HPB Mins 01/23/2019Historic Preservation Board REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, January 23, 2019 City Council Chambers, City Hall, 70 N First St., Campbell CALL TO ORDER The Historic Preservation Board meeting of January 23, 2019, was called to order at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California by Chair Foulkes, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL HPB Members Present: HPB Members Absent: Michael Foulkes, Chair None Yvonne Kendall, Vice Chair Susan Blake Staff Members Present: Laura. Taylor Moore Daniel Fama, Senior Planner Todd Walter Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner Corinne Shinn, Recording Secretary ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (ITEMS NOT AGENDIZED) r None Chair Foulkes took a moment to make some introductory remarks as he leads his first HPB meeting: • Thanked the HPB Members of the Historic Preservation Board (HPB) for electing him to serve as Chair for 2019. • Extended his congratulations to the two Board HPB Members, Blake and Moore, who were recently reappointed to serve an additional four years on HPB. • Introduced newly assigned HPB Staff Liaison, Daniel Fama, who will support the HPB. • Reported that he recently met with Daniel Fama to get acquainted and go over the first HPB meeting agenda for 2019. • Pointed out that Cindy McCormick, who served as HPB Staff Liaison for several years, did so well for so long. • Said that HPB has tended to run things loosely. • Added that he'd like to see the HPB move in a direction that is more in keeping with the other Boards and Commissions, which is more formal in nature. • Reminded that there is a difference between the things HPB has to do and those things HPB would like to do. It is important that HPB is asking for things in the correct manner. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 23. 2019 Paae 2 of 10 • Stated his goal for HPB is to push to make Campbell's history more relevant and interesting. • Reminded that currently there are people that don't want their properties included on the Historic Resource Inventory List. • Said that there are ways to encourage inclusion on HRI as a desirable thing. He wants people to want their historic home to be on HRI. • Added that the Historic Preservation Ordinance could be improved and that might be a project for HPB to undertake. Board Member Kendall said she approves that angle or approach. She added that it coincides with one of tonight's agenda items that she had requested Daniel Fama add to this agenda. Chair Foulkes reported that he spoke with the Chief Counsel of the State Office of Historic Preservation and will discuss what he learned with Daniel Fama. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: Upon motion of Board Member Kendall, seconded by Board Member Blake, the Historic Preservation Board minutes of the meeting of December 19, 2018, were approved as submitted. (5-0) PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. None NEW BUSINESS 2. Certified Local Government Annual Report: Cindy McCormick, Senior Planner, provided the following update: • Advised that each year the HPB reports to the Office of Historic Preservation for a one-, year period between October 1st and September 30tn • Added that the Certified Local Government Annual Report (CLGAR) requires the setting of goals, attendance records of the Board HPB Members, training that has been done as well as obstacles we have come across. Chair Foulkes said he read through the CLGAR and found it to be helpful to outline what HPB has done. Board Member Blake: • Agreed that the report was very well done. • Added that"the CLGAR strengthens the case for what HPB does. • Suggested that if possible this report be shared with the City Council. • Stated that perhaps they have no grasp of the level of accountability we have with the State. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 23, 2019 Page 3 of 10 Motion: Upon motion of Board Member Blake, seconded by Board Member Moore, the 2017 Certified Local Government Annual Report was adopted. (5-0) 3. Heritage Tree Designation Planner Daniel Fama: • Advised the Board that he wanted to discuss and better understand the core actions undertaken by the HPB on the issue of Heritage Tree Designation. • Stated that there are trees that have been recognized as "heritage". The City's Tree Protection Ordinance outlines the process for heritage designation. • Added that in the future it will be important to develop specific requirements to be used when considering the designation of a new heritage tree. Board Member Moore asked Planner Daniel Fama to clarify what is allowed under the existing Code. Planner Daniel Fama responded that one thing that is important to take into consideration is that the historic designation of a tree thereafter prevents that tree from being cut down. The heritage tree is so formalized via the placement of a deed restriction on the property title requiring the continued protection and preservation of that heritage tree. Board Member Kendall pointed out that heritage tree designation is only with the "will and permission" of the property owner. Planner Daniel Fama: • Explained that there are four protected species for single-family residential zoned properties. ' Those four species are Oak, Redwood, Cedar and Ash. No others are protected. It would require establishing the tools to protect other species of tree not currently protected and to add new trees to the list of potential heritage trees. Reminded that the list HPB has is informal. Staff