HPB Mins 05/22/2019Historic Preservation Board REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, May 22, 2019 City Council Chambers, City Hall, 70 N First St., Campbell CALL TO ORDER The Historic Preservation Board meeting of May 2, 2019, was called to order at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California by Chair Foulkes, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROI I rAl I HPB Members Present: Michael Foulkes, Chair Yvonne Kendall, Vice Chair Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore Todd Walter APPROVAL OF MINUTES HPB Members Absent None Staff Members Present: Daniel Fama, Senior Planner Corinne Shinn, Recording Secretary 1. Approval of HPB Minutes of April 24, 2019 Motion: Upon motion of Board Member Kendall, seconded by Board Member Blake, the Historic Preservation Board minutes of the meeting of April 24, 2019, were approved as submitted. (5-0) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (ITEMS NOT AGENDIZED) None BOARD/STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS, UPDATES AND REQUESTS Board Member Blake announced that the first article for Historic Preservation Month has been posted on line and in the Campbell Express. The next article will be published in a week and a half. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for May 22, 2019 Page 2 of 11 Board Member Kendall described photographs that are available at the Campbell Museum. Half of a photo is an old photo of a Campbell building and the other half is the building as it exists today. She suggested these as options for the Mystery History series. Planner Daniel Fama reported that at the next HPB Meeting on June 26th a request by the property owner of 74 N. Second Street to rescind their property from inclusion on the Historic Resource Inventory (HRI) will be heard. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 360 E. Campbell Avenue — Tier 1 Historic Resource Alteration Permit Public Hearing to consider the application of Pino Spanu for a Tier 1 Historic Resource Alteration Permit (PLN2019-89) to allow installation of a retractable awning on a Structure of Merit commonly known as the Second Bank of Campbell Building on property located at 360 E Campbell Avenue. Staff is recommending that this project be deemed Categorically Exempt under CEQA. Planner Daniel Fama reported as follows: • Advised that this item has returned to the HPB for consideration of a Historic Resource Alteration Permit to allow for the installation of an awning system. • Reported that the Community Development Director will approve this request if it is supported by the Historic Preservation Board. • Added that if HPB is not supportive, this request would go forward to the Planning Commission for a Modification to a Site and Architectural Review Permit with the staff recommendation of denial. • Stated that this awning can be installed through the grout and not into the brick. Chair Foulkes opened the public hearing for Item No. 2. Pino Spanu and Hong Gui, Business Owners, came to the podium. Hong Gui, Business Owner: • Reminded that they have operated a small Italian restaurant at this location since 2008. • Reported that in March they came before the HPB with a request for a retractable awning on the Central Avenue side of their business. • Advised that since that time they have engaged a local structural engineer to come up with drawings. • Assured that the awnings being proposed can be easily removed and will not damage the bricks. • Added that they are working with a local awning vendor, European Rolling Shutters. • Said that the current proposal is three separate awnings rather than the two nrininniki nrnnnc ntA +n wr%iA +ho rn i#or A^XAlncM^i 1+ Historic Preservation Board Minutes for May 22, 2019 Page 3 of 11 • Said that the retrofit to this building has been a major project. The planning process for that aspect didn't involve them as all. • Reminded that they have been out of business at this now for 18 months when a typical retrofit generally takes six months. • Advised that there has been big window exposure loss, which is a big thing for a retail business. With the building changes there will now be less window exposure both into and out from their restaurant when they reopen. • Pointed out that they have a 20 year lease. • Said that the loss of seating for 12 results in a $200,000 loss of revenue. • Admitted that outside seating on Campbell Avenue is their first choice. Pino Spanu, Business Owner: • Pointed out that the Central Avenue side is windy and thus less comfortable for diners. Hong Gui, Business Owner: • Said that allowing awnings over their outdoor seating will help them in winning back business exposure and keep diners from weather and ensure year -long outdoor seating. • Said that these awnings will also add some European ambiance to their business. Board Member Kendall asked if they have selected a color for their awning. Pino Spanu, Business Owner, replied that the awning color is not the main issue for them. Whatever is