HPB Mins 03/27/2019Historic Preservation Board REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, March 27, 2019 City Council Chambers, City Hall, 70 N First St., Campbell CALL TO ORDER The Historic Preservation Board meeting of March 27, 2019, was called to order at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California by Chair Foulkes, and the following proceedings were had to wit. Pr)l 1 ['.AI 1 HPB Members Present: Michael Foulkes, Chair Susan Blake Todd Walter APPROVAL OF MINUTES HPB Members Absent: Yvonne Kendall, Vice Chair Laura Taylor Moore Staff Members Present: Daniel Fama, Senior Planner Corinne Shinn, Recording Secretary 1. Approval of HPB Minutes of February 27, 2019 Motion: Upon motion of Board Member Walter, seconded by Board Member Blake, the Historic Preservation Board minutes of the meeting of February 27, 2019, were approved as submitted. (3-0- 2; Board Members Kendall and Moore were absent) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (ITEMS NOT AGENDIZED) Board Member Blake thanked Planner Daniel Fama for moving the Announcements portion of the regular HPB agenda from the end to the beginning as discussed at the last meeting. BOARD/STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS, UPDATES AND REQUESTS Planner Daniel Fama: • Reported on 209 Railway Avenue for which the City is initiating Code Enforcement action due to maintenance and occupancy concerns. The intent is to ensure the Historic Preservation Board Minutes for March 27, 2019 Page 2 of 11 legal use of the building. There is a lot of work to be done. He stated that the desire is to preserve this structure. Board Member Blake advised that the Public Works Director was trying to work with the property owner to perhaps have the City purchase the site. Planner Daniel Fama: • Advised that is no longer the case. The City must now resort to the "hammer" of Code Enforcement to legalize the building's deteriorating conditions and improper occupancy. He advised the Board that a citation with a fine of $1,000 has been issued to the owner. • Reported that he had contacted the County Tax Assessor's Office to try and get copies of the annual Mills Act reports on Campbell properties. He said that he was advised by the County that they cannot provide those copies to anyone but the property owner. The City Attorney agreed that the County's position on this was correct. As a result staff will send letters to each owner requiring them to provide the City with a copy. PUBLIC HEARINGS None NEW BUSINESS 2. 360 E. Campbell Avenue — Awning, Lighting and Heater Improvements Referral from the Community Development Director requesting that the Historic Preservation Board discuss the potential installation of a retractable awning and wall - mounted lighting and heating fixtures to the Second Bank of Campbell Building on property located at 360 E. Campbell Avenue. Daniel Fama provided the staff report as follows: • Advised said that although the scope of this item is more in the purview of the staff, the Community Development Director wanted the Historic Preservation Board to give this an initial review as well. • Reported that business owner, Pino Spanu is here today together with his architect. Charles Sims, Contractor, European Rolling Shutters, San Jose: • Said that he has lots of experience. • Added that the retractable awning is made in San Jose of components made in Germany. • Stated that the components provide full protection of the fabric, for which there is a ten-year warranty. • Showed awning cut sheets as well as a photo of Jake's Restaurant in Saratoga with the awning in place there. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for March 27. 2019 Paae 3 of 11 • Explained that when the awning is closed you just see the top bar, which is usually brown or white in color, and about six -inches of fabric hanging down and hiding the bar. • Showed some renderings. • Added that personally he likes the dark brown frame and feels it would go best with the dark window frames at this location. Board Member Walter asked if this restaurant would serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. Pino Spanu said that they will serve dinner and brunch one or two days a week. Board Member Walter asked Mr. Spanu, "You really need these awnings?" Pino Spanu: • Replied yes. • Stated that this restaurant is really small and they lost covered patio space that used to accommodate seating for 14 people. • Added that he can't accept reservations for outdoor seating if the weather is questionable without having this awning. • Reported that there is no space to store items after hours when they are closed. Board Member Walter asked Planner Daniel Fama if the City is supportive of this request. Planner Daniel Fama said that Director Paul Kermoyan has indicated that he is amiable to an awning as long as it is retractable and includes no sides. Board Member Walter asked about the requirements to delineate outdoor space where alcohol is being served. Must it be enclosed? Planner Daniel Fama replied no. He added that Mr. Spanu will have to process a new outdoor seating plan to show how the outdoor dining area will be delineated. He concluded that alcohol service must be limited to the restaurant's outdoor space and not encroach onto the public sidewalk. Board Member Walter asked if there would be seating in front (Campbell Ave). Pino Spanu: • Advised that Director Paul Kermoyan had asked if he could put one or two tables at the front. • Admitted that it doesn't seem like there is enough space there now but he will see if sufficient space is available. • Cautioned that the space there would not be covered. Board Member Blake asked if there would be signage on the front awning. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for March 27, 2019 Page 4 of 11 Pino Spanu said he doesn't know yet. He said the front awning is black metal. He'll have to see what color of awning the Historic Preservation Board and staff recommend. Planner Daniel Fama: • Asked if the HPB is supportive of the proposed awning. • Inquired, if so, is there a preference or recommendation of color, solid or striping options. • Advised that Director Paul Kermoyan is looking for feedback here. Pino Spanu said that the material book is here with all of the fabric options. Charles Sims said that the fabric offers a 20 year functional lifespan. The fabric might have to be changed in about 12 to 15 years from now. Board Member Blake asked if the mounting bracket is available to look at in a diagram format. Charles Sims showed the diagram on the projected screen. Board Member Blake: • Said that she has some specific concerns about the east -facing side. • Stated that it seems like the awning is going to cover significant part of those historic windows when the awning is out. • Admitted that she would be sorry to see that happen but also understands what Mr. Spanu wants to do. • Inquired how the lights and heaters were going to be mounted. • Asked how to protect the bricks from damage while mounting these awnings, lights and heaters. Charles Sims said he checked the spacing of the bricks to determine if the mounting could be done into the grout rather than through the brick. Board Member Walter said that it has to be anchored or it will fall out. It can't be bolted into the grout. Pino Spanu: • Said the above windows would be seen from a distance. He made sure of that. • Admitted that the windows are not in great shape. • Reported that he is unable to clean the inside windows as they are very old. • Stated that the proposed mounting is at about the nine -foot height. • Reminded that the awning at the front is of a completely different design. Board Member Walter said it seems per the plan that there are different heights between the front and side awnings. He suggested that they mimic each other in terms of placement. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for March 27, 2019 Page 5 of 11 Planner Daniel Fama said that staff would prefer the awnings at the same level both at the front and on the side, if possible. Charles Sims said he recommends placement a bit higher than the window. Pino Spanu questioned whether it might be possible to change the placement of the front awning. Planner Daniel Fama replied no. It is placed where it is located to cover the beam that is there. Board Member Blake said it would be better to have more balance and symmetry. Board Member Walter suggested two awnings of the same size with a space between them. He asked if they would be anchoring to the pilaster. Charles Sims replied yes, at about eight to 10-inches. Board Member Walter suggested that they be placed as closely together as possible. Pino Spanu said that this location was previous a cafe and he wants to transition to fine dining. Board Member Walter suggested considering the use of three pieces instead of two and placing them between pilasters. Charles Sims said that would not allow for the use of their brackets and would leave a big gap. Board Member Blake said that as a result they would lose space for tables. Charles Sims stated that he could guarantee the City would be pleased with these awnings for 20 plus years. Pino Spanu said that a restaurant has been operating in this space for the last 25 years. He needs to be able to run a business there. Board Member Blake said she understands. She said she has no particular preference of design or color of the awnings. Board Member Walter agreed and said he would defer to others who know best. Pino Spanu said that he would work closely with staff in making the best decision. Charles Sims said that the height doesn't matter to him in terms of installation placement. He will try to match the level of the front awning. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for March 27, 2019 Page 6 of 11 Chair Foulkes: • Reported that he went over to look at the building today and fears this awning will really hurt the architecture of the building. They currently have a beautiful clean fagade and would be messing it up. • Added that he does understand the needs of the business operating here. • Admitted that he felt it would be a shame to lose the integrity of that side of the building. Planner Daniel Fama: • Brought up the issues of lighting and heater fixtures. • Advised that he had asked Pino Spanu to pick out his favorite fixtures to show to HPB. • Said that starting with the lighting, Pino's choice seems to be historically inspired. Pino Spanu said that he is open to anything the City recommends as far as light fixtures. He just needs light so his diners can see their meals. Board Member Walter asked if it is too dark in this area to simply use table lamps rather than wall mounted. Can they put candles on the tables? Pino Spanu said he could put candles at each table but the area is dark without lighting Board Member Walter said that it would be important for Mr. Spanu to replicate fixtures that match the age of the building. He said it would be up to the owner and the City to pick the most appropriate option. Pino Spanu reiterated that he would take any suggestions. Board Member Blake: • Showed a photo from her phone of a light fixture located on the Farley Building (also known as the First Bank of Campbell) at the corner of Central and Campbell. Planner Daniel Fama said it seems the direction from HPB is that as there is not enough existing lighting that any new fixtures are of a period design and color to match the age of the building. Board Member Blake said, if possible, yes. Chair Foulkes: • Asked how many holes might have to be bored into these historic brick walls to install the lighting fixtures, heating fixtures and retractable awnings? • Said that while he can understand that use of removable awnings and heating towers is more difficult than what is proposed using mounted equipment is less good for the building and community. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for March 27, 2019 Page 7 of 11 Board Member Walter asked about the ability to put power outlets on the building but placed down lower to allow for plug-in lights. Pino Spanu reiterated the plan to drill through grout rather than the bricks themselves. Planner Daniel Fama questions whether Fire would even support heating fixtures beneath the awning itself. Pino Spanu said that a restaurant would look funny without lights. Board Member Walter reminded that this building wasn't a restaurant originally. It was a bank. He suggested attaching lights to the front awning itself rather than the building itself. Pino Spanu: • Said that he can also do something below the front awning. He needs lighting at the entrance. • Explained that he has older customers and there are a couple of steps there to navigate upon arrival. Planner Daniel Fama asked if the lighting placed under the awning would impact the ability for that awning to retract. Pino Spanu said it can do so. Board Member Walter suggested that Mr. Pino Spanu work with staff to place light fixtures beneath the overhang of the awning. He reiterated his preference that as little drilling and/or mounting into the building itself be done. Chair Foulkes said that it is important to make sure that the building fits within its historic downtown. Charles Sims said that in Europe awnings are used widely. They have not adapted as much yet in the United States. He said that is his opinion but then again he sells awnings. Board Member Walter said that the City is trying to preserve the integrity of this building and limit any impacts created by permanently mounting fixtures onto the outside walls. Planner Daniel Fama said that the heating fixtures at Socialight (now Flights) are permanently mounted. Board Member Blake said she prefers portable to permanently mounted. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for March 27, 2019 Page 8 of 11 Planner Daniel Fama said that propane heaters are fine if there is a place to store the propane when the business is closed. Such storage cannot occur within this building. Mr. Spanu doesn't have space to securely store propane tanks. Chair Foulkes asked if the other businesses Downtown have the place to store their propane heaters. Planner Daniel Fama answered he is not sure all do have such storage available. Board Member Walter asked about natural gas heaters instead of propane. Planner Daniel Fama said he was not sure that Fire would allow such a heater beneath a fabric awning. Charles Sims said that as long as the heater is not pointed onto the awning it is safe. Planner Daniel Fama: • Said it seems there is a lot of concern amongst the Board about proposed penetrations into this building's exterior brick walls and the potential for damage as a result. • Stated that he would work with Mr. Spanu on alternative ways and on lighting itself. • Asked that if the Board is strongly against it that they advise Director Paul Kermoyan of that fact. Chair Foulkes: • Said all three (awning, lights and heaters) are bad • Stated that all three are integrated into one. • Asked if other options exist besides these. STAFF NOTE: Following this meeting the Community Development Director denied the awning request. 