870 Camden Avenue S69-51
JjJf;;u (10/)
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/1,5,1 GSI- G z-
CITY or: C.'\:WBU.L
CM.IPl;ELLJ (;\1.1 FOI~:'nA
VATE : ~-.oct~her 77 191i9._.____
CONJJITIO:'iS I\TTi\CllLD TO "S" ;\PIJ1~(J\r,\L OF PLA1\S 01: .,-_J~~~~!'~_~,fh~__._____,___
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lO B}; toeA l'FD AT:
870 Camden Avenue
expansion of ~fobile
--- n oTlle-JYarF.------..
COND I T I O;.;S :
conditions of approval attached
Also enc~os~d arc two sets of lanJscape plans' as approved
hy the Planning Commission.
SecU.oa 9316.1 of the Caf:lpbcll 1lunicip2.1 Code re2ds as [(1110';,'5:
AIl)' approval granted un.dcr this section shall exr,irc onc hundred e ghL)'
(180) dccys aItel- thc elate upon \':11ich such appl'ovaJ \':as granted, tiness
an cxtcEsioll for such approval is obt2incd by r:,aking v:rittcIl 2pplic2,tic:
f\.H sa1:,8 to the Planninr.'COi::nission at least .fiftcen (15) 02.:,-5 prior to
the cxpil'ation d2.te or sllch approval. .
No building pcrmit shall be issued after the expiration date of any
approv2.1 until 2. no\,' 2.pprov2.1 hetS been obtained in the manner provice:(]
for in this Chapter. '
HELD o:~ THE -6th
October, 19-6-9-----"
/.:" / / /'
By: ,'t //(. (./ c._ .' L '
. - 'AI'1-'lluri'-'-';;-fl- "S~~'-'-J:"T[;-y
r\ I (, J.\.Lg, I L ..d\ , l. \'
Engineering/w. att.~~
Fire Dept./w att.
...... .
Wiggins and Associates
. .
1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and
as added in "red" on plans.
"S" 69-62
2. Landscape plan for entire ~robile Home Park to be
approved by the Planning Commission prior to issuance
of a permit.
3. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $lO,OOO to
be posted to insure landscaping, fencing an~ st~iping
of parking areas within three (3) mo~ths of completion
of construction, or applicant may file writt~n agreement
to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parkin~
area prior 1:0 final approval by State Division of Housing
and Campbell Building Department for occupancy of ~robile
Home Park. Said bond to cover entire mobile home site
approved by "S" 69-51 and "S" 69-62.
Leo Frcschi
4. All trash containers shall be housed within.an enclosure
consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot
high solid wall or fence. Said enclosures to be provided
with six-foot self-closing gates.
t:~,._ _
The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is
required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances
of the City of Camphell:
A. No building permit shall be issued until the owner/
applicant has received approval of plans by the
California State Division of Housing.
"S" 69-62
Freschi, Leo
Page Two
B. Applicant to pay storm drainage area fee in the
amount of $765.00 per acre for additional area.
C. Applicant to process and file parcel map for
additional area.
D. All parking and driveway areas to be developed
in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell
Municipal Code.
E. All service facilities such as water lines, sewer,
gas mains, electrical wiring, telephone cables,
leads from master television antenna, and similar
utilities shall be underground. All parks shall
Maintain a master television antenna. No exterior
individual television antennas may be attached to
trailers or erected on individual trailer spaces.
F. Trailer park shall be suitably fenced, lighted and
landscaped so as to give due consideration to
surrounding areas in the vicinity of service areas,
drying yards, storage buildings, etc.
G. A minimum of five feet in the front, side and rear
yards shall be maintained for all mobile home spaces.
H. All other subsections of Section 9328. (A) pertaining
to mobile home parks shall be complied with.
I. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan
check shall indicate clearly the location of all
connections for underground utilities including
water, sewer, electric, telephone and television
cables, etc.
J. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with
provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No
sign to be installed until application is approved
and permit issued by the Building Department.
"S" 69-62
Freschi, Leo
Page Three
K. Storm drainage system design to be approved by
City Engineer.
L. Fire protection equipment such as water mains,
fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, etc., shall be
installed as directed by the Fire Department.
The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicahle
Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this
development and are not herein specified.
/~ iJ<~~, (
PLN~N 1 NG UL P Ai\.Ti,;;:.\l'
CITY OF C.".:.fi'ElI.L
75 NOlzTll CE:~'i'lU\l. AVEi'WE
/:?" ,'-i
V ~ -) I
July 23, 1909
CaND! T J O;;S ATT..\CJ[E!) TO "S" APi'lW\':\L OF PLl\~S OF
Leo Freschi
. ) Fan. CONSTfWCTIO:\I 0;': J.21 space mofHe home
--------------------.-.------.- . .----.---.--"--~:x:.k.--.
