Street Improvements of.CA41 . Y •0 2CH ARV . CITY OF CAMPBELL Community Development Department August 18, 2005 Mr. Hamid Abtahi 10650 S.Tantau Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Re: Site&Architectural Review Permit File No: PLN2005-113 1786 Regina Way Dear Mr.Abtahi: Thank you for your Site &Architectural Review Permit application for property located at 1786 Regina Way. Your application has been deemed incomplete. The following additional information and details are needed in order to deem your application complete: 1. Site Plan: The following information needs to be provided on the site plan: a. The maximum lot coverage in the R-1-9 zoning district is 35% and floor area ratio (FAR) is .45. b. Provide a project summary on the title sheet summarizing the existing and proposed project. Summarize the gross and net lot area, building lot coverage, paving coverage, landscape coverage and floor area ratio. c. Provide the accurate location, size, and species of existing trees and indicate whether these trees are proposed to be removed or retained. The San Tomas Area Neighborhood Plan requires that one tree per each 2,000 square feet of net lot area be provided on site. Existing on-site trees may be counted towards this requirement. Please provide a conceptual landscape plan. d. Please indicate the location of the proposed utility lines and that they will be undergrounded to the nearest utility pole. e. Please indicate the location,type and height of proposed or existing fencing. f. Please indicate the location,use and height of buildings on adjacent properties. 2. Photos: Please provide photos of the existing site and surrounding properties. 3. Streetscape: Please provide a colored street elevation of the project that indicates the scale and height of neighboring buildings and the proposed residence. 4. Color/Sample Board: Please provide a color and building material sample board in a maximum 11"x 17" format. 5. Conceptual Landsca e Plan: Please provide a conceptual landscaping plan depicting paving,building and landscape areas. 70 North First Street • Campbell, California 95008-1436 - TEL 408.866.2140 • rnx 408.866.8381 • TDD 408.866.2790 PLN2005-113— 1786 Regin, Ly Page 2 of 2 Other Comments 6. Architectural Comments: • It is recommended that the deck over the entry portion be eliminated. This design feature accentuates a tall two story appears to the residence that is not encouraged. A window in this location would provide a relief to this wall plane. • The window on the side of bedroom#3 is not shown. • The raft details appear disproportionate to other architectural elements of the building. • It is recommended that the entry porch be strengthen so that it is more proportional to the large bay window. • It is recommended that balcony be carried across the front of bedroom # 1. This balcony could access both bedrooms#1 and#3. • A concern is expressed regarding the upper height of the windows at the dining and living room. If you should have any questions regarding these comments, please feel free to contact me at (408) 866-2144 or by email at timhggi , ofcampbell.com. Sincerely, Tim J. Haley Associate Planner Encl: Building Division Comments: August 12, 2005 Architectural Advisor's Comments; August 18,2005 cc: A1be xo ' n, Senior Cvile Bill Bruckart,Building Official Khadiv Design, 1507 La Terrace Circle, San Jose,CA 95123 CITY OF CAMPBELL BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION—COMMENTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DRC: August 12, 2005 ADDRESS: 1786 Regina Way Project Application: PLN2005-00113 (S) RECONMENDATION: Note: No building code issue has been reviewed at Development Review Committee; it will be reviewed in the Building Permit process. Please be aware that building codes are changing constantly;plans submitted for building permit shall comply with the code in effect at that time. Submit permit application together with required documents to the Building Inspection Division to obtain a building permit. No construction can be commenced without an appropriate building permit. It is recommended that this item be forwarded to the Planning Commission for review,with the following conditions. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE BUILDING DIVISION MANAGER/BUILDING OFFICIAL: 1. PERMITS REQUIRED: A building permit application shall be required for the proposed new single family structure. The building permit shall include Electrical/Plumbing/Mechamcal fees when such work is part of the permit. 2. CONSTRUCTION PLANS: The conditions of Approval shall be stated in full on the cover sheet of construction plans submitted for building permit. 3. SIZE OF PLANS: The minimum size of construction plans submitted for building permits shall be 24 in. X 36 in. 4. PLAN PREPARATION: This project requires plans prepared under the direction and oversight of a California licensed Engineer or Architect. Plans submitted for building permits shall be"wet stamped" and signed by the qualifying professional person. 5. SOILS REPORT: Two copies of a current soils report,prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations shall be submitted with the building permit application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed engineer specializing in soils mechanics. 6. SITE PLAN: Application for building permit shall include a competent site plan that identifies property and proposed structures with dimensions and elevations as appropriate. Site plan shall also include site drainage details. JABuilding DRC Comments\1789reginaway.doc 7. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or.land surveyor shall be submitted to the project building inspector upon foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the soils report and the building pad elevation and on-site retaining wall locations and elevations are prepared according to approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer for the following items: a. pad elevation b. finish floor elevation(first floor) C. foundation corner locations 8. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: California Title 24 Energy Compliance forms CF-1R and MF-1R shall be blue-lined on the construction plans. 8Y2 X 11 calculations shall be submitted as well. 9. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required by U.B.C. Section 1701,the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official-for approval prior to issuance of the building permits, in accordance with U.B.0 Section 106.3.5. Please obtain City of Campbell, Special Inspection forms from the Building Inspection Division Counter. 10. The City of Campbell, standard Santa Clara Valley Non-point Source Pollution Control Program specification sheet shall be part of plan submittal. The specification sheet(size 24"X 36") is available at the Building Division service counter. 11. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The project requires the following agency approval prior to issuance of the building permit: a. West Valley Sanitation District(378-2407) b. Santa Clara County Fire Department (378-4010) C. School District: i) Campbell Union School District (378-3405) ii) Campbell Union High School District (371-0960) iii) Moreland School District (379-1370) iv) Cambrian School District (377-2103) Note: To Determine your district, contact the offices identified above. Obtain the School District payment form from the City Building Division, after the Division has approved the building permit application. d. Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Demolitions Only) 12. P.G.&E.: Applicant is advised to contact Pacific Gas and Electric Company as early as possible in the approval process. Service installations, changes and/or relocations may require substantial scheduling time and can cause significant delays in the approval process. Applicant should also consult with P.G. and E. concerning utility easements, distribution pole locations and required conductor clearances. JABuilding DRC Comments\1789reginaway.doc 13. CONSTRUCTION FENCING: This project shall be properly enclosed with construction fencing to prevent unauthorized access to the site during construction. The construction site shall be secured to prevent vandalism and/or theft during hours when no work is being done. All protected trees shall be fenced to prevent damage to root systems. JABuilding DRC Comments\1789reginaway.doc Y -- --------- Be careful about getting window heads too close to soffit 1 would strongly Rafter tails look a bit discourage this element small on these drawings it reaWjust becomes a fu0 two story tall entry ° n fQ Entry porch probably needs to be stronger to relate to the large bay window Elevation Comments 1766 Regina Way Campbell CANNON DESIGN GROUP August 17,2005