HPB Mins 11/15/2017of - CAiyn ORCH ARO HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD NOVEMBER 15, 2017 MINUTES 5:30 p.m. - Wednesday City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chair Blake called the Historic Preservation Board Regular Meeting of' Wednesday, November 15, 2017, to order at 5:32 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. Rev I CAl I HPB Members Present: Susan Blake, Chair Laura Taylor Moore, Vice Chair Todd Walter Michael Foulkes HPB Members Absent: None Staff Members Present: Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES HPB member Walter made a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of October 25, 2017. Vice Chair Moore seconded. Motion Passed 3-0-1 (Foulkes absent 10-25-17) NON-AGENDIZED ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None PUBLIC HEARING None Historic Preservation Board - Meeting Minutes Minutes for November 15, 2017 meeting Page 2 of 3 NEW BUSINESS Solar panels: The Building Official provided an overview of the California Solar Rights Act, noting that the City must process solar applications in an expeditious manner (generally between one and five days), making it difficult to get HPB feedback on historic properties. Per the state law, the City can only request minor changes that cannot cost more than $1,000 or decrease the effectiveness of the solar panels by more than 10%. However, the HPB could create design guidelines that could be shared with applicants before they submit. The Building Official recommended that the HPB look to see what other cities are doing for guidance. The Building Official also introduced the idea of a solar farm which would allow homeowners to receive solar power without putting solar panels on their historic home. The solar power can be shared by multiple households but the solar farm must be located on a large enough parcel to accommodate several solar panels. OLD BUSINESS 1. Historic Preservation Ordinance (Chapter 21.33): The HPB reviewed feedback from the Office of Historic Preservation (OHP). HPB member Foulkes made a motion recommending that OHP's comments be incorporated into the draft ordinance presented to the Planning Commission on November 28th. HPB member Walter seconded. Motion Passed 3-0-1 (Moore absent). 2. FAQ Brochure: Realtor Scott Reese expressed his appreciation for the HPB's recently completed realtor's brochure, noting that Campbell is the first City to do this. Mr. Reese indicated that the brochure helps to minimize concerns about purchasing a historic home in Campbell and suggested the HPB also create a one page supplemental flyer. His suggestions for the flyer included information on the Mills Act, zoning exceptions, adaptive reuse, and the California Historic Building Code. 3. Historic Preservation Mobile application: Staff provided an update on the intern's progress to date. The updates should go live before the next HPB meeting. HPB MEMBER / STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS / COMMUNICATIONS 1. SARC meeting: HPB member Walter reported on the November 28th Site and Architectural Review Committee (SARC) meeting, noting that the SARC was very supportive of the proposed addition and historic exception for the historic home located at 20 Alice Avenue. 2. Historic plaques: Chair Blake reported that the historic plaques have been installed on brick pillars in two locations; Gomes Park and the east end of Alice Avenue. Historic Preservation Board - Meeting Minutes Minutes for November 15, 2017 meeting Page 3 of 3 3. Heritage Tree: Chair Blake reported that the Giant Sequoia tree at the Heritage Village Offices has died. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. The next meeting will be held on December 20, 2017, starting at 5:00 pm in the City of Campbell Council Chambers. PREPARED BY: „� c Cindy Mc uric , Senior Planner APPROVED BY: Susan Blak , Chair