3. Appointment of a Historic Preservation Advisor to the Site and Architectural Review Committee (SARC): Request for the Historic Preservation Board to appoint a Board Member to serve as Historic Preservation Advisor to the Site and Architectural Review Committee (SARC) for a 12-month term. Planner Daniel Fama said that the Board should select a Member to serve as the Advisor to the Site and Architectural Review Committee for a one year term. Motion: Upon motion of Board Member Foulkes, seconded by Board Member Blake, the Historic Preservation Board appointed Todd Walter to serve as Historic Preservation Advisor to the Site and Historic Preservation Board Minutes for March 27, 2019 Page 9 of 11 Architectural Review Committee (SARC) for a one-year term. (3- 0-2; Board Members Kendall and Moore were absent) OLD BUSINESS 4. Kennedy Tract Surveys: Discuss surveyed Kennedy Tract properties and next steps. Planner Daniel Fama gave the following staff report: • Advised that the Board would need to look at the homes to identify which might warrant being considered as Structures of Merit. • Reported that staff took photos of those homes for which there was not yet one available. • Suggested that the Board consider each home on the list one by one and make a determination of "Yes", "Maybe" or "No" as to whether to evaluate a home further. Board Member Blake: • Said that she has identified four homes on California Street for which she is recommending further study. • Reported that these four homes were constructed between 1947 and 1949 and are good examples of the predominately style of this neighborhood. These homes were constructed before the City of Campbell was incorporated. • Added that each has a nice large Cedar tree in the front yard. All are in good condition. • Concluded that they represent the area with architectural features such as a diamond window. Planner Daniel Fama said that there are four on California Street marked as "Yes". Chair Foulkes: • Said it is important to consider other factors for establishing merit including perhaps who originally lived there if they were noteworthy. • Questioned how best to choose between similar types of homes without choosing too many that are too similar. Board Member Walter: • Suggested starting with many and narrowing them down before a more detailed history is drafted for the small list. Perhaps 50 to start and brought down to perhaps three. Board Member Blake: • Said that some represent specific times in Campbell's history. • Added that the architect might not be known. The original owners may not be known. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for March 27, 2019 Page 10 of 11 • Stated that she was willing to go talk with property owners of her four proposed California Street properties to learn more. • Reported that she found one interesting home in the Campbell Village Neighborhood. It's a beautiful old farmhouse. • Added that she recently noticed a great Eichler home that appears to remain in original condition. While she's not sure of the specific address this house is not far from Peter Drive. • Advised that Mayor Waterman has told her about a house on Ridgely that he thought might have historic potential. Board Member Walter suggested that when the potential list is narrowed down it would be time for a true historic evaluation by a historian or architectural firm. Chair Foulkes said that HPB is looking for original houses that have not been adulterated. Board Member Walter: • Said that Board Member Blake's four should be left on the list to go forward in being considered. • Suggested going through his list and narrow his list down to four or five properties. • Stated that the next step would be further research. Board Member Blake supported deleting some today from the larger list. Board Member Walter started with 41 Cherry Lane. Board Member Blake pointed out that this street, Cherry Lane, is the first part of the Kennedy Tract to be finished. Board Member Walter continued and the Board Members voted one by one while looking at Google Street Views of each residence: • 41 Cherry Lane - Maybe • 55 Cherry Lane - No. New door and windows. • 66 Cherry Lane - No. Too much is new. • 78 Cherry Lane - Maybe • 100 Cherry Lane - No • 113 Cherry Lane - No • 114 Cherry Lane - No • 126 Cherry Lane- Maybe 137 Cherry Lane - No • 149 Cherry Lane - No • 174 Cherry Lane - No • 184 Cherry Lane - No • 198 Cherry Lane- Maybe • 235 Cherry Lane- Maybe Historic Preservation Board Minutes for March 27, 2019 Page 11 of 11 • 261 Cherry Lane - No • 270 Cherry Lane - No • 275 Cherry Lane - No Planner Daniel Fama said that at the next meeting the Board can consider the properties from Catalpa Lane and El Caminito Avenue when Board Members Kendall and Moore will be able to make their recommendations on their suggested properties. Board Member Blake suggested the Board give direction to the two absent Board Members to narrow their respective lists down. Chair Foulkes suggested perhaps limiting recommendations to up to four properties per Tract. Planner Daniel Fama advised that he would add an item to the next HPB agenda to discuss evaluating how best to accommodate Accessory Dwelling Units on historic properties as part of the larger ADU Ordinance update currently under way. ADJOURNMENT The Historic Preservation Board meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. to the next Regular Historic Preservation Board meeti of April 24, 2019. PREPARED BY: Co inne Shinn, Recording Secretary APPROVED BY: ATTEST: