HPB Mins 07/25/2018_ of CAMn U r 0 0 � a - y 1 •0RCH ARC• HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD JULY 25, 2018 MINUTES 5:00. p.m. - Wednesday City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chair Walter called the Historic Preservation Board Regular Meeting of Wednesday, July 25, 2018, to order at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. -ROLL CALL HPB Members Present: Todd Walter, Chair :Michael Foulkes, Vice Chair Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore HPB Members Absent: Yvonne Kendall Staff Members Present: Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES HPB member Blake made a motion. to approve the Meeting Minutes of May '23, 2018. HPB member Moore seconded. Motion Passed 3-0-2 (Foulkes abstained/Kendall absent) NON-AGENDIZED ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None PUBLIC HEARING 1. .Mills Act: The Chair opened the public hearing to consider the Mills Act application for the property located at 167 Alice Avenue. Staff provided an overview of the proposed maintenance schedule and indicated that the owner was in the process of Historic Preservation Board - Meeting Minutes Minutes for July 25, 2018 meeting Page 2 of 3 correcting a code enforcement -case for -an illegal secondary dwelling unit that was built before the owner .purchased the home. Staff explained that there was no requirement that the issue be resolved before the HPB makes a recommendation, but the HPB could recommend that it be resolved before it goes to the City Council for a decision. The applicant described the proposed maintenance plan and indicated that he would be removing the kitchen from the workshop area in compliance with City Code. No other members of the public spoke on this item. -Chair Waiter and HPB member Blake asked about the inspection and annual reporting process for Mills Act properties after the contract has been awarded. Staff indicated that the inspection period is every five years, but she would need to check to see if an annual report was required. Vice Chair Foulkes asked what happens if the applicant decided to change one of the items on the maintenance schedule. Staff responded that the applicant would need to notify staff and provide a copy of an updated maintenance schedule that includes 'a sufficient amount of maintenance and repair to equal 100% of the tax savings. Vice Chair Foulkes made a . motion to application. HPB member Blake seconded NEW BUSINESS recommend approval of the Mills Act Motion Passed 4-0-1 2. Training: Staff reminded the HPB about the scheduled training. session on August 7 on,the topic Sustainable Approaches to Historic Preservation. HPB members are encouraged to attend but can also fulfill their training obligation with another option before the September 30t" deadline. OLD BUSINESS 3. 306 Curtner Ave: This item was continued to the August 22nd meeting when Board Member Kendall will be in attendance. 4. Surveys: The HPB discussed their review of homes in the Kennedy Tract area. Chair Walter referred to his spreadsheet of recommendations and comments for the homes on Cherry Lane,. noting that 261 Cherry Lane seemed to have the most potential. He also mentioned that the HPB should consider who the owner/builder/ architect was for each home. Vice Chair Foulkes indicated that he was looking for homes that stood out from others on Budd Avenue. He also asked staff to get copies of old Sanborn maps for the area to compare the current layout on the property versus the historic layout. HPB member Moore indicated that she was looking at the context of Catalpa Lane within the neighborhood and asked if the questionnaire should be updated to reflect the architecture of newer homes. Historic Preservation Board - Meeting Minutes Minutes for July 25, 2018 meeting Page 3 of 3 HPB member. Blake indicated that she found three potential homes on' California Street, but requested more information on the history of those homes. Staff asked each HPB member to compile their list of potential properties for further investigation. Once the full list is compiled, the.HPB can agendize a meeting to visit the neighborhood and review each of the recommended potential properties, prior to moving forward in .the process. Staff will be hiring a student intern in the Fall to help the HPB with this workplan item. This item was continued to the next meeting for further discussion. 5. Realtor FAQ Email: The HPB asked staff to send the realtor FAQ email to the Association of Realtors as well as individual realtors working in. Campbell and the surrounding cities. HPB member Blake will email more information to staff regarding who to contact. HPB MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS / REQUEST FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Staff reminded the Board that September 5th was the tentative date for the State of the City address, to be held at.Orchard City Banquet Hall • HPB member Blake notified the HPB that new state legislation was adopted in June that will affect how the City reviews solar applications. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. The next meeting will be held on August 22, 2018, starting at 5:00 pm in the City of Campbell Council Chambers. PREPARED BY: Cindy McC mi k, Senior Planner APPROVED BY:Y _ T Chair