960 Camden Avenue S63-59 INTER-DEPARTtillNTAL RELEASE FROM: 'ro~ RE: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT '~<) /, ./7~~.3~$7_ i (Subj ect) /Vt1aJ (12' #..St>J!) 6';-V /eK?~/..5e'~~) &7 U7/t-:i- OP6:Z'j (()Itmer I s Name) -j v'J . ,/') /1 rJ ~ I j -. ,"". ~ - ::> l.. -"'" /.t/,.,,' "$ :? . ~.C ( hC./ /; (Address of Property The following conditicns of approval on subject property are recommended to be complied with before or as a condition to issuance of a building permit. '/~ (t9).:i2 e. J it' ~ -~\ (t) s'T~~ 1)~~,,^ (Icx_ (():L_l!~~~~.' -~-b ,,-.... A~t,,=.L I~'m""".,..,,,:f >'" (Jj<"o ) ~ I ' \ ___L{'-: - - -..L'f,t't ?~<,...,,-J~l.:6_.__._--------- . ~s:-:~ 7t>pA S-4n: -+--l=~ ~ ~.. .-,~- CITY OF CAMPBELL ENGI~EERING DEPARTMENT \ By~ <.. 7~ A--'1 L.- iQt:~l:f J -z, ~ &4--- I Il 1 ! I I r I 1 1 i I \ MA~ON /jR06. INC. N , O.R. F774/ /t?lJ " <:) .. <:) ~I (~l -- , fO~'~-- ,..".-' 1,,-4 1ft. -- ~ N. ;..-- ~ -- t 8 - - :5 89043' E- a AI. L/A/~ a~. 4tdOZ ';.97-.., .~ ~I ~ ~ 0 ~ \I) . ~ . ~ l?al3. "00 <:t \("'\ \!II. \ . . ~ I I , , I " 0 , ..... , 1 I'f) ~ ..... Q: 11\ -;c. t307/f?Y7 ~ ~I ~ \~ q " -.oJ : \J , ~ . ~ , ~ , I ~ I <I ~IJ ~ ....i ~'4'i IJ) tV 49.4.3' W ~~~ ..... t-\ ~ ~ "" Cl . ~ \ ~~ ~ \ ~~ I ~ " K~ " ~ ; ~ T e'?' Z,?' ~",'~ ; 5C~LE.; /":::"70' ,..... -- ~ 0\ I'l) \9 'to r( (j ~ ~ {) o () ~ 8,tJ 17'.::!C{JIJ.~ hI- -- - : i! ~ J. LINe:. . .~ 43S(;I;r~4 ---..'" - - d' - -. /."" : :S.S~4~' E- . .!f#~41' . .... 'I- 'i I . ~ \;. ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ I, ~.... -- NO ScaLf:. i, .' to- €' ( 1 . .; /JRN. ljY ..~ ,/, /;, .CK e.~ LfJ#) ;] JC ~0" CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVE1WE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNiA Date JANUARY 9. 1964 CONDITIONS ATTAC'IED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF 'iAsor: ENTEHPRL.Ej. IIle. (liS" 19b3-~9) FOR CONSTRUCTION OF lndu::.tl"ial bulldin<l 960 C,amdl1n Avenu~. Campbell, California __' TO BE LOCATED AT: COND I II ONS: 1. Conformance with Section 9126, Campbell Municipal Code, I nc ludi n~: a. O.dlcati~n to 33 foot half street. b. StorM Drain Area Fee In the amount of $300.00 c. Construction of street impruvements at thts time. d. P~rformance Bond in amount of $1,500.00 2. Provide written clearance frem Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District to build over their easement. 3. Provide fLit" ~ total <.if lJ parldng spaces fvr oxistlng and proposeJ builwings. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell M~mieipal Code reads as follows: Any approval g.anted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approva 1 . No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PlANNINa COMMISSION AT A REGULAR HEETlNG HELD' ON THE 7th DAY OF JANUARY I 1964 . AI! {II ~! .ff1Wc'ttJf{ / / / ItNrltJI WM?o#{~f{~ir6M'eW / By Evelyn Adam2on. Secretary LEGAL DESCRIPTION 960 Camden Avenue, Campbell Beginning at a point on the Easterly line of the Old Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road, distant thereon 150 feet North from the point of intersection of the Easterly line of the Old Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road with the center line of Casey Road; thence running North and along the Easterly line of said Old Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road, 130 feet; thence running S. 890 43' E. and parallel with the center line of Casey Road, 160 feet; thence running South and parallel with the Easterly line of the Old Santa Clara and Los Gatos Road, 130 feet to a 1" pipe; thence running N. 890 43' w. and parallel with the center line of the Casey Road, 160 feet to the point of beginning and being .a portion of the South- west 1/4 of Section 35 in T. 7S. R 1 W. M. D. B & M. f ;:::;- ~. ../ ~/t ,..-.::> /) (;/ 1/' (j:(J~~" - ~ r tl-~ ,\ ~ -~ :'( ..J r ..J We( III ~ mi \~ ~ D.~ ~ci ..... ~~ :l.. \, . Z <(~ >- a:l W [J~ () ..I I.l..~ Q) w .... 1tI ~ O~ c ~ >-~ ~ - 0 [J c w ['-. III > III [I <.l Q) Q) w &/ .. () E '"tl 1tI '"tl W Z -<( 01:: ~. , tl-~ \ ..J -~... .J We( III EDi 1: Q) D.~ 0 ci ~ ~~ ~ ~\r :l.. <(~ >- 1XI W [J~ ..I I.l..~ Q) w .... 1tI ~ O~ c ~ ~ >-~ 0 ~ ['-. - 'I'-i [J c ['-. W III > III III W Q) Q) .. 0 E '"tl '"tl W 1tI -<( 01:: Z