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1121 Bucknam Ave
L� 112 Fee Payment Report BLD2011-01131 Pentamation Account Cod Date Amount Due PCE1 Plan Check Post Entitl 101.551.4660 11/28/2011 Sp $ 306.00 PRM Building Permit Fee 101.554.4210 2/22/2012 BB $ 6,803.98 EPCF Title 24 Energy Plan Che 101.554.4213 2/22/2012 BB $ 449.06 TST Electrical Permit Fee 101.554.4210 2/22/2012 BB $ 173.60 TST Mechanical Permit Fee 101.554.4210 2/22/2012 BB $ 173.60 TSTP Plumbing Permit Fee 101.554.4210 2/22/2012 BB $ 173.60 MIC Digital Imaging fee 101.554.4661 2/22/2012 BB $ 101.40 SMIP Seismic Motion Fee 101.2226 2/22/2012 BB $ 34.02 RW Roadway Maintenance F 202.760.4731 2/22/2012 BB $ 1,020.60 GPL General Plan Maintenani 101.552.4670 2/22/2012 BB $ 544.32 FIRE Fire Plan check 101.554.4241 2/22/2012 BB $ 87.00 CBS CA Bldg. Stnds. Commi: 101.2227 2/22/2012 BB $ 14.00 SDA Storm Drain Fee- R-1 209.715.4721 2/22/2012 KO $ 463.00 Total Fees: $ 10,344.18 Site Address 1121 BUCKNAM AVE Recvd By: Page 1 of 1 2/22/2012 11:28:36AM i MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL TO: Bill Bruckart, Building Official DATE: 12/5/2011 FROM: Doris C. Quai Hoi,Engineer(408) 866-2157 SUBJECT: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Site Address: 1121 Buelmain Avenue For File No(s): BLD 2011-01131 Project Description: Review of an admin site and arch review permit for a 1,827 sqft rear addition to an existing one-story single family residence on property subject to the STNP. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site, the applicant is required to complete the Conditions of Approval for the project approved by the Community Development Director on November 2, 2011 (PLN 2011-00188). See attached Conditions of Approval. Memo DEC 0 5 2011 CITY OF CAMPBBLL BUILDING DIVISION J:\LandDev\Conditions\Bldg\Buckram Avenue 1121.doc Page 1 of I CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL— 42011-188 — 1121 BUCKNAM AVE Pg. 4 of 5 Note: To determine your school district, contact the offices identified above. Obtain the School District payment form from the City Building Division, after the Division has approved the building pen-nit application. d. Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Demolitions Only) 22. P.G.&E: Applicant is advised to contact Pacific Gas and Electric Company as early as possible in the approval process. Service installations, changes and/or relocations may require substantial scheduling time and can cause significant delays in the approval process. Applicant should also consult with P.G.&E concerning utility easements, distribution pole locations and required conductor clearances. 23. Intent to Occupy During Construction: Owners shall declare their intent to occupy the dwelling during construction. The Building Inspection Division may require the premises to be vacated during portions of construction because of substandard and unsafe living conditions created by construction. 24. Construction Fencing: This project shall be properly enclosed with construction fencing to prevent unauthorized access to the site during construction. The construction site shall be secured to prevent vandalism and/or theft during hours when no work is being done. All protected trees shall be fenced to prevent damage to root systems. 25, Build It Green: Applicant shall complete and submit a `Build It Green" inventory of the proposed new single family project prior to issuance of building pennit. 26. Residential Fire Sprinklers: This project requires the installation of residential fire sprinklers. Applicant is advised to contact San Jose Water Company to determine if water supply is of sufficient size to accommodate possible demand. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 27. Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site the applicant shall pay the required Storm Drain Area fee, currently set at $2,120.00 per net acre, which is $463.00. 28. Utilities: All on-site utilities shall be installed underground per Section 21.18.140 of the Campbell Municipal Code for any new or remodeled buildings or additions. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, pennitting, and fee requirements of the serving utility companie"s�.,, 29. Water Meter(s) and Sewer Cleanout(s): Existing and proposed water meter(s) and sewer cleanout(s) shall be relocated or installed on private property behind the public right-of--way ;.;linen. . -:.. . i 30. Utility Coordination Plan: Prior to issuance of building permits for the site, the applicant shall submit a utility coordination plan and schedule for approval by the City Engineer for 70 North First Street•Campbell,CA 95008-1423•TEL(408)866-2140•FAX(408)866-5140•E-MAIL planning@cityofcampbell.com CONDITIONS OF , tOVAL— PLN2011-188 — 1121 BU( 'AM AVENUE Pg. 5 of 5 installation and/or abandonment of all utilities. The plan shall clearly show the location and size of all existing utilities and the associated main lines; indicate which utilities and services are to remain; which utilities and services are to be abandoned, and where new utilities and services will be installed. Joint trenches for new utilities shall be used whenever possible. 31. Pavement Restoration: Based on the utility coordination plan, the applicant shall prepare a pavement restoration plan for approval by the City Engineer prior to any utility installation or abandonment. Streets that have been reconstructed or overlaid within the previous five years will require boring and jacking for all new utility installations. Bucknam Avenue has not been reconstructed or overlaid in the last 5 years. The pavement restoration plan shall indicate how the street pavement shall be restored following the installation or abandonment of all utilities necessary for the project. 32. Utility Encroachment Pennit: Separate permits for the installation of utilities to serve the development will be required (including water, sewer, gas, electric, etc.). Applicant shall apply for and pay all necessary fees for utility permits for sanitary sewer, gas, water, electric and all other utility work. 33. Additional Street Improvements: Should it be discovered after the approval process that new utility main lines, extra utility work or other work is required to service the development, and should those facilities or other work affect any public improvements, the City may add conditions to the development/project/pennit, at the discretion of the City Engineer, to restore pavement or other public improvements to the satisfaction of the City. 34. Stonmwater Pollution Prevention Measures: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits, the applicant shall comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements, Santa Clara Valley Water District requirements, and the Campbell Municipal Code regarding Stormwater pollution prevention. The primary objectives are to improve the quality and reduce the quantity of storrnwater runoff to the bay. Resources to achieve these objectives include Storm-water Best Management Practices Handbook for New Development and Redevelopment ("CA BMP Handbook") by the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA), 2003; Start at the Source: A Design. Guidance Manual for Stormwater Quality Protection ("Start at the Source") by the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA), 1999; and Using Site Design Techniques to Meet Development Standards for Stormwater Quality: A Companion Document to Start at the Source ("Using Site Design Techniques") by BASMAA, 2003. 70 North First Street•Cam^bell,CA 95008-1423•TEL(408)866-2140•FAX(408)866-5140•E-MAIL planning@cityofeampbell.com PLAID REVIEW ROUTER CITY OF CAMPBELL )dNew Submittal ❑Resubmittal: (2,d,P,4`n,5m Review) ❑Revision to Existing Permit RECEIVED d d B� APN 0K— APPLICATION/PERMIT# R-0 Q JOB ADDRESS AV JOB DESCRIPTIONNoe- yr ( s& .00- "O 1Ro;j ❑COMMERCIAL ESIDENTIAL Plans RECIEVED _Structural Calcs. 'VW SD _Soils Report _School Fee Form _Truss Calcs. Health Department Approval 24 Calcs. _Response Letter Initials Building Plan Checked By Date: Structural Plan Checker: Date: ❑APPROVED ❑NOT APPROVED Planning Zone: Plan Checked By: Date: ❑APPROVED ❑NOT APPROVED Public Works Plan Checked By: _ Date: ❑APPROVED KNOT APPROVED Fire Plan Checked By: Date: ❑APPROVED ❑NOT APPROVED PERMIT APPLICAT f FERMI (��D20 L ► ��� I I � CITY OF CAMPBELL-BUILviiNG DIVISION DATE: DTJI LDI NG ADDRESS: I ow (�)C-v cI L.[4,1WI ����� SUITE PER-NIIT TYPE: BUILDING ELECTRICAL � PLUMBING� MECHANICAL DEMOLITION SIGN GRADING OTHER DESCRIPTION OF WORD: R SFD RES.ADD V, REM (N) COABL DEMO II SIGNS /— ► ov , 1 Na(/h, (j�ti S c.