Grading & Drainage WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT. SEWER PERMIT NUMBE NUMBERioN d� q D SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 E.Sunnyoaks Ave„Campbell,CA 95008 Issue Date gyr (408) 378-2407 LOCATION. FEES: BUILDING SEWER CONNECTION: A.P.N. f'`' ''1 """�°t `'' Acreage $, Feet of Property Sewer Location: Bk. Pg:'^' Frontage line feet from Main Sewer Tract Lot Service Advance Bf , ,91 5 and feet deep. Proj. Assmt. Processing " O Connection to Main Sewer Address/Zk& k6<i1R-,A V-7 Other: Feet upstream from M.H. Capacity `t Using ¢ Jurisdiction at%¢�a.rr :.L(' lri .. 1 °f�" z-;-50,00 BACKFLOW PROTECTION: BUILDING TYPE: t' Field Check Required Single Family TOTAL Call District for foundation survey Condominium/Town Houses Disposition; Multiple Dwelling GO Zone IRLISJ Device Required; Yes No Number of Units Type: OiC ()d 1(-X- Commercial INSTRUCTIONS: Industrial o Street encroachment permit required fromr�af? � Other �"Information)k)(t " � o Permit invalid if not connected within 12 months of issue. • Do not connect until main sewer is accepted by District. Change in Status: o Obtain a building or plumbing permit from the jurisdiction listed above.- WHITE-PERMIT / PINK-DISTRICT / YELLOW-.JURISDICTION BUILDING 1NSPECTOR'.S COPY / CARD-DISTRICT COPY SEWER CONNECTION 3 WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT. PERMIT NUMBER y ' w SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 E.Sunnyoaks Ave.,Campbell,CA 95008 Issue Date By (408) 378-24.07 LOCATION. L'" FEES:." BUILDING SEWER CONNECTION: A.P.N. v " " Acreage $ Feet, of Property Sewer Location: Bk._ _Pg. frontage Fine feet from Main Sewer Tract Lot Service Advance' and feet deep. Proj: Assmt: 'Processing , Connection to Main Sewer ' Address:If � � ' u..e Other: Feet upstream from M.H. Capacity t.x r � -z;,_ . Using Jurisdiction r" "/ BACKFLOW PROTECTION: BUILDING TYPE: r'y Field Check Required Single Family TOTAL Call District for foundation survey minium/Town Houses position; Condo Disposition; Number Dwelling. GO Zone R`L SJ` Device Required; Yes w No 'Multiple er of Units Type: Commercial INSTRUCTIONS: Industrial o Street encroachment permit required from " Other Information: . er aSr'jyd '.. o Permit invalid if not connected within 12 months of issue. o Do not connect until main sewer is accepted by District. Change in Status: o Obtain a building or,plumbing permit from the jurisdiction listed above. WHITE PERMIT / PINK-DISTRICT. / YELLOW-JURISDICTION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S COPY / CARD DISTRICT COPY WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT SERVING RESIDENTS OF OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA May 20, 2005 Emily Chan 21009 Seven Springs Parkway Cupertino, CA 95014 RE: Proposed 3-Lot Subdivision 1786 Regina Way, Campbell APN 403-12-103 Dear Ms. Chan: The district's condition for the issuance of the"Non-Interference"letter requires the developer to pay the following fees: Plan check fee $ 250.00 Inspection fee(3 lots) $ 765.00 Capacity fee(3 lots) $4,219.91 Sewer service charges(3 lots) $ 577.50 TOTAL $5,812.41 Please contact Henry Yau or Mel Hoff at(408)378-2407 to schedule an appointment for the issuance of the sewer connection permits. The district will issue the"Non-Interference" letter thereafter. Very truly ours, 4 Jo than K. Lee Senior Civil Engineer cc: Mel Hoff, WVSD Henry Yau, WVSD 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue, Campbell, California 95008-6608 Tel:(408) 378-2407 Fax: (408) 364-1821 RECEIVED APR 2 2005 PUBLIO WORKS ADMINISTRAMON SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION PROPOSED FE NT RESIDENCES BUILDING 1r7,8 Campbell, California Report, prepared for Ms. Emily Chen 21009 Seven Spring Parkway Cupertino, California 95014 Job No. 01039-Sl FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES i i GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS 10 KOOTENAI COURT, FREMONT, CA 94539 (510) 657-7792 i February 12 , 2001 Job No: 01039-S1 Ms. Emily Chen 21009 Seven Spring Parkway Cupertino, California 95014 SUBJECT: SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION Proposed Five Units Residences Building 1786 Regina Way Campbell, California i Dear Ms. Emily Chen: We have enclosed with this letter three copies of our Soil and Foundation Investigation of the subject property located at 1786 Regina Way, in Campbell, California. This study was completed in accordance with your authorization. The accompanying report presents our opinion that the site is suited for the proposed construction provided the recommendations contained therein are incorporated into the development plans, specifications, and construction. This report should not be , interpreted to be a geologic investigation of the site. Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions or if we can be of any other service. Thank You. Very truly yours, ,r Frank Lee & Associates lyt C W5 Fr Lee C' \ J - ?V Professional Engineer 34975C"1 1 y� �Y Copies: Addressee (3) FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES Job No: 01039-Sl TABLE OF CONTENTS. i INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SITEDESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 FIELD INVESTIGATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SITE SOIL CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 I ' GROUNDWATER . . . . . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 LIQUEFACTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SEISMICITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 I LABORATORY INVESTIGATION . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Grading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Subgrade Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Cut and Fill Slopes 8 Treatment After Completion of Grading 9 FoundationRecommendations . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Resistance to Lateral Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Slab-on-Grade Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Drainage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Future Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 FutureOccupants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 INVESTIGATION LIMITATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . 14 ATTACHMENTS: Plate 1: Site Vicinity Map Plate 2 : Generalized Site Plan Table A: Laboratory test Results Summary Table B: Summary of Atterberg Limits Appendix A: Boring Logs and Key to Boring Logs FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES Job No: 01039-S1 SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION 1786 Regina Way Campbell, California INTRODUCTION This report presents our findings,_ conclusions, and recommendations regrading our soil and foundation Investigation for the subject site located at 1786 Regina Way, in Campbell, California. The scope of our work included a surface site reconnaissance; the drilling, inspection and logging of 4 exploratory borings to investigate subsurface soil conditions; recovery of selected soil samples from the borings for laboratory testing; soil engineering analysis of the data gathered during the investigation; and preparation of this report, including a summary of our findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The data obtained and the analyses performed were for the purpose of investigating the strength characteristics of the soils at the site as a basis for making site grading and foundation design recommendations. SITE DESCRIPTION The project site consists of a approximate rectangular-shaped parcel of approximately 65, 500 square feet, located on south side of Regina Way, in Campbell, California as shown on the Site Vicinity Map. The site is presently occupied an three one story 1 { Job No: 01039-51 residences and surround by residential buildings. The slope on the project site is generally flat and drainage at the site is mainly by sheet flow to the north of, street. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 1 i It is our understanding that ,you.'intend to construct a five units residential buildings on the subject site. We also understand that I the proposed development will involve some cut and fill grading l operations. I FIELD INVESTIGATION A soil exploration field investigation was performed at the site on December 5; 2000 under the direction of the Soil Engineer. The investigation consisted of a surface site reconnaissance, and the drilling, sampling and logging of four exploratory test borings to a maximum depth of 1671/2 feet at the approximate locations shown on the Generalized Site Planl. A truck drill rig equipped with continuous-flight augers were used to drill the test borings. Relatively undisturbed soil samples were taken at selected depths from the borings with a California modified soil sampler using 2- 1/2-inch outside-diameter brass liners. The samples were sealed in the field and returned`to the ',laboratory. Upon completion of our investigation at the site, the, borings were. backfilled with cement. . 