l ~ :Ji so CD s. rJ) -g. 6 ..... c:t CD o ~ m o " 3" < _0 c -. ,," ~ro o " o c " t-' t-' '" '" Z I\) ro I\) "'C~ Vl Vl ~> -3 -3 "'3 . S!:o . roc 8 0 ::. 0 -v l/JI/ NAME#~.L::,d -d ~:<Lt'~~, /~ ADDR~SS /-/( .-f ;7 k ft -1 ~v X:i!~- 5d ~z f . FOR aUf dt<v r" //tb ;(L 1) <tv ~J~ RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO. CAMPBELL. C. ALlFORNIA ",\(.1 ~"J J ,;) .~ ~tJ'-r1 -f?L atd 3t:. (j A- ~S-JY o~ .~ { / //c; <:'~. FUND NUMBER , 2-(., f-f{. ~ CHECK o ~NIf'1Jt5SER 011GJ W.1,257.00 . 0 68 oloH ***110.00 66 OlOe ***595.00 THIS RECEIPI' MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 7637 CITIZEN COpy DAli JUL 17-68 JUL 17-68 ~?!:7 \ ~k You CITY OF CAMPBELL ~ CITY CLERK .... pacific Gas & Electric Company 86 South Third Street San Jose, California ATTENTION: Jack Jayett RE: Jack-in-the-Box Whiteoaks and Camden Gentlemen: ..... I May 22, 1969 You are hereby authorized and requested to energize one 400 watt and one 220 watt M.V. electrolier at the Southeast corner of Whiteoaks Road and Camden Avenue as shown on the enclosed drawing., BMH:cc Enclosure s Very truly yours, WILLLAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS r " \ \. ~, " , By Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer I~ I't' ~;*:'f}?J~>/_~~: : : 1/1 ;7r y :': "f I I 1" . ,/) , I JC! {1/ .1/ /' " " _<'/71 L)C I'hf'.!: 7/ Zr~Z. 9/ Z-f7Z.. 3r-21.. .3T12.. 3-1 )Cj. .0 9 ::;78 (.6<7 /.':/: -/l'z~ ;-/ .t/ ~ ''V 1'.. ;;; "'~ ~/~ c=c 1.f-3.!., ;'.cJ H 8':, ;, I 2 -I ~ J~ : \ " C">~:(/ 1-'f,Jt- 3r.)..l.,o .3 D: 48 3~t):) c..':?"/. ~6 is J. 8'9 ,:,: I. 7C '?7 3~ 20/.1( zY J-/ 7~ Z1Cg ~ c;/ ~-7 z'f~;; 1_ z.. 7~, z.. z.... . j. I , ,;, /~c'- . / 2,-,d;~ / / 1/'/// ~ /-c' ....- .~ 'r.L...._ ,!;.'.-$CJ. Cz ,~~ z .? c/.. =.'; c. Z:';;-o. 9 I' :: 23/,9,/ 2 3 I '9j < . 231'l.P. Z3Z.c,Q Zsc:> '7..c...- 2 'JJf c., 3- )7rr2_'/ ~'?f r; ...:r- . , ..:~2r 4:.;.~_ :2 :"". c'27 - . ~--'Zc' ;'.- c? <.,1:: .l ,:-: - ,.-: ; / p ().c,G FcJ32.. r-OH3 r o._J 6- j:::. 0. 15' roc; poz; p. c. ~ ~ rOSZ <::-0l.0;- c: D.B ..3 C /, I :s C:-. t.;' 5" C...?f7' ... ctt'2~ --Cr- ",', s,;qtEO~ Z. c:..5'. '71 /-:3tl1 c Art- ~ /. /..--) ;u...5ffrf- C f. (.. 'I rt 22' () ~ c: '1_ ? .(. 1t.. ~2'c.. 31/ c::: s-./ 2. ~ I ..' .2 ?.(. 3 S c;.~!,: / 11:- r!. , , ~ 2-~' 42. C;...( EN (('_ f-1d' p./A ~4 d,.~_ ;;:...-:../,....."..~,t ~F'.x;... /:" "/:.. ,.;....'" ,,-I r:.. ~. BETTER BUILDERS, INC. ~~.~ .~.0~ ~ s,;4- rl/ - P. 0, BOX 783. PHONE 279.1309 . SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92112 ~ AprIl 24, 1969 City of Campbell Department of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, California Attention: Director of Public Works Reference: File #S-68-24 Regarding Bond #P2-03-24-05 Issued by Planet Insurance Co. Gentlemen: Better Builders, Inc., hereby requests the City of Campbell to accept offsite work at 1301 Camden Avenue, Campbell. We further request bond release subject to Item #6, Page 3 of 5, of agreement with the City of Campbell. Your attention in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, BETTER BUILDERS, INC. fiL~vl Q:~- Richard Kline RK:eja RESOLUTION NO. 2504 BEING A RESOLU'I'IOJ.J OF 'THE err.': COUNCIL OE' 'Hill CITY OF CA~.)f'BELL ACCEPl'IUG THB OF CHECKERBOARD PF':OPER~.'IES, IJ\fC., A DELAvJ7\RE COI{PO~<.NrIOI" A>D J\U'I'HOlUZING 'rEE I.1!\.:{OR '1'0 81G1'\[ ,]'rIE AGREEHEHT. WI-IEREl-'...S( there har:: boon submi.t~.2CJ t.o the City Council by C21Cckol:J;e'Clrd P:copc,:Lics, Inc. Len aq:cC;c;::lCl'1JC fo:'.' t.he c.Jc'\.reloprClcnt of their :(C2:,1 propert.y Situcl"C.Cl at U18 i3out:r;.(~dst CCj:ncr of Vifhito Oaks Ruad and Camden A'J0'11LIC; in 0.CCO:CCli'.nco wit:)) p.,:'::":3cr ibed concl:Lt:i.ons i and NOW, 'l\HEREFORE( BE IT AND IT IS IIEREB":l RESO:C,\7ED by the C.i ty Coun.cil .tha'c t)}(" l,nyo:c be, emet he .is )}p:r:'eby (;ut1.lo:r.'j :;;od to execute [;2:Ld agreement on lx:.half of the C.it:y of C~:'1.F)bc~11. 'by the PASSED AND ADOPTED follovd.ng vote: thL:; 12 [:11 C)i'V of Augu s t ___...._....._ .....1 ._______._.__., 19 oR AYES: CouLcilmcn ChC'J:ibc1'1in, Doetsch, Ilyde, Rogers, Smeccl NOES: Cou.ncilJ\ll.:-;j1 None A.8SI~I);_C : Ccu.nc11L:cn None APPROVED: I'll 11 :l<'J'l S. Eu -. :.) c.1 r IvL: i'u:;: A'rTEs'r: Do:cothy T;:<2vet.l1a.n, City Cle:ck l (- i ,-'.."1 <C' .:..:,.\-' ',y . "',;'~~~-~'" ,/: (, ,. .~..> T;J./. , .f ,~_. -.", I . r ~ I.J .,'';," ....., '.f," \",,'> -T:-; r \__p C,'~;':'_ I'; t~C'( \-1. 2: / c,,:; - G,~' - --=::.;, :---~--... - ",--, --:.,-." ('.;,:, .'1 .If !P. ~-";'c(._';,,--. ::'/:: / ':~, 5(, ~,. {-)~.,!'.c.l~. .~t:_'r'." .:. ~..-: I J , v '? L.. yi /~., ".,-: & .------- ,.':.: ~ I ',1.:," ~~ i Y- i . Cj'" /:., .'" " .r_:(-":'l::;,~/;:"'~ CT-r: V. /,- " -'-:' "- ~"7"'>n w' ~":~ 1E.~ (':"Xf!' [L:-~1r""~~ r-c~ ::"J ~';"~' Jl~ r ,. :T'I L " t.; IT'< !J rY-.::,:;.~ r:" ~....'- :l ;;::' ?J I '] '~r- ,~ / . )/ \ \/ .(\. / /~ .../,1" '...: I -,. c. . . ;~ I j. )"; /' .~ ./ ./.': -,.?/-<!'-,-';!'- ........ .... " ;L:" i..' I:: - t .(.) ,,.-', ~ .....1{ !..' ,.:' " :".~' ., I C-' < ,< :- /~. /~- >;'.' . . , , ' -, -~ ~~) " '- I ,,< ,) 'r:':' ) ;t_, ;':':>. , ' ;--:'C'1<! :.-:. ',"'- -. .' , ':"'~.' - -~ ~.: r. " . ~ . /; f ,"<" , , 'I, ~ '- ''(/ ": ....,,"1.. ._ 'C-~~ E::'~ ~..~ ;;";1 Lr~ [~~,::'7'I ~r~;;.J L~-a [-;.a t-:. SJ [:.: .2] r 7J l...~:] I I _,_ ~___L,__._..____.___.. ., FROM: TO: SUBJECT: Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District memorandum R. E sou FII~s: DATE Apri I 6, 1967 / A11-16.2 and Al1-13 MeetIng witH State HIghway Engin~ers I Re: Hlghwa~ 17 Off-ramp Design ot Cemden Avenu~ em d Wh I hOoks Ro.ed. Aprl I 5, 1967 _ Met with Jess Black and two other design engin~ers to discuss Whl~ Ook$ property. Infonmotlon received Is os follows: (11 Time of off-ramp construction Is Indefinite - probably ot least five years In future; (2) State assumes responsIbility to modify Kirk Ditch at tlm~ of con- struction. PIon Is to extend present box culvert along White Oaks another 300 ft. ~ southerly and olso to rep'oce some of the present open ditch north of Redding AvenueJ (31 Off-romp designs ore not yet complet~, but a letter wi I' be forth- coming giving guarantee thet no furthe.... lend take will be required at the southeast corner of Camden and Whlteooks; (4) Cu:rent designs cal I for outside edge of romp should~"" to be 10 ft~ outside of existing property line ot said corner. No curbs, gutters and sidewalks presently contemplatedJ (5) State is not Interested In the type of development ot sold corner, and does not plan to impose any restrIctions as to access relative the"-eto. ~\e~'er'c.nl:C is ;:lade 'Co our llc.wrk. cx~anslon c ,F;U'....: l't'ic.",Cl.; ,~o Cin ei[)1'G 1&(J':.: l.'ac~ll.l..) 1'0 C"-,:.. l) ..fo'.JL.':' _..,'-. J"urtncr' rcf'erc[lct.; is :.,LUG :"...;ct.:,l, .):, "; ::'",L. ~Iit,n Mr. LSi.c'" \,hid. v_:'.- ill: i., STATE OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY TRANSPORTATION AGENCY _.' -----_.--"---~._--_. ------- ~ .--~ ---. ------------~._-_._-._--- DEPA~TMENT OF PUBLIC WO~KS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PO. BOX 3366 ~INCON ANNEX SAN FRANCISCO 94119 i.!Jri 1 1.), u 1\0 Ul: l' ~~ i~o 11 ;-.,;nl..::.' Engl:lcer .)::Ltl t a C 10.;.';1 V 8. 11 L J .~ ate r C c, n G e II v ,~J. t .:. () n 1) 1 .". :.~ r i c t 1 ..~.) H~J:~~:.LtC;r. i\v,-_-i.'.':' d0.:J dL)~~:~-"~ C'~:- ....ll'CJl':.ll.a J.-~':l~r' I~:I'. .n.lJJl.: "'Ir-1\tr:r .===.~==- '-'"",-=F"'"~:' n 'LiJ :,; l.;rj T ~ .:; ~_ .fj....l :... .1 a ll.i:~)nrnt..; 1) t. ~..L n ,,;. I-l'~~; ~ J.. ,.:. ~', t' " xi. t) t lr~ u '_.._ 'J 0.',: 1" l-cy Oi' Rejjlnl, h\'l,j~:l: ",0 C>,~3l;J Ho(~ i. ". ...:-. .-'~ .... d J S t,;' 1 at t [11- 3 i'~ lr~...:-,' I'L l;~c,~ t i()r"j 1', ,/ ",,) , 1'_" Lr.tLl'criao:.::,'':; 1~;....,.: i..' r:J : 0 no' J '-' u. r . : ~ ~L ~" ~_r I ~11(:,:j. tc'...i LJle .l ~ ~'f....:re 1c>ce.l t .Len. n.an'j l~-: J. C,\' . La U0 '{i ~ ...,., j' ,-' .J ,_ t.~.' ~) :/ (i ~J ~'; l. 1 .l. ~ ' t ~ ~- ". (). ~~. L.t.. t J..'.....: 1 ;, i r l (' l.;'~ . ,..;. '; \j " , ~,J :.<.i r j \..,', I:': i; 1 t~. t .....!., u.~.t ~ ~)n 0"'- , I.J ... . , . ~ .~ " _ c~ll 'T I' (..i. n ;_J '~j-. '_~_ t, , ' . 1 1., ,~: fl (".:. 1..... r' J. .(_: t. \..: 1 :~_;ij i.~,~) :. i-' 0 t c .j ~,} l' y>. i.1'~ t~~'::~;:-; t r't' ..: 1-__: C' \._ _~ .) [ it; :..1 \....- -' tL 1 ~ .. ~ .1. 'J .i....! " ,~,\~., ,). H1-\hT ';_',:'':; Ens:':" . (:": ..L .L. ,J " ~-\ \ r "'J - ') .-;; '-~:~~~:- '- <>- bLACK J. (' -....1,.. i As}.t, Distric'- Engineer' ,--,,/ RONALD REAGAN. Governo' _. _ _n ~_u._ __"~_' -~_.,------ a ,? .j A i/ . /' I / /"1 1/ 5~)03J~ +-..jCl-l[ P-033 E' ':.... x .>..~'j"'0.i ~-J ,'~ ";". c: d '., . ~ 1 "l. (.. f"l , ...... .. , ,\...t..' '~) t, ~.. u: ; ~.J i ~e ',-,l.t_ ~ ~ v '. j. .I. ,- ,~--: 'J I.:'" . '.' J. , 1 / // / ~ // , / , '" '/~'lL /; / /' - l~-~~ '-' Apd' 25, j.967 A.4.1-...3 /.,~l-...c.~ Mr. "~Ian 5. Hart, District Engineer Stet. of Callfornle Division of Hlgh~y. p. O. Box 3366, Rincon Annex San FrMclaco, Cellfornle 94.19 Attentlonl Mr. J. C. Bleck C en t I emen I Your letter of April 18, 1967, r.quested rt'cotml4tndetlona for the design of modi f i_ c~tion5 to Kirk Ditch es ,..qulr.d for the proposed Camd.n Av.nue interch~nge. The dr~lng ettached to your lett.,. Indlc8tea thet you expect to r.place two segments of the can81, aouth of Camd.n Avenue, novlng ~ combined length of ~Dproxim~tely 1000 fef"'. L !; ." Bl.\~;c" !y, our Int.,..e.t I. to melnt81n the :'lresent conveyonce c..,pec1 ty of <,irk Ci tch 150-60 C.f.6l. Replacement therefor4&' wi II ntQulr. nothing less then 'l ,1~)_hch diuneh.r- p!pellne or ~ box culvert eQulvolent to '3'6")( 3'6" Inside dimensions. Your' ~.wteCttmlnt8 VlIOuld occur along 'h.