1228 Camden Avenue S71-30 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department PROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT V/ /2 BUILDING ADDRESS /2 COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 4-/ '2 - eY :I--) /1 ve tiS It A PPROV.'7\L NUMBER ~ ;lS;',., 7/- PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER ^---,' / ~ WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 6'S&; Date 2_ -I -I I.LI ::!: lD z a.. a:: I- ~ g ll.. < ~ UI U ~ U ...J I.L. ...J ~ 0 ~ >- ~ J- u - U -I -I I.LI <{ lD z a.. a:: I- ~ 2 ..:::.; - i... < ~ UI U ~ U ...J I.L. ...J ~ 0 ~ >- ~ J- u - U ~ ) ~ ~" ~ ". '''-.I '" ~\~' N "~ ~. 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'-< O~ >-<{ --- "'U f-~ C OLL \ , j!:O >- >- ". ~ 01 t- t- >- A. c..o 0 -=::r U Z W N ~ U i':". , __w J ,/; -~; I i i I ') I I I: !i i i ;' ---L-'--LJ.:l~i, ...\) ('I 7 ,,' Iii '" , " ,- yo r '"-~ () ('1 i .-~j rc , .,- C' " C1 b " .'" '" '" . J i.J ,;." U -' , ,r '\ ',' r' ;. ; ~ 1 ) , .. r' , !r 1" /liJ:ui;;.'j<., ....,...--. .J.J. -,:,..~:,,~'''l'"'''':::t..; . ,- :- ~ I / -/-/ J --:;;;- r -/ ~1\" --~...-- ~~~\' --... \.-' ~ ~--;::::--. --/;YIF ( /I~ ,.:/r;,~- ~.:,'~~'-)~;;;:;;\, ; ( , I u' t: 1,' r- - .J r~. ~\ \) ~ 1\- ...~ (i' , () I'; r ~ li;- .\ ; I- e" N I) 1~ Vt L'J ../ v. ~j e ) (>,>, '<:.) \ r oJ f ;; 0 (" r , r 1\1 ~ "\ r ,', (. C (11 ~l ..' /\ "0 .~! ~. 7..' ..' ~l ~' 1',' '"~ f ,-' ~ 0' R -J v. . 'CJ , -, ,1 '" 1: (' .' i. ~ ,~l ,J l) -I r- v' -II ~'!-j/ / , " ~\A ;/ \) - .i ." I ~~) / ii1 C, '(, "I.j -, " - r' .... (, r ~ (1\ <... .. b r' );> -t' ;1 ~_ 1/. " r'., f' '1 [) -..::.' f' r ,; f~ .;. :s \) ;.::; i') I,A, i'\ ':.::: P ~''l "-... J-- ~j 0~ J' ,-, _/ ',J r; '> CI ~-' -I t~ ~~) .0 ~' ;; ~../ ~I ~I V !"<.. '- ;.- -, l-^ ::} // rr, f; (l ""1 :; r) -f._ .\ . ~ l" r-.I v- ,/ ;:-1 '- F D ~ ,) r> <:: U ~, : C I \/ ._._-~~.......... /) C , f) .f. ;:---1 ~. IT) ~ IV I." 'J' ~ I' Fl ,', Irfl ~ I 'I' P If 1 loJ t:, i' i' t' -j l' r rl :, ~'I ~ S C' ,j , : .' = .., ~ rt: -:- .~ :~ '" " v >- ~ C L: e,l '. (; ;;: E' ~. I, ,_, .-' \ ~ /' \"----/ ..... ~... o " ... ':' r. iI. >-1' l [': VI.:] ~ ..., ~ ll. .() " 'f I ~' '::.~ ~:;;~~ ~ ~1\ :-:: ". ' t, \' "r I" ":;" . I;>' ~ ~ ,;, -. ),{'" ......1,\ _ .....,r-tn ~. ~..;, '" 0 ..-n. -. :\ . ......l '- t. .- ^- I ~ - -----.:; l~, .. 'L..... J.......... c./. fC 'v QJr7' ~ - .. ;r, I:' S <' -- ( rJ. t- i' /;, .<. CO' <;: ,... '- '0 :-r. .'_1 , ,/ /'/"< ,...,/" /1_ I ':":',;- " (,1 ~) l' (>l .. '- q :':~'". '.:'~ " " li ( " } :0 r r F I, r I i f , t ~ I i' ~ f i! (1 i .- .\ E:x \-erT1 to..:) ~ 4OC> W ') T "(pcz... 1IL .p- C< ?~?O~~D 210<:> 'IW,:> ~pcz.lIt , I~S\A\...L \/0 co,.;) ou.. \ T ~ c..o~ 't:.u..C.:TO~ 1J>RO~OS E:.O '2. ~() ~ ')\;"f'CZ- 1IL "." "'" c><.\<O\ It.:)Gr '?o"\JE:q" POL..J::- _ ~\~1:~ To 61': '~~TA'-LE:D 8'( P.c:a-, 2,. 1:-. \ '" 1~'bTA.\..\.... ::"'''oYz.. 'PU.L.L Bo><' RESOLUTION NO. 3274 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANT~ CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING i THE EXECUTION OF A QUIT CLAIM DEED TO VIRGIL H. GREENLEY, ET AL. (d ./ Vt!:~ - Ltl' ~~~'L-- G'''>c::..~ WHEREAS, this City Council did on June 28, 1971,: adopt its Resolution No. 3135 recorded July 1, 1971, and filed iin Book 9401 of Official Records at Page 402 in the Office of the !County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara; and, WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City Council tq quit claim its interest and/or right in and to said real proper~y described upon said Resolution No. 3135; and, I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED I THAT the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authoriz~d to execute a Quit Claim Deed on behalf of the City of Campbell ~o Virgil H. Greenley, Et A1, of said real property described upo said Resolution No. 3135, and the City Clerk is hereby di ected to record said Quit Claim Deed in the Office of said Co nty Recorder. 