2 i Job No: 01039-Sl SITE SOIL CONDITIONS Surface soil at the site consite .of brown sandy clay with gravel that was generally moist, stiff and of low moderate plasticity. This sandy clay extended to about 5 to 10 feet, the brown dense silty sand with gravel was encountered and extended to bottom ,of boring 2 , 3 and 4 . On boring 1 at 18 feet the brown silty clay was countered. This silty clay, was moist, stiff and of moderate plasticity and extended to the bottom boring 1. The materials I encountered in the borings are described in detail on the boring logs in Appendix A. GROUND WATER Ground water was not encountered in boring �2 , 3 and 4 and i encountered in boring 1 at! 32 feet. However, ground water i conditions generally fluctuate seasonally and annually, but they I are not expected to approach the ground surface close enough to be a concern for foundation design or performance of the building. LIQUEFACTION Liquefaction by definition is the transformation of granular material (unconfined, clean, loose saturated fine sand) from a semi-solid state to a semi-liquid state. This transformation usually occurs under vibratory conditions such as those usually occurs under. vibratory conditions such as those generated by an I 3 I Job No: 01039-Sl earthquake. Because of the cohesive strength and thickness of the surficial silty clay and silty sand with gravel and the depth to confined ground water encountered in our borings, and did not find the loose fine sand at the site, therefore the potential for liquefaction at the site is thought to be low. SEISMICITY As with most of the San Francisco Bay Area, the proposed site is within a region of high seismic activity dominated by continued movement on the San Andreas fault. Our review of geologic maps indicates that the site is located approximately 0 . 3 miles northeast of the Monte Vista Fault and 4 . 8 miles northeast of the San Andras Fault. The site is not located within a State of California Special Studies Zone. Such zones were delineated by the State Geologist along active earthquake faults. This investigation, however, did not involve evaluation of conditions or potential hazards relative to fault location, activity or seismic capability, or other geologic hazards. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION A laboratory testing program was performed to investigate the physical and engineering properties of the soil at the site. A majority of the relatively undisturbed soil sample were tested to determine their moisture content and dry densities. One direct 4 Job No: 01039-S1 shear test and two unconfined test were performed on selected soil samples and one "plasticity index test on near surface sample. The results of the laboratory testing are presented in Table .A and B. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS General 1. The project site is suitable for the proposed development provided the recommendation's set forth in this report are incorporated into the design considerations, project plans and specifications. The existing site organic-free soils are suitable to be used for engineering fill. i 2 . The potential for expansive soils at the site is considered to be low to moderate. Grading 3 . The placement of fill and.,control of grading operations at the site shall be done in accordance with the recommendations of the report. 4 . FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES Must perform the necessary inspection services during construction of this project' to ensure uniformity with the conditions upon which these recommendations are based. FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES shall be notified at least 2 (two) days 5 Job No: 01039-S1 before any grading begins at the site to coordinate work in the field with the contractor. f 5. Any existing structures shall be removed prior to any grading operations. This includes ' such things as concrete blocks, foundations, asphalt, utilities, pipelines, and tanks. These I objects shall be accurately located on the grading plans to assist the Field Engineer in establishing proper control over their i i removal or relocation. 