HPB Mins 02/28/2018HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD FEBRUARY 28, 2018 MINUTES 5:00 p.m. Wednesday. City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chair Walter called the Historic Preservation Board Regular Meeting of Wednesday, February 28, 2018, to order at 5:00 p.m.. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL HPB Members Present: Todd Walter, Chair Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore Yvonne Kendall HPB Members Absent: Michael Foulkes, Vice Chair Staff Members Present: Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES HPB member Blake made a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2018. HPB member Kendall seconded. Motion Passed 4-0-1 (Foulkes absent) NON-AGENDIZED ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None PUBLIC HEARING 1. 212 E. Rincon: Staff informed the HPB that the owner withdrew her request to designate her home as a Historic Landmark. The owner indicated that she did not want to pay for the historic analysis (—$3,000 - $6,000) since her home is already listed on the Historic Resource Inventory and is therefore already protected by the Historic Preservation Board - Meeting Minutes Minutes for February 28, 2018 meeting Page 2 of 3 Ordinance. HPB member Moore -asked what additional protections a Landmark has over a Structure, of Merit. Staff responded that an application to alter a Landmark automatically comes to the HPB while an alteration to a Structure of Merit would only come to' the HPB if staff determined that the alteration would compromise the historic- integrity of the home. Staff also indicated that any proposed demolition of any HRI structure, including both Landmarks and Structures of Merit, would automatically come to the HPB as well as the Planning Commission and the City Council. HPB member Moore then requested that the application move forward without the historic analysis since the new Ordinance is not yet in effect. Alternatively, she would like to see if there is any funding to pay for the analysis; if required. All HPB members agreed with the request. Staff, will check with the Community Development Director on the requested direction and report back to the HPB at the March meeting. This item was continued to a date uncertain, at the unanimous request of the HPB. NEW BUSINESS 1. Campbell High School / -Community Center Plaque: Mr. Joe Miller gave an -overview of the Campbell High School (CHS) Alumni Association's request to plant a new tree to replace the old pine tree that died at the Community Center, the original location of the firs_ t Campbell High School, established in 1938. According to Mr. Miller, the original tree was planted by President Roosevelt and memorialized at the 1913 Old Settlers Day. The CHS Alumni also. wants to relocate the plaque in memory of the former CHS principle for whom the pine tree was planted, and install a .new plaque, signifying the original location of the High School which closed in 1980. The CHS Alumni also wants to install a plaque in memory of the former Homecoming Queen who was kidnapped in 1975 and never found. All three plaques and the new tree would be located at the Community Center and therefore require City approval. HPB Member Blake supported the request to plant a new tree and install a new plaque in the garden. However, she asked that the original plaque stay where it is. Staff will contact Public Works to see what would be needed to move the request forward, noting theunanimous support from the HPB. 2.. Surveys Grant: The HPB discussed the OHP grant (due May 1s) to complete surveys for the Cambrian Tract area and Kennedy Tract areas. HPB member Blake would also like to include any home that was built before 1955 including modern homes and homes that were built in the Eichler style. Chair Walter asked staff to obtain an example of a successful grant application and requested that the HPB be allotted two meetings to review and accept the application. He also asked staff to follow up on the City's required funding match. HPB member Kendall asked to review the example application prior to the March meeting and then assign tasks as needed. A study session will be scheduled if needed, given the tight timeline. Historic Preservation Board - Meeting Minutes Minutes for February 28, 2018 meeting Page 3 of 3 3. Commendation Letters: HPB Member Blake distributed a copy of the draft commendation letter for Fonn's work on the Historic Campbell mobile application. Staff will incorporate the HPB's feedback on the draft and check to see if the City Council can,honor Fonn with a formal commendation/certificate at a future Council meeting. HPB Member Blake will also draft a commendation letter for the historic Victorian building at 1940 Hamilton Avenue which is currently being used as an attorney's office. OLD BUSINESS 1. Realtor FAQ Email: Staff indicated that the template email may need to be updated to reframe some of the questions. An update will be provided at the next meeting. HPB MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS HPB Member Kendall would like to propose a goose crossing sign on Winchester Boulevard, and elsewhere after witnessing geese crossing the road near the Perk Ponds. She will contact public works directly since this would not be a HPB project. HPB Member Blake would like to add two trees to the Tree Survey. HPB Member Blake also notified the HPB that the Mercury News is eliminating the Campbell Reporter.and other community papers in the area. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held on March 28, 2018, starting at 5:00 pm in the.City of Campbell Council Chambers. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: Cindy Mc,CoA�ick, Senior Planner - IN offs U i