870 Camden Avenue S71-72 f)JA1~' ( ) ;/ \ , .~~ " ...---- C''''/..-Y- PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAHPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: Janu<i't'v 19, U~__ CON D I T I ON SAT T A C H EDT 0 II S II A P PRO V A L 0 F P LAN S 0 F K e it h \i1"inA.____ , FOR CON S T R U C T ION 0 F ~e.~_:c.e_tti..o...n.a.l-._Y..e.h i c 1 e P :U' k TO BE LOCATED AT B70 Camden A.Y.e.:..iJ.l!:L.. CONDITIONS: condivons of approval attached Section 21~42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of allY a p pro val un t i 1 a new a p pro val has bee n 0 b t a in e din t h emall neI.p r' 0 v ide d for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 17 day of ---loL~nui'u'y , 1972 ~y or CAMPBELL PLANNIllG COlHHSSIO' Enginee~ing Dep~.w/att. Fire Dept. wiatt. cc: BY: --- A R T-H U RKE E, S E C R E ft., p~y------ -- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "s" 71-72 l. Ingress and egress from proposed recreational vehicle park to be limited to street patterns approved as a part of the archi- tectural approval. No access to be permitted from any future streets with access from Railway or Kennedy Avenues. (Condition #2 of UP 71-12). 2. Landscape plan for the overall park site to be referred to the Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Santa Clara County Flood Control District for approval. (Condition #6 of UP 71-12). 3. Installation and maintenance of landscaping in accordance with the approved landscape plan. (a) A bond in the amount to be determined by the Planning Director shall be posted to insure landscape installation. (Condition #7 of UP 71-12). 4. Trash enclosures shalr be provided large enough to house all trash containers. Enclosure shall have a sight-obscuring fence, concrete floor and six foot self-closing gates. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be ~veloped in compliance with Section 2l.50.0l0 of the Campbell Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate curbs or bumper guards. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Building department shall require soils report from registered engineer. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. E. Applicant to comply with all conditions of Use Permit 1971-12 approved by Resolution No. 1153 of the Planning Commission adopted on December 20, 1971. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell mich pertain to this development and are not herein specified. ,~.~. J \:' ',-"'~,,". u "",, ",..' j SJ 34763 AJS LEGAL UESCRtPTtON All that cert.ln ,.eal property.shuated .n the City of Campbell, County of Santa CJar., St.ate' of ell I ifornia, described as follows: P'ARC EL OI!E: That portion (j)f the West bne-haif of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 3S TO\-In.shlp 7 South, Range I West M.O.D. ~ M. and that portIon of lots 5 and 6 of the Subdivision of the lands of Mrs. H. A. Kennedy, as shown on a Map recorded in Book I, page 117 of >>aps, Records of Santa Ctara CountYJ CalIfornia, described as foll.ows: ijeglnning at a point In the Northwesterly line of Parcel r"-IO, as described I n the deed tl;>> Wes.tern Grave I Company, a t~r.t ion, recorded December 12 1950 In Book 21J3,-page 149 of Official Records, said point being In the ' Southea~terly line of the 'lands of 'Southern Pacific Railroad, distant along said Horthwestedy .llne, I~orth 32- 10. 55" East 365.41 feet from the most Soutllerly point thereof in said Southeasterly line of Southern PacifIc; thence f r~ s'. I'd point of beg I nning, .10"9 sa I d Northwes terl y line, South 320 10' 55" ~st 365.1.. feet to a I Inch iron pipe; then~e South 230 251 ()QII West 98.~2 feet toa poInt in the Northwesterly I ine of that certain parcel conveyed to Herbert ~. I~able, et UX, recorded December 12, 1950 In Book 2113, page IS2 of Official Records; thence aloog said last named l'<<>rthwesterly line, North 320 10' 55" East 157.16 feet to the most Northerly corner of said parcel so conveyed to Mal.