� t SG� f �G%��"�n",n�t ��W�7 I L.�7r r���y/' ��f�b l2-,,R� • VALUATION OWNER'S NAME: �6 @�I L GO��✓►�p'�f PHONE#: (. 6(3 2 f ADDRESS: _I ►Zl Pc,���/�,rY�JAI r T V6 CITY. /V)r0,�b e L-•L_ �� ZIP: APPLICANT'S NAME: >(A, 'A_ { (� _. PHONE#: ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: CONTRACTOR'S NAME: '` ;.,,,' ,J ! i,:, LICENSE# CONTACT PERSON: PHONE#: ADDRESS: RECMVED 4 i CITY: ZIP: r 1 u !' l.. . f Cd_L ' ARCHITECT/ENG NAME: ' r,. i is r c's~. �° €i CONTACT PERSON: PHONE# ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: f d HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: USED ON SITE: YES NO-Z-. STORED ON SITE: YES NO' (For use or storage of hazardous materials,provide a HazMat Information Statement to the Fire Dept.Ilazardou Material Specialist for review and comment. FI3ftE SPItI1QTELERI D: YES NO t�`t `'I 1�1� r l RealQuest.com®-Report 1 usv Property Detail Deport a Corol_ogir-' For Property Located At R e a l Q u e st. P Q e J S*0 I.i 1121 BUCKNAM AVE, CAMPBELL, CA 95008-5911 Owner Information: Owner Name: HULBERT BRAD JICAMPI NICOLAS Mailing Address: 1121 BUCKNAM AVE,CAMPBELL CA 95008-5911 C005 Phone Number: Vesting Codes: - SM/1 Location Information: Legal Description: TRACT 521 BROADVIEW ACRES BOOK 24 PAGE1 30 LOT 2 County: SANTA CLARA,CA APN: 406-15-005 Census Tract/Block: 5067.02/2, Alternate APN: Township-Range-Sect: Subdivision: BROADVIEW ACRES Legal Book/Page: Map Reference: 65-F5/873-1131 Legal Lot: 2 Tract#: 621 Legal Block: School District: CAMPBELL UN Market Area: 15 Munic/Township: Neighbor Code: Owner Transfer Information: i Recording/Sale Date: / Deed Type: Sale Price: 1st Mtg Document#: Document#: Last.Market Sale Information: Recording/Sale Date: 07/01/2011/06121/2011 1st Mtg Amount/Type: $506,6161 FHA Sale Price: $520,000 1st Mtg Int.Rate/Type: !ADJ Sale Type: FULL 1st Mtg Document#: 21223805 Document#-. 21223804 2nd Mtg Amount/Type: / Deed Type: GRANT DEED 2nd Mtg Int.Rate/Type: / Transfer Document#: Price Per SgFt: $640.39 New Construction: Multi/Split Sale: Title Company: FIRST AMERICAN TITLE Lender: PROVIDENT SVGS BK FSB Seller Name: WEBER GREGORY J&KIM M Prior Sale Information: - Prior Rec/Sale Date: 07/08/2002 10612712002 Prior Lender: FIRST FRANKLIN FIN L CORP Prior Sale Price: $503,000 Prior 1st Mtg Amt/Type: $402,400/CONV Prior Doc Number: 16347030 Prior 1 st Mtg Rate/Type: 6.501 ADJ Prior Deed Type: GRANT DEED Property Characteristics: Gross Area: 812 Parking Type: GARAGE Construction: WOOD Living Area: 812 Garage Area: 506 Heat Type: NONE Tot Adj Area: Garage Capacity: Exterior wall: .Above Grade: Parking Spaces: Porch Type: NONE Total Rooms: 4 Basement Area: Patio Type: NONE .Bedrooms: 2 Finish Bsmnt Area: Pool: Bath(F/H): It Basement Type: Air Cond: NONE Year Built/Eff. 1950/1950 Roof Type: Style: RECTANGULAR DESIGN i Fireplace: Y/1 Foundation: Quality: FAIR #of Stories: 1.00 Roof Material: Condition: AVERAGE Other Improvements: Site Information: Zoning: R-1-8 Acres: 0.21 County Use: RESID SINGLE FAMILY(01) Flood Zone: C Lot Area: 9,344 State Use: Flood Panel: 0603380005C Lot Width/Depth: 73 x 128 Site Influence: Flood Panel Date: 12/0711982 . Res/Comm Units: / Sewer Type: Land Use: SFR Water Type: Tax Information: Total Value: $417,000 Assessed Year: 2011 Property Tax: $5,361.44 Land Value: $353,000 Improved%: 15% Tax Area: 10 Improvement Value: $64,000 Tax Year: 2011 Tax Exemption: ERE ���� Total Taxable Value: $410,0001 2011http://pro.realquest.com/jsp/reportjsp?&client=&action=confirm&type=getrep-ort&reMMno.l ®F C4 k sue, °kcHnn9 CITY OF CAMPBELL Community Development Department November 2, 2011 Nick Campi 1121 Buclmam Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re: File No: PLN2011-188 Address: 1121 Bucknam Avenue Application: Administrative Site &Architectural Review Permit Dear Mr. Campi, On November 2, 2011, the Community Development Director approved your Administrative Site & Architectural Review Permit for construction of a 1,827 square foot rear addition to an existing single-family residence on property located at the above referenced address, subject to the enclosed Conditions of Approval. This action is effective in ten calendar days, unless appealed in writing to the City Clerk by 5:00 p.m. on November 14, 2011. If an appeal is received, you will be immediately notified of its receipt. If you should have any questions regarding this approval, please feel free to contact me at (408) 866-2142 or by email at stevep@cityofcqLnpbell.com. ,cityofcampbell.com. Sincerely, Steve Prosser Associate Planner Encl: Conditions of Approval—PLN2011-188 cc: Paul Kermoyan,Planning Manager Poe"? 70 North First Street • Campbell, California 95008-1423 TEL 408.866.2140 FAX 408.871.5140 TDD 408.866.2790 CONDITIONS OF ti.-. i20VAL—PLN2011-188 — 1121 BUL<,I-1AM AVENUE Pg. 1 of 5 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR FILE NO. PLN2011-188 SITE ADDRESS: 1121 Bucknam Avenue APPLICANT/OWNER: Nick Campi DATE: November 02, 2011 The applicant is hereby notified, as part of this application, that (s)he is required to meet the v following conditions in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California. The lead department with which the applicant will work is identified on each condition where necessary. Where approval by the Director of Community Development, City Engineer, Public Works Director, City Attorney, or Fire Department is required, that review shall be for compliance with all applicable conditions of approval, adopted policies and guidelines, ordinances, laws and regulations, and accepted engineering practices, for the items under review. Additionally, the applicant is hereby notified that (s)he is required to comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California that pertain to this development and are not herein specified: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division: 1. Approved Prgject: Approval is granted for an Administrative Site and Architectural Review Pen-nit (PLN2011-188) for construction of a 1,827 square foot rear addition and major interior remodel of an existing single-family residence. The project shall substantially conform to the revised project plans and color and material board, dated as received by the Community Development Department on October 04, 2011 and July 21, 2011, respectfully, except as may be modified by the Conditions of Approval herein. 2. Planning Final Required: Planning sign off is required prior to Building Permit final. Construction not in substantial compliance with the approved project plans shall not be approved without prior authorization of the necessary approving body. 3. Project Modifications: Once the project is permitted and under construction, changes to the plans and mid-construction revisions could result in this project being reclassified as "New Construction". This will trigger an increase of the west side setback from six feet to at least eight feet due to the loss of the "extension along existing building line" setback exception for one-story additions to existing residences. 4. Pennit Approval Expiration: The Administrative Site and Architectural Review Pen-nit approval shall be valid for one year from the date of final approval. Within this one-year period a building pen-nit must be obtained. Failure to meet this deadline will result in the Administrative Architectural Site and Review Pen-nit being void. 5. Utilities: All on-site utilities shall be installed underground per Section 21.18.140 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, pennitting, and fee requirements of the serving utility companies. 70 North First Street•Campbell,CA 95008-1423•TEL(408)866-2140•FAX(408)866-5140•E-MAIL planning@cityofcampbell.com `CONDITIONS OF A,-.FROVAL—PLN2011-188 — 1121 BU(_,_1 AM AVENUE Pg. 2 of 5 6. Grading Plan: The building permit construction plans shall include a grading and drainage plan prepared by a qualified engineer showing drainage indicating actual (not assumed) existing and proposed grades relative to existing grade and showing management of on-site drainage for review and approval by the Community Development Director. The existing grade shall be modified by the minimum necessary to ensure proper drainage. 7. Fences/Walls: Any future fencing and/or walls shall comply with Section 21.18.060 of the Campbell Municipal Code and shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Department. Any proposed fencing within the first 15 feet of the property shall not exceed 42 inches in height. All other fencing shall not exceed a height of 60 inches, including any lattice element. 