- present Whit. Ollke Reed bet~en Hw 54_inCh dl"fTlete... aiDe ending ot Station 37+56.~ or>d the 3' )( "!' concrete bO)( (;\.dVE"rt beqir,- ning ."'.")t~tion !p.....-J6. From the stendpoi:-,t of this District, It would be d~~,~ir:;b!e to ~ep;~ce this entire length with clo~~d conduit, oon~tructed ~t a uniform ~'cce t~.tweE'n &~Id Stl"tlon& 31+53.~ end 53+06. This would .ilmi~te ..Ii h)o'drouiic ,"'d o~er,:dlon,'!! problema, as well es the need for tnH\slt!on structur.s, tri')sr, !~.'Cr;'j ..wd r.~~.11wtllls at tr.e ent,.ence to the individual ;,lp.lln~s you suggt"!\t. It 1-;' recf'J(yized t,." thl. Wl")'Jld require <,n edditlor\vl '-';ll(>:' hH~t of conduIt. 'jj',ce your off-remp ell: :-'ICC:.SS problems "lor,g tt'e of f_,.."m;J. mc,"-e deflnlte (,I~ns pIons ere not yet flv~i lob!e, It 15 difficult to sPf!cukne wtV.ct might be ntlotlve to iT".e:lnteN'nCtt of short re<lche& of opcr, dltc-h This metter cen, however. be reviewed ~t c later dat~ whe, ore fonnu I e'!'ted. There ijre sever"I other design f~ctor5 n..." we would ColI to your ."lttention. First, the WCl$tvway fl'Jcl !It, .,t Statlor. "'7+iY,".4 L, to rem,I!", In service. Secondl>', th(' wostewey "t St<,tlon .47+45 is no 10ngtH" -('.-eas.:;ry M1d r.1oy be ebondo",.d. Thirdly, duf' to you" propofied construction, thE' reCC1r:1t;r sttltlon loceted 3t St...,tlon 51+0') wi!1 h,:'ve to be ,,'elocoted to 80me other ",,;:or"o.1r'i 'J te $1 t. on 'he cantll. ,~. has been Indicated to you, we ere hi91 " lderested tn this In,.rch..,nge project both In regerd to Kirk Ditch /!IS well i15 OIJr '-"pe,.ty ot the Intersection of Vlhlte Oekli end C.'mden. Ple8ae cellon us for eny further aasl.tence or InfOrm6tlon thet we can provide to expedite your plennlng end desl9n. Very truly your., RoM I d R. Eaou "~ ,.,..,:""...._1....___ 7 /-'1 ;' ) J; ) />7~? PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CA~IPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: April 16, 1968 CONDITIO~~S ATTACIlED TO "Stl APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Jack-in-the-Box ~~velopment Corporati~_n_, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF drive-through and indoor XI;::; laurant------- TO BE LOCATED, AT: southeast corner of Camden Avenue and White Oaks RI. CONDITIONS: see attached Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire onc hundred eighty (ISO) days after the date upon vrhich such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COivlivlISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON TilE 15th DAY OF April 1968 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION ./"' By ; ':::;t~~~-/ ~ ~~,7z=-,-s'ec retary--~- \1I,~t(,L\ . I ) STAFF COMMENT SHEET - PLANNING Cm1MISSION MEETING OF APRIL 15, 1968 1'5" 68-24 Application of Jack-In-The-Box Development Corporation for approval of a drive-through and indoor restaurant on property located on the southeast corner of Camde~ Avenue and White Oaks Road. (See Map Itl attached) This property is bounded on the north, west and south by M-I-S zoning and on the east by commercially zoned property in the County. , On March 25, 1968 the City Council held hearing on the proposed zone change from M-I-S to C-2-S on this property, and the ordinance was given first reading. ' The Council will hold second reading on this item on April 8 and if passed, the zoning will become final on May 7, 1968. The proposed use is a Jack-In-The-Box drive-through restaurant with an interior seating capacity of approximately 60 persons. Staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated on plans. 2. F~ithful Performance Bond in the amount of $1,500 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking areas within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking area prior to f~nal building department clearance. 3. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall or fence shall be construc~ed to house trash container in an area approved by the Planning Director and Fire Department. Said enclosure to be 8' x 12' minimum with 6 foot self-closing gates. 4. Main color to be "pale yellow" as indicated on plans. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. S. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Parking stalls to be a minimum of 9' x 20'. 6. Underground Utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 7. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and tele- vision cabless etc. ~l~ .... '5 11 (,31""1) i~:. .'1lq(,. 7 ~ '..~ . r ' ., " '~;'~~~-,,' ': . /5$ . , '; l. .:! to, t Novembqr 17, .1964 .'., .;..:.,."..,l13~~ 1~7 ~'B ~ l, .1 . ". ~. .. '., ~. e>C:< <:"'" '. ' ': ~ I , :~' :';,:; . ~ , '-,,) :" : : ~ '; :'1. .~;,:, t.~;. ""'. .. -." ". ,..'".. I '/ ~ -:j - /' 4- ' , , ., . L l l,p : ~~ , . c.~ ,', " I -. . \1" " ".. LO:1011' E. Grattan 3ii2 G8ylor La*e S~u JO$G 24) Ctlifornia .', :. Stl0j ec t: i S~n lomas ;....\ ! . ;..- ,.; .... Expressway V,' Pareel 2835'~'i . . , '. - .' " f . Dc~ar ~J:'.... L',,~ . G_A -' 1'- f- ",'n . L C~... ....c..l. .... . " . i You hnve p"eviously entered into an agreemerit for exchange of ranI prope"t.y with the Courlty whereby the Couqty is acquir- :ing a tri"ngulnt-shapcd parcel on C2r.>den Avenue J;or future high~ :'way needs. Thi$ parcel is shrnffi shaded in red and designated as ,; Parcel 3 on the attached plct. ~ In connectilon with develepment of your remdni.ng mmership. it is u'lderstood that it will b" d"sirable for YO\1 to utilize the ared being acquired by th" Ceunty. Tnis letter '.Till serve as a P01".nit for your use of said area for ingr"ss and egress to your rcmaind"r Pl'operty subj ect to tho fo11m;ing condit ions: 1. Parcel 3 to be kept free of weeds aDd~bri. at all times, i 2.. Const;;uction of facilities in _"<lid Parcel 3 shall be limited to installation of pavement and to installation '-Ioi elcctroliers. 3. Such llt:D:COVCiT::::;.lcnts C2G are ins t:-: lIed pur.::;uC' ,11.: to this :letter of authority r.;oy bc rcmoved by the Connty at tho t imG of rGC OilS true t ion of Cn "";'-,n ^ vem", 0" 0 the l' highway facilities requiring the use of P~rcel 3~ 4. .'1:1is pel'mission shall tGrlllinatc \ii.thont prior noti.CG at the tim" of C",",ncncement of COD" tn!c tiOD mentioned above. Very truly yours, ECS:o's E. C. STEFFANI AGst. County Engin,cer I WWJ~W the ;:~(..iUllt: o:"v~'\)uuu OIl l:ne P.r..vF~~J..;- J-'....'-C.,L'-..'.,. ",-" <.... "'- ..............- .......- - 1:.:::..:.":,",,:~ .O.};;. _ ,~_ 1 ....,,~..._ "_ ~'ru "'j"- '''j'::!''-'' ~..;l);~\':.:,~: '.;'_.: i'l . " ,