6. All organic surface material and debris, including grass, weeds or trees, shall be stripped minimum of six inch prior to any grading operations from all areas that are to receive engineered fill ( the exact depth of required stripping shall be determined in the field) . These organically-contaminated soil may be stockpiled for later use as landscaping , material. After stripping of the organic surface material, the 'native soil must be scarified a minimum of 12 inches and recompacted to a, minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. 7 . Depressions left by the removal of any surface or subsurface i structures shall be cleaned of all debris, and backfilled with compacted engineered fill. The material shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in uncompacted thickness, and compacted to 6 i Job No: 01039-Sl a minimum degree of compaction of 90 percent as determined by ASTM D1557-78 . The upper 6 inches of subgrade soils beneath pavements shall be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent. This operation must be conducted under the observation of FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES. 8 . After removing all the surface and subsurface structures, and after stripping off the organically-contaminated surficial soil, the areas that will receive fill shall be ripped by machine to an average depth of at least 8 inches and thoroughly stripped of roots, vegetation, and other deleterious materials. 9 . Following the structure removal, the stripping operations, and the ripping procedures, the native soil, wherever engineered fill will be placed, shall be properly compacted. Any lose fill material or wet. soil present on the site in areas that will or may affect the proposed structures shall be over-excavated (as determined by the field engineer) and recompacted before placement of engineers fill. Subgrade Preparation 10 . The building pad should be compacted to not less than 90 percent relative compaction in accordance with the ASTM D1557-78 . All engineered fill, whether native or imported soil , shall be placed in uniform horizontal lifts of not more than 8 inches in 7 i I _ I ' Job No: 01039-S1 uncompacted thickness and shall be compacted to not less than 90 percent relative compaction. ; Before compaction begins, the soil shall be brought to approximate optimum moisture content that will permit proper compaction by either aerating the material if it is too wet, or spraying the material with water if it is too dry. I Each lift shall be thoroughly mixed before compaction to assure a uniform distribution of water content. When the fill material includes rocks, nesting of rocks shall not be permitted, and all voids must be carefully filled and properly compacted. No rocks larger than .4 inches in diameter shall be used for the top two feet of fill. 11. Imported soil materials shall be a soil or soil-rock mixture which is free from organic matter or other deleterious substances and have a plasticity index less than 12 . The fill material shall not contain rocks or clumps of soil greater than 6 inches in dimension, and not more than 15 percent larger than 2-1/2 inches in greatest dimension. All borrow materials must be approved by FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES before being brought to the site. Cut and Fi11' Slopes' ­ 12 . . The amount of cut or fill that can be done safely on this site depends on the steepness of the slopes and proper control of drainage on and adjacent to them. 8 Job No: 01039-S1 13 . Unretained cut slopes should not exceed 2 : 1 in soil. All cut ' slopes should be inspected by FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES prior to completion of grading at the site. 14 . Fill slopes should not exceed 2 : 1. Fill slopes should be properly keyed into natural slopes steeper than 6: 1 with a 10-foot p Y Y wide base key that has a 2 percent gradient downward into the slope. Bounding of the upper few feet of the slopes is recommended to reduce sloughing. 15 . Flow of water on these slopes should not be permitted. Berms should be constructed along the crests of the new slopes to prevent uncontrolled surface drainage. The surfaces of the slopes should be compacted to provide surfaces free of loose material, and should be planted as soon as possible after completion of grading operations. Treatment After Completion of Grading 16 . After grading is completed and the Field Engineer has finished his observation or the grading work, no further excavation or filling shall be done except with the approval of and under the observation of the Field Engineer. 17 . It shall be the responsibility of the Grading Contractor to prevent erosion of freshly graded areas during construction and 9 Job No: 01039-Sl until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control .measures have been installed: 18 . Underground utility trenches shall be backfilled with compacted engineered fill. If onsite soil is utilized, .the material shall be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in uncompacted thickness and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction by mechanical means only. Foundation Recommendations 19 . The proposed two-story building structures should be supported by a continuous perimeter footing a minimum of 18 inches in depth below the lowest grade and 15 inches in width with interior footings. The--- spacing of the footings will depend upon the structural loads transmitted to them. The foundation may be designed for an .allowable bearing pressure of 2 , 000 psf for dead plus live loads. This values is for dead plus live loads, and may . be increased by 1/3 to include short-term seismic and wind effects. The footing shall be reinforced with a minimum of two #4 bars, one near the top and one near the bottom of the footing. 20 . FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES shall inspect all the excavations for the foundation prior to the pouring of the concrete. 10 i Job No: 01039-S1 21 . We do not anticipate appreciable settlement; however, slight settlement shall be considered in the design of the foundation. We estimate the total settlement of the foundation should not exceed 1 inch. Resistance to Lateral Forces 22 . Spread footing foundations resist lateral earthquake forces through a combination of friction and passive earth pressure. For design purposes, it is recommended that a coefficient of 'friction of 0. 3 be assumed between the base of the footing and the underlying soil. In addition, a passive equivalent fluid pressure of 250 pcf can be assumed to act against the embedded portion of the footing. These design parameters assume that the footings will bear on and against native soil or compacted imported materials. i Slab-on-Grade Construction 23 . Where slabs-on-grade are to be constructed, we recommend that the slabs be supported on a minimum of 12 inches of compacted, non- expansive structural fill. Preparation of the natural subgrade soil and placement of the structural fill materials shall be performed in accordance with the preceding recommendations under "Grading" . Prior to final construction of the slabs, the subgrade surface shall be compacted to provide a smooth, firm surface for slab support. Slab subgrades should not be allowed to dry and all 11 i i Job No: 01039-S1 surface shrinkage cracks should be sealed by soaking prior to slab construction. Slab reinforcing shall be provided in accordance with the anticipated use and loading of the slab, as designed by the Structural Engineer: If the slabs are to be subjected to heavy loading, a subgrade modulus for the on site soil and fill materials of 150 pounds per cubic inch (pci) is considered applicable for design. 24 . In areas where floor dampness is undesirable, a moisture barrier should be used. One generally effective system for use in I ' areas not subject to heavy vehicle loading is to install a capillary break consisting of 4 inches of free-draining pea gravel beneath the slab. In order to -minimize vapor transmission, an impermeable membrane should be placed over the gravel. The membrane should be covered with a 2-inch layer of sand to aid in I curing the concrete and to protect the membrane during construction. The sand should be slightly moistened just prior to concrete pouring. The combined thickness of gravel, membrane and i sand may be considered as the upper 6, inches of the previously recommended non-expansive fill beneath the slab. Drainage 25. It is extremely important the strong measures be taken to control and conduct all surface and subsurface waters away from the 12 i j Job No: 01039-Sl - site so that they do not adversely affect the foundations of the structures, and that all drainage facilities be diligently i maintained. I 1 26. Roof drainage downspouts shall be discharged into controlled drainage facilities to keep the water away from the foundation. Hose outlet and watering systems should be arranged in such a way as to prevent excessive moisture from reaching foundation areas, and to safely dispose of the water into an area equipped with suitable energy-dissipating devices, to prevent adverse ,erosion. 