72PASSED UPON AND ADOPTED this 19____, by the following vote: 27th day of AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Smeed, Doetsch None NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Ralph Doetsch Sr. Mayor ATTEST: DOT'ot-hy TT'pvpt-h;:ln City Clerk Approved as to Form: J. Robert Dempster, City Attorney December 13, 1971 Mr. J. Robert Dempster, City Attorney 20325 Stevens Creek Boulevard Cupertino, California 95014 SUBJECT z Vacation of Ci tv Streets Dear Mr. Dempster: In accordance with our standard policies, the 1 rge majority of land that the City acquires for roadway pur ses is obtained by dedication from the abutting land owners in onsideration for architectural approval, minor subdivision a proval, etc. From time to time, for a variety of reasons it 's,sometimcs determined that the right of way formerly requi ed is no longer necessary for street purposes. ~fuen thi situation occurs and the abutting land owner has use for he area in question, the City takes action to vacate the a~ea with the intent of returning title to the abutting land ~wner. I This procedure has been in effect for several Yj'ars in the City of Campbell and to my knowledge it has eff ctively accomplished the intent of the City Council. A recent case as described in the enclosed documents has be co e somewhat clouded due to the position taken by the title ompany involved in development of the abutting land. I would a~preciate your opinion as to the validity of the action taken ~y the City in this instance to accomplish the intended purpos~. Thank you for your assistance. ! TO ,.INITIAL I & D,~TE -_.t~-.'~" i" ! --~~-~,--,----- "I , Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. l'ffi.EN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC ! I I I ~ORKS WGW EMH FTL / V By Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil I ! I ~ngineer ! BMHzsh J ., ,---- I -.---Encl~~o F!L2 _____.___ ~ ,~'.".... .J'" December 9, 1971 MEMO FROM: Cruz S. Gomez, Jr; Civil Engineer RE: Vacation of City streets, Section 8300 Et streets and Hiqhwavs Code i I I I I ! I Seque~s, I TO: Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer , On May 6, 1964, a Grant Deed was recorded in Book 64t of Official Records at Page 537 in the office of the Co ty Recorder, copy enclosed, which granted some real property to t ,e City "for street purposes". At the request of the property owners, we undertook ~roceedings pursuant to said sections to vacate a portion of the I property which we had acquired and on June 28, 1971, the City!counci1 adopted Resolution NO. 3135, which was recorded on J~ly 10, 1971, and filed in Book 9401 of Official Records at Page 4~2. It was my opinion that the proceedings which we used to vac$te was appropriate and sufiicient to clear the easement for'street purposes which had been previously created. The owners of the property, the Surbers and the Gree~leys, have been advised by Western Title and Guaranty Company that tttle to the vacated real property cannot be insured by them beca*se Western Title is of the opinion that when the Grant Deed was executed in 1964, the City acquired fee simple title and fee simple title cannot be vacated, in essence saying that in order for the City to dive~t itself of the property is to execute a fee simple or quit claim debd. The question seems to be whether the City acquired ap easement or whether the City acquired fee simple title. !f we a~quired fee simple title then we will need to revise the wording! of our . acquisitions to indicate whether or not we intend tol acquire one or the other without question. INITIAL TO & DATE Cruz S. Gomez Jr. Civil Engineer WGW BMH FTC-SG! ~h "/ I ~.n '7 ',;r , I .l.......... .' ',,: ., ,.......,.""-.-.-.... I , . I. '?"rr:~~yt?~ . , . .\"~~'l .!,..,,, 'V \w " . ........1.. .j i' 1 n f) 'Ii ('!'I'1"r~'''''~'~~(l'_~~..n''r''''--:~''''''~I'fT'~'''~~, -' I:: ~\ ,I)'. ;";\"';/:'>:,:;",,,.. .;:,',f f ' ';"'oJ,. .: i ,\ .. :/ I :1 ,t. t I ;. ." . ,'i'IY' (':~i I. f :. I' ,'" ,::~~'" ~:L: . ":., "l ';'c".