"J'r) }')}.:. I,Oe.'\l'r:,jJ ^T
\. 1\. : -Jlle.s.:t...~hank~---L.o.s......G.a1:ns..S.r.e.e.r \d tlL.a.c..c.as.s.. thl:..Ou..gD-___n'
. r; 70 CnJ'1den Avenue i
conditions of approval attached
See U. 0 i1 9 31 6 . 1 (I f t 11 e C amp b c 11 ~ I u n j~ c i P 21 Cod ere a c1 s ;c s f 0 11 0 ',; s :
Any approval granted under this scction shall expire one hundred cisht)'
(180) cl2Ys after the date upon \\'hich such approval W2.S granted, ur:les:s
an extension for such approval is obtained by r::aking I':ritt.cn Ctl'plic2..tio:
for S;:tJ:~8 to the Planning'Conll:lission at least .fifcccn (15) days p:'i.o-:: to
the cx;d r2. t i en cia te 0 f S l..lch ",pIHoval.
No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any
app1'cval until a new 2.pproval has been obtained i!: the IDi:lnnCr pro\,'idcd
for in this Chaptcr. .
~hll y. 10 6..!L-__
cc ~ Engi.neerins; ~\r/att :<--_..
. .I
By:, . .
---A-R'1"TTU-I' _""\:-[';--S--,: C f"--C-:'1"--:-flY
11 , !"\1.. I L. ,L ..'\"
\J \
\ I
1. Property to be f ced and landscaped as in~ ~ted and as added in
"red" on pIons.
2 .
Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose
bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for
approval of the Planning Director at time of application for build-
ing penai t.
Fai thful performclllce bond in the amount of $10,000 to be posted
to insure land5caping, fencing and striping of outdoor p~rking
areas Hithin three (3) months of completion of constructIon, or
applicant may file written agreemsnt to complete landscaping,
fencing and striping of parking area prior to final approval by
State Division of Housing and Campbell Building Department for
occupancy of mobile home park.
All trash containers shall be housed within an enclosure consisting
of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall or
fence. Said enclosures to be provided with six foot self-closing
The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required
to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the
City of Campbell.
A. Fire protection equipment such as water mains, fire hydrants, fire
extinguishers, etc., shall be installed as directed by the Fire
B. No building permi t shall bc issued until the mmer/applicant has
received approval of plans by the California State Division of
C. Applicant to pay storm drainage area fee in the amount of $7,726.50.
D. Applicant to sign agreement to participate in Camden Avenue Local
Improvement District or dedicate to 60 foot right-of-way and cen-
struct street improvemen~s on Camden Avenue frontage if Local
Improvement District is not established in three years.
E. Applicant to provide standard curb returns at access street en-
trance to Camden Avenue (30' at face of curb)
F. Applicant to process and file parcel map for minor subdivision of
property prior to issuance of a building permit.
G. Storm drainage system design to be approved by City Engineer.
H. All parking and drive'vay areas to be developed in compliance with
Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code.
I. All service facilities such as water lines, sewer, gas mains,
electrical wiring, telephone cables, leads from master television
antenna7 and similar utilities shall be underground. All parks
shall maintain a master television anienna. No exterior indi-
vidual television antennas ffi<'Y be attached to trailers or erected
on individual trailer spaces.
J. Trailer park shall be suitably fenced, lighted, and landscaped
so as to give dUB consideration to surrounding areas in the vicinity
of service areas, drying yards, storage buildings, etc.
K. A minimum of five feet in the front, side and rear yards shall be
maintained for all mobile home spaces.
L. All other subsections of Section 9328. (A) pertaining to mobile
home parks shall be complied \'lith.
M. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall
indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground
utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and tele-
vision cables, etc.
N. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions
of the sign ordinance fOT all signs. No sign to he installed
until application is approved and permit issued by the Building
The applicant is notified that he shall comply 'vith all applicable Codes
or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development
and are not herein specified.
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The nanc (s) 4l.nrJ Hcconlc1."s ~i.lmhcrJ of lcg<:ll o\'J:!cr (5) of S~ltljC('t.
propCl.ty J:lust Le SUPi,lied us part of H1Ii,J.j.caticlll. A photo CO)Y of Jced
mar b~ sub;;d.tt.ed for ti:is inform:ltion.
PIc "- s c f i 11 inn c ce s S Cl, r}' in f (i 1':;1:1 t i 0:1 :
Recorder'. Number 3547003
Name \5 as sn00n on Deco
Western Gravel Company, a corporation,
James E. Boccardo, and
Lorraine V. Boccardo
. ~~~~e;JJ)=-~~i]i~f~xcr~~i~~~f;~~-'--'-'''--
. RO 36 CAM 4l3-1
Search I S.J. - 323598 EW
ltEc- C;.~ dc-i:"s- ;::-:il5 C 1:--,--
For Office Use.Only
_..~- _.-..-._--_...----:.-------~------- -~~-_.- ....,----_._---_._---_....._-_..-..---~--
Filed as part of application for
---------.- .-. ---
~L--....., c.. H~_.,._?"1l"'''':''''''''-..-..