supported by the City is fine. Chair Foulkes asked if there were any other members of the audience wishing to speak. Ms. JoElle Hernandez, Resident on Peter Drive: • Said that she was on the HPB when this project first came to HPB. • Stated that it is nice that the retrofit is getting kind of closer to completion. • Explained that she has a passion for historic preservation as well and is pleasantly surprised to see these awnings really could work with this building. • Stressed that these business owners have done a lot of work. Their proposed awnings are not impeding with windows or doors. • Added that the awnings will complement the building and can be taken down if and when needed. • Reminded that these owners have a 20 year lease. Pino is a long-standing member of the community. These are well -respected business owners. • Advised that these awnings are supported by the Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines that applies to work done on historic structures. It is compliant with those guidelines. • Thanks the HPB for their consideration. istoric Preservation Board Minutes for Mav 22. 2019 Paae 4 of 11 Mr. Joe Hernandez, Resident on Peter Drive: • Said that he is a 20 year resident of Campbell and served on the Planning Commission for a number of years and the City Council for four years. • Said that he understands and supports the work of the Historic Preservation Board and the needs of local business. • Stated that this request strikes a balance. • Added that these proposed awnings can be considered a minor change and would not have a significant impact to the building. They've been very careful with their plan. • Pointed out that the seismic retrofit and other exterior facade changes represents by the property owner represents a pretty significant change to the building more so than these awnings will have. • Advised that these business owners always do what they say they're going to do. They are an outstanding business with a proven track record. Pino Spanu, Business Owner: • Reported that per Health Department requirements, they have to install a new water heater that will need to have an exhaust pipe drilled to the outside near the exit door. Board Member Moore said that this is a win -win -win situation. There has been an incredible facelift to the building and the business owners have worked hard. Everyone wins. Well done. Board Member Kendall: • Stated her agreement with the comments made by Mr. Hernandez. • Admitted that she was pleasantly surprised when she saw these proposed awnings. She thought they looked great. • Suggested that they stay away from pure white as that could clash with the tile. • Asked Planner Daniel Fama if he recommends the HPB change its recommendation based on proposed changes. Planner Daniel Fama suggested they simply refer to the revised plans. Board Member Walter: • Thanked the business owners saying the awnings look great separated into three. • Asked the HPB if they would support allowing the business to fill in the gap between the awnings when in use. • Added that they have gone to a lot of expense and need to maximize their seating capacity to recoup those costs. Pino Spanu, Business Owner, said he was okay with the gap spaces between each awning and won't need to fill those gaps in when those tables are in use. Board Member Walter suggested the applicants work with staff on the required outside Historic Preservation Board Minutes for May 22, 2019 Page 5 of 11 Board Member Blake: • Thanked the business owners. • Stated that this is a much improved design and she looks forward to celebrating the grand reopening of their restaurant. • Said that it has been a long process and that we all will be proud of how it looks when complete. Motion: Upon motion of Board Member Kendall, seconded by Board Member Blake, the Historic Preservation Board recommended that the Community Development Director approve a Tier 1 Historic Resource Alteration Permit (PLN2019-89) to allow installation of a retractable awning on a Structure of Merit commonly known as the Second Bank of Campbell Building on property located at 360 E Campbell Avenue. (5-0) NEW BUSINESS 3. Approval of Correspondence — GPAC Envision Campbell Letter Approval of formal correspondence from the HPB to the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) on the importance of historic preservation in the new Campbell General Plan. Planner Daniel Fama said that staff is recommending HPB approval of a draft letter encouraging the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) to consider historic preservation during their update of the General Plan. Board Member Kendall asked if there would be a Historic Section to the General Plan. Planner Daniel Fama: • Replied that there has no consideration of adding a Historic Section. • Reminded that the GPAC is taking public comment and members of the HPB can attend GPAC meetings to provide feedback as residents of the community. Motion: Upon motion of Board Member Kendall, seconded by Board Member Walter, the Historic Preservation Board approved the formal correspondence from the HPB to the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) on the importance of historic preservation in the new Campbell General Plan. (5-0) 4. Approval of Correspondence — Letter of Commendation/ Four Corners Properties Approval of formal correspondence from the HPB to Four Corners Properties commending the company for its work on the Cannery Project located at 300 Orchard City Drive. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for May 22, 2019 Page 6 of 11 Planner Daniel Fama: • Advised that Board Member Blake drafted a letter on behalf of the HPB in commending the efforts of Corners Properties on their work to upgrade their historic building at 300 Orchard City Drive. Board Member Blake said that the project speaks for itself. It is outstanding. It is beautiful with wonderful historic murals in the lobby. She added that they salvaged what they could with their renovations. Board Member Walter said the project looks great. Just like the renderings. Board Member Kendall reported that SARC looked at this project a long time ago. Board Member Blake said it was worth a walk-thru. Board Member Walter asked if the same business(es) were there. Board Member Blake reported that Komatsu is gone. Planner Daniel Fama advised that the uses are mainly offices. Board Member Walter said he agrees with the letter. Chair Foulkes asked if it might be possible to do a walk-thru and perhaps hold an HPB meeting on the site. Planner Daniel Fama said it might be. He would look into that and discuss with his colleague, Stephen Rose, who is the project planner. Board Member Kendall suggested adding this on -site meeting onto social media and to present the letter at that time. Board Member Walter said that location is not currently a part of the Walking Tour App. Board Member Moore said that "it could be." Board Member Blake suggested it could be added in the next phase. Board Member Walter suggested creating an Adaptive Re -Use Walking Tour on the HPB App. Board Member Moore said that the old building on Railway could be included. Planner Daniel Fama advised that there is currently an active code case against that site. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for May 22, 2019 Page 7 of 11 Chair Foulkes stated that the HPB App is the best thing we've done. He said that a new area could be the Cannery -Railway connection. Board Member Kendall suggested the Teddy Roosevelt Parade Route as another good add to the HPB App. Board Member Walter said that there is a plaque where the Roosevelt tree used to be. Motion: Upon motion of Board Member Walter, seconded by Board Member Moore, the Historic Preservation Board approved the formal correspondence from the HPB to Four Corners Properties commending the company for its work on the Cannery Project located at 300 Orchard City Drive. (5-0) OLD BUSINESS 5. Kennedy Tract Surveys: Continued discussion on surveyed Kennedy Tract (Catalpa properties). Board Member Moore said that her review of the homes along Catalpa Lane was more about neighborhood than specific houses. She added that with the direction the State is going this effort may be a moot point moving forward. Planner Daniel Fama: • Said it was not likely the City would consider creating a new historic district but could consider individual houses for HRI consideration. • Explained that in the future, in order for a property to be proposed for addition as an HRI property a Historic Resource Report would have to be prepared. • Added that the cost to obtain such a report runs between $3,000 and $5,000. • Suggested going through with a rough first pass of the homes brought forward by Board Member Moore. • Said that the next step could be to engage with Council to see if they want to fund it. Board Member Moore said that most of the houses along Catalpa are similar and unremarkable. Chair Foulkes agreed that there are lots of houses and that most are unremarkable. The remarkable homes are already designated. Planner Daniel Fama said that some are more original than others. Board Member Moore cautioned that the most "original" are likely going to be falling apart. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for May 22, 2019 Page 8 of 11 Planner Daniel Fama said that those that are falling apart are likely more in need in protection. At this point, Planner Daniel Fama provided a visual tour of the homes under consideration on Catalpa as possible potential additions to the HRI. As a group, the members evaluated the streetscape frontage photographs using Google Earth. The options were: No, Maybe or No Change. The results are as follows: Catalpa Ln Consider for HRI 70 Maybe 79 No 92 No 105 No 121 Maybe 135 Maybe 136 No 149 No 150 No 177 Maybe 178 No 191 No 192 Maybe 206 No a, Note$9"��. ; Permit for new master bath Wide driveway New windows and roof New windows May have original door and windows New windows Tile roof/new windows New master bed/bath, windows and door New garage and deck / solar