~: 'I,. .;~;...:.:-:.J 1 ......... '"'-"-I..L~y'..,l.. >;r..'- ..~.... /":: I~ ~"\ ",'. o o:.j;; v' ..1.. '( I I'.,' \ , ~.. .,~ ...........,.'.. ....10_ ~f)~:i;;....tj IDllTfI~!J 1 /~;! ~,3j nl.~~1 httl lii:i.IJf,ll . ..1 kCl)u( '.r~; td:i) "I &""-'I"':'''U "'~, Rr:~D ana OERALDINE P. SURDER.h\jsi>and. ~:~r 6 9 05 a~ :~o~ anI.! \lilt!), 01.,,4 VIRGIL H. llol..l.! DE?n' C. GREENI.EY, OF,:ci.,... '-D~ nUuu.IloIHl o\nJ W.Lto, h~.l.'oby grant t.o t.htl Ci.ty of 5""'';'~ (;.,':11.'. C'Jlltjn' C.:....'J):"'ull, .. municipal cOJ:po.r~t.Lo,j, for st.rQ\lt ~'':''Jl " 1;"LIol pUl;HJ"U~, olll tlnt Curtiu..... t'eal pro;:)orty oitUi.t.1;O lor"". fot 10 t.ha City of C<lJTlpbo11, County of S<<ntll. Clara, StilC.u c.f C...1.~'nrni.,",. ol.nd mor... .?a.t...cul11r1:/ '::uucr ",bee. llH iol1o.....&> I \.. 2tj~~~~t;;~f; ... ,,# !Go/[;,WlllCc537 ~~ CCl-I.\mNCING at il 3/4" lron pipe on tho northcil3cor1y 11ne of th.1 r ...)hl .:;.f ,"",1:/ Cormar J.y ot thlJ I,LOIadon u4'41:'lch of ';h(l SCluto'ern F':h:it'l~ jt.),l.lrClil..1 Cum.?~;.:!. d';'t;tane thiJ.roc.n, N. 45" 0.2' W., 80.91 :'::I~t 11:'0):n thoJ .noue. .southerly cornu!' of tr,nt. cact.:lin 2.013 Cl.Cl'Q tC,H,:t, vi! LUld cQnvoyo,J. to Dor" I. E'ir.numO.L"Q b:l .lead r.::.corJod J.:..r.iJary 30, 1940 1n Doak ~6l). "~ Pagf:! :()l, Oi!1cial nUCOl'J~ in t,:lC ufG.c;: of tho niJCo..'ullr of thfJ Count:! at Sunta C1Aro'l, "tato of C..l..:r::otr.,i.iol 7Ht:NCC. N. 4!:a. 02' W., tJ3."1 fo...... "lonq a.l.1,Q northcl1licorJ..)" 11nu to t.ho TRUe ~OINT vi u~OINtln'OI TjLl:IlC~. N. 31- 32' sa" W" t)9.63 foot alor.q th') notthuAln:.orly l.l....~ of tou\: ccrt.:l.in pa::clJl of l."d COnl'oJj'I)Q to t.ho Seato of Co:.lu:o.tr,1il 0y uiJod rllcordlld Jun" 14, l~Su 1r. Book. 3:i~J, At ;"9"0 110, Ofi.cUl RlJco,:"", ...i.i.J County of 8lont... Clo1.'"U 'l"j-H::~Ci:;. N. 19- 29' 1:.. 18.85 !cot ..long tho nort:h'Wt'Gt'":lr1y J.i:'.c oi th.':l.t. C~~.:tliin p..rcul of land cor.voyad to Monroll R. "rid n...:atr .i.CQ ~~1\1or.c1.s. by d~cQ. ro..;:orduc1 1n Dooi\;. 132.2, at pago S. Off,u:1,al ~k";:u.d!;. I;~~.j C(Hlr'o~Y at .5.:lr.ta Cl.ur.:1, to lJ, 1inO,) w,1ich tEo parallel JU,r. ~,"d .:ie.DO f>J~\:. 1;.cdHl,lred at " .C'.1.9ht ~nCJIQ. northoc:.~e..:aJ.'ly of I;hlJ c:.mtiIJ" 1in.. ()r C04ffio....n bv.onl.lOi Tiir:t.:Cll, S. 45- 02' 1:;.. 92.6I)f;:et. along o.::o1c:. parallcl lino toO thu r.o;,t.r.........L..t.ucly lln~ .;..f. th.:l.t cOL"t.lin p...:(col ~~ land COl\voY"lti 't.v ~... ;". .\~..Lu::; by ua~d :,:,:,c.:JrQL:d in lWok. lb::'9, lilt. p_uu Ja~, OiL..c1..1 R<lCO~u.. 'o..:...cl Coune.y ot Sut,ta Cla.t'o.I., :;i"Jm~';GE, s. 1::)" 2~' W., j3.23 fCI:t Aloog ua.1d northwoc.terly 1.1.10 of A.::.~~<Jo= to tho Point at O#l<,.,inning, u.no. ~onl;u.:l.nlng v.Oa ..ccua, ,n.or~ O~ lULG, 'lnd Den.ng a. po.rtion of tho t."W 1/4 of 'suc. :2 ':. 6 ~. a. 1 H., M.:).n. & lot. IN WI"l~lmSS Wm.alWF, Woi h.vliI place,;!,ou.r, n~Ojj t.hJ.a ~i.,a.c1Li:{ 0" ti.>"':u&_~, 19~. -.<::. 0/,;7 L- ~~~~af;~~'~ 0.-- - ." ....:::.-J '-."'~~~~'~~ ./.,,~ 'r G\,r"~'!'~~j ",\.our""r I, I)\<.I h. ..:~J::..;.~.:...VJ.. _ (Notcu:y Cect..t'J.c.taa) VJ,~;Lll H. G.rccal'J:I ~ () 0. ~~(' ..I, D.<~:l" -C-G~..nl.:l 'j'- I ,'- " . ..,.~~ ,~..... ....., ...... M_~""~7-""'-" ....~. -..~. ----......-.........""d.......__.l,.............. .... , ......,/ J '" ~-,~.,...~.....""...~~)ft,1~r ! " I' I, f: ' 1\~ ~i; " J' I:', !;")!' r' ':. " ff '". i I' I I I I I i i i iJ It""" i! . '. ~ 1 " I " .> I 'I \'; J 1 I', I r! "I 'I J " .,[ L, , ,.: ,', ," .1 'r: I: I i j \ y \ \' J \ i \ 1 I' i ~. " fl',. ~ I ~ :' (\......:~ /.-./ ,}-0..... cLv VyVA ~ ": 0 \ tS1i~1' " I ,.. hyio G~~,jF.AI..\ '-< '., 7'; t1 ~.." ~ rt ~.....d!"~ ~~'- -;; v 0 ,) L1~~t(Y . 1 G()M!/:~ ooo~ 9405- SA , t/ ~ ~ ""'r.'\_ '\: i i \~, .tvr-..l : <' '< . :,.' . .;. , r' ',"'1 -;'.,' 1'1,' : /l~'~ U,'1 i ; ,"~ d:: -,'..-, I.IVC~ '.J"l~" E ~ ~I"" /..'J i'I'" . . '"' .. _. j 'I', I \. ~ ( FILED rOi~: R~COr\' -. . .'.. t'r r"!:'Q"~""l' 0'" .