8. Contractor Contact Infonmation Posting: The project site shall be posted with the name and contact number of the lead contractor in a location visible from the public street prior to the issuance of building pen-nits. 9. On-Site Lighting: On-site lighting shall be shielded away from adjacent properties and directed on site. The design and type of lighting fixtures and lighting intensity of any proposed exterior lighting for the project shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director prior to installation of the lighting for compliance with all applicable Conditions of Approval, ordinances, laws and regulations. Lighting fixtures shall be of a decorative design to be compatible with the residential development and shall incorporate energy saving features. 10. Construction Activities: The applicant shall abide by the following requirements during construction: a. Construction activities shall be limited to weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. No construction shall take place on Sundays or holidays unless an exception is granted by the Building Official. b. All construction equipment with internal combustion engines used on the project site shall be properly muffled and maintained in good working condition. c. Unnecessary idling of internal combustion engines shall be strictly prohibited. d. All stationary noise-generating construction equipment, such as air compressors and portable power generators, shall be located as far as possible from noise-sensitive receptors such as existing residences and businesses. e. Use standard dust and erosion control measures that comply with the adopted Best Management Practices for the City of Campbell. Building Division: 11. Permits Required: A building permit application shall be required for the proposed complete remodeling and addition to the existing structure. The building permit shall include Electrical/Plumbing/Mechanical fees when such work is part of the pen-nit. 70 North First Street•Campbell,CA 95008-1423•TEL(408)866-2140•FAX(408)866-5140•E-MAIL planning@cityofeampbell.com °CONDITIONS OF hx i?,OVAL—PLN2011-188 — 1121 BUL___fAM AVENUE Pg. 3 of 5 12. Project Description: This project is proposed as a "remodel and addition to an existing dwelling". The scope of work proposed under this project more closely reflects the construction of a new single-family dwelling. The Building Inspection Division will consider this project as new construction, and fees will be calculated based on the comparative similarities to new construction. 13. Plan Preparation: Portions of this project require plans prepared under the direction and oversight of a California licensed Engineer or Architect. Plans submitted for building pen-nits shall be "wet stamped" and signed by the qualifying professional person. 14. Construction Plans: The Conditions of Approval shall be stated in full on the cover sheet of construction plans submitted for building pen-nit. 15. Size of Plans: The minimum size of construction plans submitted for building permits shall be 24 in. X 36 in. 16. Site Plan: Application for building pennit shall include a competent site plan that identifies property and proposed structures with dimensions and elevations as appropriate. Site plan shall also include site drainage details. 17. Seismic Requirements: Additions and Alterations to (e) residential structures shall comply with Sections 3403A & 3404A of the 2010 California Building Code (CBC). 18. Title 24 Energy Compliance: California Title 24 Energy Compliance forms shall be blue- lined on the construction plans. Compliance with the Standards shall be demonstrated for conditioning of the building envelope and lighting of the building. 19. Special Inspections: When a special inspection is required by C.B.C. Chapter 17, the architect or engineer of record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the building permits, in accordance with C.B.0 Appendix Chapter 1, Section 106. Please obtain City of Campbell, Special Inspection forms from the Building Inspection Division Counter. 20. Non-point Pollution Control Program: The City of Campbell, standard Santa Clara Valley Non-point Source Pollution Control Program specification sheet shall be part of plan submittal. The specification sheet (size 24" X 36") is available at the Building Division service counter. 21. Approvals Required: The project requires the following agency approval prior to issuance of the building permit: a. West Valley Sanitation District (378-2407) b. Santa Clara County Fire Department (378-4010) C. School District: i) Campbell Union School District (378-3405) ii) Campbell Union High School District (371-0960) iii) Moreland School District (379-1370) iv) Cambrian School District (377-2103) 70 North First Street•Campbell,CA 95008-1423•TEL(408)866-2140•FAX(408)866-5140•E-MAIL planning@cityofcampbell.com `CONDITIONS OF rl,rrROVAL—PLN20l l-188 — 1121 BU_._.4AM AVENUE Pg. 4 of 5 Note: To determine your school district, contact the offices identified above. Obtain the School District payment fore from the City Building Division, after the Division has approved the building permit application. d. Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Demolitions Only) 22. P.G.&E: Applicant is.advised to contact Pacific Gas and Electric Company as early as possible in the approval process. Service installations, changes and/or relocations may require substantial scheduling time and can cause significant delays in the approval process. Applicant should also consult with P.G.&E concerning utility easements, distribution pole locations and required conductor clearances. 23. Intent to Occupy During Construction: Owners shall declare their intent to occupy the dwelling during construction. The Building Inspection Division may require the premises to be vacated during portions of construction because of substandard and unsafe living conditions created by construction. 24. Construction Fencing: This project shall be properly enclosed with construction fencing to prevent unauthorized access to the site during construction. The construction site shall be secured to prevent vandalism and/or theft during hours when no work is being done. All protected trees shall be fenced to prevent damage to root systems. 25. Build It Green: Applicant shall complete and submit a `Build It Green" inventory of the proposed new single family project prior to issuance of building permit. 26. Residential Fire Sprinklers: This project requires the installation of residential fire sprinklers. Applicant is advised to contact San Jose Water Company to determine if water supply is of sufficient size to accommodate possible demand. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 27. Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site the applicant shall pay the required Storrs Drain Area fee, currently set at $2,120.00 per net acre, which is $463.00. 28. Utilities: All on-site utilities shall be installed underground per Section 21.18.140 of the Campbell Municipal Code for any new or remodeled buildings or additions. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, pennitting, and fee requirements of the serving utility companies. 29. Water Meter(s) and Sewer Cleanout(s): Existing and proposed water meter(s) and sewer cleanout(s) shall be relocated or installed on private property behind the public right-of-way line. 30. Utility Coordination Plan: Prior to issuance of building pen-nits for the site, the applicant shall submit a utility coordination plan and schedule for approval by the City Engineer for 70 North First Street•Campbell,CA 95008-1423•TEL 408 866-2140•FAx 408 866-5140•E-MAIL lannin at ofeam bell.com P � ) � ) p g@ Y P •CONDITIONS OF tirrROVAL-PLN2011-188 - 1121 BU,-,,4AM AVENUE Pg. 5 of 5 installation and/or abandonment of all utilities. The plan shall clearly show the location and size of all existing utilities and the associated main lines; indicate which utilities and services are to remain; which utilities and services are to be abandoned, and where new utilities and services will be installed. Joint trenches for new utilities shall be used whenever possible. 31. Pavement Restoration: Based on the utility coordination plan, the applicant shall prepare a pavement restoration plan for approval by the City Engineer prior to any utility installation or T abandonment. Streets that have been reconstructed or overlaid within the previous five years will require boring and jacking for all new utility installations. Bucknam Avenue has not been reconstructed or overlaid in the last 5 years. The pavement restoration plan shall indicate how the street pavement shall be restored following the installation or abandonment of all utilities necessary for the project. 32. Utility Encroachment Pen-nit: Separate pennits for the installation of utilities to serve the development will be required (including water, sewer, gas, electric, etc.). Applicant shall apply for and pay all necessary fees for utility permits for sanitary sewer, gas, water, electric and all other utility work. 33. Additional Street Improvements: Should it be discovered after the approval process that new utility main lines, extra utility work or other work is required to service the development, and should those facilities or other work affect any public improvements, the City may add conditions to the development/project/penmit, at the discretion of the City Engineer, to restore pavement or other public improvements to the satisfaction of the City. 34. Stonnwater Pollution Prevention Measures: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits, the applicant shall comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements, Santa Clara Valley Water District requirements, and the Campbell Municipal Code regarding stonmwater pollution prevention. The primary objectives are to improve the quality and reduce the quantity of stonmwater runoff to the bay. Resources to achieve these objectives include Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbook for New Development and Redevelopment ("CA BMP Handbook") by the California Stonnwater Quality Association (CASQA), 2003; Start at the Source: A Design Guidance Manual for Stormwater Quality Protection ("Start at the Source") by the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA), 1999; and Using Site Design Techniques to Meet Development Standards for Stormwater Quality: A Companion Document to Start at the Source ("Using Site Design Techniques") by BASMAA, 2003. 70 North First Street•Campbell,CA 95008-1423•TEL(408)866-2140•FAX(408)866-5140•E-MAIL planning@cityofcampbell.com MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL TO: Steve Prosser, Project Planner DATE: 9/16/2011 FROM: Doris C. Quai Hoi, Project Engineer CC: Ed Arango, P.E., Associate Engineer SUBJECT: DRC APPLICATION Site Address: 1121 Bucknam Avenue For File No(s): PLN 2011-00188 Project Description: Review of an admin site and arch review permit for a 1,611 sqft addition to an existing 1,257sgft one-story single family residence on property subject to the STNP. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Storm Drain Area Fee: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits for the site the applicant shall pay the required Storm Drain Area fee, currently set at $2,120.00 per net acre, which is $463.00. 2. Utilities: All on-site utilities shall be installed underground per Section 21.18.140 of the Campbell Municipal Code for any new or remodeled buildings or additions. Applicant shall comply with all plan submittals, permitting, and fee requirements of the serving utility companies. 3. Water Meter(s) and Sewer Cleanout(s): Existing and proposed water meter(s) and sewer cleanout(s) shall be relocated or installed on private property behind the public right-of- way line. 4. Utility Coordination Plan: Prior to issuance of building permits for the site, the applicant shall submit a utility coordination plan and schedule for approval by the City Engineer for installation and/or abandonment of all utilities. The plan shall clearly show the location and size of all existing utilities and the associated main lines; indicate which utilities and services are to remain; which utilities and services are to be abandoned, and where new utilities and services will be installed. Joint trenches for new utilities shall be used whenever possible. 5. Pavement Restoration: Based on the utility coordination plan, the applicant shall prepare a pavement restoration plan for approval by the City Engineer prior to any utility installation or abandonment. Streets that have been reconstructed or overlaid within the previous five years will require boring and jacking for all new utility installations. Bucknam Avenue has not been reconstructed or overlaid in the last 5 years. The pavement restoration plan shall J:\LandDev\Conditions\Ping\Buckram Ave 1121.doc Page 1 of 2 1121 Bucknam Avenue indicate how the street pavement shall be restored following the installation or abandonment of all utilities necessary for the project. 6. Utility Encroachment Permit: Separate permits for the installation of utilities to serve the development will be required (including water, sewer, gas, electric, etc.). Applicant shall apply for and pay all necessary fees for utility permits for sanitary sewer, gas, water, electric and all other utility work. 7. Additional Street Improvements: Should it be discovered after the approval process that new utility main lines, extra utility work or other work is required to service the development, and should those facilities or other work affect any public improvements, the City may add conditions to the development/project/permit, at the discretion of the City Engineer,to restore pavement or other public improvements to the satisfaction of the City. 8. Stormwater Pollution Prevention Measures: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits, the applicant shall comply with the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements, Santa Clara Valley Water District requirements, and the Campbell Municipal Code regarding stormwater pollution prevention. The primary objectives are to improve the quality and reduce the quantity of stormwater runoff to the bay. Resources to achieve these objectives include Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbook for New Development and Redevelopment ("CA BMP Handbook") by the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA), 2003; Start at the Source: A Design Guidance Manual for Stormwater Quality Protection ("Start at the Source") by the Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA), 1999; and Using Site Design Techniques to Meet Development Standards for Stormwater Quality: A Companion Document to Start at the Source ("Using Site Design Techniques") by BASMAA, 2003. J:\LandDev\Conditions\Ping\Buckram Ave 1121.doc Page 2 of 2 -�°FAM DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE x , ROUTING SHEET DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION O k C H A R Distribution: August 31, 2011 Comments/Conditions September 13, 2011 ROUTE TO: Building Division Police Department Fire Department Redevelopment Coordinator X Land Development Division Traffic Engineer PROTECT DESCRIPTION: Revised submittal to address Planning and Public Works Completeness comments for an Administrative Site & Architectural Review Permit to allow a 1,611 sq. ft. addition to an existing 1,257 sq. ft. one-story single family residence. —THERE WILL BE NO DRC MEETING FOR THIS ITEM— File No.: PLN2011-188 APN: 406-15-005 Applicant: Nick Campi Property Owner: Nick Campi Project Address: 1121 Bucknam Avenue Zoning District: R-1-8 (Single Family Residential) General Plan Designation: Low Density Residential PROTECT PLANNER: Steve Prosser DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: If it can be determined that this project will require minimal or no comments by your department/agency, please return this comment sheet with your initials to the Project Planner as soon as possible. Status Initial Conditions No Conditions Additional information/revisions(see attached) PAGE 5 oK 1 C ALIF ORNI A 4.Q6 C O N T Y C� A ao RA _ 5ANSA _W`+E— s OF C0%j14 6 OFFICE 1" = 100' .. Y T—... ;a 12 11 13 1 14 i 15 i 16 i 17 i 18 1 19 j 20 1 21 1 1 2 3 1 4 1 5 i 73.6 30 ! 37 0; 16 15 at ! 14 i l3 12 i 11 ' 10 9 7 _ 6 wl �� 4 � 3 e°9j 2 n1 ! m UJ u w u 1 ea m Y N 0 �oz.vo pos) e \ `33.01 1 i 1 _ ' 1 t �i�h' 62.22 62.22 62.22 62.22 62.22 62.22 62.22 62R0 T3.11 7,31E ?3.l1 73.11 T3.11 53.13 Q 11 j7 1�9 /!95 (177 J7T! !/85 /159 //53 /J97 J/4! /!33 !T2!•""" //07 /095 1083 l07f 0.S 749/50 e m 36 B U C K N A M — -- AVE. wo 112t �EO 18 m c M_-UNRO —� I a N' S21 I M z r TRACE 1 AV E. E2o 1t5'" -'F- 0 w ACRES 4 no 34 N; 9 — e^ > m V w a gROADVIEW D gD. _ _ _ 4 n•. z E- N. PARR SU � 125.6z_ GE � n 2O a A V1LLA a . E tkQ�J 2d n 13337 M1�`^715_� TRACT Ng2568..•IiACI ND 163.37 cJ 7 2 0 1 f• r'.R n 0 9503 t60.685 Q E40.685 O 6 liff h• 115 iL h _ Q 157.02 a ~t0 GLENBLAIR 156.77 h 4 24 m W A Y 0 29 ? SSESSOR .�-4fi.7`t s� µv 97 A day. . 2 1 o.lsac. / tN 3 2g m o Cadd mW R•g S.Code' o Q 1 d 20 rl y�,r 98.17 _ ' mg 40 h 2 a 0.19 AC. 1X Ce"' 0.204C, `102.36 a J J $ \\ p 39 W Z 7 a Q \ 3 r a S t 021 AC. \ \ 39.67 66.86 2.56 !/99 P.M.598 M 50 _ HACIENDA—�—AVE. 16 0 MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL TO: Steve Prosser,Project Planner DATE: 8/3/2011 FROM: Doris C. Quai Iloi, Project Engineer,.,cxL Ed Arango, P.E., Associate Engineer SUBJECT: DRC APPLICATION Site Address: 1121 Buclalam Avenue For File No(s): PLN 2011-00188 Project Description: Review of an admin site and arch review permit for a 1,611 sqft addition to an existing 1,257sgft one-story .single family residence on property subject to the STNP. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT COMPLETENESS COMMENTS. 1. On the site plans clearly show all street information (show centerline, dimension widths of entire street and dimension from property line to centerline of roadway), existing facilities and street improvement dimensions (sidewalk, curb, gutter, driveways, utility poles, etc.). J:\LandDev\Completeness\Buckram Ave 1121.DOC Page 1 of 1 of CA`� F DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE = ._ ROUTING SHEET '�. DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION rJkf HAR V'D9 Distribution: July 26, 2011 Presentation: August 2, 2011 Completeness Comments: August 9, 2011 Conditions: August 16, 2011 ROUTE TO: X Building Division Police Department X Fire Department Redevelopment Coordinator X Land Development Division Traffic Engineer PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Review of an Administrative Site & Architectural Review Permit for a 1,611 sq. ft. addition to an existing 1,257 sq. ft. one-story single family residence on property subject to the San Tomas Area Neighborhood Plan. File No.: PLN2011-188 APN: 406-15-005 Applicant: Nick Campi Property Owner: Nick Campi Project Address: 1121 Bucknam Avenue Zoning District: R-1-8 (Single Family Residential) General Plan Designation: Low Density Residential PROTECT PLANNER: Steve Prosser DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: If it can be determined that this project will require minimal or no comments by your department/agency, please return this comment sheet with your initials to the Project Planner as soon as possible. Status Initial Conditions No Conditions Additional information/revisions (see attached) and Development Information s t Prepared by: PY APN: ' to —15-GU5 Date: 7 2q d Address: 1191 BUG-MUM AV& Lot size:9517 (SF) If this project is part of a larger development(new subdivision,new townhomes) or commercial development, skip A through D. A. Existing building area(SF): 1257 B. Proposed addition area(SF): C. Total area w/addition(A+B): D. Percent increase(B/A): 1 $ (if less than 50%, stop research) g�ca4 ra or Parcel Map(circle one): 2 I Date recorded: � � �i 1q'f�( (Tract#or book&page) Any found records of Storm Drain Area fee previously paid? Yes ❑ (provide info below) No,k (Fee initiated for residential subdivisions 4 8/15/55; all developments -> 5/16/60) Date paid (file#&address or LID#) g5175F Storm Drain Area fee: 00 R 180cfw-S X o? _ 4 4&3' (area in acres) (fee/acre) Any found records of building permits in last five years?Yes ❑ (provide info below)NoX Was permit issued? Yes ❑ (provide info below)No ❑ Nature of Work: Permit Number: Within STANP? YeSX No f] (check one) STANP Requirements: Curb ❑ Gutter❑ Sidewalk❑ Rolled curb ❑ None K NA❑ Existing improvements present? Curb ❑ Gutter ❑ Sidewalk ❑ (check all that apply) Sidewalk dimension(BOW to FOW): N,A" Park strip dimension(FOW to BOC): P� a Driveway dimension(s): - �ffaL • ��" D/W ADA compliant? Yes ❑ NO'A Street light info: Jig older pole❑ galvanized pole ❑ VNI POJeA Water meter and sewer cleanout info: Street ROW half width(CL to PL): � Date that street had been resurfaced: Electrical panel relocation? Yes ❑ Nox, NA ❑ Provide details and attach pictures (8.5x11), assessors map (1lxl7) and aerial map(8.5 x 11): J:\L.andDev\Land Develop Information Sheets\AB Info sheet Template.doe ;a. a�E•r1• ' '4 '"�. �`iGL vi, t� ' t y�'_, r,�,ks,,'7 � �'Q;,-�w�,��a a. ��•�• v.. a ri �f�'} n''f T' �:,� "r , '�` � ���' t.�'��p.,.� r .•r��;r 41� �.1[ -f]�. rorm orwim Iffire IN I M I&Illym • • • ' �q+ •,. S SJ,tea -. ��,�♦ ,4 {`•.qk? �?�'. s 40 T .. t a t t ..d IF I 128.55' _ ��"+rrA.;� � 128.4 rl tam 1, ,- Bucknarn Ave x ^" i . ° n 20 ® 40 CL 1 ! -• 1121 Bucknam Ave \.J 91.74 1 96.5a 8i.87 1 -'— —. ....__i_,_, _.�._._�__.,. �.�62.27 12 13 1 14 15• 1 16 I 17 1 i8 1 19 20 1 21 1 • ° � 1 i I t ' � 1 � ° © 3y, ° ` 6 j 15 4 + 13 ! l2 1 !1 10 N 6 1OZ90(105) t~p, \ vA 33.0/ IN % 62.22 1 62.22 1 62.22 62.22 6222 62.22 62.22 1 62.40 Q 1l it 17 119 1/85 1177 1/7! 1165 59 _ 1153 1147 1141 _ O•S• 749150 ir0 36 �°,' _ o B U C K N A M ,joo+ t- R i-09— ra(ei 22.0 ° i12t � 10 18 io MUNRo z AVE. t2o it5�.` 14 . t- 0w N: 9 /9 tt! = 0 c9 > o � 4 �. � � > m w cc a .. E• N• PARR � 125. z ~ $ '��` pGE Cb Zd v r�� HpC1E�Dp 4.03- 20 133.37 �`1 T RpGT N° 256g 163.3 4 a, a 15 0 y 7 ? ` � _ 9503 0 31 V Q 148.97 5 23co w 3Q a 157.OF h* GLENBLAIR 156.77 d 4 24 m W A Y oZ 0 29 �; ? - 1— " � _.LOL75 S) 162.84 m 0.19 AC. M q j 4� 19 .17 _ �840 Lo 2 w ' 0 Ilse c AvT, N 0.194C,_� .000 � 1 � o GD cm l 0 3 � .21 AC. \ 2.56 \ 3967 86.86 /199 L... P.M.59$- M - 50 HACIENDA q- N AVE . 16 Q 91.74 .53,.T_6�L.87T� 1 i 18 19 20 Tm, 12 1 1 13 1 14 i 15 i 16 i t7 i ! i 0 0 37 ci `° 16 `a 15 @ j4 13 f t2 /t i 10 i 9 8 N�� 6 `2'k 9 1 ( 1 i ! 62.22 b2 40 73.11 ,� 33.0/ c� 62.22 62.22 b2.22 62.22 b222 &2.22 0 102.90(105) 40 \ ry1• 1 // JI53 1147 114J 1/35 11 j7 1185 1177 t/7J JJ65 1159 _� o BUCKNAM '49�5 it 36 0 I S ios-- o R•�' It2*- 10 h z mutiRo > AVE• 120 9 9 Lt! w a a n,. Q; > m a 4 Or N• `o •`, Q a o 0;' SV Bp, AGE E N, PARR � 125. 2 h 8 20 � rAG`ENpp V��-L p 133.37 x O 443 �� 153.3 7 Zl o a 30;� — 1so.6ss. a O t40.685 r zo 6 Q 148.97 g �a 23 ,, a. r` — 115 �o GLENBLAIR l57.02 q 155.77 i 4 24 % W A Y 4 1 0.19AC. /� 'N 3 2Jr h o 0o N n 5 .17 Bs 40 2 � a lr68�a !t CT. 9 �o W 0.20 AC. 102.3 „J O to i rn 0 (a i ��' 3 le1 27 � _ 0.21 AC. \ to 4 39 86.86 i12.56 67 //9.4 P.M,598- M - 50 HACIENDA AVE :---'=" 16 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential Part 1 of 5 CF-1 R Project Name Campi Residence Building Type 0 Single Family ❑ Addition Alone ❑ Multi Family 0 Existing+ Addition/Alteration 11012412011 Date Project Address 1121 Bucknam Avenue Campbell California Energy Climate Zone CA Climate Zone 04 Total Cond. Floor Area 2,591 Addition 1,827 # of Stories 1 FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST ❑ Yes E1 No HERS Measures -- If Yes, A CF-4R must be provided per Part 2 of 5 of this form, E9 Yes ❑ No Special Features -- If Yes, see Part 2 of 5 of this form for details, INSULATION Area Special Construction lyge Cavil ff) Features see Part 2 of 51 Status Roof Wood Framed Attic R-19 764 Altered Wall Wood Framed R-13 596 Altered Door Opaque Door None 40 Existing Floor Wood Framed wlo Crawl Space R-19 764 Altered Roof Wood Framed Attic R-19 1,827 New Wall Wood Framed R-13 750 New Wall Wood Framed R-11 366 New Floor Wood Framed wlCrawl Space R-19 1,827 New FENESTRATION U- Exterior Orientation Area(") Factor SHGC Overhang Sidefins Shades Status Left (N) 8.0 0.550 0.67 none none Bug Screen Altered Right (S) 24.0 0.550 0.67 none none Bug Screen Altered Front (W) 48.0 0.550 0.67 none none Bug Screen Altered Leff (N) 96.0 0,550 0.67 none none Bug Screen New Rear (E) 100.0 0.550 0.67 none none Bug Screen New Right (S) 18.0 0.550 0.67 none none Bug Screen New HVAC SYSTEMS Ot . Heating Min. Eff Cooling Min. Eff Thermostat Status 1 Central Furnace 80% AFUE Split Air Conditioner 13.0 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION Duct Location Heatin2 Coo1in2 Duct Location R-Value Status Whole House Ducted Ducted Basement 6.0 New WATER HEATING Ot . Typ2 Gallons Min. Eff Distribution Status 1 Small Gas 39 0,63 RecirclTimer Altered Ener Pro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number.