951 Camden Avenue ? . 1'/ " () D '7 8 47 . . . BOOr. 4710 PAGE 2?O BOOr. 10 PAGE22!J ~ Fi' - ,-, . ~ - -: ... ~ ~dj/C-~i RESOLUTION NO. 910 let /'; I: C! . '1 r"', BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION' :., OF AGREEMENT BY MAYOR AND CITY CLERK ,L7/tI- vlliEREAS, there has been presented to City Council of Campbell an agreement for the construction of roadway improvements beneficial to development of property of o~mer within the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation; and vffiEREAS, the City Engineer has explained the necessity for said agreement, and has recommended the acceptance of same; and HHEREAS, the said agreement is approved by the City Attorney for the purpose for which it has been offered; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the agreement presented by Howard L. Reed and June M. Reed , be and the same is hereby accepted, and that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of February 19 60 , -' by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Chappell, Mayne, Rose, Weitzel, Fairchild NOES: Counc i 1men : None ABSENT: Counc i 1men : None J APPROV " r// or; ,. ,-.-J .' /.. - .:""--7':<' Mayor . --- '- ATTEST: I, Dorothy Trevethan , City Clerk of the City of Campbell, hereby certify that the foregoing is a tru~ and correct copy of ReC8lution passed and adopted the 23rd day of February _ t. 19 , at a regular meeting of the City Council of th~ City of Campbell. ~7' ( L (7: d:;'Ci~"~- COJlI)I'1'IOIlS A'I."1'ACHIlD TO "a" APPIlllVAL OP PLABS orT:;;;;1JfJ) L. ~roR CONS'fRUCTIOII or DlDUHRDL BUILDDfO OR 'HOPm.t'Y LOCAfED 1'1 1 CAJI)KN AVEHUI, AS APl'llOVED Br 'I'D OARPBELL ,LANlfDfO COMMISSION AT ITS REGULAR flumTINQ 0., JANUARY 19, 1960. 1. Applioant enter into wr1tten asreell*lt with City Council to the etteot that he will: a. Dedicate sufficient land along hls entire 65 toot frontage on casten Avenue to widen said Avenue to 66 teet. b. Install standard curb, gutter and pavement ae required by City EngIneer along 1'11. said frontage at such time as the C1 ty Council may deed teasible to 40 so. e . Agreement and deed to be recorded. ), ~ \ 0 - 4:0 4110 D i'2-Z-~O d. App110ant to make such arrangements with reapect to ex1st1ng structures on the property which. nil uaJUre that no zorUng violat1on exists, such arrana__ts to have the approval ot the C1ty Attomey. 2. Two (2) teIIporary parking spaces in front of property to be tilted 1n opposite direction. CAMPBELL PLANNING COJllMISSION January 19, 1960 oj CAMPBELL CITY COUNCIL January 25, 1960 GRANT DEED 'Ke, HOWARD L. and JUln~ M. RElm, Husband and Wife, grant to the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a munioipal oorporation, for street purposes, all of that certain real property situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Olara, State of California, and more partioularly described 88 follows I COM~~NCING at the moat easterly corner of' the parcel of land conveyed to Elmer J. Smit~et ux by deed recorded December 27, 1946 in Book 1395, Official Records, Page 417, 8a.nta Clara County Records, being also a point on the westerly line of Oamden Avenue, 50 reet wide, distant thereon South O. 03' East 181.10 feet from the interseotion of said westerly line with the northerly line of the land oonveyed to Robert C. Hersohbaoh, at ux, by deed reoorded January 16, 1946 in Book 1322, Official Reoords, Page 285, Santa Clara County Reoords. to the pOint of intersection with the northerly line of that oertain parcel ot land conveyed to Howard L. and June M. Reed, by deed recorded Januar,y 14, 1959 in Book 4289. Official Records, Page 714, Santa Clara County Records. thence North 83. 43' Weat 8.05 feet to the point of intersection with a line 8000 feet westerly of and parallel with the westerly line of Camden AvenueJ thence South 00 03' East along said parallel line 65.00 feet to ~e point of interseotion with the southerly line of said parcel of Reed; thence South 83~ 43' East 8.05 feet to the point of interseotion with the ~e~terly line ot Camden Avenue; thence North O. 03' West 65.00 foet to the point of beginning. goward L. Reed J1une M. Heed (Notary Certifioate) ,- ''0: ( ~'\ c \j t,. r.. C.) L..... \",- \";?, . "Ie Al I. t-.' L t.2_ z '<):--; 'b()(_ ~ t \ -"111 ~, (~SC\ Rob~d lIerschl)(l.C J, 132..2' OR. 28,s ~ .. "- 1$ I) , - EI",er J. Srnifl, 1.3~- .OR.' 4/7 f ~ fG ~ I "'{ ';2: ~ I~ 15 .s-o' "6' 3 ' LAND TO BE GRANTED TO Tf-/E CITY OF CAMPBELL FOR STREET PURPOSES /VS30"l,3'''V /S'2.4~ '0 o Ii \9 Iq ~ o I o '? \-- '<- Howo..rd L. an~ JUlie /14. e~ecl 42. 9Cf . O~ ' 71'" 5 8S: . ,t'6~.~~. "13 l5 /:>1:>.00 I La." d 1t>.6... ~".a. of feci f-o Ci I-~ ~~ \ Q) ...... ~ i'I rV - " ...,....., fllo.)' ~Po.B, , (I Q I; ., (I o ~ \I ~ " o . o "l ~ .. ~ Q ~ -J 80 Ii 8'---<-- Pr e;:> co..r ec:/ 6'1 t-he O~fice 0 f the eN,! En 'j'n ~~r r~ brfJo..ry ) 19€. 0 C a.m;>6e /~ Ca/;~r"iCJ.. Legal Description of Howard. Reed :Property located 81 Camden Avenue, Campbell, Calii'. Oommencing at the most Easterly oorner of the parcel of land oonveyed to Elmer J. Smith, et ux, by Deed dated August 28, 1946 and reoorded December 27, 1946 in Book 1395 of Official Reoords, page 417, being a point on the Westerly line of Camden Avenue (Old Santa 01ara and Los Gatos Road) distant thereon S. 0 03' E. 158.76 feet from the intersection of said Westerly line with the Northerly line of the land oonveyed to Robert C. Herschbach, et ux, by Deed ds.ted January 2, 1946 and recorded January 16, 1946 in Book 1322 of Offioial Reoords, at pege 285; thence leaving said Westerly line of Camden Avenue and running a long the southerly line of said paroel of land conveyed to Elmer J. Smith, et ux, as follows: along the a ro 0 l' a O11Xve to the right with a radius of 20 feet through en angle of 96 20' for a distanoe of 33.63 feet to the true point of beginning of this desoription; thenoe E. 83 431 W. 152.66 feet to the Southwesterly corner of said Smith parcel of Jand; thence along th e Southeast erly prolongation of the Westerly line of said Smith parcel of land S. 0 031 E. 65.00 feet; thenoe parallel Vii th the Northeasterly line 0 f said Smith parcel of land S. 83 43' E. 175.00 feet to the said Westerly line of Camden Avenue; thence along said Westerly line N. 0 03' w. 65 feet; thenoe N. 83 43' W. 22.34 feet to the true point of beginning, and b'ing portions of Seotions 34 and 35, Township 7 South, Range I West. .ount Diablo Base and Meridian. J // " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -+.N .~ .~ l.~)i ~ ~ ~ .~ """~ Lt .~ ~ III , PLOT PLAN Scale: / ~/oo N' 8/ ll1mden. RYe.