\ . 1\ I:' ,v Co u r . (" 1 I ' cJj~1 r! (2' (1"'1' '. i"'" I \ /""":1'\.' ,../.I'.'~""/ ,. '..,1 ,,,' I I'" I . I,"" ".',' '7' , I,', /1.'" I,' , Jl.L i 1-" 1.,2 ,",( I I' " R~SOLUTION NO. 3135.' '---- ,t" " BE I NG A R}~SOLU'f! ON. AH D 0 RD!-:R or niE' C 1. '1'y OFFIOIAL r,r::.cor~D~f . COU1~C:r.rJ or THE CITY or CAl,lPBEL'L ~ COUWl'Y' SANTA OU.R:\ OOU~:,ry or. 8M'l'!' A cr.A RA ~ S1' P, TE 0 r CMJ ~ FOR!: I 1\ ~ . . GEORGE rE, ~~ULi::f VAtATrNG A PORTION OF CAMDtN AVBNUE SITUATE RECDR~~ ON TIlE };ORTHERLY SIDE 'l'llERBOr !l!xD In:THEtN HHl'fD OI\KS ROAD AHD HIGHi'lAY 17 ON RA!-!P. ;\. ".I.~. "I , . (. ~J rj \'; ':-' .'J ~'. ~ ~.::.~ f"\."~"'"'? r.i'~ ~;;.~ f~'..~ " ' vlm~REA~ ~ th e C5. ty Co\.m ci 1 0 f the C5. ty of Campl>e 11 ~ County 0 f Santa Cl<:;'~cl ~ State of California, pursunnt to the provisions of Division 9 ~ Pal~t 3~ Cnnptcl'S 1 und 2 of the ~tN;(lt$' Ctnd iIif>11','f2YS Code of the St at e of Cnli. forn i a, di d here t ofo1"'o on tl~ c ?l~ th . G c:y of !'lav~ 19'1J:~ pass upon and <:dopt its Or~inr).nc(' (,f, Intcnt5,on to vacvt~ ap?r~ion of CamdcnAvenuc~ a public strect in the City of Ccllllphell, heine Ordinc!11ce 110..778;. and" , , \.,' H B REA S ~ ct t t 11 c' h 0 \1 Y.' 8: 0' 0 0' c 1 0 c k P. 1,1. 0 f t his ' ? 1 s t day 0 f Junc.~ 19"IJ. ~ in the CouncU. ChclmJ.'l(~):'s "nt City. Hall ~ at 75 No~,~th Cent~nl AVO%lUe~ Campbell~ Cal!fornia~ arc the time and plecc ~ct f 0 '," 11' c n r.' 5. n f, ~ 11 per' S 01':1 S :i. n t ere s t c d 5.1l en' 1"1 a v ;t n g " {) $ c c t i (l n s. t I) said proposed v~cati6n; and, . HHJ:REAS, nt the saS.a ;1caY.'il1g evidence "ra~ pr~l~cntcd .by ~cr~on~ interest6d in said proposed vacation and no pcr~ons appc~l1~c,d in ohjection the'~e70; C'..lHl" .' rrHEREAS, t;,c C5.ty Council of said City of Campbell finds. nn<1 dcter'l:1incs from t1)e cv5.oence submitted that t-fle portion of .Cnmclcl1 Avenue described upon said Ordinance of In~cntion is ~nncccssary rov present or for proGpectivc public st~cct purposes; G11d, .. \ . NOH ~ 'l'Hj:Rl:rORE t B:: IT RI:SOLVED AND J:'l' IS m:RE~Y ORDERED by the City Coun6il of said City of Campbell that the portion of C a In den A v e n 1.1 e ~ n pub 1 i cst r e (-! 1: in the C it y 0 f C cn~ p 1) c 11 ,h (: :r' e in - after describcd~ be~ and it is hereby v4catcd~ abandoned, nn~ . closed to publ{c uses~ and that the portion of saia Camden ^ven~e hereinahovc refcrred to is that ccrtcd.n portion' of Camccn I.venuc sit u ate 0 nth e n 0 l~ the :!:' J. Y sid C 0 f C am G. c n A v c n U e bet l'r c e n H 11 i tee ,,', ~ s Road and Higinray J.7 on l~amp and more particularly Gesc1'5.I)'cC: eS follo'ds: ,- ,/' BEGINNING at the most ~astcrly corner of that ~ertain par~cl of lend 'conveyed to th6 City of Camph~ll by thet certain Grant ~ccd filed i!1 Boo~ G!:91 ofOf.f5,cinJ. Recol'd~ tlt Page 537 in / the 0 f fie e 0 f the Co u n t y R ceo 1~ d c r ~ Co...{ n t y 0 f San t a C len' e > S tat c of Califol'nia; . . j '{ ., , " I ,'''' ) , ' .... .' 'J ';-1 aaor. 940'1 rJ,,.,. Aun3 i -... .. r It.) C ':--; ~. ... "'r .,',' ,. TlIr.:l~c'E~ HC)!'th 115(\ 6,-' i'lest 7e.GO fcct'alone the northeasterly, 15..nc of said City of Carnph~ll pm,'cel of lnnd'to the intcrsec".;ion ''r! i t h the a l' C 0 fan 0 n tan g c n t cUr.' y (~ t h it t 5. s con c a v c nor.' the G s t c ):' J. y Q, n' d h c1'S a r Cl c1 ius 0 f 2 I ~ 0 . 0 0 fee t ~ s aiel c tD.' v C h u v i n r. 8. 1" Cl d 5. a. ]. D C CU" i n e N 0 l't h 6 lO 5 n 1 5 G If E ct s t u t s 8. i d po' i n t 0 f 5. 11 t (H'S C c t 5. 0 n ; " ace ~1't r a J. an e 1 C 0 f 2 0 0 J. 0' 0 6" tot h c in t eX's c c t ion t 11 c X' C 0 f with tl16southcasterly line of said City of Campbell parcel of land; , ','1' Ill: N C E ~ N 0 Yo' t h 1 9,0 2 9 I r. n s 1: 11. '- :3 fee t a 1 0 n g $ n ids 0 u t h _ ~~'~'s<cX'ly line to t1'le POINT or BEGINNING. CONTAlNiNG O.01~ acres~ mor.'c oX' lcss~ and being a pOr.'tion of, thc J,m l/'~ of Section ?, 'fo~-rnsh5,p '8 South ~ Ran[J,e 1 \','cst, H'-D.n. t. !-I. ., . : \..., , PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th clnY"of June, 1971~ hy the t?~1owj~e vote: 0 ' . ' ' :,' '; AY1~S: .. .... 'to . .. . . '.' . .. Coune!~men: Chnm~a~iin~ Podeorsek~ R08~rs~ Smccc1~ Doetsch NOES: Councilmen: None . , ' .'.:,;~.;., :': A 13 S E NT: ' Co u n c U. men :, Non c , '..0. 'I. . ~ : : . APPROVED: ,f) . ~--_. ._/. VJ~J ,,/ 2---" .~.''-'/.... .~L~,&.6.0:b:~6~:"~~"J:.~_ t, : 1 )"', "t ~ S r " -)0. )>'d .uOC 'Sed, , r., .'jayor t.:.: { " AT'l'ELi": .. .,1 . , I ' " "''"/1 ; , G' ':'. - ,~-::::-:;:;hi.i.,:L_'..-W~...LrJ:,~. Dolothy (}l'Cycthan ~ City Clerk \ " <: /' ~ . "~" ~. :... " .. .~ .. " p ~ .:1. .~ . i ~ ~ '.". '. : '- .. , -,; . l. ' , ; .,' .,'~'! <;' ;. " . , 0 '. ' '. ' I ~, ,'~. ~ , : . ".' ... .... ., ,. ..... . \ . , f r ";7 (F- 5 ( C.}-- ~{ I t?E-v-P11" (;- 4- (-+ (f i3 .::A -5. I v-/ .. \. __ :p .-= ~~. c.: u'-"- L I '- (; ,,,sc" ~~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA "'$ u ~7/'- 8iO DATE: Jan~ary I.. 1 ~) "", r, -. .' i ._.. CON D I T ION SAT T A C H EDT 0 "s" A P PRO V ALa F P LAN S 0 F ~~ ~ 1"; ~ r t. G r (. e * 1 G V" :1 n v . _--Ii , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF qarr(';\inz Rest: Ijt'ilIlnt -----it--_-.. TO BE LOCATED AT ,~~~ ~~m"~ &- ',ld .A. ,,: tI t~....>'.~'"IU';'~ J... !'l.. y e 'Wo' CONDITIONS: con:! i t ions of .1!I.pproval attache!l Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expine one year ~fter the date upon which such app~oval was granted, unless an exten~ion for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) dJys prior to the expiration date or such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date o~ any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. ~~~~~~~ ~iL~H~NC~~i OFJ~~MPBE~~yP~~NNI~~nS~~~ISSION AT A ,R~~~S~~ cc: Ln~in~erin~ Dept. V'}H T Y 0 F C AMP BEL L P LAN N I N G C O'M MIS S ION wIatt. FlreDept. w/~tt. BY: AR~HUR kEE, SECRET^RY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "S" 71-80 Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicat~d and as added in "red!! on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type 9f plant materia}. location of hose bibs or sprinkler system ,and type of fencimg. to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time ot. application for building permit. All planter areas to be enclosed within,4" to 6" raised curbs. 3. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 4. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $2.000 to be . posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striptng of park~ng area within three (3) months of completion of c~.. nstruction~. or applicant may file written agreement to complet~ landscapi g, fencing and striping of parking area prior to fanal buildi g department clearance. I I Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necespary to ser e the development shall be located in area(s) approved by th fire department. Unless otherwise noted, enclo~ure(s) sha I consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a sol~d wall or ence and have self-closing doors of a size specified; by the fir departme'nt. 5 . I I I I The applicant is notified as part of this applicatipn that he is required to meet the following conditions in accord~nce with 0 dinances of the City of Campbell. !, I I I A. All parking and dri veway areas to be developed lin comPlianfe wi th Sect ion 21. 50.010 of the Campbell Hunicipail Code. Al parking spaces to be provided with appropria t e.1curb s or bu per guards. ! I I Sectio~ B. Underground utilities to be provided as requir~d by 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. I I Plans submitted to the building department for Iplan check $hall indicate clearly the location of all connectionls for under$..round utilities including water, sewer,electric, tel~phone and t~le- vision cables, etc. I I Sign application to be submitted in accordancellwith prOVistons of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign ~o be instal ed until application is approved and permit issue~ by the bui ding I department. i I I I Storm drainage fee based on $765.00 per acre to be paid. I Applicant to obtain excavation permit for driv~way approac~ construction. I C. D. E. F. G. Applicant to construct street lighting and sidqwalk on i Curtner Avenue frontage from building entry to Inortherly p opert line. Applicant to provide landscaping in lieu of Sidlewalk in Ci right of way back of curb for balance of development front ! Applicant to install approved fire extinguishe~ system in hood and duct system. i CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "S" 71-80 Page Two H. 1. i J. Building to comply with Title 19, California A~ministrativ Code. i y ge. ange The applicant is notified that he shall comply wit~ all applic ble Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to t is development and are not herein specified. That parcel of land in the City of Campbell, desc ribed as follows: I ! County of Santa Clata, I A portion of Section 2, Township 8 South, Range 1 West, as follows: M. D. ~. I Beginning in the Northwest line of Camden Avenue at the most ortherly corn r of the parcel of laL1d described as Parcel Two in the Deed to Count of Santa Clara, recorded October 18, 1965, Book 7143 Official Records, page 6 7; thence fro said point of begin~1ing S. 240 24' 08" E. along the Northeast line of aid Parcel T 0, 18. 13 feet to a Northeast line of the parcel of land described in he Deed to C ty of , I Campbell, recorded May 6, 1954, Book 6491 Official Records, age 537; the ce along said Northeast line and along a Southeast line of said parc 1 of land, S. 450 02' E., 78.60 feet and S. 190 29' 'Jl. 11. 23 feet to a Northeast 1 ne of the par el of land described as Parcel One in said Deed to County of Santa Cl ra, recorde in Book 7143 Official Records, page 687; thence along the exterior boundary lin s of said Parcel One the following courses and distances: S. 450 28' !37" 'E. 9.41 eet; S. 510 29' 54" E. 42.98 feet; on a curve to the left from a tange t that bears . 560 10' 17" E., with a radius of 20 feet, through a central angle of 060 35' 42" f r a .. 0 distance of 37.21 feet; on a curve to the left from a tangent that bears N. 12 06' 48" E., with a radius of 170 feet, through a central angle of 46 for a distan e of 136.48 feet; and N. 330 53' 12" VI., 111.25 feet; thence continu ngN. 330 53'12" W., along a Northeast line of the parcel of land described in the Deed to Reed Surber, et aI, recorded January 27, 1966, Book 7262 Official Records,. age 193, a 4stance of 23.93 feet; thence continuing along the exterior boundary lines of said Partel One described in said Deed to County of Santa Clara, the following courses and dilstances: N. 330 53' 12" W., 8. 17 feet; on a curve to the right, with a ra ius of 230 felt, through a central angle of 150 33' 06" for a distance of 62.43 fe t; thence conl;inuing along the exterior boundary lines of the parcel of land describe as Parcell lin the Deed to State of California, recorded October 23, 1969, Book 8 11 Official Rlecords, page 405, on a curve to the right, with a radius of 230 feet, thrhugh a central angle of 30 15' 04" for a distance of 13.05 feet and N. 870 50' 28" W. r 7.25 feet to: the Northerly corner of Parcel 2 described in said Deed to State of California; tHence S. 20 09' 32" W. along the Easterly line of said Parcel 2, a dis ance of 10.2$ feet to the most Easterly corner or the parcel of land described in the eed to State iof California, recorded October 23, 1969, Book 8711 Official Rec rds, page 40~; thence along the Southeast line of said parcel S. 20 09' 32" W. 61. 73 f et to the mo~t Northerly corner of said parcel of land described in the Deed tReed Surberl et aI, recorded in Book 7262 Official Records, page 193; thence alona1 the exterior boundary lines of said parcel, S. 30 10' 36" W. 34.40 feet and on the ar~1 of a curve tol the left, with a radius of 240 feet, through a central angle of 250 5~' 32" for a diftance of 108.60 feet to the point of beginning. !' PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF Cfu~PBELL, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLICANTS FOR "S" APPROVAL, VARIANCE OR USE 'PERMITS The name (s) and Recorder's Number, of legal o\ner (s) of subject property must be supplied as part of applic photo copy of deed may be submitted for this inform Please fill in necessary information: Reed & Geraldine F. Surber ~ iame (5) as shown on Deed Virgil H. & Betty C. Greenley ~ ~ame (s) as shown on Deed 2549524 3000508 2942499 3589085 N 2942501 Recorder's Number For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for A Filed by _.___ ('~;o 17/;/: /" ~) (tlo) PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CABPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVSNUE CAMPBELL, CALIfORNIA "'JY /' n" 11;) 7 1 DATE: CON D I T ION SAT T A C H EDT 0 "S I! A P PRO V A LOr P LAN S 0 F _::; u.:..:r' D_0:L:'" N~~n ~ e y- ___________________________, FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LO'!_€!:.~_Te_sta~nt an(~ LO<1)(.' e TO BE LOCATED AT L':;f3 CaLI'len fIV,:lll.U" _.__._-----_._.~--"~-_..,,_.__.-._.._---------._..- ---- ._-----~-----_. CONDITIONS: COUDITIO!~S OF APPROVAL ATTACIl'f; Section 9316.1 of the Camllhell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expir one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unle.s an extension for such approval is obtained by making written app ication for same to the Planning Commission at le::l.st fifteen (15) da. s prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expira appl'oviJl until a new approval has been obtained in for in this Chapter. ion dute of 0,ny he manner prov id".:cl GRANTED BY THE CITY Of CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR NEE 'f I N G HE L DON T H r; __-l.Lt.rL day 0 f __.-.:..L;.0?_,_______ ' 1 9 7 1 . CITY Of CAMPBELL LANNING COMMISSION cc: Le-, ,ineepilli, Dept.wlatt. fire Jept. w/aLt. ~~: ---~------- ARThUR K ,8, SSCRE1AP.Y----- \.-! E. ....----' F. I / G. ~_.. ./ H. J 1. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL "s" 71 30 1. Property to be landscaped as indicated and as adde on plans. in Jlred" of 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing submitted for approval of the Planning Director at application for building permit. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $3,000 to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of par within three (3) months of completion of construct applicant may file written agreement to complete 1 fencing and striping of parking area prior to fina department clearance. o be posted ing area on, or ndscc::.;dng, builc1i.ng 3. 4. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 5. Recommend (not required) a complete automatic fire sprinkler system for entire facility. The applicant is notified as part of this application required to meet the following conditions in accordanc Ordinances of the City of Campbell, hat he is . \1 .!-t h A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in ompliance -'with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required b Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building department for pIa check shall indicate clearly the location of all connect'ons for underground utilities including water, sewer, elec'ric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance wit provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs, No sign to b installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building depa1"\tment. Applicant to process and ~ile pardel map. Applicant to pay storm drainage fee based on rate f $765 per acre. ' Applicant to obtain excavation permit for driveway approach modification. Applicant to construct street lighting system on Curtner Avenue frontage. A~plicant to construct sidewalk from Camden Avenu to parking lot on easterly side of Curtner Avenue frontage. -10- J. Applicant to provide landscaping in lieu of sidewalk in city right-of-way back of curb for balance of development frontage. (on west side of Curtner). ~ K. Applicant to install approved fire extinguishing system in range hood. L. Applicant to comply with provisions of Article, 7, Title 19, California Administrative Code. M. Parking on east side of Curtner Avenue to be reserved f(.