HPB Mins 08/22/2018HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD AUGUST 22, 2018 MINUTES 5:00 p.m. - Wednesday City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chair Walter called the Historic Preservation Board Regular Meeting of Wednesday, August 22, 2018, to order at 5:05 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL HPB Members Present: Todd Walter,.Chair Michael Foulkes, Vice Chair Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore HPB Members Absent: _ Yvonne Kendall Staff Members Present: Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES HPB member Moore made a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of July, 25, 2018. HPB member Blake seconded. Motion Passed 4-0-1 (Kendall absent) NON-AGENDIZED ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None PUBLIC HEARING Y None Historic Preservation Board -Meeting Minutes Minutes for August 22, 2018 meeting Page 2 of 3 NEW BUSINESS 1. °Tree Inventory update: HPB Member Blake recommended adding two oak trees located at 14589 S. Bascom- Avenue to the tree inventory. Staff explained that adding trees to the tree inventory is not the same as the heritage tree list, and therefore the tree would not be protected. The HPB acknowledged this, pointing out . that this is an honorary.recognition of the owner's work to keep the tree in good health. Staff will send a letter to the owner thanking them for their preservation of the tree and acknowledging the city's recognition. OLD BUSINESS 2. Training: The HPB discussed the August 7th webinar on Sustainable Approaches to Historic Preservation. Vice Chair Foulkes will watch the webinar online (prior to October 1 st) in order to fulfill his training for the year. 3. 306 Curtner Ave: The HPB continued their discussion of the home and voted to add the home to -the Eligibility List (4-0-1, Kendall absent). Staff will send the owner a letter notifying them of the HPB's decision to add their home to the' Eligibility List, reiterating that inclusion on the Eligibility List does not subject them to the provisions of the Historic Preservation Ordinance. 4. Surveys: The HPB will continue -their discussion of potentially adding homes in the Kennedy Tract area to the Eligibility List, or recommending that the City .Council adopt an area plan overlay for the neighborhood, or making the area a -historic district. The HPB acknowledged that making the area a historic district'would require approval of at least 60% of the homeowners. Catalpa Lane: HPB Member Moore will send her research at a later date El Caminito Ave: HPB Member Kendall provided a spreadsheet of her research Cherry Lane: Chair Walter provided a spreadsheet of his research Budd Avenue: Vice Chair Foulkes does not.recommend that any of the homes on Budd Avenue be added to the Eligibility List. California Street: HPB Member Blake provided a spreadsheet of her research Staff will. include copies of the spreadsheets in the next agenda packet, so that the HPB can begin further discussions of the homes identified as having potential to be added to the Eligibility List. Once the intern starts (date to be determined), staff will direct the intern to gather additional information on the homes under consideration. HPB MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS / REQUEST FOR FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 1. - Staff reminded the HPB about the September 5th State of the City. address to be held at Orchard City Banquet Hall. Continued next page Historic Preservation Board - Meeting Minutes Minutes for August 22, 2018 meeting Page. 3 of 3 2. HPB Member Blake informed the HPB that she has begun research on solar farms in New Mexico. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. The next meeting will be held on September 26, 2018, starting at 5:00 pm in the City of Campbell Council Chambers. PREPARED BY: APPROVED BY: