1228 Camden Avenue S65-19 v< PLANNlt~ DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA Date ,i"ti1 6. l'):,.S CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "5" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF ,'c " ': (" r1, (' f t\ . to'. ~.,l ...) U t. , I . FOR CONSTRUCTION OF uffic...:s ~ i 1 'I" I,'or "1"USC'" (. .....'''''-1 vJ~ t:~ w '. ..;I . I I TO BE LOCATED AT: 12 L.~: C:17Fl'_:cn, .:"~ \'ClltU! CONDITIONS: l....Li(.ti,lcatioll to .1..,:,<.,,' ;-liaA,d il~'e 1"c.r \._,,1i:},'C.i.~ ;\Vt;lt\..;'~). ,~, ..f'Cist r,iL;. it-'ll T'~'r<()r'i:!"C;; Hcm...! in tne 1l!;OU \t ot ," t'" ~,. ".' . .)...~)t()nj! J,r;lln j't.:\~ .u. L.ll' J.llOL1!.L Vl';>.>'4U.\J'i. 4 . . . tJ;l l'">. 1 I ~ ~ (', ': '~"...: ,r l t 0 I ~. 1 1 .. i i 1 ; i t (" (, ~ H r; dr c 11 1 ~t {~ ',} ,J r{ 1 L...,H.scapi'lL .,l~hi. :::~)i.ClCiil<: 1:)1<: cf ; Ll:,t~" t,; :, SL:fE it', ,rr;v:d ,it ti:c cf a .;:licatiQJj {or E.uildin ~'. ..,,(j fLittl' in~'I:..:ctitLl cf :.Jul.l{i.ll::, LI,) L'~,;l\'..:a u,ltJ..l , r n V 1 \..: ~." c ,~ ::) S, 1 (~: I',: :; C'It } 1. dj l . \). l'ar!,L~; '..1"'.:] t')h.: ,.,H"'.H)j'~;U 1" CU i;"llt.: ..:it t l. ~ ~. ..,~: ~ l; 11 . L. : i C 1. t ,~, ;. (i ",_ t_, II ,OOO.JCl h 1 an, ~ ~ C l: '!'Li ! t (,'f . ~;lWI':i. tt\.:, ;,,;r Pen:it. 1.,.\.10 5 C.J.~,) 1.1..'1 ( t 1 ,; ,; ) .31: d f Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundr d eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted. unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prl r to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date o~ any approval until a new approval has been obtained In the manner rovlded for In this chapter. I GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING CCMHISSIDN AT A REGU~R HEETING HELD ON THE "t.; DAY OF'" rd, L:) r,) .J . I CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING fo""ISSIDN By: URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMP8E~L, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLI CANTS FOR "5" APPROVAL, \fAR lANCE OR U~E PERMITS /1 C' V ~' /966'-/r The name (5) and Recorder's Number, of legal owner (s) of subjrct property must be supplied as part of application. A photo copy of deed may be sutmitted fo:- this information. Please fill in necessary information: Margaret R. Asabez Name (s) as shown on Deed Name (s) as shown on Deed # 531201 -~~ecorder i s Number Negotiations are in progress to acquire this parcel f om Mrs. Asabez and should be completed shortly. For Office Use Onl Filed as part of application for for Fi led by ._~ ,-- ^ppliwlon No. 19606,5 DESCRIPTION ~ !J I ';.~ J{ All that certain parcel of land situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, particularly described as follows: Beg1nn1ng at a 3/4" iron p1po on the northeaot rly l1no ot the right ot \Jay t"ormerly of tho Aloadcm Branch of e South.ern I)ao1t1o Hal1road Company t d1stant thercon N.45002I'q.;r 80.91 toet trom the point 01" intorsection thereof \l1th the Sou he.astorly line of the 20 aore traot ot land conveyed by 7.. P. Deal to ~.[. Flnnecoro by De~d dated July 11, 1912 ~nd recordGd uly 11, 1912 in Dook 390 ot Deods, page 7, rooords ot Santa Clar Co~~tYt California; oald point of intersection being also t e moot Southerly corner of that certa1n 2.013 aore traot 0 land conveyed by H. F1nnemoro and vllnnie I. Flnncmore t h shand and ulfe, to Dora I. Flnnemoro by Deed dated Janunry 29 ' 1940 and recorded January 30, 1940 1n Book 969 of Offio1al R corda, paGo 301, recorda ot oa1d County of Sa~ta Clara, St~te ot Ca11fornia; thenoo running along tile northeasterly inc of the said rif'At of\~y formerly of tho Southern Pac1fic ,al1r~~d Company H.4,5002'U. 83.71 t'er>t to n 3/L~Jt iron pipe; thence r nning N.190 29' E. 254.74 feet to a. 3/4" lronp1pe ata,nc11ng on tl e northor1~ line of the aforementioned 2.013 acre traot of land thence running S.89042'E. and along the 00.1d north0r1y l1n of t'laid 2.013 aorotract ot land 80 foot to a 3/4ft iron p1p . thence leav1ng aaid l1ne and runn1ng B.190291\J. 317.10 foe to the point of bcg1nning, and conta1 n1ng 0.496 a.ores of 1. n(l, i.10re or leBO, and being a portion of. the northv6ct 1/4 0 Seotion 2 T.8 s.R. 1 W.. M.D.B. & M. i I i, I. : ii i ! I ~' '11; I~ 'I ~.l " !:' " 11 J Ii f! i! 'iJ " ii' ';1 " ., " i ~. ~ ~ !1 p ,: \, ~' .' ..... '-... "~" "-, -""ol <t. "fTlr :ox ("11 OV'lCi) )>~~("11 (')t.nZz (')("11(;)0 ("110 V'l :D V'l:o"" ""~ r ~ Z r rnr Z Zrn fTl ()V'l("11Z )>~XO ~)>v; ,,~~ ("11- CJ) Z fTl"(i) r :0 roO) " " c ;DOr= OV'lo \))>- Orz V'l G') ~ V'l r '~ ,~ "-, () L> ~ "1- ", A """ -'1 f-. , <'"" " 0(, f ~ ':", '( . ",\ ~. \ .~ , \ ~ . '>r ~ . 'll \ \ r ' '" t- I II ~ I I I I I I ~ I I I I I ~ I I I ~ I I I ~ I I I ' I ~ I I I I I I I ~ I I I ~ I I t' \ \ ~ i l- I, I l- I ~ I i ~ t- ~ l- I- ~ I ;.' / /~ 00/ .J / /"1 / I ; ,1 , I , I -0 :0 O() -0_ () O-i )> s: (f)-< 0 ril ("11 00 z )> :0" < (T1 0 ~ l>() 0 0)> () ()~ )> Ul 0-0 rn -< Zoo :0 2m 0 ~r )> 0 -ir - 0 0 2: < Z l1' , .... ~o"o .,.", .... c:...." '( . . \ \3 " (> \G'> ~, \'l. i() \ ~ t ,r 'J> \z '" '/" $" " 'J) ---J -1 r 0 - N Z fT' U1 P Z L 0 \.JI 1"1 Ul -\ -l -l -l -l i i -i -I i i 1 1 i i i i ...+ ~ '" ~ '. I