~ restaurant employee parking only and a document to hat ~~:f0~t satisfactory to the City Attorney, to be filed in t e Plall~ing Department prior to issuance of a building permit. (Sectio~ 9319.4). The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applic2ble Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development. and are not herein specified. r . SURBER & GREENLEY That parcel of land in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Cla a, State of California, described as follows: A portion of Section 2, Township 8 South, Range 1 West, M. D. B & M., described as follows: Beginning in the Northwest line of Camden A venue at the most N rtherly corner of the parcel of la~1d described as Parcel Two in the Deed to Count of Santa Clara, recorded October 18, 1965, Book 7143 Official Records, page 6 7; thence from said point of begin~1ing S. 240 24' 08" E. along the Northeast line of s id Parcel Two, 18. 13 feet to a Northeast line of the parcel of land described in t e Deed to City of Campbell, recorded May 6, 1954, Book 6491 Official Records, age 537; thence along said Northeast line and along a Southeast line of said parc 1 of land, S. 450 021 E., 78.60 feet and S. 190 29' W. 11. 23 feet to a Northeast li e of the parcel of land described as Parcel One in said Deed to County of Santa Cl ra, recorded in Book 7143 Official Records, page 687; thence along the exterior oundary lines of said Parcel One the following courses and distances: S. 450 28' 7" E. 9.41 feet; S. 510 29' 54" E. 42.98 feet; on a curve to the left from a tange t that bears S. 560 10' 17" E., with a radius of 20 feet, through a central angle of 1 60 35' 42" for a distance of 37.21 feet; on a curve to the left from a tangent that ears N. 120 06' 48" E., with a radius of 170 feet, through a central angle of 460 for a distance of 136.48 feet; and N. 330 53' 12" 'vV., 111. 25 feet; thence continui gN. 330 53' 12" W., along a Northeast line of the parcel of land described in the Dee to Reed Surber, et al, recorded January 27, 1966, Book 7262 Official Records, age 193, a distance of 23.93 feet; thence continuing along the exterior boundary line of said Parcel One described in said Deed to County of Santa Clara, the following curses and distances: N. 330 53' 12" W., 8. 17 feet; on a curve to the right, with a rad.us of 230 feet, through a central angle of 150 33' 06" for a distance of 62.43 fee; thence continuing along the exterior boundary lines of the parcel of land described as Parcell in the Deed to State of California, recorded October 23, 1969, Book 8711 Official Records, page 405, on a curve to the right, with a radius of 230 feet, thro gh a central angle of 30 15' 04" for a distance of 13.05 feet and N. 870 50' 28" W., 7.25 feet to the Northerly corner of Parcel 2 described in said Deed to State of alifornia; thence S. 20 09' 32" W. along the Easterly line of said Parcel 2, a dist nce of 10.26 feet to the most Easterly corner of the parcel of land described in the eed to State of California, recorded October 23, 1969, Book 8711 Official Reco ds, page 408; thence along the Southeast line of said parcel S. 20 09' 32" W. 61.73 fe t to the most Northerly corner of said parcel of land described in the Deed to eed Surber, et aI, recorded in Book 7262 Official Records, page 193; thence along _e exterior boundary lines of said parcel, S. 30 10' 36" W. 34.40 feet and on the arc f a curve to the left, with a radius of 240 feet, throwJh a central angle of 250 55' 32" for a distance of 108.60 feet to the point of beginning.