must concentrate on things that are already codified by the existing Codes. • Asked what the intent is for the list of potential heritage trees. Chair Foulkes said the intent for the list is to serve as a tool to track these potential heritage trees so we don't forget there are more potential trees out there. Board Member Kendall: • Added that HPB knows the list and likes those trees that are located on private properties. • Asked if there is any cost to the City to have a tree designated as' heritage. • Inquired if there is any problem drafting a letter to the owners of the properties containing their 10 favorite trees contained on the potential heritage tree list. Planner Daniel Fama admitted that he is somewhat hesitant. A property owner's interest is pursuing heritage tree designation should originate from them. Perhaps an informal conversation with a potential tree owner with one HPB Member of HPB would suffice. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 23, 2019 Page 4 of 10 Board Member Blake: • Responded that there is no fee for processing a heritage tree request. • Informed the HPB Members that HPB has kept this potential heritage tree list for many years now. • Added that most of the trees listed are of the four protected species. • Stated that sometimes owners come to us to request another species of tree for heritage designation. Specifically she recalls one being a Mulberry. • Reported that she continues to do survey walks and then sends out a letter to property owners on which a potential heritage tree is located thanking them for their preservation of such a special tree. • Admitted that she is hesitant to stop doing these lists. • Said that this list of potential heritage trees also helps the planners when considering the processing of trees for removal. • Opined that the current process offers a slight degree of protection and acknowledged that there is a formal process available. • Added that she sometimes casually approaches a property owner to ask them whether they had ever considered making their tree designated as heritage. She then gives them a copy of the Tree Protection Ordinance. Planner Daniel Fama reported that the City will be launching a new website in the next couple of months. Perhaps this process can be added to the website. Board Member Moore: • Said it is a natural thing for HPB to preserve heritage trees. • Pointed out that these beautiful trees are a benefit to the City. • Concluded that their approach is a non -adversarial one and that it is good to have that collected knowledge. Planner Daniel Fama: • Advised that staff does not share the list with the public. • Said that the new ordinance is a prospective option. • Suggested a placeholder to include a future Heritage Tree Ordinance or to modify the existing Tree Protection Ordinance to cast a wider net. Chair Foulkes: • Stated that the Tree Protection Ordinance itself needs help. • Cautioned that as he reads the Ordinance, he would never designate a tree on his property as historic. • Added that if he's a homeowner willing to consider designation'of a tree he would want to see a benefit come from that designation. Perhaps it could be an arborist report at no cost to them. He supports using a carrot rather than a stick. • Admitted that he finds having a secondary list to be strange. Board Member Moore asked about the City's list. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 23, 2019 Page 5 of 10 Planner Daniel Fama replied that the City only keeps a list of trees that have been formally designated as heritage trees. Board Member Kendall asked staff to elaborate on the plans for the website update. Planner Daniel Fama reported that the plan for this website update was actually new "news" to staff from about a week ago. He understands that the primary focus will be to make the home page more modern in function and appearance. He added that an intern will be tasked with updating the website as part of his/her work program. Board Member Kendall asked how tree removals are handled on a property with a heritage tree or structure on it. Planner Daniel Fama admitted that is the challenging point. The Tree Protection Ordinance is less burdensome for residential property owners. While in the past many removal requests were approved, these days the City tends to favor trees more and frequently denies a removal request if it's not supportable. Board Member Kendall recalled from her experience serving on the Planning Commission that they often required the preservation of trees rather than the requested removal. Board Member Blake: • Reminded that the Tree Protection Ordinance falls under HPB's purview. • Added that Campbell prides itself on being a Tree City USA. • Said that she doesn't want to throw the baby out with the bath water. • Stated that in the past, staff has used our list. • Admitted that she is happy to learn about the pending website update. It will provide another way to publicize heritage trees and historic preservation. • Stressed .her preference to continue current practices as it pertains to attempting to identify and list potential heritage trees within the City of Campbell. Planner Daniel Fama: • Said he would consult with Director Paul Kermoyan. • Admitted he is not sure about the potential timing for an update to the Tree Protection Ordinance. It would have to become a work plan item and he is not sure how it gets there. • Assured that there are lots of mechanisms available to protect trees. Chair Foulkes: • Agreed that there must be the consideration of timing and priorities. • Suggested brainstorming to consider better ways of doing it. • Reminded that Campbell has a supportive government that is trying not to over - regulate. • Pointed out that while some cities trim their street trees every year or so, there are other cities that place that responsibility for the care of street trees on property owners. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 23, 2019 Page 6 of 10 4. Historic Preservation Promotion Planner Daniel Fama said this item provides the HPB an opportunity to discuss promotional activities. Board Member Blake reported she had recently posted information on NextDoor about the availability of the Historic App and gave information about three tours included on the App. Chair Foulkes: • Said while it may not be hard to add on to the App it does take a lot of effort to transfer information from other sources onto the App. • Advised that of all of the things HPB has done the Historic App is something many are excited to find available. • Stated ,that use of the App is a great way to make people aware and excited about our history and draw people to the historic homes within the community. • Suggested perhaps talking to school districts to have them encourage students to use the App along with their families to learn more history about their community. Board Member Moore reported `that the Museum staff does a fantastic job with middle - school students each year. Board Member Kendall suggested asking the Campbell Reporter to publish quarterly articles provided by HPB about the historic houses located in Campbell. Chair Foulkes said that was a great idea. He added that there is so much great information at the Historic Museum and HPB has never really connected with them. Perhaps we could invite them to a future HPB meeting. Board Member Walter asked who decides which will be the next grouping for the App. Perhaps add five more each year? Board Member Blake: • Suggested adding landmarks, which are scattered all around. • Reported that she received a phone call from an Alice Avenue resident to tell her she had a tour group in front of her house. Shortly after she posted about the App on NextDoor. • Advised that she has written historic articles for Campbell Express -and is willing to write again. Most often she wrote items for publication during Historic Preservation Month, which is May. • Offered a suggestion to have a real close up picture of an architectural feature from a historic structure located in Campbell with the challenge for readers to find it from that detail clue. Chair Foulkes said that he finds that people are excited about Campbell and it's Downtown. He added that the App is well designed. Board Member Blake added that it is easy to use. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 23, 2019 Page 7 of 10 Board Member Kendall: • Reported that the Rotary Club recently established a Chili Cook Off, which they are calling Orchard City Chili Cook Off. • Added that there is a 5K run that occurs the weekend of the DT Oktoberfest that is organized by Recreation. Why not name the run to honor something historic in Campbell. That would tie people back to our City. Planner Daniel Fama said it seems HPB is interested in helping with the branding of the City and cautioned he was not sure how the Board could drive that. Board Member Moore: • Reminded the Board about the Historic Downtown Campbell signs that are located at both ends of the Downtown. • Admitted that she would like the Downtown to extend that feeling into the surrounding neighborhood. She'd like to see that delineated. Board Member Kendall pointed out the Annual Holiday Tree Lighting Event. Perhaps DCBA could help drive this effort. Board Member Walter: • Brought up the social event that HPB used to sponsor each year until it was put on hold. • Suggested that HPB consider resurrecting that event to serve as a method of outreach. It was fun and tours were offered of the event site. • Pointed out that the HPB Board ran that event. Board Member Blake: • Reported that the last few years they would invite builders and specialized vendors of interest to owners of historic properties to have a booth at the event. Since HPB would invite the same group of people every year at some point coming back for another such event was less interesting to the invitees. After the last one, we felt it was done. Board Member Walter suggested perhaps having such an event every'few years or so rather than annually. Board Member Kendall: • Reported that the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce offers carriage rides in Downtown Los Gatos during the holiday season. • Suggested some similar type of self -funding event that would facilitate touring historic locations. Chair Foulkes: • Said that everyone has offered some really good ideas. • Added that he would ask Daniel to see what's possible with regard to resources and staffing. • Opined that Campbell is better suited to do this than other cities might be. The Campbell Community still has its small town feel. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 23, 2019 Page 8 of 10 OLD BUSINESS 5. Kennedy Tract Surveys: Discuss ways the Board may promote historic preservation activities and educational programs aimed at fostering a better understanding of Campbell's heritage. The assigned streets are Catalpa (Moore); El Caminito Avenue (Kendall); Cherry Lane (Walter); Budd Avenue (Budd Avenue); and California Street (Blake). Planner Daniel Fama reminded that the Board has been conducting windshield surveys but admitted he was not sure what the angle of this task was for. Board Member Kendall: • Reminded that the Kennedy Tract consists of post-war housing and has some history in the City of Campbell. • Added that this area may merit becoming a Historical District. • Suggested that homes in this area should be identified as worthy of preservation and added to the inventory. Board Member Blake added that there is still uniformity in this area. If we don't look at potential of what we have then it goes away. Chair Foulkes said that this windshield survey effort is a low-key way for the HPB to conduct a study of this area. Board Member Blake: • Said she is looking to go beyond the existing historic guidelines. • Pointed out that now Campbell has a new area, known as Campbell Village. There is potential for more houses to be added to the historic inventory. Perhaps even placing a Historic Overlay if there is interest by the residents there. Planner Daniel Fama said that a formal context statement and action would have to be done to consider such a project. Board Member Blake said HPB recognizes the need to consider available staffing and money for any new projects. Chair Foulkes said that it could be a great way to retain the historic look and feel of Campbell Village. Board Member Moore agreed that it is important to look at the character of a neighborhood. There are a lot of bad neighborhoods out there. Planner Daniel Fama: • Reiterated that proposing new projects must be routed in formal policy. • Reminded that work on the General Plan Update will be restarting on January 29th with a Joint Session of Council and the GPAC after a long hiatus. The General Plan update Historic Preservation Board Minutes for Janua[y 23, 2019 Page 9 of 10 process might be the time to consider recommendations for the North and South of Downtown Campbell neighborhoods to be considered as a whole. • Cautioned that the GP Update is not staff driven but rather it is community driven. Board Member Walters reported he had forwarded some photographs from his windshield survey to Cindy McCormick. It was anticipated that there was going to be a PowerPoint presentation put together using these photos in order to allow the HPB to discuss and evaluate the findings from the survey as a group. Planner Daniel Fama said he would get those photographs from Planner Cindy McCormick. Board Member Walters asked that they be brought forth to the next meeting so we can discuss them. Board Foulkes agreed that could be agendized. Board Member Kendall said the HPB is seeking to tell the community what it is we do. Where should we go with that? Chair Foulkes reminded that some efforts discussed would be "no -cost" such as preparing historic articles for the local community newspapers. Board Member Kendall said that people like mystery, blood and gore. There are famous murders from the past here in Campbell. Perhaps some form of event to teach the history of the more infamous past. Board Member Moore cautioned that such events take the efforts of a lot of people (volunteers) and a lot of time to put together. Board Member Kendall suggested that Landmark Houses be considered for these events. Board Member Moore brought up the Second Bank Building and perhaps hosting an event there. Perhaps HPB could host its May event there. Planner Daniel Fama said that he will need to get a better sense of what Director Paul Kermoyan's priorities are for HPB. It's not going to be possible to do things requiring lots of staff support. He admitted that he is not much of a party planner. Board Member Moore clarified that HPB takes care of its own events independently. Chair Foulkes: • Suggested triaging today's discussion points and come back next meeting to formalize a plan for the year. • Listed issues to be fine-tuned as: o Sequencing of HPB projects o Summer intern to work on the Historic App o Someone from the Historic Museum being invited to an HPB meeting Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 23, 2019 Page 10 of 10 Board Member Kendall: • Pointed out that there is an organization, Our City Forest, which does tree plantings. Some of the Downtown street trees came from Our City Forest. • Suggested that they be invited to come to Campbell to plant tree(s) associated with a historic place or event. BOARD/STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS, UPDATES,AND REQUESTS 6. City Council Appointment of two HPB Members for terms expiring October 2022. Chair Foulkes reiterated that both HPB Members Blake and Moore were reappointed to the HPB. 7. 360 E Campbell Avenue/Second Bank of Campbell Building. Planner Daniel Fama: • Advised that the window and door design put in place at the Second Bank of Campbell Building were not to plan. • Reported that the City has allowed the builder to continue working on the interior space but is requiring the submittal of updated plans to formally modify the approved design. Board Member Blake asked if they had finished the ADA ramp. Planner Daniel Fama replied that instead of a ramp there will be a lift. That was the preference of the business owner so as not to lose too much floor space. Board Member Blake asked if Director Paul Kermoyan is involved with this change to plan. Planner Daniel Fama replied yes. He clarified that the windows are the same but the door is different. ADJOURNMENT The Historic Preservation Board meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. to the next Regular Historic Preservation Board mew February 27, 2019. PREPARED BY: Corin`n Shinn, Rer i APPROVED BY: Michael Foulkes, Chair T-. ATTEST: aniel Fama, HPB Staff Liaison