- 2662 RunCode: 2011-10-24T10:48.4 ID: 2240:111 Page 3 of 11 CERTIFICATE OFCOMPLIANCE: Residentiol Part5 of 5 CF-1 R Project Name Campi Residence Building Type 0 Single Family ❑ Addition Alone ❑ Multi Family 0 Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 1012412011 BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION System Name Zone Name Floor Area Volume Year Built New Existing Altered Removed Whole House Original House 764 6,112 1967 New Addition 1,827 14,616 Totals 1 1,827 764 0 0 HVAC SYSTEMS System Name Ot . HeatingT e Min. Eff Cooling Type Min. Eff. i Thermostat Type Status Whole House 1 Central Furnace 80 % AFUE Split Air Conditioner 13.0 SEER Setback New HVAC DISTRIBUTION System Name Heating Cooling Duct Location Duct R-Value Ducts Tested? St t s Whole House Ducted Ducted Basement 6.0 ❑ New Cl WATER HEATING SYSTEMS S stem Name Qty. Type Distribution Rated input Btuh Tank Cap. a1 Energy Factor or RE Standby Loss or Pilot Ext. Tank Insul. R- Value Status RHEEM 44V40-1 1 Small Gas RecirclTimer 40,000 39 0.63 nla nla Altered Standard Gas 50 gal or Lel 1 Small Gas pre -altered for Above 1 40,000 50 0:58 nla nla MULTI. FAMILY WATER HEATING DETAILS HYDRON 1C HEATING SYSTEM PIPING Control E :3 la) Hot Water Piping Length P g ft - o •7Z� System Name Pipe Length Pipe Diameter insul. Thick. Q . HP Plenum Outside Buried ❑ ❑ a ❑_ EnergyPro 5.1 bZ EnerqySoft User Number. 2662 RunCode: 2011-10-24T10:48.4 ID: 2240.111 Pa e 7 of 11 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential Part 2 of 5 CF-1 R Project Name Campi Residence Building Type 0 Single Family ❑ Addition Alone ❑ Multi Family la Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 11012412011 SPECIAL FEATURES INSPECTION CHECKLIST The enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submitted. A hot water recirculation systems has been modeled. Verification of type is required. HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION items in this section require field testing and/or verification by a certified HERS Rater. The inspector must receive a completed CF-4R form for each of the measures listed below for final to be given. EnenqyPro 5.1 by EnerqySoft User Number 2662 RunCode: 2019-10-24T10:48.4 ID: 2240.111 Page 4 of 11 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: Residential (Page 1 of 3 MF- 1 R Project Name Campi Residence Date 11012412011 NOTE: Low-rise residential buildings subject to the Standards must comply with all applicable mandatory measures listed, regardless of the compliance approach used. More stringent energy measures listed on the Certificate of Compliance (CF-1R, CF-1 R-ADD, or CF- 1 R-ALT Form shall supersede the items marked with an asterisk * below. This Mandatory Measures Summary shall be incorporated ) P () rY rY P into the permit documents, and the applicable features shall be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or in this summary. Submit all applicable sections of the MF-1 R Form with plans. Building Envelo a Measures: 116 a 1: Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces are manufactured to limit air leakage. §116(a)4: Fenestration products (except field-fabricatedwindows} have a label listing the certified U-Fact r, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC), and infiltration that meets the requirements of 10-111 (a). 117: Exterior doors and windows are weather-stripped; all joints and penetrations are caulked and sealed. 1 18 a : Insulations ecified or installed meets Standards for Insulating Material. Indicate type and include on GF-6R Form. §118(i): The thermal emittance and solar reflectance values of the cool roofing material meets the requirements of §118(i) when the installation of a Cool Roof is specified on the CF-1 R Form. * 150 a : Minimum R-19 insulation in wood -frame ceiling orequivalent U-factor. 150 b : Loose fill insulation shall conform with manufacturer's installed design labeled R-Value. * 150 c : Minimum R-13 insulation in wood -frame wall orequivalent U-factor. * 150 d : Minimum R-13 insulation in raised wood -frame floor orequivalent U-factor. 150 f : Air retarding wrap is tested labeled and installed according to ASTM El677-95 2000 when specified on the CF-1 R Form. 150 : Mandatory Vapor barrier installed in Climate Zones 14 or 16. § 150() P 9: Water absorption I rate for slab edge insulation material alone without facings is no greater than 0.3%; water vapor permeance rate is no qreater than 2.0 rm/inch and shall be protected from ghysical damage and UV light deterioration. Fire laces Decorative Gas Appliances and Gas Log Measures: 150 e 1 A: Masonry or factory -built fireplaces have a closable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox. 1 1: Masonry r factory -built b ycombustion fi e it intake which is at least six square inches in area and is § 50(e} B aso ry o factory bu t a e a outs d a a t q e equipped with a with a readily accessible, operable, and tight -fitting damp2r and or a combustion -air control device. 1 2 Continuous in 'I lights n h use of indoor it for cooling firebox jacket, when that indoor air is vented to he § 50(e) ,Cot uous burning pilot I g s and the s do a o o g a ebo ja t, o t outside of he building, are rohibited. t , S ace Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing S stem Measures: §110-§113: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads, faucets and all other regulated appliances are certified by the Energy Commission. §113(c)5: Water heating recirculation loops serving multiple dwelling units and High -Rise residential occupancies meet the air release valve, backflow 2revention, pump isolation valve, and recirculation loop connection re uirements of §113(c)5. §115: Continuously burning pilot lights are prohibited for natural gas: fan -type central furnaces, household cooking appliances (appliances with an electrical supply voltage connection with pilot lights that consume less than 150 Btu/hr are exempt), and pool and spa heaters. 150 h : Heating and/or cooling loads are calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA or ACCA. 150 i : Heating systems are equipped with thermostats that meet the setback requirements of Section 112(c), §1506)1 A: Storage gas water heaters rated with an Energy Factor no greater than the federal minimal standard are externally wrapped with insulation having an installed thermal resistance f R-12 r greater. wi e a o o a 1 : r f r water -heating s tern or of er indirect hot water §150{j} B Unfired storage tanks, such as storage tanks backup tanks or sofa system, h tanks have R-12 external insulation or R-16 internal insulation where the internal insulation R-value is indicated on the exterior of the tank. i 5 : First f f h I water pipes closest t water heater tank non -recirculating systems, and entire length of 0 2 rst 5 set o of and cold wa a clo s o a e § g Y 9 recirculatinq sections of hot water pipes are insulated per Standards Table 150-B. . ._ indirect h r r in Ii s rid piping insulated between heating source and d ct of §150(j}2 Cooling system piping {suction,. chilled water, o brine ne ),a p p g g water tank shall be insulated to Table 150-B and Equation 150-A. §1500)2: Pipe insulation for steam hydronic heating systems or hot water systems >15 psi, meets the requirements of Standards Table 123-A. 150 3A: Insulation is protected from dama a including that due to sunlight, moisture a ui ment maintenance and wind. §1500)3A: Insulation for chilled water piping and refrigerant suction lines includes a vapor retardant or is enclosed entirely in conditioned space. 150(j)4: Solar water -heating systems and/or collectors are certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corp2ration. EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number. 