882 Camden Ave. S65-5 ), Ii 0/.,\ , I vi " RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME J~ -..- lJ' J /.r o!!. ADDRESS FORp1~ V C;j rr /Y~.r--b:l '" REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~~? FUND NUMBER e- DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE OCT 14-65 on *** * 365.00 VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. OCT 14-65 66 one ** * 365.00 D CHECK D MONEY ORDER D CASH No. 94 6 CITY CLERK BY ~..-: LJ'l' BP. - D2:l;" AR'.:':'IvlEi.,lrl",l\L Rgr.EAsr~ ----...._._,..~._._-,----_._-......-.. f.' RO!.'1 : 'ro~ RE: ENGn:r..:::ERIr>JG DSPARTMEi:'IT BUILDING DEPART~~~T In ".l(~tib'~Jt~).-B l 1> {y _o.fr (Owner ,,'s t'-'~e) . - ._._., ~(~d~re~s '11 jrr~p'~rt~) 1 The following conditions of approval on subject property are recommended to be complied with before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. / ( c.<.. r' . v' -, .::::. ,... /--,"" r'.:' : /.- ?"( S ~ .. /_ .' ,I:.' / . . -....- .---_.... _..-.._~.--- ,-~---,-,_._",,- ^- -..... ."'..._-_.._,,--~~. - .._- (.- " /J .:.>t '. ' . ,/~ -'I ".. ,; , ( . ",.' ....... D .- ..,./', \.. C"'.. "i... I -- ,..- . _....~.--..- -.-- ---~ -_... - '- ......- . -..----- - .. - -'.,- .~ . ~- ----..-..- ...._._--_.. -"......_--~-_.._---_.-,_._.... -....- ..-. .~.....__.. ...--. ......------~--..7.~-..-.-...----.... .~...-..---..- ) Iv' // I -.......-..-.-...---.-......--.-.-.- ---....-..._#-...-..---- -...---.-.----.--..-.---- ) I CITY OF CP.MPBELL ENGINEERIl:JG DEP~TMEk ;,./ ! f/ i.'''' ")' B...,..~~I' /,:, ~". _/C 4 __.---.--'--_______......,.._"'---- I -L. I \ /), .(iA}' ~.. ~1 .:! /" ,/",/ p:--/ ~_ r:;'" /..-"'"J _ , r. ...../L.<.-O/<...J C;;;.'I) PLANNING DEPART:IENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date , October, 1965 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF George R. Pratt , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Indust~ial Building 882 Camden Avenue TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: AS ATTACHED Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one ilundred elighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written apPlilcatioQ for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. · No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of an~ approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner prov~ded for in this chapter. I GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COM>IISSION AT A REGULAR M~ETING I HELD ON THE 4th DAY OF October, 1965 I ! CITY O~C' _ I PLANNING COMm~SION 1/ ( ~, By: I {/. ~_r::-1t"(./~(~ ecretary R. V. Hogan, Iff: I SA~4J Staff l^t:lcommends approval subject to the following conditions: ~. ?~o?er~y to be landscaped as shown and as added on plan. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material to be ~resented pr~or to obtaining building permit. 3. Fai~h~ul Performance ~ond in amount of $500 ta be posted ~o insure landscaping within three (3) months of co~pletion of building. 4. ?arking area to be paved In accoTdance with Section 93J9 o~ ';;he Cal7'.pbe 21 i,lunicipal Code, inc::'uding 2 I - 6' ~cco~ative fence wall to be approved by Planning staff. ~. ~~~veway widt}l to be 20w on ~wo-way d~ive and minimum o~ 14' as shown on exit drive. 6. Co~~or~~~ce ~o Section 9126 of the Campbell Municipal t""I... . ... .... ~o~c) :~clualng: co. Dedication to 30' half-street on Camden Avenue , C:'-~".rr\ r1'"~'::n~G'e r'''''"'a .':",r. .;.,... .~l~e ~"""oun"'. 0.[: ~"Zor5 ..J. V ,,",v..:.. '-.La... 0.6 a....\".. .l..\:i\",oo ........ 'L..IJ. ..::...a ... . Y"'" ~. Ente~ into agreement with City ior construction of full stre0t improvements including curb, gutter, paving, street lig~tsJ storm drains, water mains, ~i~8 hydrants and appurtenances, and post Faithful Performance Bend in the amount of 100% of estimat~d cos"'.:. c.. Execute petition for formation of L.LD. for street ~ili:? ~C/'10men ts . llS" 1965-63 , 'f ~ ,. !' i. :j i , .. " ! i~' L SCHEDlH ,E C Tile land refern:d to in this policy i~ situu:ed iI; :](f' (.)':nty ()f <.l~ntJ:l ~l"'rr' . t,)Q.. v u ,:, City of Cal~'ljbell ' Slate "f r:,difon:ia, and ;, d,:'cribed a~ f,.Il we: .. !S&GUtNINO at a no' ..t 0(1 the E<..i':;t l~ne ,fC:le ",l,i santa Cl,i;.I'4l ai(i Loa Gatol R.J5l(i,' diEL:lll'.... t;'Jel'e')".l,.I;)hJ. .1.'.:3. r,. et'~, ~I ".l. t:"l tN", l..d.e. P~'ll.t of intJrEect".::J~4 ,:!' tlle ,~: s~ l:. ',e c ,", ti'1e vIa SF!l.~. Clara ~nu L s G;,(~;Ui3 RCc..cl ',.ll;ll ";\le uen:;;1:1' .:. '; "'; Qf"'CJ.Be;; Roc).' t ,eLlce ru..,,:'n ',' '~ Hortl m~~~ ulor:.g; r,:'lC Eaf: '.i l~,.f ':!a.'LU 1...':' .~ ~'X..tnt..: _dra all'~ 1.C':3 , l)Ut()S Fk:.:d}.....l.j.; t""."t; :;.;enr..: ~:'1. \.1~~<" ~:J.t..l (<....~o ~3' K,ist " parall:31 \, ~L ~).e crDt(~.' l.)~ '. l' (;",e~J rl0Jd" ."'\l:~ ;~~-2';; ':.iU&lnQ(; ! r-.i.'in;..~.,.;;, '~."q.trl 8~4d par;~11f:: " ..'~L the E;:-,;..;t ~~:J; 'f t'.t.. :'1j:..... .,t~1 Clara ~3.r,J V~.; cwt.J.s Ro~(~ 13' f'ec,t. tl:c-r:.,c rucnJ:.l'r;': jJfort~1 1..':;:. <31" '::e~t ~,n(1. 18r011cl ",tin th.e cCi..:.;e:::l..Ll.e-.:..i C<.:.e~y fL ....-:.., 21:) :€"-:::- I, "8 PO"l""t- :. "'e,,4"l'11~~[""'> '(,4 ,,' p';r.... '1 " "n'e ( ..... j.lt 1",.1.1 _ ~_vJ " G..a..J.~. '''c;; ..... . IJ~ -. ~ .1 'V 'l.."L'.....l. (_: \J .... ....L.*-... "I. '''r I>l.ect... j"~; '" '''0''''''<'>> ' " t,.'(,"~' h~''''r''' 'nut 111, n . ~ \.._ _ -..1...;..1"., _:' .. .",;\.o;J..a.....LJ., ; _"..t_-.\J:!j Q. ..i.....~. .......Q' r"_~.JJ<l!:.:" ~': EXCifTIWG 'l'HEHEI.1t('M til:cit ' Cl'ta{,n r-~'::::Je.~ of l: ,;. d'3e:'. i.ed C;1;:.. flol ~ " , BEGDTNINO at; .,4 pcint; (In t:;e ~st U,ae of the vlu ~clnt:1. Cl-.r8 ~~\O Lc::; Gat.....;;) R"ad,~ ~l:dltt-'\nt t:lcr~(m r4D.5G teet No'!th fr<>lil the pv nt of lntel'cect:..on c:' ti.c East line 01' the vii Da1ltn Clara an<.:. L s Gatos p.t.)Ilo> l'dtn tLe ~e!Jt<~rline of Caeey hO:id: \.ndi1Ce runn...:lb' ~ror;h ana a.i.or,.~ tile Eaitt 1-1 ne ...' f :3t-dd. \.11:.... ,..;,m'.=.a C_arfJ. aWl Lac I ,-,-,"0'" R""'" ....,,-1 I"p-.it. --h.......c.,..,. r""'H1~nf:1' "~Ol!l+'l ~,.-,CI It ':1 I ,root '''l~U' :1/lf'll"1 \.Jc..."'.J "'"" _UL\'...4..) ,.,;\.1 ......_ , l.t~.. ~ I.^..~.. .-.. L>...... 1f1^ - ,l ....0; .1:4'-'""~ u.. . - ...\:.. v-:itl) t;le centerlino ~)r. Ga"BY .Ro(~d 215. te(-~ti; t~lence l'_;nn~ ".~ ~~: i, ::.~) ano paralleL ~d.til t.lie F.t?d3'; 1,ic.~ 0f tLe Old c:antCi ~18ri.l ~nd ,t.c; l.atoiJ R0adj ')C f'3€'\..; t~lel -.;e .'Q!lidnt.:: 'l: 'r t'lj ~;~, Q 4)1 Va8t C:lllcl iJara~l,-;'l i .'ltl1 t.1a ~e:.terline of Case:. RQad, ,:'.::; fee'\; to tii.e I,Jo1rit ~f beg1nJ.lir,!<;t and batn~-; a i ort1on ,.f the S(Jutlywcst 1/4 of ~.:;t1.on 35 in 'fO'Wl'.13~L~'P " SOU~;".~ F2nge 1 ;C:lit, V1C1J.n't Dif;i,~O BA.s~ ~.nd_Mer-t~t~n. Ge 3:ru..tied. .'" I.Jj bel' C;6 P. B"J.I'Tlfi:.. t t J tD Elsie Gd.lla~r.1Y, 1J JJeoa oetted f,p:rll r.),> .l'}lH !'ec~.n'c1t1d !.r r:U 10, 1:;)\-,; in "jOo;': lJ442 c1' \Ji'flc18J. R~cQrds, ears 192. . ',!ifornla Land Tit:e A...oci..tion Stanchr 1 "':,.\'erii!(e P,.i;cy F"nn-C01,yr!i\',t I';I.! +" <,' I I I i , ~l. J ~. PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAr1P13ELL, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLICANTS FOR "s" APFROV AL, V ARIAi'oJCE OR USE PERt-iITS The name (s) and Recorder's Number, of legal owner (s) of sub~ect property must be supplied as part of application. A photo CO?y of 4eed may be submitted for this information. Please fill in necessary information: George R. Pratt and Dorothy I Pratt Name (s) as shown on Deed and Paul H. Keat and Anne G. Keat Name (s) as shown on Deed it 274466}-Book 6745 Page 534 Recorder's Number For Office Use Only Piled as part of application for ---t-- for Filed by BOND FOR F AI'I'fW'UL i?ERFORHAHCE KNOW ALL. HEN BY 'TdESE .PRESENTS: That GEORGE R. PRATT AND PAUL H. KEAT as, Principal, a.nd THE HOME INDEMNity COMPANY incorporated under the la':.