BEGINNING on the North l.ne of the South half of Sectlon 35, Town-
ship 7 South, Range 1 We.,t, M.D.B. & M., and distant thereon 2)0.)4
feet South.aster1~ fro a its intersectlon wlth the Southeasterly llne
of the rIght of the Southern Paclf1c ha11road Company, thence South
300 ~' _8" westi606.?? feet, more or less, to the Northeasterly
corner of that certain 2.999 acre tract of land descrlbed ln the
Deed from Western Gravel Company, a Corporat1on, to Herbert F. Mable,
et ux, dated December 4, 1950 and recorded December 12, 1950 1n
Book 2113 of the Off1clal aecords, at page 152 ln the offlce of the
Recorder, Santa Clara County, State of Callfornia, thence along the
southeasterl~ llne ofsa~d 2.999 acre tract South )2~ 14' West 75.90
feet, thence South 160 01' )0" West 60.96 feet, thence South 280 52' JO"
West 232.40 feet, thence South O~ 41' )0. West 30).82 feet, thence
South 110 18' 30. West 136.80 feet to the southeasterly corner thereof
on the Northerly llne of that certaln parcel of land conveyed by
Marte I. Cleaves, e~ al,to Ray Cunnlngham, et UX, by Deed dated
November 6, 1941 and reoorded November 15, 1941 In Book 1065 Offlcla1
Records, at page' 528, thence along sald Northerly 11ne of sald parcel
South 89D 4)' East 62.50 feet to the Northeasterly corner thereof,
thence along the Easterly llne of said land, and the direct pro-
longatlon thereof South 958.50 feet to the Southeast corner of that
certaln parcel of land conveyed by Bertha P. Page to Marvln L.
Wilkerson, et ux. by Deed dated November.ll, 1941 and recorded
November 24, 1941 ln Book 1064 of Offlcla1 Records, at page 506,
thence South 890 4)' East 99.21 feet, more or less, to the Westerly
boundary 11ne of that oertaln parcel descrlbed In the Deed from
Western Gravel Company, a corporatlon, James Boccardo and Lorralne
V. Boccardo to Santa Clara Flood Control and Water Dlstr1ct dated
April 18, 1966 and recorded Apr11 28, 1966 ln Book 7361 Off1clal
Records at page 498. thence along sald Westerly boundary 11ne North
130 55' 49- East 1502.50 feet. thence along a tangent curve to the
rIfht havtng a radius of 3312.29 feet through a central angle of
14 28' 10" for an arc d1stanee of 8)4.48 feet to a po1nt on the
North l1ne of the South half of Section 35, T 7 S, R 1 W, sald point
lying 18'.10 feet, more or less, Easterly along sald North 11ne
from the polnt of beglnning, sald North llne also be1ng common wlth
rhe Southerly line of the lands of James F. Boccardo as descr1bed 1n
the Deed recorded in Book 1)29 Official Records, at pages 256 and
257 1n the off10e o~ the Recorder, County of Santa Clara, state ot
C_ll,ornfa, thence North 300 )0' East 300.00 feet, thenc~ .ortb
~6 5' West 196.78 feet, thence South 650 35' West 50.16 feet,
thence South 280 45' West 254.10 feet, thence South 410 15' West
159.06 feet to the polnt of beg1nning.
Beg~in8.. in on the East line of the Old Santa Clara
,nd Los ~~oa d, iat nt thereon 748.50 feet North from the
point ot'linteraeti of the East line of the Old Santa Clara and
Loa Gatoa Road w th he enter line of Casey Road; thence running
North andl along he at line of said Santa Clara and Los Gatos
Road, 50.00 feet th nee running South 89~43' ,East ~nd parallel
with the benter ine of aey Road, 215 feet; thence running
South and: parall I w th ,he East line of the Old'i~$anta Clara and
Loa Gatoa! Road, Of et; ithence running North 89.43' West and
parallel ~ith th ter line of Casey Road, 215 feet to the
point of reginn
/S/I 69- fEZ
Situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara,
state of California and more particularly bounded and described
as follows:
Commencing at a 3/4" iron pipe at the intersection of
the Southerly line of Kennedy Road and the Southeasterly
line of Hai1way Avenue; thence North 89036'20" l,oJest 63.91 feet
to a 1" iron pipe; thence along the Southeasterly line of the
Southern Pacific Railwoad Right-of-way South 32010'55" west
361.34 feet to the true point of beginning of this description;
thence continuing along said line of the Southern Pacific Rail-
way South 32010'55" West 1087.96 feet to a 1" iron pipe; thence
leaving said Railway line South 23025'00" l<lest 98.42 feet to a
1" iron pipe; thence North 32010'55" East 157.16 feet to a I"
iron pipe; thence South 57049'05" East 197.08 feet to a 3/4" iron
pipe; thence North 30034'48" East 606.77 feet; thence North
41015'00" East 159.06 feet; thence North 28045'00" East 254.10
feet; thence North 65035'00" East 20 feet more or less; thence
North 57049'05" Hest 218 feet more or less to the true point of
beginning of this description.
69-2}~ A
July 29,1969
Compiled by
ROTlI'ltT A 131':,'\10.1
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