panels Kitchen extension, patio room 2003 Demo permit issued / new home pending California St Consider for HRI Notes 18 No (remove) Recently sold and entire fagade changed Board Member Kendall suggested a written history of the Kennedy Tract. Planner Daniel Fama: • Said that Area Plans have varied ranges of restrictiveness. • Added that they are intended to maintain standard style and size. • Stated that they are not intended to be a backdoor path to preservation. • Advised that if the HPB desires to create a Historic District, the City Council would have to sign off before that can begin. This Kennedy Tract doesn't warrant becoming a Historic District. Board Member Blake asked what if some residents want to pursue a Historic District. Some owners on Cherry Lane are really interested. Planner Daniel Fama asked if they have an HOA on Cherry. Board Member Kendall replied yes, the Four C's has one. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for Mav 22. 2019 Paae 9 of 11 Board Member Moore said that there are mid -sill cottages in Los Gatos that were rebuilt into $3 million dollar homes but still look historic due to the efforts of the Los Gatos Planning Department. Chair Foulkes suggested identifying a few meriting consideration. Board Member Kendall suggested the HPB helping to educate the Planning Commission on historic architecture so they can make more accurate interpretations of traditional architectural styles. Board Member Walter asked if the Board is seeking to create a historical architectural look. Planner Daniel Fama cautioned that is not a Planning issue. That would have to be neighborhood driven or Council driven. Board Member said it seems the City grows willy nilly. Planner Daniel Fama reiterated that the General Plan addresses growth. Board Member Moore suggested adding HPB's feedback to the GPAC to include preservation. Board Member Walter suggested design criteria while allowing for flexibility. Board Member Kendall asked what HPB can do to keep Campbell a small town. Planner Daniel Fama replied, "Run for Council." He added that any future home proposed for addition to the HRI will have a good historic report to back it up. Board Member Walter: • Suggested writing something up on our Kennedy Tract, develop a survey and criteria. • Added that 5 to 20 years from now others will have something to look at and not have to start over. Chair Foulkes: • Cautioned that the homes are so similar that we have to be careful. • Suggested forwarding a report to Council to secure guidance. Board Member Blake reminded that per the current General Plan neighborhood integrity should be taken into consideration. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for May 22, 2019 Page 10 of 11 Planner Daniel Fama: • Advised that two-thirds of the City of Campbell has no design review. Homes are reviewed just via building permit processing and allowed as long as the home meets the applicable zoning standards. • Stated that maintaining neighborhood character is a Planning thing. • Reported that a home on Page Street has a small cottage on it but a new owner will build a modern home. Board Member Walter asked why there are no general design guidelines. Planner Daniel Fama: • Stated that the City has been really laissez-faire. • Added that State legislation will make design less subjective and more objective. • Cautioned that it will become more challenging in the future to develop design guidelines. Chair Foulkes asked what is next with regard to the Kennedy Tract. Planner Daniel Fama: • Said he would finalize the potentials list. • Stated that next would likely be to reach out to the approximately 14 homeowners to see if they have any interest in having their property on the HIR. If the owner is not receptive there is no point in moving forward. Board Member Moore supported looking at the 14 that made the first cut. Board Member Walter said that most of the properties ranked as "Maybe" are more likely to be "No" rather than "Yes" as far as viable for HRI status. That would leave the HPB with about five potentials. Chair Foulkes said that perhaps a Campbell Intern can be challenged to make the suggested App tour. Board Member Walter suggested summarizing HPB's efforts and to prepare a synopsis on each block. Board Member Blake said she could help with that as she is doing research right now. Board Member Walter said the research should attempt to identify who may have lived in any of the potential properties. Board Member Blake invited the HPB and staff to her home on June 26t" following the HPB meeting for refreshments. Planner n.gniPl Fama -.airi hi- wni dd Innk into tmininn nnnnrti mifiac fnr tha HPR Historic Preservation Board Minutes for May 22, 2019 Page 11 of 11 ADJOURNMENT The Historic Preservation Board meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. to the next Regular Historic Preservation Board mpe4g of May 22, 2019. PREPARED BY: C66n<e ShWh, Recording Secretary APPROVED BY: Michae�ouIk �s, r ATTEST: \f' / l/ aniel Fama, HPB Staff Liaison