\Ts of the State of and authorized to execute bonds and undertaJtings as sole Suret , are held and firmly bound unto the City of Campbell, a municipa corporation of the State of California, in the sum of Two THOUSA D F'IVi:' ~IINOR~Il------------------dDollars ($2500.00. ) f r payment thereof, well and truly to be made, said Principal and surety bind themselves, their administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. , the The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that: Whereas the above bounden Principal has entered, or 18 about tOI enter, into a certain contract to install street improvements ' within dedicated. rights of way in accordance with approved impr~ve- ment plans a true and correct copy of which is presently on fil in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Campbell, whi h said improvement plans are hereby referred to and made a part ' hereof, AND FOR LANDS9APING SAID SITE WITHIN A PERIOD OF 90 DAYS AFTER COMrLETION OF THE BUILDING. NOW, THEREFORE, if the above bounden Princtpal shall well and truly perform the work contracted to be performed under said contract, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remai.n in full force and effect. No prepayment or delay in payment and no changes, extensiors addition or alteration of any provision of said contract or in I any plans and specifications referred to herein, and no fore- bearance on the part of the City shall operate to release the Surety from liability on this Bond, and consent to make such I alterations without further notice to or consent by the Surety 'I is hereby given, and the Surety hereby waives the pro~"isions of Section 2819 of the Civil Code of the State of California. Dated this 18TH. day of OCTOBER , 19 65 (Attach Acknowledgments ) (Both Principal's and ) (Surety's Attorney in Fact} By By' ,~ ~ , of 1 ., .t STATE OF..~.........} ss. COUNTY OF,V-l'~,J,IfL~.J..L,~_C..-f,._L. On the.......~,~.~.h.-.....,.....mday of ........9.~~,<?l:>~.!'.,m,.............,h'.in the year 19,~,?,..., before me persona ly came h............~~,~.y.~..:1,~,~~,~.........m......'hm........to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in,__mmm.____~.~;:.m~.!.'.~.~.~.~.~,<??!.....~.~.~.~.~.?!:~~.~m,m.....,...,..,.,.___________; that he is the attorne -in-fact of THE HOME INDEMNITY COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the abov instru- ment; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corpor~te seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed his namF thereto by like order. ' .r~,(!,~...A:,:...t~!.~.Nota+ Public F~NCES A. W.\LL\CE., Nota,y Public ' tA!.HrvC!..-~~ If. ~ft(L1~C- My Commission Expires Ma" 5, 1969, '. Form H,4454D f',,':Tto U,S." CERTIFIED COPY POWER OF ATTORNEY FROM THE HOME INDEMNITY COMPANY Home Office: New York, N. Y. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That THE HOME INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation or anized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, with Principal Office in the Borough of Manhattan, of the City of New York, in the County of New York, in the Slate of New York in pursuance of the provisions of its b .lawll, which were adopted by the Directors of the said Company on April 28th, 1930, and amended by the Directors f said Company at Meetings held on July 8th, 1930 and July 7th, 1941, to wit: .\nicle VI, Sections 6, 7, 8 and 9 read as follows: Section 6: The President or any Vice President, together with the Secretary or an Assistant Secretary, may from time to time by written power of attorney appoint agents and attorneys in fact and Resident Vice Preeidents and authorize them to perform the acts in such power of attorney stated, and either the Preeident or any Vice President or Secretary or the Board of Directors or xecutive Committee may at any time revoke any such appointment. Section 7: Agents and attorneys in fact and Resident Vice Presidents shall have their powers granted by.written power of ttorney, and shall have and exercise only such powers and be authorized to bind the corporation only to the extent and in the manner istinctly expressed in such written power of attorney. Section 8: Either the President or any Vice President shall have the right and authority to appoint in writing Reeident seistant Secretaries who shall have the power to attest bonds and policies issued by proper officers, agents, attorneys in fact and Reeid nt Vice Presidents of the corporation. All such Resident Assistant Secretaries shall serve until the time limited in the writing under w ich they are appointed unless the appointment shall be revoked in writing by the President or any Vice President. ~ection 9: Sections 6, 7 and 8 of this anicle shall be copied in every power of attorney issued by the corporation. doe's hereby nominate, constitute and appoint STEVE WELLS of SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA ..-..................--.................................-..........---.............................................................-.....................................................................................................-..... ............. its true and lawful agent and attorney in fact with authority to make, execute and deliver, for and on its b surety, and as its act and deed, any and all bonds and undertakings, provided the penalty of any such bond 0 under. taking ~hall in no event exceed the sum of TWO HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND and no / 100 -- ($250 000.00) DOLLARS. And the execution of such bonds or undertakings in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon said as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as if they were duly executed by the regularly elected 0 !!aid Company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE HOME INDEMNITY COMPANY has caused these presents to be sign d by its Vice President, and its Secretary, and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this 29th day of December , 19 64. r orate Seal) (Signed) AUes ~~~ 'N[)~~ f '4~<l.o~H~<f' ~ Paul S. Wise Secretary. Mortimer E. Sprague Vice P eMeRt. ~ 8HOME~ ~ .. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK. On this 29th day of December 19 64 , before the ubscriher, n Notary Public of the State of New York, duly commissioned and qualified, came Mort imer E. Sprague Vice President and Pau 1 S. Wise Secretary of T E HOME INDEMNITY COMPANY, to me personally known to be the individuals and officers described in, and who executed the p g instru. ment, and they acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly llWom, deposed and said, that they are the officers of said Company aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company, an the aaid Corporate Seal and their signatures as officers were duly affixed and llubscribed to the said instrument by the authority an direction of the said Corporation, and that Article VI, Sections 6, 7, 8, 9 of the By.Laws of said Company, referred to in the preceding i strument, is now in force. } 8&: IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal at the City of New York the da and year first above written. (Notarial Seal) ..............-........................................................................................ .................. Joan Rabus e Public STATE OF NEW YORK, } ss.: COUNTY OF NEW YORK. I, ..,.....nn...,...P.aMl...S..m.W.:l~HL.......'......m........n'......n'...' Secretary of THE HOME INDEMNITY COM ANY, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a just, true, correct and complete copy of original Power of Attorney that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked or rescinded and that the authority of the Attorney(s) in Fac set forth therein, who executed the bond to which this Certificate is attached, is in full force and effect as of this date Given under my hand and the seal of the Company, at New York, New Y ork, this.......)..~.~.~....c?:~y.... ..r.......... u~~~~::j<uq\'t9.l:>~r.L~'if:,2uuuuuuuuuuu rt.t I !lJ ~ "" <1,0 / ...... .......,......,...................... .:a: ~ ll'", .... I- 8 HOME ~ -< Form H.4690A- Imprint .".""""'..'..".6'.."..'...". I ecretary. ~j c.. r. .) \I' '.., ~,.~~ . ~ , r ~. /C~,'C/ '~ /' , /.,. /. ~ ,7 'il ;_a~/!.t~~_ ~ ''\" I..', t __ 'Vi V' '.......J. \.j ~ (\ ! ''':''viJ'\ ..;....._ ~ '.....JI - *'-J' RESCLUTIC>: :\0.. \. .. l-., _J..JJ .... BEI?\G 1\. n.ESOLUTIC:\~ l\.~,;TI~Or{IZI:\G :XEC:.;r;:C,>; OP GEORGE R. PRATT AND PAUL I-I. ~=AT AG~~~~:3~T. 1\Tl-i21\.E.l\.S , :~crc t~s been s~oillit~cG ~o .,'- '" '); "",,,,..\,,.00 Ci~:~/ Co:.::~.cil :,~ Gco~...ge R. Pratt and Paul T'!' ....4. . Kea~ &n ag~c8~e~t ,~ ..... -...... .Ji...V... 'c~: c; CC;\TC="O :.-~ c :-~ wc of tl~ei r :--'e~l IJrc?e:~..-ty i:: acco:'"d.arA.ce '/It:: :l:. ......... -.,.... r. -.::-__ -~ .; > ....... ,~ .,....,........., ~1 .: ...... -: ",,_.I... \".o..;J'-... .....u'-u. \"..u......I...A...... '-"'-- ....:J :) 11.TiL=RE1-\S;; by --:.L.c t0~rri.S of said G..6:-ccrr~c;T..~~ ') ~::d. CO;lC~;..::..""