27 . The final pad grades shall ',result in a positive gradient away from the foundation in order to provide rapid removal of storm I _ water and to prevent ponding of water adjacent to the foundation or slabs-on-grade. Six inches of soil may be backfilled against the exteriors of the foundation and graded so that it will assist in the removal of the water. Future Modification , 28 . Future modifications of the site should be carefully planned with professional consultation. This is especially true for any construction activity involving water such as swimming pools or landscape irrigation systems. 13 1 _ I _i Job No: 01039-Sl Future Occupants 29 . The recommendations set' forth in this report should be presented to all .future occupants of the site to ensure their understanding of how they can best maintain the integrity and value I i of the property. I Investigation Limitations 1. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally I accepted Soil Engineering practices. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this report have resulted from Soil Engineering analyses based upon the Soil engineer' s interpretations of the surface and subsurface soil conditions observed ,in our test borings at the site; and that the soil conditions at the site do I not deviate from those observed. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. If any unusual soil or geologic conditions are encountered during construction, or if the proposed construction will be other than that for the two-story residential structures, FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES shall be notified for the supplemental recommendations. This investigation shall not be interpreted as a geologic report of the site. 2 . This report is issued with -the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner or owner's representative to ensure that the contents of this report, are called to the attention of 1'4 ' Job No: 01039-Sl Architects and Engineers for the project, and that these recommendations are incorporated into the project plans, specifications, and construction. 3.. The findings of this report are valid as of the present time; however, the passing of time will change the conditions of the I existing property due to natural proces'ses' or the works of man. In addition, legislation or the broadening of knowledge may require other recommendations. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated, wholly or partly, by changes beyond our control. Therefore, this report should not be relied upon after a period of three years without being reviewed by a Soil Engineer. ' Very truly your, FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES Fr�c Lee Professional Engineer CE34975 15 JOB NO : 01039--S1 AV PAY IIOc -Ph LIV— - ,FIF��, ".'s DR Lwk S, E,BROOX CT DR ELMWOOD-11� .1 J, fil. mr—1!kl Url x K" -t7 .-QB DO AWSIJ DR VU04 N. 'a, 4, -7N Wore op NM, IS, COE PT w CORD T L' R, SITE VICINITY HAP i TE 1786 REGINA WAY CAMIBELL, CALIFORNIA FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES PL AT F JOB NO : 01039--S1 ri i i I SG,9L Z- - - - - - - - -- - - - 4 O d GENERALIZED SITE PALN 1786 REGINA WAY CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES PLATE 2 Job No: 01039-S1 TABLE A LABORATORY TEST RESULTS SUMMARY: MOISTURE, DENSITY, UNCONFINED COMPRESSION, DIRECT SHEAR TEST Sample Depth In-Place Conditions Unconfined Direct Shear Testing No. ft. Moisture Dry Compressive Angle of Unit p.c.f. k.s.f. Internal Cohesion i Friction Dry Wt. decrees Psf B-1-1 2.0-2.5 19.9 100.7 29.8 325 B-1-2 6.0-6.5 5.3 114.6 B-1-3 11.0-11.5 8.3 128.8 B-1-4 16.0-16.5 7.6 128.2 B-1-5 21.0-21.5 15.8 116.9 I B-1-6 26.0-26.5 17.3 112.7 B-1-7 36.0-36.5 19.0 108.0 B-2-1 2.0-2.5 10.6 103.9 B-2-2 6.0-6.5 6.7 110.6 B-2-3 11.0-11.5 9.6 118.7 B-2-4 16.0-16.5 6.8 120.6 B-3-1 2.0-2.5 7.0 117.6 4.609 B-3-2 6.0-6.5 4.0 109.8 B-3-3 11.0-11.5 7.5 105.9 B-3-4 16.0-16.5 5.6 127.2 9.678 B-4-1 2.0-2.5 9.3 125.2 B-4-2 6.0-6.5 10.9 117.8 B-4-3 11.0-11.5 10.2 123.9 B-4-4 16.0-16.5 5.0 100.9 FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES 'I'ACIlhii•:NT A (H.' JOB NO: 01039--S1 60 50 10 Ci `- 20 - -- OH Ior NH C 1. - --- or 0 10 20 30 10 SO 60 70 80 90 100 i l.i(IUTD WTASTICITY USC I.fh11'l', 7• INDe.X, SYMBOL B--3--1 1 1 'z '30 . 8 1*0'. 2 cL i i AWL BORING LOG - JOB NO: 01039--S1 DATE DRILLED12,�5J2000 ; JOB NAME:1786 REGINA WAY , CAMPBELL CA SURFACE ELEV: EQUIPMENT: DRILLING TRUCK DATUM: SAMPLE TYPE DRIVE WEIGHT—LB HEIGHT OF . FALL—IN MC 1,10 30 Sample 3 No a, a " o Description a MC B--1--1 28 19 . 9 100 . 2 BROWN SANDY CLAY V?TTH GRAVET, MOIST STIFF LOW TO MODERATE 4 CL PLASTICITY MC B--1--2 37 5 . 3 114 - 0 6 BROWN SILTY SAND WITH FRAVEL MOIST DENSE 8 10 SDI MC B--1--3 58 8 . 3 28 . 8' 12 I 4 HC B--1- 1 50-- 7 . 6 128 . 2 16 1„ 1B BROWN SILTY CLAY MOIST STIFF 20 CI, MODERATE PLASTICT.TY e FRANK LH & ASSOCIATES BORING LOG B--1--2 JOB NO: O1039--S1 DATE DRILLED: 12f 5/2000 1 JOB NAME:1786 REGINA WAY, CklIPBELL CE SURFACE ELEV: I EQUIPMENT: DRILLING T G DATUM: SAMPLE TYPE DRIVE WEIGHT-LB HEIGHT OF . FALL-IN MC 140 .30 �v�'- �►s L� Sti I Sallople o �,� •s Description � a �$ i TIC B--1-- 70 15 . 8 116 . 9 CL BROWN SILTY CLAY MOIST STIFF 2 MODERATE PALSTICITY I � I 4 i ' 6 MC B--1--6 56 1.7 . 3 112 . 7 8 12_ -� GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED AT 32 14 FEET BROWN SIL TY C]'AY PIOTST STIFF TIC B--1-- 34 19 .0 108 . 16 MODERATEPLASTICITY 18 BORING TERMINATED AT 36'- FEET FRANK LIE & ASSOCIATES BORING LOG B--2 JOB N0:01039--5 ! DATE . DRILLED: 12,/,),/gnnn JOB NAME:1786 REGI14A WAY, CAMPBELL, CA SURFACE ELEV: EQUIPMENT: DRILLING TRUCK DATUM: SAMPLE TYPE DRIVE WEIGHT—LB HEIGHT OF FALL—IN MC 1,10 30 1 ;Sample � §.s _. s� �. .o `v Description No, a a iC --2--1 36 10 . 6 103 .9 2 CL BROWN SANDY CLAY WITH GRAVEL 4OIST STIFF LOW TO MODERATE i 4 PLASTICITY ` I i TIC B--2--2 311 5 . 7 110 . 6 g 10 Si,S TIC B--2--3 49 9 . 6 118 . 7 12BROWN SILTY SAND WITH GRAITLE 4OI.ST DENSE 14 16 i TIC B- 2- 1 72 6 , 8 120 . 6 18 BORING TERMINATED AT 16z FEET NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED 20 FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES - BORING LOG B--3 JOB NO: 01039--SI DATE DRILLED; 12;5/2000 JOB NAME:1786 REGINA WAY, CAMPBELL CA SURFACE ELEV: EQUIPMENT: DRILLING TRUCK DATUM: SAMPLE TYPE DRIVE WEIGHT-LB HEIGHT OF . FALL-IN MC 140 30 i Sample N'4 Description No.i I i P1C B--3--1 11 7 .0 104 . 2 CL BROWN SANDY CLAY WITH GRAVEL MOIST STIFF LOW TO MODERATE PLASTICITY 4 6 MC B--3--2 50-- =1 .0 107 . SM BROWN SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL 6" DAMP DENSE 8 10 HC H-=3--3 50--' 7. 5 05 -9 6" 12 14 16 MC B--3--,1 50-- 5 . 6 27 . 2 18 BORING TERMINATED AT 1 6 i FEET 5" NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED 20 FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES i BORING LOG 01039--S1 12/5/20OO JOB NO: DATE . DRILLED: JOB NAME; 1786 REGINA WAY, CAMPBELL, CA SURFACE ELEV: EQUIPMENT: DRILLING TRUCK DATUM: ' SAMPLE TYPE DRIVE WEIGHT—LB HEIGHT OF . FALL—IN MC 30 i Sample o § ,�u ,vy Description7 '� a v a TIC B- 14 1 66 9 . 3 125 . 2 2 CL BROWN SANDY CLAY WITH GRAVEL MOIST STIFF LOW TO MODERATE PLASTICITY 4 I � 6 TIC B-- 1--2 62 10 . 9 117 . 8 8 10 TIC B­4­3 50-- 10 . 2 123 BROWN SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL 6" 12 SN/ MOIST DENSE STI 14 TIC B-- 1- 50- 5 .0 100 .9 16 6" .. 18 BORING TERMINATED AT 16 FEEY NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED 20 FRANK LEE & ASSOCIATES id\e\SDSK\PROJ\REGINA\TENTATIVE MAP\T-I.dwg Tue Nov 02 16:35:51 2004 c- 0 -0 0 0 (D 0 (D 1 :70 _4 cy -, < c� cl) < m 0 0 4P TITLE AND GENERAL NOTES 1786 REGINA WAY' CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 0 m 0 m z > F -P, 4 cl) > 00 00 0 0 0 > -7 00 < 0 0 m m > z oo ---J cz 0 Z M ol — w @ m rTl m 0 �u 00 (f) 00 CD N LLl LL, W (0 N 0 (N" C D (0, D _0 �n V) OC) LO 00 LLLJj :2 L Li 0-) 1 z 0 :D '00 Z Z N 0 Lli uj 0 > n 00 < Lij 0c) 03 ::E (n 000 oo y 0 t- ry n z< LLJ x< < V) LL- (N LLJ LLJ < 11, < dQ < < ry ry I-- Lli LJ ry < < 0 < 0 n 0 0 Cf) C0 0 < 0 ry 4-a V) CT Cf) 0-) c7) Ln 00 7-- 00 QO 0( C c�i W0 NN 0-) 0-) 00 d LO 0-) 0N 0 Q0 Ln CNI A c Cl) -j w 0 a: < CL 0 F- W 0 0 0 V) F- 0 a_ 0 cc CL Voo� 90 :9C :9; Eo AON 9nj bmP * �-i\dVH ]AIiViN]i\VNI9]H\r9Hd\NSOS\G\Pl