ENC2002-00080 ~ u or. . cA4z 16<9 ~ r- ~ 1- <'" ;.. '- G~ ORCHp..\l-Q CITY OF CAMPBELL Puhlic Works Department May 30, 2006 Patty Simicich Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. 18900 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 200 Cupertino, CA 95014 Re: San Jose Construction, Inc. ENC2002-00080 American Motorists Insurance Co. Bond No. 3SM04736400 Dear Ms. Simicich: Enclosed is the letter you requested from our inspector in connection with the above bond. Joanne M. D' Ambrosia Office Specialist 70 North First Street . Cam[1hell, Calilornia 95008.1436 . TEl 408-8662150 . lAX 4083760958 . Till) 4088M.2790 or. . CA.-t,/.:><9 ~ ~ U r- ~ 1- '" ;.. '- (; ORCHI\R'Q CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department May 30, 2006 Kemper Surety One Kemper Drive Long Grove, IL 60049-0002 Re: Release of Bond Number 3SM4736400 Dear Sir/Madam: This letter serves as notification that the City of Campbell hereby fully and forever releases and discharges American Motorists Insurance Company from any and all liability under Bond No. 3SM04736400. ~' - Syed a idi Public Warks Inspector cc: Permit ENC2002-00080 70 North First Street . Camphell, California 95008-1436 . TEl 408-8M.2150 . lAX 408.3760958 . Till) 408.866.2790 05/30/2008 14:23 FAX 408 252 2259 R G SPENO INC ~ 001/003 .' Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services Arthur I. Gallagher &. Co. Insurance Brokers of Cali fomi a, Inc. California State License Number 0726293 FAX Page 1 of 3 Date: May 30, 2006 To: Syed Wahidi Company: San Jose Construction Co, Inc. Fax Number: 408-376-0958 From: Patty Simicich Fax: 408-973-9500 408-257-2985 Phone: E-mail: patty _simicich@ajg.com Regarding: San Jose Construction, Inc. Permit No. ENC2002-00080 Remarks: Syed, On July 28, 2004 you issued a letter releasing bond no. 3SM04736400 for our client~ San Jose Construction, Inc. The surety that wrote the bond is in the process of exiting from the surety business and in order to close out their files they need to have a release letter issued with specific wording. A copy of your letter and the surety company's requirements follow. Will you please issue the letter following the surety company example and send to our office as soon as possible? Thank you for your assistance with this matter and please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. (QA&f Patty Simicich Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. 18900 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 200 Cupertino CA 95014 05/30/2008 14:24 FAX 408 252 2259 R G SPENO INC o'i'C~ . '.0 C~~ U . \= . . .. ., 1-.. t 'oItCItl\""- CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department July 28,2004 San Jose Construction 1210 Coleman Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95050 SUBJECT: PERMIT NO. ENC200Z-00080 LOCATION: 1879 s. Bascom Avenue, Campbell ONE- YEAR MAINTENANCE INSPECTION. ACCEPTANCE Dear Contractor: ~ 002/003 The City of Campbell has made the final one-year maintenance inspection of subject Public Works imprpvements.and find that no remedial work.is required. Your warranty requirements and any surety, therefore, are hereby released. Please find attached your original Maintenance Bond that we are returning to you. Sincerely, ~~ - Syed Wahidi Public W orles Inspector :Q L~~ Pllbllc 'WorkslLaad INvc:Lopment Division Public Wc>rblMaln_lQ1a:f1 DjvilJoo Lou Jones & A5S0Cj~S, PO Box 41375, 7470 N. Fl!;ucroa St., Los Aas=ltlll, CA 90041 h:\word\permits\2002_89acc:(jcl) . . cf\ 0110 2:,'\ l.J ' , ~. - 10 Nonh FitstSln:d ,CalllpbcJJ,CalUotllia95008.1436. 'n,L408.116Ci.'J.1SO' P^X408,576,O!l5B, 'IUO"08.866.279()