~(;~~t :/ herewith they have: submi-cted. grarl~c deeds cf ce~cta::":l r .-...,..... o!._'; r-.~ C'. ~.JV... ............u.....-:I 0::: their property ~c~ stree: p~rposcs; NOV.!, ~IIERE:;O:-ZE, J~ IT RESOLVED by ~he C~~y Counc~l ~-:.... '"' ..~ ~.......::- '- ...... '...... ,.... i-~';' t,.,,; Mayo~ be a~d te _~ hcre~y aU~:lorizcd to execu~e S~~~ a;rceme~~ G~ behalf of SalG Ci:y; a~d "C 1)..... T'T' .... .i.. ~U:ZTI::;~~ ~(2S':L VEJ ..- .... ...... .... i-.i.... (.4. .... , ~- "I :-.'~ 10,...... \.; g :..~ ~~... : ~~eU. .. . , ... s -;..: 0 ~T..:" ..~ 1: e G. _v;lncct:.o:: ~ .. "i P":~i..~~'> ~'...~:.. -~..:. :',0 ...- _~..... r c.....,,;,:'--' -":~lC S ~:-.-..0 r... ~ :: c L y ~ C C C; ? :. e c: . ? ASSEJ AI\~ .H....JV':.;::'.J ~..i...... .J I C"-- ~.> ... n r ~ r L.."'-/ v_ ~\ G ~l C:-:.j e:-' > "": ,-., 1".... ....";)O~, ~y t.r:0 :.:ollowL-"t; V0':"0: ,^'. 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R.I ~~ ~\~.~ .~..~ (; C 1'::" .::; " ~, . --I" " ,,........ r..,'..,: ." --0 7\ r'1 .:.-~ '-:.' :_~ E "1::-1 l~i. ~l.:...z:s i.~G,,=,:\==,:,~=::"J-S.ll L-:.:::..c~e a:..:.:::: er:.-,~:c~Gc.. ::":.:-tc .C['~...;..c~~C.'::"':/ ~'\o\renljcr I 2.965, by ar~Q bSt\1221-: C'2Cl\.2.B ..."\.w __:'~\_l-J..,=.r.; 2.r~c:. :.?Au~:' }-I~ ~~s?lr.l ~12rein3.f.;:er reiG::red. t.o ~...:J nC"~.I';''''lE:~SI:.J c..~-;.G -'.::--.:. CITY OF Cill"1PBE~L, a rC1:.Il'1ic~::-2..1 corr)or2..::'io~: of ~~.I.:;; ~:-/C&~C2 0.: Californi2., l1e::einaf~tE.": re:.:er:::-ec. ~~0 2.3 I.Ci:cyH i T}:L'.:"1:JESS2'I::-: :; 1'vHERE_3;..S J C'\1::..er 1..8 sec-:.:r i:-i.g 2~~')2.J::C\72..l :....::ro:-:;. Ci-t"'l r. -- '-'- -;:0 ~~;r-BRE;~S I C2:....t.c:.il-J, cor...d~<:ic::~3 of 2:.~...~:;:cov~~ "\12.Y:G <" ~'- -: --', -"' 1 .::.;_..l-,;.:,.................... ies obt&i~ a b~ild~ns ?er~it ~o to De loc&~e~ &t 882 C~nGen CQll.S~t:..::UC-::. c.:. cor..::.::,,:::::,- c i;:. 2. ~~:..vcr.:.u.e i &[~C. DY City, now t~e::.-efore, :? IS ~_-~::::r\.==3~ l-::3j:::~::~,-~~~'.! ;~GREEj) l'le:ce-'co as ::ollov/s t.o \flit. ~ ;:;"i7 ~. _,... ':1 ~~..i.~ "b G -::. -,~,.'S 2 ~-l. '--......:: (l). Own~rs agree to en~e~ into ~~& ~o p~~~~ci~~~G any Local L:.p::.-overnenoc Dist::ict '\ij,'1ich :-:'2:'1 De fOL:,.:::d fc::: 'c. e c-:x::?::.-ess purpose of constructi~g p~D~ic ~~p~OV2ment~ i~ ~~e a~C2 cor:e.8ri1.ed.i includir.:.g st.orrn C.::a.ill.SI '\'72.te:c r{'..=:"~~J.sJ C~,-,~:C~~3J S.' -::t.8:::2J paving, street lights} fire hydr~nts ana apPu~~2~~~C2S; their front.agel when called. l:.~:)O:1 t:o co so ,[;YT t.r.;.e Ci-::'y Co~ '--.:.Cl":'" of Ci"cy. ',,> .. ~~:::Ct:'SJt.cu -:. for in (2) C,;vne:c:'s tl'1e for:'-..:3.-cio~ (1) above. fu::, \:.r.;.c:: 2.9~re2 -t:.:.(.....c. ::2'lcy \'1':"2-1 e:.(8c"C_-ce '-- ?G<::i..:ic:: of a Lace.=.. ~~provc=en~ ~ist~ict 23 ,_J ,-.. .-. "^'..;::;:;;;;, ::.:.b~Cl. ,I , ~, I...) J - .-'c:CGcC'~ -::.:~::.-:: -;,:....-:2 s-cc,=~":..1 C~2..1...I""'_c..S~2 i'- cor.:.nec"~io:..1. \iJ:'.':~~_ - ..-,... .~.- . -,. - c...:..v.........._uC.i._ ....... '--.:..... --.. - -f""') aC2c::,,',C.~:...C2 \.li-~~:. '-- -..;;. require:::e:c4.-CS C.~-::~_0~_S~~_::".__~ by ", ~ .'..". ,-.-.,.. .:.....~~ '__'J_':" Sl.:O, c i .t~-,;.e Cc:.~-~-.~:.-::. c 1 -: 2,~-~~:~~c::"p.::.: Code aLd ~\J ~~22C_~~lO~ AND S::'::X='Y-:.?IV~ .oJV.i.........'.~,..J .L..;O.. :...'L....... "C12 ..::.......~.'-' '-.:.::-:' o:.E r:'=-L.~E= EJ~~'D~~~2:J I -. r.. '"' '"' \ \~:J 0':" ... '-...I v, .... ~ L_, -, ,~,'_-_2:'::S fL:r'~~-..,,~-": 2g-::'''C2 ~s no~ S_~2~63=~~ p~~~~ ~o Cc~c~er .'-..: C:~,2,SSS~-:'..cr.i'-;: c..:. '::'::ic'~ ., ., "\ ""l _~~0J ~~ey ~:~~~ l: ~~~_~ ~Ub:~~ ~~p~OV2~ents, -'co c...c ~o ;)\1 '-_._~ Ci-::'y - . ... ~ c:..~ C..2scr~0cG l__ ,~ , ~;:;C'"..l2: \J_."'"_ c2.l .JI06. t;. .::.::; 0;:: CO-~:L.:.c':'~ o~ C~.'-C\l.- -' '-_::"';! p:-::cc,-~ '......c~ _::_-=- ~ C~:::J o~l:..~;.~-c.i.v:::" G..o.-J 2_s.::-e2S -.-..", -.- -c~-:e ..:.J'-o2:"-:::"c:"l')c~-~~c~-_ c~e s cr i~'Jsd :"'~l parc..s"rc12.:;rl (-=-;, 2.~~,_ C",:\'.:..: ,:.~:~: s - - '. - .... =..:..:......::...:......s ~-'-, ~, -: ..... '-'...-'---- "CO l.:)u~J..~c ir:~:...:;, l:"OVE::~~c:.... -:.,s. e-.::-.:..c.... ::.:.'':_ __ __ __~:..,s s c.:':. y c w:-.& tso.:::ve:.: '::'0 -:,L-;""',Q _"-J.'- re.c~~ irerl.-ien"~ s 0::: '-"-. --...... ,_..-....- ,." " _,-"c..~ c-',:.. __ c.. .,;.__;__ \. -- i' ::"'~O\.l2 OIl {c} Cwne~s furt2e~ as~ee ~o T~,~70 ':'l::00S_-::":~~:) I;0LL:i_E~S (~.~21 000.. 00:. ~'-' condi-tions as c:escribed. i:tl pa:cas~::-:..~:..~~ '-'. -':':..;.,2 2..:-.....0.. ::-~ c:.: 0:': ..J___":';; -L._.._ ~,:)2':=~O.::-:~:..:"~1 , , .: / -'-...., '""' .... "' \ -;, I ,,-,~ vi ... ~ . '- 1 O:i: ~ .... "'"'W', .;t ......... '-' I :~,'. ~ " (7 ~ C\nlG::.3 ::::'cl::-:::-..e:: 2.S:: 2G '':0 CO'.\72Y 'CO C:....:y ~o::- S":'::2':"t. l~'u.::poses 2.11 4....i..l.ct~ .l.J::-oi.Je~t:y b2t.\-/eG~l t...:.'12 CC~"'l-tG2.." .~' ~- ,- 1....."": Ca.,.~de::1 Avent:e and. c_ li.ne -:::.i.i:::--ty :cee-c (3 0 ~) i;,1e2.S-U~-Gd. 0.1: righ'c angles Iror", and p2.r2.1:::"el 'CO, s:::.ic:. C2il.'C:.er ~~...~, "cnrousrnou'c "che 2.e:::19--:::1. of 'C.-..E?:l:: fro:-..'c.2.s:e. (8) It ~o ~ur~~~r asreec ~~a~ O~Qer.3 s~~,__ i2~e2~i~7 ~c save har:aless -Cl'1G Ci-ty 0:: C&l-:~~=-~:)21.l~~ l-.!.""~ C_-::'y CO~~~l'lc:.l, C:',"~'1c.. l-._~ City E::-~g~l"1eer 2Y'.l.C~ ct.h~:: O:::EiC2::S c:;: 2_'~..~~;=-CY2'23 o~ -Ci~,2 C::"-~"7T 0- C2.~.:,pbell f::o::1 2.'.:'..y suits, cl2.i:ns, or 2.c<:iO'.:'~3 broLS~'Lt ;)',' &:.y persons for or on account. o~ &~y i~juries or CC22.ges t.o -~'-. ons or property s"Us-::'ainec. 0':: c:.:.c.lSl:i.'1g. irl .c...::..~ co:..~...2-:':r"U.c.::io::1 0= -c.r~2 c~.- ~_~_ work due to any acts, o~issions or n2s1i~o~ce o~ Ov~ori ~~s officers, c:.ger::cs; erc..=.:>.Loyecs" or CC~~l.tr&C-co:c s. con (S ) ..l.'-C :~_i tiorl.s ..S f-u:=-c.l'12r aSSlS.j.1S of , . 1:,,18 C.~'v:"J.ers . C.] :cecc. tr.:..a-t .c~~~e 2.~()"~/e-:rl3.r:~2d. -cer:r~s c...:'1c5. the heirs, s~ccessorsl aG~iniEtr~~OT r,-.- v_ sl-:a=-l bir:d be hereun:::'o affixed by i'ts l'~ayor authorized by Resolution of tne has hereunto caused his name to first above w~itten. 1:)7 ~J='::=-.~~5 S :.::-=~~:;O=:?; CGl.~........ Cit~l :~2S c&"~sec.. ~...:.s ~...~..:.I..:;: ...~J -!'Y"! ,..:-: ~............ Ci'.:y Cl2~}C t.l-::.eJ:,"c"L:t::-,;,-.:c 0: ,ly C.:..t:.y Cot::1ci:; a:-.d s~ia C\'T':-4":':'-: be ~ffixed ~~c ~QY ~nd yc~~ C!~Y_/y7' -C1-"':~~? =-=~I.. ,/ ---.; ./ ".( ,/ ,/ ( A.??:ZOVE~ ;...8 ::';0 :?C~~~:: \ .~ // j!1 /../: < '. (;.:., 'c.y wOS2~~ ~. 3o~~cin~1 Ci"cy ;~.::.t.orn2:{ c.:'~2-C2 o jc~ _-:...-~.-;:_ _'_:? O~: _.___,,~ I I I I ! ;;~! /) /) /../-~ '.. . S2'::_C: '-.. CO~~~J C~~~t2 C12~2 Octob2r 1~1, 1965 "-~,,:_.~c. --~----........_~- ';....; '--- ~3 E~ ~._' ~: c_ ~_ .') ~U__,'". r ,~ ~-.'::'-;;2.:.:y ?~::'l'::'c.; t.,-.:,~,~~ :,:~.s~'zc~-...~':":y I,..~_'"'~"'-~-.;;..--G'd c_...:.. ~"_ ~? 2.:.:.1 .,--" ...... -'. '-- ..' .~ .,-.:. ......; 'I') "--- r:..~ ,.----:-~----:.-...- C'20::C' 1.., ... . I ::....;., _.,~_._-~...--,---_.~-.. ", -, ,'- II_"-J '-' - '-. '. - J..""':-:: C~ .~=".: LV '_4__... --J _ \.c.?~ -~-: '_J '_~ '.,J - .;; ........_'~ -.. '_.-. ..-..--..- ~ i~::~~,~~,~~ . . "'-':,"'-;;; :_c.._""(.;.:~_~~~._ ,__ ..;:;-,;.;~ '-:0 --......;...........v..I_~c...~~~.;;.. .~o :'.".~ ~...:~....c .C "~ \1 "-~'~'..~-:';,"-;.'''H__ -"-."-~'-...-..._\",.;.......,,",\,;,.- \./:.. '''::-. , . '.,......:-,.-. '-:..'~'. _.....fo,.,J__'-'.......;........'--:' ,-:.. -;1 _...~ "-.....~ ~... q ';:.; '::'C::',:::.': 88~_. .... ~ 1If._'____._. '. '~:'):::,/0': ., .. '. '~'J. .~,.' .' ~( . t /jt~ :1 f ~~ ~\('. g" ,: -.f' ~:.,: '~", 'i},,\\\\}.:-~. ~'....': '7) / ~~'.J. -'::c..~~'/ .' . - '- ~'--' - _.. ~... '-::i-; / .. ",... -..... ----.-...:....--., ","'''''':''.... \ - '--::;'~':":' .- <......i.--..i.l~...l(l..;: ~'< "--..~.- .'l -'........... ...,;\...,............. 4..-......:....0. ....,..:.c..~.~ q ,,'\:\ (~, ~\ ';;.L:ry Ijuc~i,~ lvly C0::G.ml~~iu.;: l~x;)l.r~.s O~Lv~~r 1. l;)~7 /j '\ J \ i; I ~ '-\' ,-",' \:, \) "0 ~"'- \. " -~; " ,", ~ \ '0, '\~ (, ~'~ < '..; '\",\~ \ " \J .~ ,\ ~ '" ' ,', ~ ~~ \, .\'- , \ ~'" '''\ \" ,\ ~'" ~ " \ '" ';, \J ~ 4.) ~) C ~::' '1 ~~ ";; f-...I..}VU:V..r;...1.. 21 ~ .~~' :3; r --' .--.. ;.. "-_ '....,I' tJ..;,..-r. r ~j;' <.....J.-.' C' y.; (..:.....'....;\ PJ"..;'::':' ..-...<I '''-' ;". ......... ",-;.' ~--.,I' c:::::}.=";~.:' 'JE~:c::) /;,~ )--, '~/ r..-:i ~ II '"'- -.......-.... _.f f i_v.: T,T'~ .......~-, ..........,...'-.-.. ~.~.....i.;.\.\.:....:-:.. --> ->Q :i ~-:~;.~ r;::-;: 2.::..~~ ~.."...,.--, ."'"'