2662 RunCode: 2011-10-24T10:48:42 iD: 2240.111 Page 8 of 11 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE: Residential (Part 3 of 5) CF-1 R Project Name Building Type 0 Single Family ❑ Addition Alone Date Campi Residence I ❑ Multi Family 0 Existing+ Addition/Alteration 11012412011 ANNUAL ENERGY USE SUMMARY Standard Proposed Margin TDV kBtu/fC r Space Heating 22.70 17.00 5.70 Space Cooling 10.34 13.23 -2.89 Fans 5.55 5.79 -0.24 Domestic Hot Water 20.93 19.42 1.51 Pumps 1.41 1.41 0.00 Totals 60.93 56.84 4.09 Percent Better Than Standard: 6.7 BUILDING COMPLIES - NO HERS VERIFICATION REQUIRED Fenestration Building Front Orientation: (W) 270 deg Ext. Wails/Roof Wall Area Area Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 (t) 392 48 Fuel Available at Site: Natural Gas (N) 624 104 Raised Floor Area: 2,591 (E) 406 100 Slab on Grade Area: 0 (S) 624 42 Average Ceiling Height: 8.0 Roof 2,591 0 Fenestration Average U-Factor: 0.55 TOTAL: 294 Average SHGC: 0.67 Fenestration/CFA Ratio: 11.3 REMARKS Remodeled l Addition STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE This certificate of compliance lists the building features and specifications needed to comply with Title 24, Parts 1 the Administrative Regulations and Part 6 the Efficiency Standards of the California Code of Regulations. The documentation author hereby certifies that the documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Company Alcon Engineering 1125 B St 10l24/20?1 Byron N Address y Name Steve Devich City/State/Zip-Palo Alto, CA 94301 Phone 650 364 3832 Signed Date The individual with overall design responsibility hereby certifies that the proposed building design represented in this set of construction documents is consistent with the other compliance forms and worksheets, with the specifications, and with any other calculations submitted with this permit application, and recognizes that compliance using duct design, duct sealing, verification of refrigerant charge, insulation installation quality, and building envelope sealing require installer testing and certification and field verification by an approved HERS rater. Designer or Owner (per Business & Professions Code) Company Knorr Architecture Address 19 South B Street Suite 12 Name City/State/zip San Mateo, CA 94401 Phone 650 344 2001 Signed License # Date EnergyPro 5.1 b Ener Soft User Number 2662 RunCode: 2011-10-24T10:48:4 ID: 2240.191 Pa e 5 of 11 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY:Residential (Page 2 of 3 MF-1 R Project Name IDate Campi Residence 11012412011 i 50(m 1: All air -distributions stem ducts and plenums installed, are sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of CMC Sections § ) Y P q 601, 602, 603, 604, 605 and Standard 6-5; supply -air and return -air ducts and plenums are insulated to a minimum installed level of R- 4.2 or enclosed entirely in conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic tape or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181 A, or UL 181 B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings reaeer than 1/4 inch the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape shall be used §150(m)l: Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums defined or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct shall not be used for conveying conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms shall not be compressed to cause reductions in the cross -sectional area of the ducts. §150(m)2D: Joints and seams of duct systems and their components shall not be sealed with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such toe is used in combination with mastic and draw bands. 150(m)7: Exhaust fans stems have back draft or automatic dampers. §150(m)8: Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers. §150(m)9: Insulation shall be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind. Cellular foam insulation shall be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation that can cause degradation of the material. 150 m 10: Flexible ducts cannot have porous inner cores. 150 0 : All dwelling units shall meet the requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2007 Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air § () g q P Quality in Low -Rise Residential Buildings. Window operation is not a permissible method of providing the Whole Building Ventilation required in Section 4 of that Standard. Pool and S a Heating nd Equiprrlent Measures: 114 a An pool or spa heating system shall be certified #o have: a thermal efficient that complies with the Appliance Efficient § {) Y P P g Y Y P PP Y Regulations; an on -off switch mounted outside of the heater; a permanent weatherproof plate or card with operating instructions; and shall not use electric resistance heating or a pilot light. §114(b)1: Any pool or spa heating equipment shall be installed with at least 36" of pipe between filter and heater, or dedicated suction and return lines, or built-up connections for future solar heating. ' 114(b)2: Outdoor pools or spas that have a heat pump or gas heater shall have a cover. §114(b)3. Pools shall have directional inlets that adequately mix the pool water, and a time switch that will allow all pumps to beset o programmed to run only during off-peak electric demand periods. i # r piping, it n valve requirements of 150 . 150 . Residential pool systems orequipment meet the um sizing, ate, in , filters, and e s Residential Lighting Measures; §150(k)l : High efficacy luminaires or LED Light Engine with Integral Heat Sink has an efficacy that is no lower than the efficacies contained in Table 150-C and is not a low efficacy luminaire as specified by 150(k)2. 150(k)3: The wattage of 2ermanently installed luminaires shall be determined as specified by §130(d). §150(k)4: Ballasts for fluorescent lamps rated 13 Watts or greater shall be electronic and shall have an output frequency no less than 20 kHz. §150(k)5: Permanently installed night lights and night lights integral to a permanently installed luminaire or exhaust fan shall contain only high efficacy lamps meeting the minimum efficacies contained in Table 150-C and shall not contain a line -voltage socket or line - voltage lamp holder; OR shall be rated to consume no more than five watts of power as determined by §130(d), and shall not contain a medium screw -base socket. 150(k)6: Lighting' integral to exhaust fans, in rooms other than kitchens, shall meet the licable requirements of §150(k). 150(k)7: All switching devices and controls shall meet the re uirements of §150(k)7. 1 minimum f percent f the total rated wattage of ermanentl installed lighting in kitchens shall be high efficacy. § ,50(k}8 A m nimum o 50 pe ce o e to_ permanently 9 9 9 Y r' dwelling units larger th n'2,500 'ft2 m ; be EXCEPTION, U to 50 watts for dwelling:units less than orequal to 2,500 ftzor 100 watts to d e g u isamay P ll manual n occupant exempt from the 50 !o high efficacy requirement when. all low efficacy luminaires in the kitchen are controlled by a ma ua_ o occ p sensor, dimmer, energy management system (EMCS), or a multi -scene programmable control system; and all permanently installed luminaries in garages, laundry rooms, closets greater than 70 square feet, and utility rooms are high efficacy and controlled by a manual -on occupant sensor. §150(k)9: Permanently installed lighting that is internal to cabinets shall use no more than 20 watts of power per linear foot of illuminated cabinet. EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number: 2662 RunCode: 2011-10-24T10:48.42 iD: 2240.111 Page 9 of 11 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: Residential Part 4 of 5 CF-1 R Project Name Campi Residence 1 Building Type 0 Single Family ❑ Addition Alone ❑ Multi Family 0 Existing+ Addition/Alteration Date 012412011 OPAQUE SURFACE DETAILS Surface Type Area U- Factor Insulation Azm Tilt Status Joint Appendix 4 Location/Comments Cavity I Exterior Frame Interior Frame Roof 764 0.048 R-19 0 14 Altered 4.2.1-A16 E=4.2?-A2 Original House Wall 232 0.102 R-13 0 90 Altered 4.3.1-A3 E=4.3.1-A3 Original House Wall 168 0.102 R-13 90 90 Removeo 4.3.1-A3 Original House Wall 216 0.102 R-13 180 90 1 Altered 4.3.1-A3 LE4.3.1-A3 Original House Wall 148 0.102 R-13 1 270 90 Altered 4.3.1-A3 (E=4.3.1-A3) Original House Door 20 0.500 None 270 90 Existing 4.5.1-A4 Original House Floor 764 0, 048 1 R- 19 0 180 Altered 4. 4. 2-A4 E=4. 