>ie; thence along the Northeasterly line of said Mable parcel South 570 491 05" East 197.08 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe ~rked LS 823 set at the most Easterly corner of said Hable parcel; thence along the Easterly line ~hereof, South 320 151 23" West 75.91 feet, South 160 08' 53" West 60.97 feet, South 28- 531 53" West 232.45 feet, South 00 42' 53" We$( 303.87 feet and South 11- 19' 53" West 136.82 feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof, said point being in the Northerly line of that certain parcel conveyed to Ray Cunningham, et ux, by deed recorded November IS, 1 Y,1 I n Book 1065, page 528 of Of f i c I a 1 Records; thence along said Northerly Hne of Cunningham South 890 431 DO" East 62.50 feet to the Uortheaste-dy corner thereof; thence along the Easterly line of said parcel so conveyed to Cunningham, and the Southerly prolongat.on thereof, South 00 01' 00" West 958.50 feet to the Southe.ste,'y c.orner of that certain parcel conveyed to Marvin L. WIlkerson, et u~, by deed recorded I~vember 24, 1941 In Book 1064, page 506 of Official RecprqS; thence alQrlg the Eastef'ly prolongation of ,aid Wi Ikerson parcel South d:)o 43. 0011 East 71.23 feet to a po'nt in the Westerly line of Parcel One, as described In the deed to the Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District recorded April 28, 1~66 In Book 7361, page 498 of Official Records: thence along said last named Westerly tine, North 130 321 sr East 1503.69 feet to the beginning of a curve to the rIght, from which point I r.df.l bears South 76- 27' 0311 East, having a radius of 3312.44 feet; SJ 3~763 AJS thence along $aid curve, through a central angle of 160 '3' 00" an are distance of 937.53 feet; thence leaving said line of Flood Control, North 60014' 03" West 238.26 feet; thence South Zr 02' 00" West 147.00 feet; thence South 160 la' DO" West 48.50 feet; thence South 480 05' 001l West 88.50 feet; thence South 220 31' 30" West 68.45 feet; thence South 2,0 12' 30" West 169.71 feet; thence South 300 50' 00" West 22.96 feet; thence llorth 57" 26' 20" West 230.77 feet to a point in the ttorthwesterly line of that certain parcel conveyed to San Jose, Los Gatos Interurban Railway Company by deed dated April 17, 1905 and recorded in Book 294, page 64 of Peeds, Records of Santa Clara County, and the point of beginning. Being designated Parcel C on the Plat of Sur~ey of Lands of Western Gravel Inc. and James Boccardo, dated February 1971 and prepared by Robert A. Beam, land Swrveyor. PARCEl TWO: That portion of the Southwest one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, ~'.D.B. f. H., described as follows: Beginning at a point in the Northwesterly line of Parcel I as described in the deed to Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District recorded April 28, 1966 in Book 7361, page 493 of Official Records, at the point of intersect Ion thereof wi th the Eas ter Iy prolongat ion of the Souther! y line of tllat certain parcel conveyed to Marvin L. Wilkerson, et ux, by deed recorded l.jovember 24, 1941 in Book 1064, page 506 of Off i cia I Records, said point being South 890 43' 00" East 316.23 feet from the point of Inter- section of said Southerly line \.,ith the centerline of Camden Avenue (50 feet wide); thence from said point of beginning, along said Southerly line of \Ji Ikerson and the Easterly prolongation thereof, North 3')0 /~y 00" West 131.23 feet to a point in the Westerly line of Parcel 3 as described in the deed to Western Gravel Company, a corporation, recorded December 12, 1950 j n Book 2 113, page 149 of Off lei a I Records; thence along said Westerly line, South 00 01' 00" West 225.00 feet to a point; thence South 390 43' 00" Eilst 77.14 feet to a point In said Northwesterly line of Parcel I conveyed to Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District; . thence along said line of Flood Control iiorth !30 32157" fast 231.1] feet to the point of beginning. Being designated Parcel B on the Plat of Survey of lands of Western Gravel Ine anlJ James Boccardo; dated February 1971 and rrepared hy Robert ,A.. Beam, land Surveyor. SJ 34763 AJS PARCEL THHEE: That portion of the Southwest one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 35, To,mship 7 South, nange I West, 11.0.B. [. H., described as f 0 I lows: Beginning at a point on the East line of the Old Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road, distant