-:-'""i"'-", -'. J.-.'V..:......\../..:....-__ husband c:..:.:d wife, 2:'lC ?Z::....~:L :-1Q .~,~ -., .~,' .;.:"......j..;.-:.....:.. 2r...0~ .7:...1~....\.E G g :(2)~T I J:-':'USb2~ld, 2Ild ":'l:.::7e Ii 1-,;,-=.:::2~Jy s~ra~c:c to t~-:e CITY O~.? C~:::J>i?32::.=-,:..J 2. ~:~:.....:l.~c.=:...:)2.:.. cO::.~l:)or2.t.lcn, for s<:reet. IJi.:~::POSG3, all .~~-':'2.t. certain real p~c?erty si~uate ~~ t~e Ci~y of Cillnpbell, County of 8~n~a C:&r2, S~ate o~ California; ~~d wore ?~~tic~l~~l7 ce3cr~bcd &S =ollows: ~ . -. ,:'. . ....) - ; "" .. ....::. ~-~ ,'.:i ,:: C' , - ..',... ...... -; '-0.1 ..~..'.; ;. ~-:;, /.,.-~-?>,.-t,:~~...--:Z ~ r _; :-). 1 _....... ......... j ..i....,...... c '........ i~/~fr.- .~, ,- l. /. ;': J-... {-';'~ ' 5SG:l\1~ING Ci:t a l:JQirl.C O:''l JC~~~'2 e2.s"t ......~......'- c::.: C,~::l~c~1 _-:..';;::2~---~"C_ (a road 50 feet wide fO~Derly :~nc\m ~s 01d Sa~~a Clara ~~d Los Ga.cos :~02d.) a.is-~a:C1"::' t:nerGOYl ~~-or"'~~1 00 C1 ~ ~~2s-tJ 6L~3.. 50 feet from the poir.::c of in'cersec-cio:n 0':: '::1-:2 C::"",,: line of sa~d Car~-Io6.en Ave:'1L:.8 vli.th tl...8 cell:ce:c 12-1:e o~ CaS2Y ~G~C: 2.3 said Avem.:e and Road are ShOvJ::'1 upon 'cl-.a';: ce:ccain l:;'sco:.:-C2 of Survey :Cor Robert Bardell recorc..2C2 June 6, 196 J '.-- Book 121 of Naps a:1: Page 18 i:.1 t:':~e Office of '::':-..2 Cou:.-.-c.y Recorder 1 Cour.l.~~Y of Sant:a Cla.ra, S"~Zi"Ce u~ Ca.lifor:"'"'.I,i& i of ?H3~C2, Cort~ 00 011 said C~.~mden Ave~u8i ..i....~c\... :'CJ ...-~- a .......'- 02.. S.C li:.I,e ....' , ".....'"1~. c.......'-"'.......'.:) """;';;":':""Ui.".. ;:i:: r.<:;.; ,-; ,) " j ;~, T '( '.. '- r ~ ; I , ~ '- G"_~::-l,-.A'''''-';'' .. ...::.-4l.\.\.....~ 1 SOi..=:C:l 89 0 --~.3 l -2S.::'1 c.......\...O. ~:.a==al:8: ~co .c:~c ce:"::~cr ......~:-1e of said C~sey Road; 5.CJ =c2~; 'j7~2:'~'ICEI So:.;; 'C.~-l C" .. ---~- _\,...0"...) ~- -'-..- -.~ --., _____c._ c-__'-.J......,. ..:.. .: _:'''"'.8 ~')(,:~2."2. ~..;."e-L u.:... 'VliJcl! a1""'.;,d the e2:.:.;1:. 5.00 line :Ee2<:' C::2:S-C.2::: .........:./ l-:'1e:':2'..~,"~~"',---...... ..... - -. .. ..- _ """-:.:;,-....... ans-......es f:=o::J 0_,:: Q:::": ~ - -"-.....~ Cc..:C[lQ2~"'... ?:..\le-.:~ _2 ; T~:31\'C:341 rCo::'cl1 3So L...-3 a ::-'~.3.tJ G-_._,- .,':)2.:..:::..2.1<. \:r:..c..;. .::'l-:e CGI'.;,-c.e (" line of said CZ-..6ey Roc.. G.; .5. CO :::2c-C. .~o t:':-_2 ?ci:~~-c 0= Bc9-i:-.i.:-';'~:-:' 2nd beill.g a l:)o::tio:'1 0:':: .tl1e SO'L:.-~~l.\v\:;:.'::'.c. 1/ L:.: ci S2c-:~io~1 35 i:-l ':Covvns:-.in 7 Sout.h, I\.a~"~s-e 1 lIas-c.r 2.~.. D.3 v & i.'...... J c.::..d CC:.""l-C3.ll::":-.S o 01' h ~c-""""~- (\ , () . ~~ 0. - <;;~. . :: (J J Lv, ,"/,' ~ / ! /l ",'7,'/ / ,~/:,q' '---- I'~'" '-' , ,. n , / ,/ /,:,// G~eo~'"'s;~\.~a*2.:0~ r:c~o-~_:y' l ?rz....: ~ _:-.,,(:..L...... .l.--:o.. :<cc..;: .;~;".::::::c G. :(e2..t. (::'~o'cc:ry Cert.ificat:e) - : I ; I ~ ,.. ao' ill :> 2 lab ~ '~ . - p ~~WO~~ '~, ~~-t1, ' N. act 4S'W. I I I I I I I I --~y I ! I ! ! . i . I ~ Tq BE GRANTED TO THE ! I CllY OF CAMPBELL ! ~ I ,a - ! I L l_ 'lLan!~ lobe grantedlto City O.O\le> Ac. ::z aJa 10 2 .( u .0 ~ to q. " + 12.0AO Prepared by the Office of the City Engineer, Campbell, CaHf rnlo 02. BY:T.S.P. OCT. ,~,\'" ' Our No. 300765/ R Your No. Ill, 1. ,t'j_ r~f':" ~:,' rl.'l)':"" ~cJni:~:I."i l';n!\Ol:t liahility, the Company is pf\'l'dred to l~Sljt' al\\!.'. ;; .' ~.\ :,:- 'fd!:.'t' :!\ US,i'll forrn. a~ uf the date hereof, containi g standard l:::-,c'I.'pti',I\.c,ll>l,) '1.";':..;:' bo'" "'1""'(:& t~tie f!.~ ~,et forth hen::l!\. Oat", . September 14, 1965 ~ r----- --,---- -- /1 GEORGE R. PRATT and DOROT"rlY 1. PRA~, h'J.sband and w as to an undivided 1/2 intf;rEst, and PAUL H. KEAT a ANNE G. KEAT, husband and wife, as to an undivided interest at ~ . (to A. M "e~tee : Dc:SClllitj;J]! , That certain real property siti.latc in the City of Campbell County of Santa Clara, state of California, described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the East line of the Old Santa CIa a and Los Gatos Road, distant thereon 648.50 feet North from the point of intersection of the East line of the Old Santa Clara Los Gatos Road with the center line of Casey Road; thence runn North and along the East line of said Old Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road, 150 feet; thence running South 890 43' East and pa with the center line of Casey Road, 215 feet; thence running S and parallel with the East line of the Old Sunt~ Cl~r~ and Los Gatos Hoad 150 feet; thence running North 890 43 I West and p;:.LC< 11el with the center line of Casey Hoad, 215 feet to the point of beginning, and beinG a portion of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35 in Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M.D.E. & M. EXCEPTING THEREFROM1that certain parcel of land described as fqlIows: I BEGINNING at a point on the East line of the Old Santa CIa and Los Gatos Road, distant thereon 748..so feet North from the of intersection of the East line of the Cld Santa Clara an Los Gatos Road, with the center line of Casey Road; thence run Nv.:>til <..lnd along the East line of said Old Santa Clar-a and Los iJtos Road, 50 feet; thence running South 890 43 I E.st and parallel vi th the center line of Cusey ~oad 215 feet; thence running Jouth a d parallel with the East line of the Cld Santa Clara and LOG G2tv~ Hoad, 50 feet; thence running North 890 43' West and papallel Hi tll the center line of Casey Road, 215 feet to the point of beginning, and bein[, a portion of the .southwest IlL) of Joction 35 in Township 7 Soutll, lL~0e 1 West, r10unt Diablo L~se and Meridian, &3 gr'o.nted by Iiert:w F. B&rnett, to ElGie Cv.lla\,!a:/, by Deed dated ..prii J.(;, IJlt7, recorded .\p1'11 18, 194~( in Look 1442 of 01'ficia Recordu, 0~ce 192. Page 2 300765 SUBJECT TO: A. Taxes for the fiscal year 1965-66 a lien not yet due 0 payable, including personal property taxes, if any. 1. Easement and water rights conveyed by Seth Morton, et to San Jose Water Company, a corporation, by Deed dated S~pt 30, 1369 and recorded May 25, 1370 in Book 13 of Deeds, page 33, and reference to the record is hereby made for full partlcul-rs. NOTE: The right to connect a service pipe tattle na':n pip of grantee, reserved therein by Seth Morton, was quit claimed t said grantee by George W. Page and Berti.1Cl P. Page, by. instrwl ent dated November 24, 1939 and recorded May 13, 1:)40 in Book 98 of Official Records, page 295. 2. Easement and water rights granted by George H. Page, a so known as G. W. Page and Bertna P. Page, his wife, to Santa C ara Valley Water Conservation District, a water conservation dis rict, by Deed dated December 17, 1935, recorded Januar;y 16, 1936 i Book 757 of Official Records, page 133, and reference to tae record 1s hereby made for full particulars. (Affects the Ea portion of premises) 3. Easement for the transmission and distribution of electricIty and incidental purposes, over the Easterly portion of said land, as granted in doqu.ment executed by Edwyna A. Enzmlnger to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a California corporation, recorded July 28, 1939 in Book 941 of Official Records, page 327. 4. Deed of Trust dated December 13, 1962, executed by Euge Pellegrini and Sally A. Pellegrini, his wife, to American See Company, a corporation, as TrusteE, to secure an indebtedness $13,300.00, and any other amounts payable under the terms the in fa VOl' of \ve 11s Fargo Banlc Arner ican Tr'Jst Company, a corper recorded December 26, 1962 in Book 5B41 of Official Records, e A. r i tie s of eof, tlon, age 62b. NOTE: Taxes for the fiscal year 1964-65 paid, as follows: 1st Installment $161.40 2nd Installment $161.40 Bill No. 413-01-007 Code Area 10-013 Page 3 5 Coples 300765 RM/mb \ \ ..../" , '~ \ \ j' \ 60/ (<"l U\ CZ'. 21\ '!. t:!- v.' cP ~ I>l "7 9. "" Q. (<"l U\ ~ ~ 7- 7- 4. ,. ,j \.~ l1 ; c.. ) i ~ ex: <, ~i dl,.. !~I f-I 2/ <t:' </J I .. ~ ~ ~ 0- I[) ./'\ o ~) '\~ Xl () -;.. 0- v.l ,,- VI ~ ~ ~l (V'. } v- o v' ,Jl o ~ ,.) @] \ \ \ \ / ",,-,::::,::,:, f/ 't- (( '.) "f' . ,,~,~. ~-/ \ , '>: @) ~ t ~ V- W r- "J o " ~\.~ "" ...... " " ~cfJ " ...... W... r <' T i. ,'V.' " ..,' ':: ,', ",,'~.NVHIU~ TL'OC "'f-" ..' (:"... '.. ., ," I ' . -., .', ~ ~ - - ............., II\: ":"'104",'<I ,. _,:'.,'......: L. . '-.0'" ~f.../: \ ',-",< ~,. _h ,~. _ ....t.... ~ IV_~ CORl<EOr. ~ L!r,~!lr,,' IS AS:JUiAED BY THIS COI..f'AXY AS TO THB ...... CORR'eClNESG Of SAtD INFORMATION J ...... ....