HPB Mins 06/26/2019Historic Preservation Board REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, June 26, 2019 City Council Chambers, City Hall, 70 N First St., Campbell CALL TO ORDER The Historic Preservation Board meeting of June 26, 2019, was called to order at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California by Chair Foulkes, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL HPB Members Present: Michael Foulkes, Chair Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore Todd Walter APPROVAL OF MINUTES HPB Members Absent Yvonne Kendall, Vice Chair Staff Members Present: Daniel Fama, Senior Planner Corinne Shinn, Recording Secretary 1. Approval of HPB Minutes of May 22, 2019 Motion: Upon motion of Board Member Walter, seconded by Board Member Blake, the Historic Preservation Board minutes of the meeting of May 22, 2019, were approved as submitted. (4-0-1; Vice Chair Kendall was absent) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (ITEMS NOT AGENDIZED) None BOARD/STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS, UPDATES AND REQUESTS Board Member Blake. - Reminded the Board that five of the City's Landmark Properties are also included on the National Landmark list. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for June 26, 2019 Paqe 2 of 4 • Suggested that those five properties should be assigned a unique color so they stand out when the HRI list is updated. • Asked if the Historic Preservation Board's letter was sent to GPAC (General Plan Advisory Committee) and copied to Council. She asked if there has been any feedback. Planner Daniel Fama replied that it was sent. No feedback was received. Board Member Blake: • Reported that the next historic home article will be published in Campbell Express the week after next. It will also be featured on the City's website and Facebook as well as on DTCampbell.com. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 74 N Second Street — HRI Rescission Request (Resolution/Roll Call Vote) Public Hearing to consider the application of Linda Tsai to remove/rescind (PLN2019- 101) a Structure of Merit commonly known as the Smith House, on property located at 74 N Second Street, from the City of Campbell Historic Preservation Inventory. Staff is recommending that this project be deemed Categorically Exempt under CEQA. Chair Foulkes: • Advised that this Public Hearing for Item 2 would have to be postponed due to a lack of quorum this evening. Two Board Members, Blake and Moore, live within the noticing boundaries (which are 500 feet for members of the HPB) for this property and cannot participate in this hearing item and Board Member Kendall is absent. This leaves two Commissioners, which is not a quorum (minimum required is three). • Added that with just two available Board Members they cannot even take action to continue consideration to a date certain thereby eliminating the need to re -advertise and notice. Therefore, staff will produce new noticing and advertising for this item to appear on the next HPB agenda for July 24cn OLD BUSINESS 3. Kennedy Tract Surveys: Final discussion on surveyed Kennedy Tract (Catalpa properties). Planner Daniel Fama: • Stated that staff used the summaries from the previous meetings to compile this final summary of the Kennedy Tract. • Advised that this document would be kept as the original record of this work. Board Member Blake asked if she should contact property owners to get some history from them about their homes. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for June 26 2019 Page 3 of 4 Planner Daniel Fama said yes. He added that such information would represent a good resource for the future. No action is required at this time. Chair Foulkes clarified that this is the end of the road for this project at this time. Planner Daniel Fama replied: • Replied "correct." • Added that with the adoption of the new Historic Preservation Ordinance the City Council set a high bar for future additions to the HRI. • Advised that given the current budget is adopted for this new fiscal year starting on July 1st, staff may consider a budget request in 2020 when the next budget is prepared. • Suggested requesting sufficient funding to have data forms prepared on up to five eligible properties with owners who are interested in consideration of being added to the HRI. Chair Foulkes said that homeowners will have to agree. Planner Daniel Fama replied yes. They'd have to agree in writing. Chair Foulkes asked if tonight's tour could begin sooner that 6 p.m. Planner Daniel Fama advised that the group is expected at 6 p.m. and noticing of this tour for any interested members of the public included a start time of 6 p.m. Board Member Blake advised that some have responded and indicated they plan on attending. Planner Daniel Fama cautioned that they are still doing some roof work on site, but that it should be completed by 3 p.m. However, some areas may be blocked off for safety reasons. Board Member Blake: • Reported that the new paint colors at The Courtyard look great and make the roof tile really stand out. • Added that the placement of tiles on Pino's building (369 E Campbell Avenue) is going well. The installer is doing a nice job. Planner Daniel Fama reported that they were careful to match the grout depth. ADJOURNMENT The Historic Preservation Board meeting recessed at 5:30 p.m. The Board reconvened at 6 p.m. at 300 Orchard City Drive to participate in a tour of The Cannery. They adjourned from the tour at 7 p.m. to the next Regular Historic Preservation Board meeting of July 23, 2019. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for June 26, 2019 Page 4 of 4 PREPARED BY: Corinne Shinn, Recording Secretary APPROVED BY: �w Michael Foulke air ATTEST: aniel Fama, HPB Staff Liaison