thereon 748.50 feet l40rth from the point of inter- section of the East line of the Old Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road with the center line of Casey Road; thence running Harth and along the East line of said Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road 50.00 feet; thence running South 890 43' East and parallel with the center line of Casey Road, 215 feet; thence running South and parallel with the East line of the Old Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road, 50 feet; thence running North 890 43' West and parallel with the center line of C~sey Road, 215 feet to the point of beginning. Being designated Parcel A on the Plat of Survey of lands of \Jestern Gravel '"cand James Boccardo, dated February 1971 and prepared by Robert A. Beam, land $u rveyor. P/IRCH FOUR: That Portion Qf the West one-half of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 35 Township 7 South, Range 1 West !t.O.B. s '1. and that portion of Lots 5 and 6 of the Subdivision of the Lands of Hrs. .'t. ^. Kennedy, as shown on a i"1ap recorded in Book I, page 117 of ~1aps, Records of San ta Cia ra County, California, described as foll~~s: Beginning at a point in the t~rthwesterly line of Parcel Two, as described in the deed to Western Gravel Company, a corporation, recorded December 12, 1950 in800k 2113, page 149 of Official Records, said point being In the Southeasterly line of the lands of Southern Pacific RaIlroad, distant along said llorthwesterly line, North 320 la' 55" East 365.41 feet from the most Southerly point thereof in said Southeasterly line of Southern Pactfic; thence from said point of beginning, along said Northwesterly line, North 320 la' 55" East 1083.89 feet to an angle point In the Westerly line of said lot 5, said point also being In the Southerly line of a road; thence along said last named line South 8qO 36' 2011 East 63.91 feet to an angle point in said line of Lot 5; thence continuing along the Westerly 1 ine of said Lot 5, I~orth 320 II' 19" East 120.00 feet; thence leaving said Westerly I ine, South Sr 1.8' 4111 East 34.10 feet; thence North 690 571 0011 East 250.28 feet to a 3/lt inch iron pipe; thence North 690 32' 4011 East 76.89 feet to the most Westerly corner of that certain parcel conveyed to the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation, by deed recorded October 27. 1964 in Book 6717, page 5 of Official Records; SJ 34763 AJS thence along the Southerly line of said last named parcel, South 710 06' la" East 256.34 feet to a point in the Northwesterly I ine of Parcel 2 as described In the deed to Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District recorded Apri 1 28, 1966 in Book 7361, page 498 of Off I c:i a I Reco:rds; thence along said line of Flood Control t South 460 43' or West 50.27 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left, from which point a radial bears. South 4). 16' 53" East; thene. al~g saId curve, having a radius of 3312.44 feet, through a central angle of 90 00' 16t1, an arc distance of 52Q.57 feet; thence South sr 171 0911 East, along a radial of said curve 10.00 feet to a point in a concentric curve having a radius of 3302.44 feet; thence along said concentric curve, Southwesterly through a central angle of 10 Sit' 31" an arc distance of 110.00 feet; thence along a radial of said curve l40rth 540 11' 40" West 10.00 feet to a point on the aforementioned curve having a radius of 3312.44 feet; thence Sow~hwester1y along said last named curve, through a central angle of 6002' 23ft an arc distance of 349.18 feet; .then~ leaving ,.leI line of Flood Control, North 60. 14' 0)11 West 238.26 feet; 270 02.' 00" Uest 147.00 feet; thence South .. thence South I'. 10' 00" West 48.50 feet; S I 480 "5' 0011 \/est 88.50 feet; tnence out.\ . \I t~\cnce South 22. 31' lOll West 63.45 feet; S t 21012' 3011 "est 16Q...71 feet; thence outl w thence South 300 50' 00" West 22.96 feet; thence North Sr 26' 20" West 2)0.77 feet to the point of beginnIng. D on ti,e Plat of Survey of Lands of Western Gravel Being designated Parcel R b A B ~ dated February 1971 and prepared by 0 ert . earn, tn<: ~nd James Boccar..o, l.and Surveyor.