HPB 02282018 - Regular Meeting HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD AGENDA City of Campbell, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California Regular Meeting of the Historic Preservation Board Wednesday, February 28, 2018, 5:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 70 N. First Street, Campbell CALL TO ORDER Chair Walter ROLL CALL MINUTES 1. Approval of Minutes for Meeting of January 24, 2018 (Attached) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This is the point on the agenda where members of the public may address the Board on items of concern to the Community that are not listed on the agenda. PUBLIC HEARING 1. 212 E. Rincon: Public Hearing to consider the application of Patricia Alford for the designation of property located at 212 E. Rincon Avenue as a Historic Landmark. This item will be continued/withdrawn. NEW BUSINESS 1. Campbell High School / Community Center Plaque: Review attached email and provide direction to staff if the HPB is interested in the proposal from the Campbell High School Alumni Association. 2. Surveys Grant: Apply for OHP grant to complete surveys for the Cambrian Tract area and Kennedy Tract areas. Application (attached) is due May 1st. 3. Commendation Letters: Draft (Blake) and send (staff) commendation letters a. Commercial historic building owner (1940 Hamilton Avenue) b. Fonn’s work on the Historic Campbell app c. Others OLD BUSINESS 1. Realtor FAQ Email: Staff will provide an update on the status of the Realtor FAQ FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 1. 2018 Workplan: a. HRI Update: Remove demolished homes from the HRI and consider removing other homes from the HRI as needed or requested (e.g., 206 E. Rincon). b. Solar Panels: One or more HPB member(s) to volunteer to complete research on Historic Building Solar Design Guidelines in other cities. c. Historic Preservation Outreach: Consider hosting one or more events that highlight historic preservation efforts in Campbell including for example, a holiday historic home tour and/or a cultural event such as hay rides during Early Settlers Day or an Orchard Festival that celebrates Campbell’s Orchard City roots. 2. HPB Member requests for future agenda items (no discussion) HPB MEMBER / STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS / COMMUNICATIONS 1. The Historic Preservation Ordinance (attached) was adopted by the City Council on February 20th and will be effective on March 22nd. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting will be held on March 28, 2017, at 5:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California. Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month, unless otherwise noticed. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, listening assistance devices are available for meetings held in the Council Chambers. If you require accommodation to participate in the meeting, please contact Corinne Shin at the Community Development Department, at corinnes@cityofcampbell.com or (408) 866-2140. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD JANUARY 24, 2018 MINUTES 5:00 p.m. - Wednesday City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER Chair Blake called the Historic Preservation Board Regular Meeting of Wednesday, January 24, 2018, to order at 5:05 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL HPB Members Present: Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore Todd Walter Yvonne Kendall HPB Members Absent: Michael Foulkes Staff Members Present: Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES HPB member Kendall made a motion to approve the Meeting Minutes of December 20, 2017. HPB member Moore seconded. Motion Passed 4-0-1 (Foulkes absent) NON-AGENDIZED ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None PUBLIC HEARING None Historic Preservation Board - Meeting Minutes Minutes for January 24, 2018 meeting Page 2 of 3 NEW BUSINESS 1. Elect New Chair/Vice Chair: HPB member Kendall made a motion to elect Todd Walter as the Chair of the HPB. HPB member Moore seconded. Motion Passed 4-0-1 (Foulkes absent). HPB member Kendall made a motion to elect Michael Foulkes as the Vice Chair of the HPB. HPB member Blake seconded. Motion Passed 4-0-1 (Foulkes absent). 2. 2018 Meeting Calendar: The HPB accepted the proposed 2018 meeting calendar. 3. 2018 Workplan: The HPB discussed their work plan for the 2018 calendar year. The work plan is listed in order of priority: a. Commendation Letters: HPB member Blake volunteered to draft commendation letter for the owner of the commercial historic building located at 1940 Hamilton Avenue. She also volunteered to draft the commendation letter for Fonn’s work on the Historic Campbell app. Staff will invite the recipients to the next applicable meeting for acceptance of the commendations. b. HRI Update: Following formal adoption of the Historic Preservation Ordinance, staff will schedule public hearings with the HPB, Planning Commission, and City Council to remove demolished homes from the HRI and consider removing other homes from the HRI as needed or requested (e.g., 206 E. Rincon). c. Surveys / Grant: HPB member Kendall volunteered to help staff apply for an OHP grant to complete surveys for the Cambrian Tract and Kennedy Tract areas. Staff will agendize the discussion once the grant is announced. d. Historic Preservation Outreach: Following submittal of the survey grant and completion of HRI update, staff will agendize a discussion of future possible the events that highlight historic preservation efforts in Campbell including for example, a holiday historic home tour, an Orchard Festival, and/or hay rides during Early Settlers Day. e. Solar Panels: HPB member Blake will complete research on Historic Building Solar Design Guidelines in other cities. This workplan item will be scheduled for consideration by the HPB following completion of the other workplan items. OLD BUSINESS 1. 412 E. Campbell Avenue (Post Office/Rock Shop): The HPB reviewed historic photos of the building and proposed building materials to replace the existing glazed tiles (not original) below the windows of the front façade. The HPB accepted the proposed materials as presented (Vote 4-0-1, Foulkes absent). The application will be submitted to, and reviewed by, the building department. Historic Preservation Board - Meeting Minutes Minutes for January 24, 2018 meeting Page 3 of 3 2. 212 E. Rincon: The owner is interested in designating her home as a Landmark. Staff requested that all HPB members visit the property, complete the architectural questionnaire, and send it to Cindy no later than February 7th. HPB member Kendall noted that the home was interesting and memorable; however she was reluctant to make it a Landmark. She would like more information on the original owner of the property. HPB member Moore requested that Mark Sandoval complete a historic report of the property, asking staff who would be responsible for the fee. Staff replied that the homeowner would be responsible since she initiated the request. HPB member Blake noted that the home, with its well-done craftsmanship, represents a fine example of the Colonial Revival Cottage architectural style identified in the City’s Design Guidelines for Historic Residential Buildings. She also noted that the home, which has Edwardian influences and was built for the City butcher, is highly visible and in good shape with unique details including a steep roofline, dormers, dental molding, balanced windows, and a chimney that stands out. Chair Walter noted that homes in Campbell are not ornate and have historically included very simple architecture. He suggested comparing this home to other homes of similar style. He also liked the idea of having Mark Sandoval write a report about the home. The application will be scheduled for the February 28th meeting. Staff will also contact Mark Sandoval for a quote to prepare the report and then let the homeowner know how much it will be. 3. FAQ Brochure: The HPB continued their discussion of the Realtors FAQ email and asked staff to send the draft email to Realtor Scott Rees for feedback. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. The next meeting will be held on February 28, 2018, starting at 5:00 pm in the City of Campbell Council Chambers. PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner APPROVED BY: ______________________________________ Todd Walter, Chair