4.1-A 1 gn final House Roof 1,827 0.048 R-19 0 14 New 4.2.1-A16 NewAddition Wall 288 0.102 R-13 0 90 New 4.3.1-A3 New Addition Wall 306 0.102 R-13 1 90 90 New 4.3.1-A3 New Addition Wall 366 0.110 R-11 1 1801 90 1 New 4.3.1-A2 NewAddition Wall 156 0.102 R-13 270 90 New 4.3.1-A3 NewAddition Door 20 0.500 None 270 90 Existing 4.5.1-A4 NewAddition Floor 1,827 0.037 R-19 0 180 New 14.4.1-A4 NewAddition FENESTRATION SURFACE DETAILS ID I Type Area U-Factor SHGC2 Azm Status Glazing Type Location/Comments 1 Window 8.0 0.550 Default 0.67 Default 0 Altered Double Non Metal Clear Original House 2 Existing 1.190 Default 0.83 Default Single Non Metal Clear pre -altered for above 3 Window 48.0 1.190 Default 0.83 Default 90 Removed Single Non Metal Clear Original House 4 Window 24.0 0.550 Default 0.67 Default 180 Altered Double Non Metal Clear Original House 5 Existing 1.190 Default 0.83 Default Single Non Metal Clear pre -altered for above 6 Window 48.0 0.550 Default 0.67 Default 270 Altered Double Non Metal Clear Original House 7 lExisting 1.190 Default 0.83 Default Single Non Metal Clear pre -altered for above 8 Window 96.0 0.550 Default 0.67 Default 0 New Double Non Metal Clear New Addition 9 Window 100.0 0.550 Default 0,67 Default 90 New Double Non Metal Clear NewAddition 10 Window 18.0 0.550 Default 0.67 Default 180 New Double Non Metal Clear NewAddition (1) U-Factor Type: 116-A = Default Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled Value 2 SHGC T e: 116-B = Default Table from Standards, NFRC = Labeled Value EXTERIOR SHADING DETAILS ID Exterior Shade Type SHGC Window Overhang Left Fin Ric Iht Fin H t Wd Len Wit LEA I RExt Dist Len Hcjt Dist Len H t 1 Bug Screen 0.76 2 Bug Screen 0.76 3 Bug Screen 0.76 4 Bug'Screen 0,76 5 Bug Screen 0.76 6 Bug Screen 0.76 7 Bug Screen 0.76 8 IBug Screen 0,76 9 lBug'Screen 0.76 10 Bug`Screen 0.76 Ener Pro 5.1 bZ Ener Soft User Number 2662 RunCode: 2011-10-24T10:48.4 iD: 2240.111 Page 6 of 11 MANDATORY MEASURES SUMMARY: Residential (Page 3 of 3 MF-1 R Project Name Date Campi Residence 11012412011 §150 k 10: Permanently installed luminaires in bathrooms, attached and detached garages, laundry rooms, closets and utility ity rooms shall be high efficacy. EXCEPTION 1: Permanently installed low efficacy luminaires shall be allowed provided that they are controlled by a manual -on occupant sensor certified to comply with the applicable requirements of §119. EXCEPTION 2: Permanently installed low efficacy luminaires in closets less than 70 square feet are not required to be controlled by a manual -on occupancy sensor. §150(k)l 1: Permanently installed luminaires located in rooms or areas other than in kitchens, bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, closets, and utility rooms shall be high efficacy iuimnaires. EXCEPTION 1: Permanently installed low efficacy luminaires shall be allowed provided they are controlled by either a dimmer switch that complies with the applicable requirements of §119, or by a manual - on occupant sensor that complies with the applicable requirements of §119. EXCEPTION 2: Lighting in detached storage building less than 1000 square feet located on a residential site is not required to comply with §150 k 11. §150(k)12: Luminaires recessed into insulated ceilings shall be listed for zero clearance insulation contact (IC) by Underwriters Laboratories or other nationally recognized testing/rating laboratory; and have a label that certifies the lumiunaire is airtight with air leakage less then 2.0 CFM at 75 Pascals when tested in accordance with ASTM E283; and be sealed with a gasket or caulk between the luminaire housing and ceiling. 1 1. Luminaires ipatios,i low-rise § 50{k} 3 Lu i arees providing outdoor lighting, including lighting for private n law r se residential buildings with four or more dwelling units, entrances, balconies, and porches, which are permanently mounted to a residential building or to other buildings on the same lot shall be high efficacy. EXCEPTION 1: Permanently installed outdoor low efficacy luminaires shall be allowed provided that they are controlled by a manual on/off switch, a motion sensor not having an override or bypass switch that disables the motion sensor, and one of the following controls: a photocontrol not having an override or bypass switch that disables the photocontrol; OR an astronomical time clock not havingan override or bypass switch that disables the astronomical time clock; OR an energy management YP Y control system (EMCS) not having an override or bypass switch that allows the luminaire to be always on EXCEPTION 2: Outdoor luminaires used to comply with Exceptionl to §150(k)13 may be controlled by a temporary override switch which bypasses the motion sensingfunction provided that the motion sensor is automatically reactivated within six hours. EXCEPTION 3: Permanent! installed P Y Y luminaires in or around swimming pool, water features, or other location subject to Article 680 of the California Electric Code need not be hi h efficacy luminaires. 150 k 14: Internally illuminated address signs shall comply with Section 148.OR not contain a screw -base socket and consume no § {} Y 9 PY , more than five watts of power as determined according to 130 d . 150 k 15: Lighting for Arkin lots and carports with a total of for 8 or more vehicles per site shall comply with the applicable § {} g g parking rP P P Y requirements in Sections 130,"132, 134, and 147. Lighting for parking garages for 8 or more vehicles shall comply with the applicable requirements of Sections 130, 131, 134, and 146. §150(k)16: Permanently installed lighting in the enclosed, non -dwelling spaces of low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units shall be high efficacy luminaires, EXCEPTION: Permanently installed low efficacy luminaires shall be allowed provided ded that they are controlled by an occupant sensors certified to comply with the applicable requirements of 119. EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number. 2662 RunCode: 2011-10-24T20:48.42 ID: 2240.111 Page 10 of 11 ZG V IJIkJ1VJ A.................................... A.................................... .................................... .................................... HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY Project Name Campi Residence Date 10/24/2011 System Name Whole House Floor Area 2,591 ENGINEERING CHECKS SYSTEM LOAD Number of Systems 1 COIL CFM Total Room Loads 1,260 Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation 0 Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK Heating System Sensible Latent CFM Sensible Output perS tern 71,0001 26,663 1,234 861 31,448 Total Output Btuh 71,000 0 Output Stuhl ft 27.4 384 1,365 Cooling System o 0 Output per System 40,500 0 0 0 0 Total Output Btuh 40,500 0 1,234 4 Total Output Tons 3.4 384 1,365 Total Output (Btuh/s ft) 15.6 Total Output s ft/Ton 767.7 27,431 34,179 Air System CFM Mr System 1,385 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION Airflow cfm 1,385 Bryant 550AN042-E/311JAV042090 29,653 8,847 71,000 Airflow {cfm/S ft) 0.53 Airflow cfmfron 410.4 Total Adjusted System Output 29,653 (Adjusted for Peak Design conditions) TiME OF SYSTEM PEAK _ 8,847 71,000 Aug 3 PM Jan 1 AM Outside Air (�/0 0-0 % Outside Air cfmis ft) 0.00 Note: values above given at ARI conditions HEATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRiCS Airstream Tem natures at Time of Heating Peak 28 OF 69 OF 69 OF 105 OF Outside Air 0 cfm Supply Fan Heating Coil 1,385 cfm 69 OF 104 "F R001W 70 OF COOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETICS LAirstream Terne2ratures at Cooling Peak)Ti e f in m n a o 0 751 7 / 6 F 62 F 5 62 F 55 / 54 F $81 $ Outside Air -4 r U_ 0 cfm Supply Fan Cooling Coil 55 / 54 OF 1,385 cfm........... ................. ._... ... 46.7 % ROOM 75162 "F 75162 OF LA I LU-1-T EnergyPro 5.1 by EnergySoft User Number. 2662 RunCode: 2011-10-24T10:48:42 ID: 2240.111 Page 110 11 19 SOUTH B STREET SUITE 12 SAN MATEO, CA. 94401 650.344.2001 V tk@torinknorr.com 1121 BUCKNAM AVE. SAN JOSE, CA. SCALE AS SHOWN 11/10/2011 TITLE 24 A 12 ! �! 440wo i* ®e i* 410M* �* ®e �e ONOM0 i* ilk .3 BUCKNAM AVENUE CENTER LINE OF ROAD 7 "'c NO CURBS OR GUTTERS NOT REQUIRED existing power pole E ISTING44WN T M M >< NEW UNDERGROUND ELEC, CAE TEL M G) Z G) M > 00 M (E) elec meter kE) gas meter 1 I DOD FENCE GRAVEL PATH 5'WIDE PROX W CD A 40 A 400*4" J JS Elf" I A P49 EXISTI NG6' REDWOOD FENCE TO REMAIN REVISIONS A.................................... A.................................... .................................... .................................... SHEET INDEX Al SITE PLAN, COVER SHEET A2 FLOOR PLAN A3 ROOF PLAN, FOUNDATION VENT PLAN A4 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A5 BLDG. SECTIONS A6 WALL SECTIONS A7 DETAILS A8 ELECTRICAL PLAN A8.1 MECHANICAL PLAN A9 FOUNDATION PLAN A10 ROOF FRAMING PLAN Al 1 DETAILS Al2 TITLE 24 LOT AREA 9,394.6 SQ. FT. EXISTING FLOOR AREA 764 SQ.FT. EXISTING GARAGE 493 SQ.FT. PROPOSED NEW 1827 SQ. FT. TOTAL AREA 3084 SQ. FT. BUILDING COVERAGE 33% ALLOW. 33288 SQ,.FT FRONT YARD PAVING 400 SQ.FT PERCENTAGE COVERAGE 27% ALLOW. 731 SQ FAR 3084 / 9394 - 3084 33% ALLOW 4227 45% BUILDING HT 131.91f ZONE R1 1121 BUCKNAM AVE. , A•BELL SINGLE STORY 19 SOUTH B STREET SUITE 12 SAN MATEO, CA. 94401 650.344.2001 V tk@torinknorr.com 1121 BUCKNAM AVE. SAN JOSE, CA. I SCALE ASSHOWN 11/10/2011 REC_ f'10v I CAMPBELL SITE PLAN 1/811 = 1 #-Off aly z m c z zz z 0 m 00 --lo G) :1) mc G) o MM M m 003 m 0 c Cl) c z 0 m0 Do 0 0 Fp7 0 G) 0 m c ------ Im TTI A z WA-lk `RA 6 WE xcn (@ > C r-4- 0 0 . CA) Z ::� if > c 0 o < 0 C) ui Cl) 3 > co m q _- 0 i 0.9 I G) CC) C: < m r- -0 z > > < m z m > 0 C m m 0 x I ,6 4or .0-.0c